The Deeper We Get (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gibson

BOOK: The Deeper We Get
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“What made you change your mind?”

“The thought of someone else’s hands on you. Something in me is drawn to you, I can’t explain it, but it’s there. I want to see where this leads. I’m no good at relationships, I always find a way to screw them up before they even start.”

“Don’t compare us to anything else. I’m not like anyone else, and you can't screw this up because I won’t let you.” She reached for my hand. “Don’t look for ways this could go bad
okay, just enjoy it.”

I knew she was right, but I also knew myself, and I knew I would ruin this eventually. So, I would just enjoy it while it lasted.

“Is it weird, moving to a whole new state on your own?” she asked.

“Sort of, but so far I like it. There are definitely some pluses.”

“I hope I’m one of the pluses,” she said softly.

“You know you are.” I pulled her onto my lap. It was like her lips were made for mine. I ran my tongue along her lower lip and felt her shiver.

She yanked my shirt over my head, and I didn't stop her. I wanted to feel her against me, to lay her back in the sand and devour her. My head was already fuzzy, full of nothing but her. I needed to put the brakes on a bit. If I wanted this to last the worst thing I could do was jump into bed with her before I even knew her.

I kissed her neck, letting my lips glide along her soft skin. “Tell me something about you I don’t know yet.”

She laughed. “You want to play twenty questions now? I think we could find other ways to amuse ourselves.”

“I’m sure we could.” I bit her lightly. “But I want to
get to know you, who you are inside.” I set her on the blanket next to me.

She gave me a look that said she would rather be exploring my body and not my mind at the moment but didn't protest. “What do you want to know?”

“I don’t care, just something.”

“I love to read. It’s always been my escape, even as a little girl. When I went to live with Frank, the first thing he did was get me a library card.”

I imagined her as a little girl with her nose buried in a book. “I was never a reader. Becca was though. She used to read to me every night before bed.”

“Your turn.”

“I love old tv shows. When I moved in with the Kleins, I got in the habit of watching Nick at Night with Ruth.
I Love Lucy
is my favorite.”

“I so cannot picture you watching
I Love Lucy
.” She laughed.

“It’s true, I’m a sucker for Lucille Ball
. She cracks me up.” I shrugged.

“I like that, it’s a different side of you.” She put her hand on mine in the sand.

“Who is your best friend?” I asked.

“Taryn. We’ve been friends since elementary school. She’s helped me through a lot. I used to sleep over at her house a lot before moving in with Frank.”

I wanted to ask more about what had happened before Frank, but I figured it was best to keep things light for now. I didn’t want her asking questions I wasn’t ready to answer either.

“Was she at the party tonight?”

“Yeah, but she was off somewhere with her boyfriend Danny. They’re always fighting and making up. I can’t even remember if this was a fight or a makeup night. What about you?”

“My best friend from back home is James. I met him right when I moved to New York. He’s a good guy, I still talk to him a few times a week. He goes to school back there.”

“Can I ask you a question?” She turned to look at me.

“Sure, isn’t that what we’re doing anyway?” I joked.

“Yeah I guess. Why did you stop things just now?”

I sighed, I knew she would ask this eventually. “I want to really know you before we take it to the next level. That was always my mistake before, I never took the time before. I’m not making the same
mistakes with you.”

She stared at me for a moment before leaning in and kissing me gently. “I think you’re worth the wait.”

I knew she would be worth it. “I know it’s weird to have the dude be the one to pump the brakes right?” I grinned.

“A little, but it makes sense to me. I’ve made a lot of bad choices with guys in the past. Getting in too deep way too quickly. It usually starts with jumping into bed right away. Sex can complicate things. It’s not really intimacy if you can barely remember the other person’s name is it?”

“No, it’s not. It’s meaningless. I don’t want meaningless with you.”

“I want more, all of it. Everything you have inside of you Chad.” She touched my cheek.

The scary part was that I wanted her to know all of me. I didn’t want to hide anymore.






We fell into an easy
routine, I would pick her up on the days I wasn't working. She was in my blood already—probably not a good thing, but I couldn’t make myself care. I couldn’t get enough of her, and the weird part was we still hadn’t slept together. I just really enjoyed her humor and how much we had in common.

“Can I come watch you box?”

“Why would you want to do that?” I didn’t know if I was ready for that yet. Scarlet was fragile and seeing me like that might ruin everything.

“Because, that’s why.”

“Not a reason.” I kissed her neck.

“It’s important to you, and I’d like to see it.” She twisted around and looked at me.

