The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1) (41 page)

BOOK: The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1)
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The small man waved to the crowd before Vandermark continued.

Master Nindlerod and Master Shim join me as the judges of today

s event.

Vandermark turned to the two engineering masters.

Master engineers, will you please announce the first team?

As Vandermark returned to the judging table, Nindlerod stepped forward, holding a cone-shaped device to his mouth.

Students and faculty, I thank you for joining us. I see some serious promise in the designs before you. It appears that my long-standing record is, indeed, in jeopardy today. You don

t want to miss this.

He paused and announced,

Our first catapult team includes Salina Alridge, Jonnis Farkle, Herry Dangst, Merrick Tandlehoff, and Barton Hinks.

The small man and his co-judge retreated to the judging table as the first team pushed their catapult forward. An engineering assistant stood at the launch line, explaining the process to the team as they rolled the catapult into position.

Jonnis stood by a wagon that held the large metal spheres that they were to launch. Merrick and Herry pulled the launch arm back, securing it into position. When it was ready, Jonnis lifted a big metal ball, grunting as he shuffled to the catapult and dumped the ball into the launch basket.

Salina stepped up to the catapult as her team members backed away. She looked toward the judges table, waiting.

Nindlerod held the cone up to his mouth and shouted,


The girl pulled the release and the launch arm shot forward. The dark metal ball sailed into the air, arching high before it began to drop. It landed mid-way between the first and second line of stakes posted across the launch field. A female student ran in from the side with a thin rope. She slid a loop around the nearest post and ran to the location where the ball landed. After taking a quick measure, she unhooked the rope and ran back to the edge where four other students stood waiting. The students shuffled around until three of them stood side-by-side, each holding a sign with a number on it.

Nindlerod put the cone to his mouth and shouted.

Their first attempt is two hundred thirty-two feet!

Some in the crowd cheered, others booed.

The process was informative. Brock now understood that the arcing lines of stakes across the field were distance markers, the first line being 200 feet out and additional line posted every 100 feet.

After a second launch that was slightly further, the first team was finished. While they removed their catapult and the next team was announced, students with wheelbarrows ran onto the field to fetch the two metal balls.

The process continued repeatedly over the next hour, yielding mixed results. None of the first ten teams could launch a projectile beyond the 800-foot line. The eleventh team called was Corbin


Due to the sheer mass of their catapult, it took twice as long to push the machine into launch position. Two students cranked the huge launch arm back and Corbin dumped the metal ball into the launch basket. Everyone but Karl backed away as he readied for launch.

Nindlerod shouted,


Karl pulled the release and the arm snapped forward, launching the ball high into the air. As Brock watched the ball sailing through the sky, he realized that the field was quiet. A low thump sounded from far across the field, a half-second after the ball landed. This time, it took the girl much longer to run out and measure the distance. When the measure came in, it took four students holding signs to score the launch.

Nindlerod shouted.

First launch, one thousand one hundred and twenty feet. A new record!

The crowd erupted. Cheers and screams echoed above the applause. Corbin ate it up, facing them as he pounded both fists into the air. It was as if he had done it by himself. Brock glared at his enemy with loathing.

The next launch was a bit short of the first, but it didn

t matter. The record had been broken. It seemed that Corbin had won. Frustration began to well up inside. He couldn

t lose to Corbin again. Not to that hateful bastard. His hand was on the frame of the catapult. His fingers felt grooves, the grooves of the rune he had carved. Without considering what he was doing, Brock seized his anger and frustration. He closed his eyes, drawing in the angry red storm around him until he could no longer contain it. He poured the energy into the rune, which glowed red and pulsed briefly before fading. The storm of emotion was spent, leaving him chilled and numb.

Brock, what are you doing?

Lars asked.

You need to move so we can push this thing into launch position.


Brock stepped aside as the others pushed the catapult to the line. He hadn

t even heard his team called. He followed the catapult, his mind distracted.

Once in position, Cam began turning the metal crank. After winding it as far as possible, Lars rolled the metal ball into the launch basket. With the catapult loaded, they stepped back.

Benny had declined the honor of launching the machine, stating that he wanted to stand back and watch their creation. Parker wanted nothing to do with it because of Corbin. Cam and Lars both suggested that it should be Brock, who now took position.

Nindlerod held the cone to his mouth and shouted,


Brock nodded and pulled the release.

Brock had always been quick. Paladin training had honed that natural quickness to the point of lethality. In this case, that quickness saved his life.

When he pulled the release, the whole catapult launched fifteen feet into the air. After diving out of the way, Brock stood to watch the heavy catapult smash into the ground right where he had been standing. It held together, despite bouncing a few times before settling.

With his heart racing, he searched the field for the projectile that had just launched. He saw and heard nothing. In fact, it was dead quiet.


A voice burst out, breaking the silence. Brock turned toward the sideline where Corbin stood pointing at him.

