The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (27 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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“Just nervous sir.” Torrian stopped his pacing.

“Nervous about what?” Steven asked.

“What I want to talk to you about.” Torrian answered.

“Just spit it out son, you’re making me itchy just watching you.” Steven was not a patient man.

“Yes sir. You know I love Gwen. I’d never do anything to hurt her right?”

“Yes.” Steven replied hesitantly.

“I love her with all my heart, since the day she came into my life I’ve wanted to be a better person for her and she’s made me want to just be better for myself.”

Steven sat back and continued to listen, his eyes betraying the inside of his mind working and piecing everything together already.

“I also respect you and your wife completely, you two are very wise and I hope one day to be as wise as you both. I.I.I. I wanted to ask your permission to ask her to marry me.” Torrian looked at his balled up fists, and his knuckles were white he was clenching them so hard.

When Torrian looked up at Steven’s face it was impassive. The male seemed to be processing what he just heard. A slow-sly smile spread across Steven’s face before he spoke. “How will you support my daughter?”

“I will do anything and everything to support her financially, physically, mentally, emotionally. She deserves only the best and I would work seven days a week to give her everything her heart desires.”

“Will you give her children?”

“As many as she wants sir.”

“You have been here every week with her, and you have shown you love her. I respect you son, for asking my permission before you ask her. You know I like you, but…” Steven let that dangle for a moment, Torrian’s heart stopped for the duration of the pause, “but I am not the one you need to impress. I give you permission to ask my daughter to marry you. Do you have a ring yet?”

“Yes sir I do.” Torrian let out a heavy breath and pulled the ring from his coat pocket; he tossed the small box over to Steven.

Steven opened the small box and smiled. “It is simple and elegant, just like her. She will love it.”

“Thank you sir.”

“You’re welcome Torrian, call me Steven. Do you have any idea on how you are going to propose?”

“Yeah a few.”

The two men talked low until Marie’s normal yell echoed through the hall, calling them to dinner. Now Torrian just had to stage the entire proposal. Easier said than done, Gwen was just as shrewd as her father and more intuitive. He wished himself luck while he ate quietly thinking of every option and possible outcome from the question he had in store.


The phone rang and Torrian’s reverie ended, he seemed a million miles away to Gwen. It was Friday evening and they had just gotten off work and she was ready for her parents’ interrogation. They always made dinner quite fun now that they had Torrian to torture instead of her. Steven and Marie had asked so many questions of him, his childhood, and his life she barely had to talk. Gwen answered the phone to her father while Torrian drove.

“Hey daddy.” She said trying to keep her giggle to a minimum and not mention the phone ringing scared Torrian.

“Hey sweetheart your mom is sick as hell and I think I need to cancel dinner tonight.”

“Are you kidding me? We’re in Seattle.” Gwen was annoyed; leave it to her family to make something happen last minute.

“Yeah sorry love bug, she just started throwing up and I don’t trust her near my food. I’m getting her in bed now. See you soon okay princess?” Steven spoke softly, Gwen worried because she couldn’t hear her mother’s normal talking or yelling; she must really be sick.

“Alright daddy, I’ll see you soon. Love you.” Gwen sighed.

“Love you too honey.” Steven and Gwen hung up almost in unison; Gwen put her phone back in her pocket and turned to talk to Torrian.

“Looks like we get a night off, want to grab a bite in Seattle?” Gwen asked Torrian, worry for her mother somewhat taking over her psyche.

“Yeah I heard about a steakhouse near the Paramount, we could go there.” Torrian could always go for a steak; Gwen smiled because she could too.

“That sounds great.” Her smile began to falter.

Soon, almost too soon for Gwen to act human they were pulling up and the valet was opening her door. Torrian walked inside and Gwen realized where they were. This was Ruth Chris, an expensive as hell steakhouse. She went to grab Torrian’s arm but he was striding forward to speak to the hostess, the young girl nodded and grabbed the menus.

“Follow me please.” She started walking towards the back of the restaurant, closer to the kitchen; it was warm, inviting, and oddly empty in this section, Gwen didn’t think much of it there were no major events tonight and it was quite expensive.

Torrian pulled out a chair for Gwen and she sat a little self-conscious. “Am I underdressed for this place?”

“No baby you look perfect.” He said almost reverently.

“You’re biased.” Gwen pointed out to him.

“Damn straight because you’re mine.” He countered

“Damn straight yourself Mister.” She winked as she spoke.

The dinner date continued, and Torrian’s palms kept getting hotter and hotter as time for the check got near. When dessert came he was almost sweating bullets. Stick Torrian in front of a room full of murderers and he’d keep his cool and dominate those fools, but this woman, this beautiful woman he craved could bring him to his knees and make him nervous, jealous, and hard as steel with just a single glance. He would never be immune to it. Time was almost here. There were a few more tricks up his sleeve; he checked his watch, half an hour to go.