“Better, but I don't think you’re ready for it.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It’s a whole side of me that you don’t really know.”

“I saw you with Max, so I won’t be afraid
, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“That was different.” I wished she would just drop it, but I knew she wouldn’t.

“How was it different?” She scooted away from me on the bed.

“I was in control, I knew how far I would take things.”

“You’re not in control when you’re in the boxing ring?”

“Not always, but the situation itself is controlled. Does that make sense?”

“Sort of. I still want to go.”

“I just am not sure I’m ready then.”

“What are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Then let me come,” she countered.

“You won't drop this until I say yes will you.”

She grinned. “Nope.”

“Fine, you can come
. But when I say, not when you say.”

ay, I can live with that.” She crawled across the bed and straddled my hips.


“What? It’s been like a month. How slow are you going to go?”

She had a point. Plus, restraint was never one of my strong suits. “You asked for it.” My lips were on hers before I had finished my sentence. I peeled her shirt off, streaking my lips down her neck to her shoulder.

“Are you on something?” I asked before my brain got too cloudy.

“Yeah, we’re good. Now hurry up and finish what you just started.” She pulled my lips back to hers.

I slipped the straps of her bra off, pulling it off in one smooth motion after unclasping it. There she was, all beautiful soft skin, and I couldn't keep my lips away any longer. I used my tongue and teeth until she was writhing on top of me, begging me for more.

“Your turn.” She climbed off me and stripped
out of the rest of her clothes. I yanked my shirt off and quickly took my jeans off. She crawled toward me on the bed but I stopped her.

“Baby, you can repay the favor another time. It’s not your mouth I’ve been dreaming about.”

She sucked in a breath and pulled me down on top of her on the bed. I sank into her slowly, she felt as good as I had been imagining for weeks.

,” I moaned and nipped at her neck. I wanted to consume her, take her until nothing was left between us but sweat.

Scarlet was just as greedy for me, she clawed at my back, urging me on. Whispering in my ear. Her lips were on any part of my skin she was near.

“Stay with me,” I panted in her ear.

“I’ve been with you since we started. Say when baby, say fucking when
,” she growled.

That was all I needed, I quickened the pace, taking us both over the edge.

I leaned down and kissed her before I let her wiggle out from under me.

“Tell me again why you thought waiting was such a good idea?”

“Probably not one of my best ideas.” I rolled over onto my back and laughed.

“So back to this boxing discussion.” She pulled on a pair of my boxers and a tank top.

“I thought the discussion was over.” I rolled my eyes and pulled on some clothes.

“No, it was over for the moment, and now it’s back on. When are you going to take me?”

“I don’t know, maybe next week. Why is it so important to you?”

“Partly because you don’t want me to go.” She grinned.

“Thanks for being so mature.”

“Shut up.” She threw a pillow at me.

“I’m done talking about this for now. I’ve said you're going and you will.”

“God, you're grumpy after.”

“I’m not, you just ruined my post lay buzz.”

“I apologize for harshing the vibe.” She rolled her eyes.

“I’ll forgive you on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You order some pizza, because I could murder one about now.”

The rest of the day was spent in my bed eating pizza, watching movies
, and letting her beg for my forgiveness over and over again.

“Hey O’Hara, don’t fall asleep over there.”

“Mmm, my last name’s not O’Hara,” she mumbled sleepily.

“Have you never seen Gone With The Wind? I was making a joke. Seriously though, no sleeping, we have to get up in a minute to drive you home.”

“Yes, I’ve seen it, and no, I’m not getting up.” She rolled over and put a pillow over her face.

“Frank would shoot me if you stayed over all night. Come one, get up.” I pulled the covers off of her.

“He wouldn’t shoot you. He might kneecap you but not shoot you.” She sighed and sat up.

“Either way, I don't want to get on the wrong side of him. Especially since he’s my boss
, and I happen to really like my job.” I hustled her into her clothes and out the door in record time.

“Hold on tight.” The familiar feeling of her molded to
my back was comforting in an odd way I never expected.

“See you tomorrow?” She kissed me
after I pulled to a stop at her house.

“Yeah.” I kissed her back.

“We have to stop or I’ll never make it inside.” She brushed her lips against mine.

“Go on, I’ll see you after work.” I watched her walk inside and started back home. How in the hell had I gotten in so deep so fast?



“Dude, you aren’t even paying
attention.” Vin yelled at me as we trained. “What’s up with you?”

“Scarlet, I’m all wrapped up.”

“That was fast.”

“I know, faster than I would like.”

