The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (62 page)

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In practice, the Poles
Szybalski, interview with author.

Chapter 11: Buchenwald: Rabbit Stew and Fake Vaccine

Many of the doctors
Stanisław Kłodzi
ski, “Sabota
w buchenwaldzkim Instytucie Higieny SS; Dr. Marian Ciepielowski”
Przegla.d lekarski
34 (1977): 141–45; François Bayle,
Croix gammée contre caducée: Les expériences humaines en Allemagne pendant la deuxième Guerre mondiale
(Neustadt, 1950), 1177.

Apart from Ding
Albert Kirrmann, “Les laboratoires du block 50,” in
De l’université aux camps de concentration: Témoignages strasbourgeois
(Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1947), 115.

Mrugowsky from the
Mrugowsky testimony, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 47, Mrugowsky, frame 1191.

The Giroud vaccine
1224; Haubold, file memo, HNOC, HLSL 2241.

Ding made two
Interrogation of Dr. Kogon in NMT trial 4 (Pohl Case), concerning medical experiments at Buchenwald, HNOC, HLSL 453.

There were plenty of doctors
Shoah Foundation, 20816 Marko Max Feingold.

Jellinek came to
Willy Jellinek, interview with Thomas Schnelle, April 8, 1980, in LFZ, Unterlagen und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle: Allgemeine Korrespondenz und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle 1978–1993, 4.1, Signatur 94; author’s interview with and personal communications from Howard Cohn, May 2012.

No vaccine experts were
ski, “Sabota
,” 141–45.

Ciepielowski, handsome
Ibid.; Bayle,
1158, Marjan Ciepielowski testimony in Buchenwald trial, NA, RG153, box 255, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 4 (folder 10), 1123–31; photograph of Ciepielowski, courtesy of George Otlowski, Metuchen, NJ.

Perhaps the most
Hubert Habicht, ed.,
Eugen Kogon—Ein politischer Publizist in Hessen
(Frankfurt: Insel, 1982), 7–12.

Kogon’s steadfast
, 263–65, 283–88.

Before long
undated document, “Officials of the Concentration Camp at Buchenwald,” NA, RG153, box 244; Konrad Morgen testimony, ibid., box 257, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 7 (folder 1), 2758–65.

Kogon maneuvered Ding
, 160–61.

The vaccine detail
Ibid., 160–61, 263–65.

Konrad Morgen, the SS
Morgen, affidavit concerning medical experiments at Buchenwald, HNOC, HLSL 794, 49–54.

Another political prisoner
Pierre Julitte,
Block 26: Sabotage at Buchenwald
, trans. Francis Price (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971), 105, 121, 129, 140, 176–77. For confirmation of identities, see Pierre Durand,
Les Français à Buchenwald et à Dora: Les armes de l’espoir
(Paris: Éditions Sociales, 1977).

Block 50 had a well-cared-for
Block 26
, 100–101.

The building was startlingly
Kirrmann, “Laboratoires,” 115–18.

As Fleck wrote
Fleck, “Problems of the Science of Science,” in
Cognition and Fact: Materials on Ludwik Fleck
, ed. Robert S. Cohen and Thomas Schnelle (Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1986), 113–27.

Ding pressed the
, 1179.

The Block 50 crew
Mimeographed typed manuscript, DGVG-Ding, green box.

The first samples
, 1166.

It was at this moment
Kogon, interview with Thomas Schnelle, June 2, 1979, LFZ, Unterlagen und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle: Allgemeine Korrespondenz und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle 1978–1993, 4.1, Signatur 94.

Fleck befriended
Jellinek, interview with Schnelle; Jellinek, letter to Fleck, Oct. 27, 1946, LFZ, Biographisches Material betr. Ludwik Fleck/1.2. Biographische Notizen und Korrespondenzen; Ewa Pleszczy
ska, testimony at

In 1939, Mrugowsky
, 231.

He ordered Fleck
Kielanowski, “My meetings,” 582–85; Jellinek interview with Thomas Schnelle, April 8, 1980, LFZ.

Fleck’s authority
Jellinek interview with Schnelle; Kogon interview with Schnelle.

Fleck described
All quotations below are from Fleck, “Science of Science,” 113–27.

Here, Fleck referred
Klemens Barbarski, “Sabota
w ampulce,”
99 (1947): 16.

Their lives hung
Fleck, “In der Buchenwalder Angelegenheit; Kommentar zum Buch F. Bayles,” in
, 549–57.

This is also the
, 1178–79.

Ding, in short
Ludwik Fleck testimony, YVA Sign 03/650.

Block 50 produced
Jerzy Lutowski, “Was ist Leukergie? Wir sprechen mit Professor Fleck,” in
, 515–18.

Even Fleck’s son
Ryszard Fleck testimony, YVA.

The men in the block
Howard Cohn, interview with author.

Hummelsheim, the bilingual
Block 26
, 176–77.

Following the liberation
Vie académique
(1984): 570–73, in ARC037, “Alfred Balachowsky,” at IHTP; Balachowsky testimony, PIA,, box LEPC1.

Born in Russia
Nicolas Chevassus, “Alfred Balachowsky: Un pastorien à Buchenwald,”
La Recherche
370 (2003): 50–52; Alfred Balachowsky,
Titres et travaux scientifiques de Alfred-Serge Balachowsky
(1967); Jean Dorst, “La vie et l’oeuvre d’Alfred Balachowski,”
La vie des sciences
1, no. 6, pp. 567–76.

From there, he was
Balachowsky at

After learning of Balachowsky’s
Block 26
, 174–75;
Vie académique
(1984): 570.

Balachowsky was skeletal
Julitte, “Allocution de M. Pierre Juliette,” in 1972, “Remise de l’épée d’académicien” for Balachowsky, accessed from PIA, BAL1.

Balachowsky’s diaries
Balachowsky diaries, ARC037, IHTP.

After the war
Kogon, interview, Nov. 28, 1946, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 36; Fleck, “Angelegenheit,” 549–60.

In Block 50
Balachowsky testimony, PIA, LEPC1.

Fleck conducted bacteriological
Fleck, “Bericht über den Aufenthalt im KZ Buchenwald,” in
492–97; Fleck, “Angelegenheit,” 549–60.

On one occasion
Ibid.; Balachowsky diary, Feb. 26, 1945, PIA, BAL1.

The mistrust would
Fleck, “Angelegenheit,” 552.

Kogon, who admired
ARC037, folder “Alfred Balachowsky, 1901–1983,” IHTP; Kogon to Schnelle; interview with Eugen Kogon, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 36;
cross examination of the witness Dr. Kogon, HNOC,
HLSL 454.

Bizarrely, Balachowsky’s
See Eva Hedfors, “Medical Science in the Light of the Holocaust: Departing from a Postwar Paper by Ludwik Fleck,”
Social Studies of Science
38 (2008): 259–83; and the response by the Fleck scholars Olga Amsterdamska et al., “Medical Science in the Light of a Flawed Study of the Holocaust: A Comment on Eva Hedfors’ Paper on Ludwik Fleck,” ibid., 937–44.

By the summer
Jellinek interview with Schnelle.

The bombs slightly damaged
Ding-Schuler to Mrugowsky, Aug. 26, 1944, DGVG-Ding, green folder.

As night fell
Christian Pineau,
La simple vérité, 1940–1945
(Paris: René Julliard, 1960), 482–84.

Even today
Ludwik Fleck, “El Roble de Goethe,”
El Malpensante
97 (May 2009), accessed at

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