The check came and before Gwen could reach and look with her usual wants to pay. She was an alpha female, but she was his female and she had better get used to it. He was a gentleman he didn’t do Dutch. Torrian snatched the check up, placed his card inside, and handed it back to the waiter whose eyes lingered on Gwen. The nerve of that man had Torrian almost growling. Gwen was his woman and he’d be damned if some kid was going to drool on her in his presence. Torrian leaned over and took her mouth with his. Her lips yielded to him immediately, her instinct was to open up for him, and damn she was a great lover. His tongue extended tracing each ridge of her lips worshipping them and everything they could do before slipping past and tangling his tongue with hers. Tonight was different, Gwen moaned softly into his mouth setting his mouth to blaze, the sound would have been unheard and Torrian pulled her chair closer to his. When the kiss broke they were both panting and trying to recover, the waiter had definitely seen their quick session and not was sullen in the corner. Good, Torrian thought to himself. This firecracker was his.

When the kid returned with his card Torrian took it, left the tip, and stood to help Gwen. They went to get the car back from the valet then they took off from the restaurant. Torrian’s mind was buzzing with his plans, and struggling not to pull into a back alley and take care of Gwen’s now in need body. She was looking at him with the same heat he felt. The smoldering eyes she had went through him and struck his cock making it hard. He pulled into the parking lot near the pier.

“Want to walk off those steaks?” He asked rubbing his stomach.

“Yeah, sure. It’s a little cold I’ll bring my coat.” She moved to get into the back and grab her coat.

Torrian’s hand pulled her up by her hips. “Don’t worry about that love, I’ll give you my coat. That one is too heavy and I won’t be able to see your tits if you put it all the way on.” He smirked at her, her movements were tiny but he noticed her shift, and the clench of her thighs, again he gave merit to the thought of an alleyway.

“Alright.” Her word was breathless.

The couple took off towards the waterfront; they walked with laced fingers talking low amongst themselves. Eventually Torrian began to steer the conversation and the walk towards the Seattle Great Wheel. It was a newer installation piece on the Pier. He had always wanted to go on it, but tonight was the perfect excuse. His palms were sweaty and Torrian was shocked Gwen didn’t say anything.

“Want to do the wheel?” He asked even though he already had the evening arranged.

“Sure. You won’t get sick on me will you?” She joked with him.

“Maybe, I’ll get a barf bag.” He said with his signature eye roll.

Torrian went to the window and asked for two tickets, then informed the ticket-taker of his name and the person nodded. They would take it from here; the third rotation of the wheel they would be stopped at the top and the sunset would be perfect.

Torrian helped Gwen into the small cabin-car. It was enclosed and the temperature was perfect. He sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her, the rest of the cars were full but Gwen and Torrian had one just for them. The ride began, once around, twice around, the third time around then slowly they came to a stop at the very top. He had five minutes to do this.

“Gwen baby you know I love you.” He stated.

“Yes, what’s up? You’ve been acting strange tonight Torrian.” She sounded guarded.

“I’m fine, I’d do anything to protect you and keep you happy. You are my world.” He continued.

“Torrian.” Gwen frowned she looked unsure of what was going to happen; good Torrian hadn’t given it away with his behavior.

“Ever since you came to McNeil I’ve loved you but I had my head up my ass until I finally got over myself and asked you out. Gwen you have been my best friend, my lover, and my woman I have permission from your father but I ask you for the final say,” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the vintage ring his grandmother had given him, the diamonds glistened in the setting sunlight, Torrian had it sized and modernized for her, “Gwen will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Marry me baby?”


              Gwen’s mouth dropped and she put together all the pieces. Her father had been in on this evening; Torrian was before her with a beautiful ring. The sunset perfect, and the wheel was stopped at the very top, it was planned. He had taken such care to plan this, and Torrian asked her father. She could feel her eyes cloud with emotion; the tears welled in her eyes. She tried to speak but her voice croaked.

“Yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper she nodded along with it.

“Yes?” He asked.

“Yes.” Gwen gave Torrian her hand and he slipped the ring on fast then came to catch her lips.

The wheel began moving again slowly, Gwen’s lips were moving against Torrian, this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her. Her father knew which meant her mother knew; how could her mother keep this from her? Marie loved good gossip as much as she loved her next breath. Two more times the wheel went around but Gwen wasn’t counting she was too busy trying to get closer to her… fiancé.

