The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (54 page)

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Every communication and, indeed

This was more likely
Ibid., 92–93; Fleck, “Über den Begriff der Art in der Bakteriologie,” in
, 91–125.

This was despite the fact
This and subsequent quotations are from Fleck,
, 59–61, 41, 68–77.

Fleck was not the only
See “Max von Pettenkofer, 1818–1901,” at

But whereas the social
, 201–3.

Zeiss called his field
Thomas Werther, “Fleckfieberforschung im Deutschen Reich 1914–1945: Untersuchungen zur Beziehung zwischen Wissenschaft, Industrie und Politik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der IG Farben” (PhD diss., Marburg University, 2004), 74–75, accessed at

was exactly
Fleck, “Wissenschaft und Umwelt” in
, 329.

In a 1944 journal
Joachim Mrugowsky, “Beiträge zur Geomedizin: Das Seuchenspektrum,”
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektions-Krankheiten
(1944): 679–91.

He was responsible for
, 248–50.

In Eastern Europe, with its
Werther, “Fleckfieberforschung,” 74–75.

The louse, carrier of
Alex Bein, “The Jewish Parasite,”
Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
9 (1964): 3–5, 19–37.

The Jew is a bacillus
Werther, “Fleckfieberforschung,” 107.

The belief that certain cultures
, 23.

’s suggestion that Jews
Hugh Raffles, “Jews, Lice, and History,”
Public Culture
19 (2007), accessed at

And there were legitimate cultural
One Life
, xxxii.

Typhus wasn’t an inevitable
Friedrich Hansen,
Biologische Kriegsführung im Dritten Reich
(Frankfurt: Campus, 1993).

He was also a lifelong
Peter Eyer, interview with author, May 2011; Peter Eyer, personal communications.

As a faculty member
“Lebenslauf,” Dec. 27, 1943, BA-Berlin, VBS1 Signatur 1020025603.

He praised the anti-Semitic
Hermann Eyer, “Die Gesundheitspflege in ländlichen Grenzgebieten,”
Deutsches Ärzteblatt
68 (1938): 441–45.

After the annexation
Peter Eyer, interview with author.

Although Germany had been
, 331–32, 247; Weindling, “Between Bacteriology and Virology: The Development of Typhus Vaccines between the First and Second World Wars,”
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
17 (1995): 81–90.

In 1938–39, physicians there

At the outbreak of war
M. Ruiz Castañeda, “Experimental Pneumonia Produced by Typhus Rickettsiae,”
American Journal of Pathology
15 (1939): 467–76; Paul Giroud and Jean Jadin, “Conceptions actuelles concernant les rickettsioses et leur vaccinations,”
Annales de la Société Belge de Médicine Tropicale
3 (1961): 193–206.

Scientists in the United States
Herald Cox, “Epidemic and Endemic Typhus,”
Public Health Reports
55 (1940): 110–15; Cox, “Use of Yolk Sac of Developing Chick Embryo as Medium for Growing Rickettsiae of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Typhus Groups,” ibid., 53 (1938): 2241–49; Joseph Sadusk, “The Immunization of Troops with Typhus Vaccine and the Characteristics of Typhus in Immunized Individuals,”
Yale Journal of Medicine and Biology
21 (1949): 211–32.

In April 1939
Peter Eyer, interview with author.

At the Red Sea port
Giacomo Mariani, “La lotta contra le rickettsiosi umani nell’ AOI Africa orientale italiana,”
Opere per l’organizzazione civile in Africa orientale italiana
(1939): 59–66; Mariani, “Vaccinazioni contro il tifo esantematico eseguite nel 1938 sull’altipiano etiopico con il vaccino Weigl,”
Annali d’igiene
7 (1939): 316–22.

The same month
Blanc to Pistoni, PIA, BLA2.

He urged that the Weigl
Richard Pankhurst, “Some Notes for a History of Typhus in Ethiopia” (unpublished 1975 manuscript at Library of Congress), 1–27.

The possibility of a Nobel Prize
ski, “Cards 28,”
Reminiscences of an Old Professor
, accessed at; Wójcik, “Pakt z diablem” (Pact with the devil),
d tygodniowy
4 (1994).

The university authorized a paid
Weigl papers in Lviv University archive, courtesy of Prof. Rostyslav Stoika.

The Italians reported
Pankhurst, “Notes,” 10.

Chapter 5: War and Epidemics

For his state medical
Erwin Ding, “Der Pavor nocturnus bei Kindern” (MD diss., University of Leipzig, 1937).

With his pregnant wife
, 265.

The SS leader Theodor
Richard J. Evans,
The Third Reich in Power
(New York: Penguin, 2005), 81–90.

The first glimpse
See, e.g., Ernst von Salomon,
The Captive: The Story of an Unknown Political Prisoner
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961), 108; Shoah Foundation (all testimonies were viewed at the USHMM), 50467 Reidar Dittmann.

You took off your shoes
Shoah Foundation, 17900 Horace Hecht.

Prisoners often puzzled
Waitz, “Auschwitz I Stammlager,” in
De l’université aux camps de concentration: Témoignages strasbourgeois
(Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1947), 438–39.

