The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (63 page)

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That night
Stéphane Hessel,
Danse avec le siècle
(Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1997), 83–91.

In Kraków, Eyer’s
Eyer to Olga Weigl, March 12, 1944; A. Rohrmann to Eyer, Nov. 16, 1946.

Weigl’s older brother
Weigl to Eyer, Aug. 27, 1966.

After the Warsaw . . . relief
Heinrich Mückter to Erich von Redwitz, Nov. 19, 1946.

The war was not easy
Peter Eyer, interview with author.

Just before
Bruce Marshall,
The White Rabbit
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1953).

Balachowsky sought help
Ernst von Salomon,
The Captive: The Story of an Unknown Political Prisoner
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961), 137–49; Marshall,
White Rabbit
, 230–53; Balachowsky testimony, PIA, LEPC1; Hessel,
, 85–91.

The secrecy
See NA, RG153, box 250, v. 1, clemency, pt. 6 (folders 1 and 2); Kogon
, 158–60.

To start the plan
, 137–49; Marshall,
White Rabbit
, 230–53; Balachowsky testimony, PIA, LEPC1; Hessel,
, 85–91; Kogon,
, 212–18; Durand,
Les Français
, 53–55; report by Balachowsky on events at Buchenwald, IWM, Yeo-Thomas, GB62–xx05, box 1, April 23, 1945.

Ding, whom Kogon
Yeo-Thomas testimony, Buchenwald trial, NA, RG153, box 254, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 2 (folder 2), 141–44.

The Gestapo telephoned
Ibid.; Kogon,
, 214.

At this point
IWM, Wing Commander FF E Yeo-Thomas, GB62–xx05, box 1; file FFEYT2/3.

The other two cases
Air Ministry Press conference on Feb. 15, 1946, IWM, Yeo-Thomas, GB62–xx05, box 1.

That left Hessel

Yeo-Thomas remained
Yeo-Thomas testimony, 147.

On January 17
Accounts of the death march here include Shoah Foundation testimonies of Seeman, Milchova, Ryszard Arie Fleck, and Schiff; Freddie Knoller,
Living with the Enemy: My Secret Life on the Run from the Nazis
(London: Metro Publishing, 2005); YVA testimony by Blankenheim; Ryszard Wójcik interviews of Henryk Meisel and Felicja Meisel-Mikolajczyk.

In the beginning
Shoah Foundation, Bruno Seeman.

The men, separated
See YVA testimonies of Wonda Blankenheim, Bronisław Seeman, Ryszard Fleck, Henryk Meisel, and Felicja Meisel-Mikolajczyk.

They died by the hundreds
, 537.

Alfred Balachowsky’s diary
“Notes faites par A. Balachowsky,” in ARC037, IHTP.

The French, sustained
, 537–39.

Again, Fleck was
Jellinek interview with Schnelle.

On February 9, Erwin Ding
Erwin Schuler, insurance claim, DGVG-Ding, green box.

Increasingly he was plotting
, 1172.

In the final days
, 492.

As the Americans approached
Howard Cohn, personal communication; Kogon,
, 283–88.

On April 11, a crowd
John Berman testimony.

Ryszard Fleck remembered
Ryszard Fleck testimony.

When I walked into
Shoah Foundation, 44720 Leon Bass.

The Communists put up
Meyer Levin,
In Search
(New York: Paperback Library, 1961), 216–18.

Chapter 12: Imperfect Justice

About a week
Ding-Schuler statement, June 18, 1945, NA, RG153, box 252, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 3 (folder 3).

Only a few months earlier
Ding to Osiander, Aug. 16, 1944, BA-Berlin, VBS283/6055002585.

Just as he won his
E.g., DVDG-Ding Ordner 1546, Aktenvermerk, March 31, 1945, re “Mittelwerke”; Ordner 1548 “Geheim,” Schuler to Mrugowsky, March 18, 1945; Mrugowsky to Lolling, Feb. 10, 1945.

Ding-Schuler had
François Bayle,
Croix gammée contre caducée: Les expériences humaines en Allemagne pendant la deuxième Guerre mondiale
(Neustadt, 1950), 1178.

If citizen Schuler
Ibid., 1199–201.

It may have been
Rose interrogation, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 60, frame 151.

My wife is alone
, 1200.

After the war
Air Ministry press conference on Feb. 15, 1946, IWM, Yeo-Thomas, GB62–xx05, box 1, file FFEYT2/3; BA-Berlin, Do/1/28859 Standort 51, Magazine M 3 10.

But Irene
“Allocution de M. Pierre Juliette,” in “Remise de l’épée d’académicien” for Balachowsky, 1972, PIA, BAL1.