Gwen’s entire body felt like it was wired and electricity was flowing. Her happiness was overdue and she was finally letting herself live in the moment. Torrian helped her off the wheel and with gusto he said, “She said yes.”

The staff apparently had been waiting for the answer and Gwen blushed, he did plan it quite well. It seemed everyone around her knew before she did. Fear struck her in the gut and the panic ruined her mood.

“Torrian, did you tell the Warden?” She inquired when she sat down in his classic car.

“No, I know how private you are. Just a bunch of strangers and your parents.” He grinned like the cat that ate the canary; she really did love that smile of his.

“No one at work?” She pressed.

“No I didn’t, I know you don’t want that psychopath McQueen knowing, and if anyone is going to kill him with news it’s going to be me.” He almost growled the words.

“I don’t want to tell them yet.”

He groaned. “Baby I can’t keep quiet about all this. I love you and who cares what anyone else thinks?”

Torrian snuck a kiss at Gwen’s neck to quell her nerves. “I just fear his reaction.”

“Don’t care about him, he doesn’t deserve any of your energy and he’s lucky to be alive after the shit he pulled. “ Torrian’s words were ice cold, and Gwen knew he would die to protect her from ever being exposed to Kody again.

“Just let’s not tell all the work people yet, I want to enjoy being happy. Please?”

His answer was a groan of dismay. Gwen knew she had to change the track of his mind, “I really love the ring, and it’s perfect.”

She was going to try her hand at seduction again. Her hand reached between his thighs. Gwen remembered how much this did to her when he had done the same when she drove home from dinners at her parents. She smiled and traced his thigh.

“You do know how incredibly sexy you are don’t you?” She continued.

“Oh?” Torrian’s mood had shifted and Gwen could see the outline of his bulge.

“Yes, just looking at you makes me wet.” She sounded tawdry but maybe he liked it at times like this.

“Continue.” He spoke softly, his head turned to look at her and those beautiful gray eyes pierced her with molten heat.

“Your strength resonates within you and I feel stronger in your presence.” She found the head and traced it.

This time his groan was guttural, his hands tightened around the wheel and he didn’t speak. Gwen whispered into his ear.

“Get us home and I will explain more, till then…” She trailed off and rubbed his clothed lap, she brought him to the edge over and over again just as he did to her.

When they arrived at her townhouse he could not have moved faster. He was parked, out of the car, and opening her door before Gwen could gather her wits and undo her seatbelt. He slung her over his shoulder, overcome with desire and closed the door; easily he opened her home and carried her upstairs to consummate their engagement. Gwen’s hands massaged and smacked Torrian’s backside while he walked, the taut muscles close to her face, she leaned down and playfully bit his left cheek. He chuckled and tossed her onto the bed. He kissed his way up her legs and the night had only just begun.



























Chapter twenty-one



Gwen woke the next Monday morning deliciously sore and still tired. She padded into her kitchen and started a pot of coffee admiring her ring while the scent filled the air around her, Torrian would wake up when she smelled it too, she knew he loved his coffee and that was one of the only things that could make him get up when he truly didn’t want to. The other thing was Gwen; and she was too sore to follow through on her way of waking him up. She thought about how much she had changed since he came into her life. She was a different person.

Strong arms engulfed her around her waist and a peaceful smile lifted her lips. “Good Morning Tor.” She almost purred the words at him, her satisfaction evident in her body and tone.

“Good morning my fiancé.” He grinned wide and his palm crashed down on the meat of her ass, Torrian was damn proud and the pride shone through his voice.

“Is it time for work already?” He stretched and yawned wide.

“Yes we have about half an hour till we have to leave. See why I said we should have gotten some sleep last night?” Gwen raised one of her eyebrows in the “I told you so” fashion she had adopted a long time ago from her mother.

“I just wanted to celebrate one more time baby, you’re too damn irresistible.” He buttered her up with the sweet words and nibbles along her neck and earlobe.

Torrian goosed Gwen’s bottom and went back to finish getting his uniform on and packing the bag he always took to work. Gwen was already polished; somehow she was a morning person even if her energy had been used up during the weekend, she sipped her tea while he scrambled to finish his rituals to get ready. When he was ready Torrian grabbed Gwen’s hip and kissed her neck again.

“Ready to go babe?” He asked and kissed her lips; his fingers toyed with the ring resting on her finger.

“Yeah I am.” Gwen turned and looked up at the towering, powerful male before her.

“Let’s blow this popsicle stand, money won’t make itself.” He joked.


              The drive was mostly silent to work, Torrian watched Gwen play with her ring from the corner of his eye, he was so attuned to her every movement, he knew her nerves were what was causing the movement. She was nervous, or scared of what one patient would do, but thankfully she would never see the one patient she was worried about again, he would put a stop to it if anyone even suggested the ludicrous idea, he attacked her, his counseling would be terminated that was how this shit went.

