The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1) (46 page)

BOOK: The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1)
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Ashland wiped her eyes dry as her other hand squeezed Brock


Thank you for sharing your story, Tipper.

Ashland told him sincerely.


m glad your life has taken a better turn. Take care of Libby. She

s a nice girl.

Tipper nodded back, smiling as Libby snuggled against him.

Ashland turned to Brock.

I know I

ve said this before, but I

m sorry for how coldly I treated you when we first met.

She looked down at their clasped hands as she spoke.


I guess I thought you

d be pretentious like others at the Academy. Many have had everything in life handed to them. They lack compassion and perspective.

She looked into his eyes.

As I grow to know you, I realize I was wrong. I realize that you

re exactly the kind of person I was looking for. After tonight, I realize it more than ever. I love you with all my heart, Brock Talenz.

He smiled.

I love you too, Ashland Pym.

Ashland leaned in, giving him a quick kiss. She turned to Tipper and Libby.

Well, it

s late. We

ve had a long day. It

s time to say goodnight.

Ashland stood, looking at Brock expectantly.

Goodnight Tip, Libby. We

ll see you at breakfast,

he said as he stood.

He followed Ashland toward the stairwell, hesitating when he remembering something.

Oh, wait. I haven

t gotten a room yet.

Ashland took his hand.


t worry about it. I have a room.

She continued up the stairs with an anxious Brock in tow.



They woke as one the next morning; Ashland

s shifting causing Brock to stir. Glancing out the window, he could only see white through the frosted panes. He gave her a kiss and slid out of bed. She lay under the sheets as he got dressed.

Are you coming down for breakfast?

he asked as he pulled his trousers up.

I will in a bit. I need some time to clean up,

she replied.

A girl needs to be presentable you know.

I think you look great right now,

he replied, flashing a devious smile.

Especially without those sheets.

She laughed and threw a pillow at him.


re horrible.

He caught the pillow and sat on the bed, leaning in for a kiss. Before it got too far, she pushed him away.


d better go before we get started again,

she said.

He smiled.

I love you.

I love you, too.

He scooped his shirt off the floor, pulled it over his head, and laced the collar. After sliding his feet into his boots, he walked to the door. He turned to face her before he opened it.


ll see you soon.

She nodded, and he slipped out of the room.

As Brock descended the stairs, the front door opened, blowing snow into the entryway. Tipper followed behind, stamping snow off his feet.

It looks like it

s coming down pretty hard out there.

Brock remarked.

Tipper looked up at him.


morning, Brock. Yeah, it

s more snow than I thought I

d ever see. I know that

s not saying much since the first time I touched snow was only a few weeks back, but it

s crazy out there. It

s already well past my knees. I just finished shoveling a path to the road. Dory says if it keeps coming down like this, I

ll have to shovel the roof. Can you believe that? Shoveling snow off a two-story roof?

Tipper shook his head.

I never thought it was a thing, let alone that I

d be doing it myself.

Brock reached the bottom of the stairs, looking around the empty room.


m pretty sure that Ashland and I are the only ones in the rooms upstairs. The weather will likely keep everyone else home, so it

ll be a quiet morning. Do you want to eat with us?

Tipper nodded, clumps of snow falling on the floor.

Yes, definitely. Let me get the snow off and I

ll join you. I

ll see if Libby is free as well.

Sounds great,

he replied before heading to the kitchen.

He stepped inside to find Saul taking pastries out of the oven. They smelled wonderful.


morning, Saul,

Brock said.


s for breakfast?

Saul turned toward the door.

Brock. You kitchen thief. Are you here to steal some of Saul

s treats before they

re ready to serve?

Brock held up his hands.

Oh no. Not this time at least.

Saul set the hot pan on the counter and began scooping the pastries into a basket.


s good. Saul has made a special treat for you today. Saul promises you

re gonna like it,

he replied in his odd third-person manner.

Well, I can promise that I like the smell already,

Brock replied.

You go on out and have a seat. Saul will bring it out shortly.

