The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (55 page)

BOOK: The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis
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Fleck’s rise
“Ludwig Fleck und die innere Emigration,” in
Emigrantenschicksale: Einfluss der jüdischen Emigranten auf Sozialpolitik und Wissenschaft in den Aufnahmeländern
, ed. Albrecht Scholz and Caris-Petra Heidel (Frankfurt: Mabuse, 2004), 351; Plonka-Syroka, personal communication with author, May 2013.

Intriguingly, this deal
, 333–34.

It is not clear whether Weigl
Harvard University Archives, Papers of Hans Zinsser, box 2, folder 61.

In February 1940
M. Sahaydakovskyy and S. Hnatush; “Professor Rudolf Weigl: A Life Dedicated to Science and Humanity” (publication information unknown), accessed at; Szybalski, interview with author; Danuta Nespiak, “Profesor Rudolf Weigl był Polakiem z wyboru” (Professor Rudolf Weigl—Pole by choice), in
Semper Fidelis
(Wrocław: Towarzystwo Miło
ników Lwowa i Kresów Południowo Wschodnich, 1994).

During the 22 months
Sahaydakovskyy and Hnatush, “Life Dedicated.”

Never join the party
Szybalski, interview with author.

A Ukrainian professor
Stefan Kry
ski, “Kartki 36,” in
Kartki ze wspomnie
starego profesora
, accessed at

The Soviet scientist
Szybalski interview; Sahaydakovskyy and Hnatush, “Life Dedicated.”

In the first days
, 443.

They had a good sense
Szybalski, interview with author.

He was very sage
Wiktor Weigl, “Wspomnienia o moim Ojcu,” in Z
tyfus—Instytut Rudolfa Weigla we Lwowie. Dokumenty i wspomnienia
, ed. Zbigniewa Stuchly (Wrocław: Sudety, 2001), accessed at

A November 25, 1939, memorandum
Christopher R. Browning, “Genocide and Public Health: German Doctors and Polish Jews, 1939–1941,” in
The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 146.

As the historian Christopher
Ibid., 149.

Jost Walbaum, a longtime
Ibid., 149–53.

By the time the Nazis
Friedrich Hansen,
Biologische Kriegsführung im Dritten Reich
(Frankfurt: Campus, 1993), 93–95.

The German occupation doctors
Browning, “Genocide,” 146–52.

In 1941, the German
Janina Hera, “
Konkurs na sztuk
,” Pami
tnik teatralny
46 (1997): 399–409.

The German medical contribution
Kampf den Seuchen: Deutscher Ärzte-Einsatz im Osten
(Kraków: Deutscher Osten, 1941).

One writer, Joseph Ruppert
Joseph Ruppert, “Die Seucheninsel Polen,” in
, 25–26.

A Dr. Werner Kroll wrote
Werner Kroll, “Die Gesundheitskammer im Generalgouvernement,” in
, 113.

What was needed
Kroll, “Jüdische ‘Wunderdoktoren’ Entlarvt!,” in
, 125–27.

By cramming half a million
One Life
, 211.

The overcrowded, underfed
Marcel Reich-Ranicki,
Mein Leben
(Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1999), 212.

There were even lice
Władysław Szpilman,
The Pianist: The Extraordinary True Story of One Man’s Survival in Warsaw, 1939–1945
(New York: Picador, 1999). See also Charles G. Roland,
Courage under Siege
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 121–53.

Over the next 18 months
Tomasz Cieszy
ski, “Dzieło Rudolfa Weigla ofiarowane ludzko
ci i Polsce” (Rudolf Weigl’s work for Poland and humanity), 1994, accessed at

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