The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story (4 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story
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Allison couldn’t
wait. She arched her hips backwards, taking the tip of his cock
inside. But it wasn’t enough, and he pulled back slightly where
she couldn’t reach him. He placed his hands on her hips,
forcing her to stay in place. “You stay right there,” he
said softly but firmly.

Allison trembled, but
obeyed. He slid back, completely out of her body, and she whimpered
in reaction. Didn’t he know, didn’t he understand how
much she needed him? That she had to have him? And then, he was
easing forward, his hardness slipping inside, pushing inside, but
only an inch or two, teasing her, tormenting her. She cried out as he
slipped back out again, and she felt as if she would not be able to
bear the slow, agonizing torture. And then, with a moan, he surged
forward, thrusting hard and deep inside of her body.

“Oh yes!”
Allison’s cries filled the room, as he slid back and slammed
into her again. He thrust hard, filling her completely, as the heat
flooded through her body. He pounded into her, and she could feel the
tip of him slamming into the back of her slick opening. She wanted
him there, as hard and deep as it was possible for him to be.

He leaned forward over
her body, grabbing her wrists. He pulled them backwards, holding her
arms to her sides, forcing her body flush against the mattress. His
back pressed against her, she could feel the hard muscles of his pecs
and abs against the softness of her back. His hips pistoned against
hers, his cock rapidly thrusting in and out, stroking against the
sensitive spot inside.

Then he took her hand
in his, and slid it under her body. She lifted her hips slightly to
make room for them, as he slipped her hand to the swollen bud of her
clit. She whimpered as he forced her hand against her own body, her
fingers sliding through the wetness, guided by his fingers.

It felt so illicit, so
wicked to touch herself while he felt her do it. As he pounded in and
out, her clit rubbed against her fingers as he made her stroke
herself there. And then it was building again--that incredible,
electrifying pressure inside. Her hips bucked back against him,
seeking him, demanding he pound her deeper. She was ravenous for his
touch, for the almost brutal driving as he slammed into her body.

Suddenly, she was
screaming out again, her body writhing and thrashing underneath him
as another orgasm crashed through her body. She was delirious with
pleasure, as her fingers slipped between his hand and her body. His
other arm pulled her tighter, his chest sliding along her back as she
completely lost control.

She was drowning in
waves, waves that slammed through her over and over as his cock
fucked her hard and deep. And then Craig was groaning in her ear, the
deep, low moan louder and louder.

Unexpectedly, his head
lifted away from her, thrown back as a loud cry matched her sudden
scream. He was pulsing into her, spasming as he came, clenching her
ass tight to his body. Over and over he spurted, his passion and
desire flooding her.

His thighs slapped
against hers, still hard and deep, as her body clenched him tightly,
milking every last drop of pleasure from his still rigid cock. And
then he was shuddering against her, one last spasm wracking his body.

Allison felt groggy and
she came back to reality, Craig rolling to lay beside her on the bed.
Slowly, she turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were captivated
by his intense black ones, and she didn’t even know what to
say. She felt suddenly embarrassed, mortified that she had fallen
into bed with him so quickly. But even worse, even worse was that she
had let him do such intensely intimate things, had let him push her
into completely losing control.

A scarlet flush crept
up her skin, tinting her face with the heat of her embarrassment. But
then Craig was stroking the side of her face, his fingers playing
gently along the arch of her cheekbone and brushing the soft curve of
her lip. His expression was so gentle, so tender that for a moment
she felt as if her heart had stopped being.

And then the expression
was gone, leaving a glint of mischievousness. “So, are you
going to tell me you don’t normally do things like this?”
He didn’t seem to mind one bit that she was embarrassed. In
fact, he was obviously thoroughly amused by her blush.

“Well, I don’t.”
Allison shifted nervously where she was bent over the bed, realizing
that her feet were still splayed apart and anchored to the footboard.
She couldn’t move away from him if she tried. Not that she
wanted to.