Brock backed through the door into the dining room. He spotted James walking in.

Hi James. Can I get four cups of caffe? Tip and Libby are going to join Ashland and me for breakfast.

Sure, Brock,

James replied, walking behind the bar.


ll be right up. Even with a little milk.

He found a seat at a table. A minute later, James set four cups down on the table. A few minutes after that, Tipper and Libby joined him as Ashland was descending the stairs.

After enjoying Saul

s cheese and pepper pastry, the two couples spent the morning chatting in the empty dining room. It was nearly noon when Dory strolled in and declared that the roof did indeed need to be shoveled because of the snow that was piling up outside. Tipper went off to find Garrett to help with the effort. Libby excused herself to get the baths ready in case anyone wanted to use them.

That left Brock alone with Ashland. They talked for a bit and then Ashland put her hand on Brock

s leg. It only took moments before it affected him. He suggested that they retreat to their room for some time alone. She smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs.


.   .   .


Brock lay under the sheets with his arms around Ashland when they heard a noise on the roof. The sound of footsteps was followed by a loud scraping sound going across the ceiling.

Good grief,

Ashland said.

It sounds like he

s going to fall right into the room.

He laughed.

That would be very much like Tipper.

Again, footsteps climbed toward the apex of the roof, followed by the scraping sound of the shovel pushing snow. The footsteps began the third ascent, followed by a loud thud, a rapid scraping sound, and a trailing yell.

Brock glanced toward the window as the dark shape of Tipper fell past.

He bolted out of bed, running to the window. He flipped the latch and yanked it open. Stark naked, he stuck his upper body out the window to see what had happened.

Through the thickly falling flakes, he saw Tipper buried in snow. He was curled up on his side, holding his leg. Garrett was trouncing through the snow toward his co-worker.

Brock pulled his head into the room and slammed the window shut. He ran to the pile of clothes on the floor, found his smallclothes, and pulled them on.

What are you doing? What happened?

Ashland sat upright in the bed.

He glanced up at her, trying not to let the enticing curves of her bare torso distract him.

Tipper fell. I think he

s hurt.

Brock grabbed his trousers, quickly sliding his legs in. He secured them at the waist and glanced toward Ashland as his reached for the door handle.

I really hate to say this, but you might want to cover up.

She looked down, hastily pulling the blanket up to her neck. He ripped the door open and shot out into the hallway.

When he was descending the stairs, Garrett was dragging Tipper and a lot of snow into the inn. A grimace of pain twisted Tipper

s face. Brock ran over to Tipper, ignoring the cold snow beneath his bare feet.

Where are you hurt?

Brock asked.

With a clenched jaw, Tipper responded,

My leg.

Garrett was frantic.

He hit his leg on the hitching post when he fell. I think it

s bad.

Brock lifted the leg of Tipper

s trousers. The blood on the outside couldn

t prepare him for what was underneath. Just above the boot, Tipper lower leg dangled at an unnatural angle with two white bones jutting out. Blood seeped down the leg from the wound.


s face went white, the gruesome injury causing him to back away.

Brock glanced up at Garrett.

Get him some food.

Garrett looked at Brock, confusion on his pale face.

What? Food?

Brock was louder, his voice firm.

Do it. Anything Saul has. Go.

As Garrett scrambled off to the kitchen, Brock focused on the task at hand. Needing contact with exposed skin, he placed his hand on his friend

s forehead and closed his eyes.

From behind, he distantly heard Ashland

s voice.

Brock! No!

Ignoring her, he quickly found his center in the calmness of
. It became easier every time he did it. Extending his awareness, he found the source of
within Tipper, disturbed by the angry red tempest of his wound.

Brock reached out with his mind, diving into the fury of red symbols swirling about. He pulled hard at the
within Tipper, using it to surround and squeeze the massive mess of red symbols. The swirling storm of runes sped up and then began to unravel, the red threads dissipating into the blue until they were gone.

BOOK: The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1)
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