There were many Nazi
Gerstein is viewed sympathetically in
A Spy for God: The Ordeal of Kurt Gerstein
, trans. Norman Denny (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971), and in Robert Proctor,
Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988), 290; Wirths’s story is in Hermann Langbein,
People in Auschwitz
, trans. Harry Zohn (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004), 385; Grawitz’s end is mentioned in Naomi Baumslag,
Murderous Medicine: Nazi Doctors, Experimentation, and Typhus
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005), 180.

Many more tried
Materials on the investigation of Weber, at Kew, WO309/469 and W0309/472, including an amusing account of the search by British agents leading to his arrest.

The SS commander of Galicia
Raul Hilberg,
The Destruction of the European Jews
(New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985), 708.

Several hundred
Norbert Frei, A
denauer’s Germany and the Nazi Past: The Politics of Amnesty and Integration
(New York: Columbia University Press, 2002), 67, 94, 178.

In their declaration at Yalta
The Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals
(Washington, DC: GPO, 1949), 8.

The origins of
“International scientific commission for the investigation of med war crimes,” Kew, WO309/471. I thank Paul Weindling for drawing my attention to this file.

The medical war crimes
Paul Weindling, personal communication; Weindling, “From International to Zonal Trials: The Origins of the Nuremberg Medical Trial,”
Holocaust and Genocide Studies
14 (2000): 367–89.

At a May 15, 1946
Kew, WO309/471, “International.”

In a July 31, 1946, consultation
“Minutes of meeting to discuss war crimes of medical nature executed in Germany under the Nazi regime. Appendix B: Outline of Principles and Rules of Experimentation on Human Subjects,” PIA, box LEP1.

Some, such as
Paul Weindling, “Human Guinea Pigs and the Ethics of Experimentation,”
313 (1996): 1467–70.

Andrew C. Ivy, an American
Kew, W0309/471, “International.”

The Doctors’ Trial
Opening statement of the prosecution,
U.S.A. v. Brandt
, Dec. 9, 1946, HNOC, HLSL 565.

Doctor colleagues of
Paul Weindling,
Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent
(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), 204–8.

The latter defended
Trials of War Criminals,
539–54; Herbert D. Chalke, “Typhus: Experiences in the Central Mediterranean Force,”
British Medical Journal
1, no. 4460 (June 29, 1946): 978–80. A fascinating, if revolting, account of the method for production of the Algerian vaccine is at T. E. Woodward, “Rickettsial Vaccines with Emphasis on Epidemic Typhus: Initial Report of an Old Vaccine Trial,”
South Africa Medical Journal
(Oct. 1986): 73.

In a crowning irony
, 1226–27; Ciepielowski testimony in Buchenwald trial, NA, RG153, box 255, v. 1, pt. 4 (folder 10), 1230–31.

Fleck came to Nuremberg
Fleck, “Zwei Zeugenaussagen im IG-Farben-Prozess,” in
, 497–99.

Fleck was devastated
Fleck letter to Hirszfeld, in
, 582.

Many other scientists
, 216.

Most went back to their old
See, e.g., Ernst Nauck et al.,
Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
, FIAT Review of German Science, 1939–1945 (Wiesbaden: Office of Military Government for Germany, 1948); Rudolf Wohlrab, “Kudicke,”
Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift
86 (1961): 1882–83. Eyer’s obituaries of his racialist colleagues included “Nachruf auf Karl Kisskalt,” ibid., 87 (1962): 1473; “Franz Redeker” (Nachruf), ibid., 88 (1963): 1063; “In Memoriam Ernst Georg Nauck,”
Archives der Hygiene
152 (1968): 193; “Ernst Rodenwaldt zum Gedächtnis,”
Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift
108 (1966): 120.

On January 17, 1945
Heinrich Mückter to Josef von Redwitz, Nov. 19, 1946.

In the closing
Institut für Fleckfieber und Virusforschung des Oberkommandos des Heeres at Roth, Bavaria, 1945, NA, RG331, CIOS Report, item 24, file #XXIV-5/3.

The U.S. Army held
Peter Eyer, interview and communications with author.

Poland is a country
Ryszard Wójcik, “Pakt z diabłem” (Pact with the devil),
d tygodniowy
4 (617) (1994).

The postwar years
Henryk Gaertner, interview in the documentary film
To Overcome Death: Professor Rudolf Weigl
, dir. Halina Szymura (TV Katowice, 2009); Wójcik interviews with Mr. and Mrs. Giercuszkiewic, Sept. 1979; Wójcik interview with Wojciechowska, Jan. 1979; Wiktor Weigl, “Wspomnienia o moim Ojcu,” in Z
tyfus—Instytut Rudolfa Weigla we Lwowie. Dokumenty i wspomnienia
, ed. Zbigniewa Stuchly (Wrocław: Sudety, 2001), accessed at

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