He reached up to stroke
her hair, tucking a stray curl behind her ear, his grin chasing away
some of her apprehension and making her heart flip inside her chest.
She had never seen a sexier, more appealing smile in her life.

“Then perhaps I
can convince you to do it more often.” His voice held that
deep, bass ring that made some hidden part inside her core throb all
over again.

Allison found herself
staring at his lips as he spoke, mesmerized by their movement. In
another heartbeat, his lips were brushing hers, softly at first, and
then intently. As their tongues danced against each other, she let
herself float in a new kind of pleasure, a happiness that bubbled up
from deep inside. Perhaps, this new experience was a good thing.
Perhaps, it was the beginning of something beautiful.

She wrapped her arms
around his shoulders, and simply let herself move with the moment.


About the Author

Lane Masters is a freelance author living the life in sunny Florida.
Always a lover of romance and a good story, Lane has found her true
calling in writing erotica. She writes hot, steamy romantic erotica
across a variety of genres, with a special emphasis on the unusual or
forbidden pleasures, the kinds of fantasies that people enjoy but
seldom voice to one another. Check out her website at
Of course, you can find Lane on Facebook, too!

Seductive Stories

Thank you for buying
The Billionaire’s Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story
. Please enjoy this bonus excerpt from

Kira grimaced and
checked the balance of the platter on her right hand as she walked
past the grizzly-faced trucker. Sure enough, a swift hand smacked her
bottom as the old coot chuckled. She turned, as realistic a smile as
she could muster plastered on her face, and shook her finger at him.
“No flirting now, Buster, you naughty boy! I don’t want
to spill Mack’s bacon and eggs.”

She managed to deliver
the food to the table without dropping it, topped off Mack’s
nearly empty cup of coffee from the steaming pot in her other hand,
and circled around to the left, avoiding Buster and his heavy smacks.
Back behind the register, her fellow waitress in the greasy spoon
shook her head. “It’s amazing what we do for a $1.50
tip,” Amy said.

agreed Kira. “Now if those tips would just add up enough to
fight off Spencer, I would be okay.” Her deep sigh brought a
sympathetic smile from Amy.

giving you trouble again?”

Kira nodded as she
processed the ticket of the customer who had just finished eating at
the bar in front of the grill. “He says that since I can’t
provide the kind of home I used to and had to move into the studio
apartment, it counts as a ‘change in circumstances’ and
he is taking me back to court to get custody of Jamie.”

“Oh, Kira, surely
he can’t really do that, can he?”

“I’m not
sure. I have an appointment with my lawyer after I drop Jamie off at
school this morning, but I don’t think it sounds good. Since we
lost the real estate business, I have just gone down and down, while
he went to work for his dad and makes tons more money than I do. He
is saying that the studio isn’t a good environment, it’s
a dangerous place, and that the school Jamie has to go to is old and
poor performing. And he has that beautiful new town home on Remington
Boulevard, not far from the new elementary school.”

And then was the
unspoken fact that Spencer could afford another fifteen grand for a
custody battle. No matter which way they were added up, it would take
years for Kira’s tips to amount to that. Tears welled up in her
eyes as she rambled, and she hastily brushed them away. Looking up,
she handed the customer his change. “Thank you for coming.
Please come again soon.”

“I certainly
will,” the man replied, his deep voice sliding over her like
warm, melted butter. The customer had been in several times over the
last couple of weeks, and his tall, well-muscled body was enough to
make any hot-blooded, straight woman drool.
He is so sexy.
Kira couldn’t silence the voice in the back of her head as she
took in the dark brown, tousled hair, coffee-colored eyes, broad
shoulders, and strong, long-fingered hands. If she weren’t so
distressed at the thought of losing her son, she would probably
flirt. But he was always dressed so expensively, with such a groomed
appearance, that she realized that he was way out of her league,
financially, anyway. A few years ago, maybe not, but now…


Blake appraised the
young waitress in front of him. Her self-assured yet slightly
innocent demeanor, combined with a gorgeous, round ass, had caught
his eye when had first wandered in a few weeks ago. He had wanted to
ask her out, in fact he was starting to become a little obsessed with
the idea, but girls like her tended to react quite strongly when they
discovered what he liked in bed.