Himmler himself stated
See Hugh Raffles, “Jews, Lice, and History,” accessed at

A few weeks in Buchenwald
Walter Poller,
Medical Block, Buchenwald: The Personal Testimony of Inmate 996, Block 36
(Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1960), 244–45, 212, 159–60.

Ding ably carried
Judith Hahn, G
rawitz, Genzken, Gebhardt: Drei Karrieren im Sanitätsdienst der SS
(Münster: Klemm & Oelschläger, 2008), 161.

The Reverend Paul Schneider
Medical Block
, 201–6; 106–8; 246–49.

Meanwhile, Ding pressed on
Ding to Genzken, May 12, 1939, DGVG-Ding.

Three months later
“Lebenslauf,” July 15, 1939, DGVG-Ding.

On November 6, two weeks
Jochen August,
Sonderaktion Krakau: Die Verhaftung der Krakauer Wissenschaftler am 6. November 1939
(Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 1997).

Around this same time
Sworn statements in support of Hermann Eyer’s release from British POW status, addressed to University of Bonn Medical School Dean Erich von Redwitz, in possession of Peter Eyer: Ortrud Kristen, Nov. 19, 1946; Robert Kudicke, Jan. 15, 1946; Hermann Eyer, Nov. 8, 1946.

Years later, there
Memo dated 10-06-1976 from Kraków to Warsaw, IPN Files, Przybyłkiewicz, 9828/II IPN KR 010/9659 Tome I Secret; also personnel file from Sept. 1953 in same folder.

Eyer had been told
Eyer to Redwitz, Nov. 8, 1946; H. Eyer, “Die Fleckfieberprophylaxe der deutschen Wehrmacht im 2. Weltkrieg,”
Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie
(1979): 56–61.

He delivered his first batch
BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/archivsignatur357; Eyer, Tätigkeitsbericht des Instituts für Fleckfieber- und Virusforschung, 6/1–7/31, 1940.

In an accompanying pamphlet
Ibid., “Fleckfieber Merkblatt für Soldaten.”

Jews, he wrote
Ibid.; Eyer, “Die durch Läuse übertragbaren Infektionskranheiten und ihre Bekämpfung,”
Die Medizinische Welt
14 (1940): 261–64.

In Polish cities
Shoah Foundation, 14797 Lusia Hornstein.

The Nazi bombardment
Stefan Szende,
The Promise Hitler Kept
(New York: Roy, 1945), 1516; Frank Stiffel
, The Tale of the Ring: A Kaddish
(New York: Bantam Books, 1984), 13; Shoah Foundation, 7394 Alex Redner.

The Eastern Trade Fair
Wacław Szybalski, personal communication.

Three weeks of bombing
Christoph Mick,
Kriegserfahrungen in einer multiethnischen Stadt: Lemberg 1914–1947
(Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011), 420.

For many sophisticated
, 19, 29–31; Stiffel,
, 30; Shoah Foundation, Hornstein; Kurt I. Lewin,
A Journey through Illusions
(Santa Barbara: Fithian Press, 1994), 28–30; Szybalksi testimony; Karolina Lanckoronska, “Mut ist angeboren,” in Hermann Simon, Irene Stratenwerth, and Ronald Hinrichs, eds.,
Lemberg: Eine Reise nach Europa
(Berlin: Links Verlag, 2007), 70–73.

Although the invasion was tragic
Hornstein interview, USHHM; Zygfryd Atlas,
Just One Life
(Caulfield North: Rocham, 1999), 20.

In a kindergarten
Mali Karl,
Escape a la vida
(Lima: Pueblo Libre, 1989), 36; Nava Ruda,
Zum ewigen Andenken: Erinnerung eines Mädchens aus dem Ghetto Lwows, 1928–1999
(Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre, 2000), 10.

The majority of the 22,000
Dov Levin,
The Lesser of Two Evils: Eastern European Jewry under Soviet Rule, 1939–1941
, trans. Naftali Greenwood (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1995), 50, 196–97.

They lifted bans or limits
Omer Bartov,
Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007), 36–37.

More than 50,000
, 19–20.

In November, there was a plebiscite
Ibid., 20–28.

Many died there
Ibid., 11–36.

Many young Jews
, 30.

Lwów’s mathematicians
S. M. Ulam,
Adventures of a Mathematician
(New York: Scribner’s, 1976), 133.

The Soviets must have considered
YVA, International Tracing Service Documentation, Military Government of Germany, Concentration Camp Inmates Questionnaire: Ludwig [
] Fleck, Inmate 4934; Ilana Löwy, “Ways of Seeing: Ludwik Fleck and Polish Debates on the Perception of Reality, 1890–1947,”
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
39 (2008): 377; Thomas Schnelle, “Microbiology and Philosophy of Science, Lwów and the German Holocaust: Stations of a Life—Ludwik Fleck 1896–1961,” in
Cognition and Fact—Materials on Ludwik Fleck
, ed. Robert S. Cohen and Thomas Schnelle (Dordrecht: L. Reidel, 1986), 18.

Whatever the case
K. Leszczy
ska, “Ludwik Fleck: A Forgotten Philosopher,” in
Penser avec Fleck: Investigating a Life Studying Life Sciences
, ed. Johannes Fehr et al. (Zurich: Collegium Helveticum, 2009), 27; Franciszek Groer, “Nachruf auf Ludwik Fleck,” in

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