“Could have worse problems bro. She’s smokin’ hot. I know a bunch of guys who would give their left nut for a chance at her.”

“I know I’m lucky to have her, it just moved at light
ning speed when I was trying to keep the brakes on for a while. She’s hard to refuse.”

“Quit bitching and get your head in the game.” He threw a punch that I should have dodged, but I didn’t. It hit me right in the cheek and knocked me back a few steps. “See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.”

“I know, I know.” I needed to snap out of it and focus. I couldn’t let her affect every part of my life like this. Not this soon anyway.

“Come on, let’s get on with it.” He circled around me, looking for his opening.

I was ready this time and stepped away as he swung. I countered with a punch to his jaw and one to his side.

,” he panted.

I watched him consider his next move and cleared my head of everything except the fight. It was like a curtain closed on everything else, and my attention snapped into working condition again. I went at him full force, with everything I had.

“More like it.” He grinned and hit me with a wicked uppercut.

God, it felt good to fight. Vin could take everything I hit him with and gave me back worse.

“Had enough yet?” he taunted.

“Not by half.” I launched myself at him, pinning him to the ropes and attacking his sides with a series of vicious punches.

“Okay, I give.” He shoved me off him. “Serves me right for giving you advice.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw.

“Thanks, I needed that.” I really had. I felt better than I had in days. The whole Scarlet situation had done a number on me.

We walked back to the locker room together, and I plopped on one of the benches. “So you think I’m making too big a deal out of all of this?”

He shook his head
. “We’re seriously still talking about this? Did you grow a pair of tits while we were out there?”

I threw my towel at him
. “I did, they’re huge, want to see?” I lifted my shirt up. “Yes, I’m seriously still talking about this. Who the hell else do I have to talk with but you?”

“I’m only kidding man.” He grinned. “Stop overthinking it
. You like her, she likes you, just go with it. Has it all happened really fast? Yes, but are you going to stop seeing her because that scares you?”

“No, I’m not going to stop seeing her. But if we keep going at this rate, we’ll be married in three months.”

“What do you feel that you’re missing out on when you’re with her all the time?”

“Nothing, nothing at all. I just like my space, and I like not being accountable to anyone.”

“Get over it. You’re in a relationship whether you want to be or not.”

Did I want to be in a relationship? Was that what I had been looking for when I saw her? It wasn’t at all. I came here to get away from people who expected things from me
. I know how douchey that sounds, even to me.

“Nut up man, she digs you, so stop whining and enjoy the best sex you’ll ever have.”

I laughed. “How do you know she’s the best sex I’ll have?”

“Look at her, she’s a walking wet dream.”

“I’m not sure I like you talking about my girl like that.”

“Ah, so she’s your girl now is she?”

I saw what he had done.

“Yeah, she’s my girl. Thanks for the pep talk coach.” I mock saluted him.

My girl was waiting out by my motorcycle when I walked out with Vin. It surprised me a little since I hadn't been planning to see her until the next day. What surprised me even more was how happy I was to see her. I had to force myself not to kiss her right away when we walked up.

“Am I interrupting boys
’ night?” Her tone was seductive. I wanted to tell Vin to take a hike so I could take her back to my apartment.

“No, as long as you don't mind tagging along for dinner with Ian.” I looked to Vin for confirmation that it was
okay. He nodded.

“I’m cool with that.” She brushed her lips against mine, the lingering taste of strawberries was going to drive me mad before the night was over.

We went to the same Mexican place we always did after boxing, and Ian was waiting at our usual table when we walked in.

Scarlet intertwined her fingers with mine, the warmth of her hand like a flame against my skin. I couldn’t be around her, touching her, without wanting more. She was my siren, seductive without even trying. I could hear her calling me, beckoning me forward
, without saying a single word.

It was a struggle to force myself to order
. I couldn’t think clearly. She squeezed my hand and looked up at me with a look of contentment on her face. What had I even been worried about, I was so damn lucky she was mine.

“Hey, you two going to come sit, or make goo goo eyes at each other all night?” Ian threw a balled up napkin at my head.

Scarlet blushed, and I kissed her quickly after grabbing the food as we slid into the booth with them.

“How come I never see you two with girls? I mean, it’s not like you’re hard to look at or anything
,” she asked the guys.

“Eh, I’m not the girlfriend type.” Ian shrugged.

“I have a girlfriend, sort of. It’s complicated,” Vin answered

“Complicated how?” Scarlet laughed.

“I don’t know if I would really call her a girlfriend.”

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