Kira’s long,
caramel curls fell in front of her eyes, and she brushed them back
with graceful, slender fingers, as Blake surreptitiously examined her
full breasts. Those soft, round globes tapered to a slender waist
followed by full hips. She held herself tall, determination etched on
her face, but her desperation spilled over in her voice as she spoke
of the possibility of losing her son. She sounded as if she would do
anything to keep her kid. Anything…

Blake took his receipt
from the waitress and dropped a tip by his plate. When he got to his
car, instead of driving straight to the office, he circled around to
the back of the small “Open 24 Hours” restaurant, where
he assumed the employees parked. He would see just how desperate she
might be.


Kira swept the tip from
beside the plate, glancing at it before she put it in her pocket. She
expected a couple of dollars, no more, so she froze, completely
stunned, when she realized she was holding a one thousand dollar bill
in her hand. What the hell? Why in the world would that guy have left
a thousand dollars? Sure, he looked wealthy, but the wealthy didn’t
stay that way by throwing away a grand on waitresses.

Then logic crept in.
The drastic tip had been a mistake. He was going for a dollar, and
carelessly left the wrong bill. Likely, he would be back as soon as
he realized his error, asking for it back. Wow. How much money did
that guy have, that he would accidentally pull out a thousand dollar
bill from his wallet?

Oh well. It would make
a good story to tell later. She slid the money into an envelope to
hold it, intending to put it in the cash register for the manager to
return, but then she hesitated. What if he was more like some rich,
guardian angel, and it hadn’t been a mistake? Leaving the money
in the envelope, just in case, she went to the back of the restaurant
and slid it into her purse. Her shift was ending, and Spencer would
be dropping Jamie off in a few minutes. She would drive him to
school, as she did every Monday morning, and then go home and sleep.
After that appointment with the attorney.


Blake leaned against
the side of the car, his strong arms folded intimidatingly across his
broad chest whose hard muscles even the suit could not disguise. In
contrast, his long legs stretched out and crossed casually at the
ankles, making him an imposing study in opposites. Kira stepped out
the door, her conversation with Amy keeping her from noticing Blake’s
attractive form, at first. Then, her eyebrows flew up in surprised,
as he unfolded his legs and stood in front of one of the sharpest
sports cars she had ever seen. Her eyes swept from him to the car.
She didn’t recognize the model, but the Porsche emblem was
unmistakable. Not only did this car drip money, it reeked of speed
and adrenaline.

“Well, that
didn’t take long,” she muttered, disappointed, to Amy. It
sucked to have to give the money back, but the last thing she needed
was to lose this job because of a disgruntled, wealthy customer.

She walked over to the
car, that whisper in her ear from the moment at the cash register
reiterating the opinion from before.
God, he is sexy
. Fishing
out the envelope, she held it out to him. “Noticed it was
missing, huh?”

Blake stood to his full
height, and at over six feet tall, he towered over her much smaller
frame. Good. He liked the feeling of power it gave him.

“No, I meant to
leave it.”

Kira was more confused
now than when she had initially found the money. “Why on earth
would you leave a thousand dollar tip?” she asked. “The
service wasn’t that good!”

“I couldn’t
help but overhear the conversation you had with the other waitress.
About your ex trying to take your kid.”

Kira flushed in
embarrassment. Sharing too much information in front of her regulars.
God, when will I learn to just keep my mouth shut? Especially in
front of customers?

“Well, I
appreciate your thought, but it is nothing I can’t handle. And
I don’t accept charity, so you need to take this back,”
she said, finality ringing in her tone, holding the money out to him.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story
10.62Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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