“What’s up beautiful?” He asked without diverting attention from the road, there was normal Monday traffic, mostly heading towards the base, but Torrian was still always careful with his woman.

“Nothing, just… I have a bad feeling about something. I don’t know if I want to tell everyone at work.” She admitted and hung her head, in what looked like shame.

“Then we don’t tell people, you can keep the ring on and people probably won’t ask about it. Not like they’re going to have an eagle eye on your hand.” He joked.

“You don’t know some of those office gossips do you?” Gwen gave Torrian a wry smile.

“True, they are some fools.” He rubbed over the light stubble on his face and noted internally to shave soon.

“Let’s just get Monday over with, you know everything goes wrong on Mondays.” She said as Torrian pulled into the parking lot and parked her car.

The couple each opened their door and started to gather the bags and files they would need for Gwen for the day, she rubbed her hand over her face.

“Here we go.” She whispered.

“Don’t worry I got you.” He chuckled; he was trying to make her smile with his crooked one

If only he knew what the day had in store.


              Scott’s hands were pale he was gripping his knuckles so tight. There were g-men sitting before him each in suits that probably cost more than he made in two months, everything that could have possibly been brought up about his tenure at the prison was brought up. They knew more than they let on. Their main concern was not anything that had been done not quite according to book by Scott or his employees; it was the prisoner that was almost in a constant isolation. Kody McQueen. He was a popular guy now, it seemed everyone wanted a piece of him, or just him in pieces. Not only was the office abuzz with his latest antics, but apparently these men wanted him too. They had Scott’s balls in a vice grip and they knew it.

“Warden, if you won’t play ball we will be forced to find someone who will.” Translation: if you don’t do what we want, how we want it, when we want it, you’re fired and we’ll put someone else in your spot who will jump when we say.

“I see gentlemen,” Scott’s voice was different, almost defeated after his many years here he could see his pension was being threatened he couldn’t lose it now, “I will discuss this and have answers for you before the end of business today. Is that reasonable?”

His age was showing on his body and in his tone of voice, he could tell the men knew they won against him.  The two men looked at each other as if they could have a telepathic conversation then who appeared to be the alpha male, who went by the name Villafore, obviously just a last name stood and nodded. “We knew you would be amenable once you understood our side of this issue Warden.”

Scott stood straight to match the younger male’s stance. “Yes, you drive a hard bargain and I said I would try never said I would get results. There are many things that could prevent this.” He warned them.

“You don’t worry about that, we will handle what could be considered red-tape.” Villafore’s voice was prideful and his eyes glistened with victory this man was a shark; he sounded pleased and Scott felt like his staff or he was the guppy that these men would soon be picking their teeth with.

Villafore’s partner Miller stood next. Scott motioned towards the door. “Well gentlemen if business between us is done this morning, I have a prison to run and a favor to do for you.”

“Yes, thank you.” Villafore replied before nodding to Miller and they both walked towards the office door.

Scott walked them to the door, holding it open his eyes scanned the offices around; to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation, and everyone’s heads were buried in paperwork. There was one face he felt too guilty and that was the face just walking into the building, her smile almost crushed him and caused him to back out of what he had just been strong-armed into doing. Gwen was just arriving with her files in hand; she took everything home with her. Her work ethic knew no bounds. She lifted her head as if she could feel eyes on her, and her shining blue eyes met his. Scott’s eyes went back to the men beside him quickly, she didn’t need to worry, yet.

The men shook hands with Scott and started towards the elevator, Scott knew they probably knew every entrance, exit, and secret passage way that was rumored to be under the island, they didn’t need an escort out. His glassy eyes closed for a moment in relief then he turned to go back into his office. The stress was about enough to make him start drinking again, almost. He sat behind his grand oak desk and though about what he had to do.


              Torrian said his goodbye to Gwen; he lingered to claim her mouth again the sweet taste of her lips could have been his job and he would put in overtime without pay for the rest of his life and be content. After she convinced him they were both late and escaped his grasp he went into the locker room and answered the heckles and cat-calls with his own choice words, most variants of the f-bomb he dropped quite often when around the guys like this. Hell, his chest swelled in honesty because Gwen was his, they knew it, and he got to show it off. Torrian’s happiness could radiate off him and make all these horn-dogs jealous but they knew better than to mouth off to him. He shoved his bag into the locker, locked it up, and then grabbed his rotation schedule for today.

“Son of a whore!” He growled.

Three heads turned towards him, night guards that were just getting ready to leave the prison, Torrian shook his head. “Nothing guys, just going to head to the warden.”

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