Ha, Ha! What a failure!

Anger and frustration began to resurface. All of those hours spent only to have the ball not go anywhere.

Brock thought. It had to go
. He scanned the field again, searching for a sign of the ball landing. A puff of gray dust erupted from the tower at the far end of the Academy. A second later, the terrible sound of the impact reached him. Brock stood amazed, trying to comprehend the scene.

As he and everyone else realized what had happened, pandemonium erupted.

Some people cheered. Others yelled that he had cheated. Some even began to proclaim it was some dark magic. A number of scuffles broke out in the crowd, requiring Academy enforcers to break-up the fights. Corbin and members from other competing teams ran to the judges table to protest.

Brock ignored it all. He just kept staring at the settling cloud of dust, over two miles away.



What a mess,

Parker said, stepping over a pile of debris.


s impressive, isn

t it?

Benny replied.

Just think: a projectile a foot in diameter can do this kind of damage. The hole in that wall must be twenty feet wide.

Brock didn

t respond. He was simultaneously amazed and depressed by the amount of damage the catapult had rendered. Chunks of stone bricks were everywhere, everything covered in dust. Splintered wood and torn cloth from crushed furniture stuck up here and there, buried under other debris.

Brock stepped around the hole in the floor, perhaps four strides across. Glancing down, he could see the girls

baths below the lounge that the catapult had destroyed. He stopped near the huge hole in the wall, staring out across the lawn. In the fading evening light, he could barely see the competition grounds across the open expanse. If the trees had still been covered with leaves, he wouldn

t be able to see it at all.

He still couldn

t understand how the heavy metal ball could have flown over two miles. It was bewildering.

This will take us days, even weeks, to clean up,

Parker grumbled, kicking a small chunk of stone that splashed into the pool below.

Worse, it will be far longer before it

s repaired,

Benny replied.

And we

re on the cusp of winter.

Without comment or complaint, both Cameron and Lars began to pick up large stone blocks, carrying them to the opening and tossing them out onto the lawn. Soon, they were all tossing debris through the opening, careful to not step close to the hole in the floor.

Despite his wish to do otherwise, Brock resigned himself to the job before him. The cost of the repairs would come from their team winnings of twenty-five gold imperials. Offered the opportunity to reduce the cost by helping with the repairs, they agreed as they hoped to salvage some of the winnings. Unfortunately, there was still a chance of further discipline. If the masters decided the damage had been intentional, the boys could end up expelled.

While performing the mind-numbing labor of tossing debris onto the lawn, Brock

s attention drifted to thoughts of Ashland. His heart began to ache, realizing that he wouldn

t be seeing much of her for a while.

With his mind distracted, he lost his balance when tossing a large chunk of stone. He twisted and grabbed the edge of the broken wall. With half of his body hanging outside, his face ended buried in the gap between the two layers of the outer wall. As he began to pull himself back into the room, he noticed something odd.

An object was wedged between the two layers of bricks. Reaching in with his free hand, his fingers scrambled for purchase. Once he got a grip on it, he pulled his discovery from the wall.

Using both hands, he lifted the thick book and blew out a deep breath, sending a cloud of dust into the air. When the dust cleared, it revealed a gold starburst-shaped rune embossed on the dark red cover. Brock

s finger traced the indentations of the symbol. It enthralled him.

Brock, what do you have there?

Benny asked as he stepped close.


s a book.

Brock stared it.

It was stuck in the wall. I think it

s old.

Curious, Benny flipped the cover open. A message was written on the inside of the cover and on the opposing page. Brock tried to read the note on the left, realizing it was an unfamiliar language consisting of strange symbols. On the opposing page, he found something he could read.


Master Arcanist,

As I saw in my vision, you have found this book. If my vision holds true, you are the one who will sow the seeds of chaos. You are the catalyst of change, destined to send shockwaves throughout the Empire.

I chose to risk my life and store this volume away, for I do not agree with the path they have chosen. Their fear and shame has driven them to this end. The memory of the destruction wrought during the war is too powerful for anyone too soon forget, and thus, they have deemed it evil and have erased it from the histories. With the Horde exterminated, they see no need for this weapon. They choose to ignore that without it; man would have lost and would be extinct. They fail to acknowledge that evil exists in the brittle hearts of men and is expressed by how they use power. Evil does not exist in the power itself.

I leave this book to guide you and hope that it is enough. Unfortunately, it was the only one I could rescue from the fires. There may be others, but that is for you to determine. Use the knowledge contained within to prepare, for the survival of man may depend on it.

I foresee dark days ahead. The past will return to haunt the Ministry. The time for change is imminent. Seek out the light of truth, for it is your only hope. May your heart remain light under the heavy yoke you bear.


BOOK: The Buried Symbol (The Ruins of Issalia Book 1)
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