The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story (2 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story
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“I hope you don’t
mind the less formal entry,” he said. “But if I drop you
off at the front door, you’ll be completely wet.” Allison
nearly choked at his words, her first irrational thought utterly
inappropriate. She hesitated, wondering if she should say the first
response that popped into her mind. He looked so…proper. What
if he was offended?

To hell with it. She
hadn’t gotten where she was in life by being afraid of doing
something risky. “That’s okay. I like getting wet.”
She let the implication hang heavily in her voice, her eyes sliding
to his face. He glanced at her as if weighing her statement, as if
wondering if she meant what it sounded like she did. She grinned and
winked at him, amused at his surprise. He climbed out of the car
wearing a bemused expression, and Allison chuckled as she finally
closed the car door.

Like a gentleman, Craig
opened the house door for her, and she stepped inside to an informal,
tiled foyer. The kitchen was to her left, and a long hall to the
right. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get you out
of those wet clothes.” Allison blinked at his words. God, he
was so sexy, she would be happy to strip off every inch right in
front of him. But he quickly strode through the kitchen, not waiting
for her response, and Allison followed closely after.

The sight of the living
room took her breath away. A huge, tiled fireplace took up almost the
entire side of one half of the room, and a water sculpture, flowing
into a small, indoor pool enhanced the other side. In between, were
various seating arrangements, obviously set up for formal

Craig heard her gasp
and glanced back at her. “Yes, I know. It’s a little bit
much. My decorator said the fire and water give some sort of symbolic
balance to the room.” He rolled his eyes. Allison glanced at
him. Only a man would say something like that. The room was stunning.

“You can hang out
in here, if you like, and I’ll go find something dry for you to
wear.” He gestured to the room around them. “I think my
sister left some close last time she was here. You look like you’re
probably about her size.” He headed up the long, winding
staircase that graced the side of the room, while Allison stood there
still admiring the waterfall.

Finally, she turned to
the fireplace, with its huge wooden mantel. It was adorned with a
number of figurines that appeared to be statues and collectibles from
other countries. She walked closer, and was surprised to notice one
at the end. About a foot tall, it was a replica of some sort of
African fertility God. Although she had never seen one, Allison
figure there was not much else it could be. The face of the figurine
was long and carved, as if wearing a mask. But what gave it away, was
the enormous cock that stood erect, projecting out, from the statue.
Although the statue was only a foot high, the dick was big enough for
a real, human man.

Allison laughed out
loud and shook her head. Apparently, Craig had more of a sense of
humor than she would’ve thought. And he had seemed so uptight
in the car. She turned away, wondering what else she would be able to

However, basic needs
came before curiosity, and Allison and realize that after several
hours in the car, her only company the radio and a 32 ounce soda, she
had to find a bathroom before she did anything else. Her eyes roamed
around the room, looking for what might be a bathroom door. She
shrugged and then headed for the stairs to ask Craig where it was.
She wasn’t going to snoop around the whole downstairs house
trying to find a toilet.

A door near the top of
the stairs was open, and Allison quickly found a designer decorated
half bathroom, obviously for guests. As she stepped out after using
the expensive, lavender soap, she could hear noise coming from a
room at the end of the hall. She surmised that was the guest bedroom
and Craig was searching in there for clothes for her, and so she
headed that direction. “Craig?” She called as she turned
the doorknob and stepped inside.

The room was anything
but a guest room.

Oh, there was a bed in
there all right. But it certainly wasn’t designed for
comfortable sleeping. The iron bed was not very large, probably only
full-sized, but that wasn’t really what drew her attention. The
iron posts were tall, almost like a four-poster bed, but the posts
were extremely thick and sturdy looking. At the top of the posts,
thick, iron rods connected every side, as if it was a canopy bed.

Most striking of all
were the two chains dangling from the rod at the top of the foot of
the bed. Chains with leather cuffs hanging on the ends. She blinked
in surprise and then glanced down and noticed that matching cuffs
were attached at the foot of the bed. No. This bed was certainly not
made for sleeping.

Allison glanced around.
This room was obviously private. Hell, it should have been locked.
But undeniable curiosity filled her. She had heard of things like
this, people who pushed boundaries in the bedroom. She had simply
never experienced it before. And Allison lived for the thrill of new

Feeling guilty but
unable to resist temptation, Allison stepped into the room, glancing
around. This room put the African fertility God statue to shame!

There was a glass
cabinet on one wall, and Allison’s jaw dropped when she noticed
what was inside. She stepped over to the shiny glass to have a closer
look. Arranged inside was an assortment of whips, floggers, and
paddles. There was a flogger with long, black leather strands,
another with what looked to be red velvet strands, and a third with
thick, brown tassels. There was a round paddle, several long,
rectangular paddles, and even one with heart shaped cutouts. Along
the side, was a variety of handcuffs and other accoutrements that
Allison could not even begin to identify.

A quivery feeling
filled Allison, and she suddenly realized her palms were sweaty. Her
heart was beating audibly, loud in her own ears, and her knees
actually felt unsteady. Wow. Here she was in a stranger’s home,
in a wild sex room, and she was getting turned on. Her eyes darted
back to the iron bed. What would it feel like to be cuffed there? To
be held and forced to submit?

She looked back at the
paddles and floggers, her eyes taking in the wicked strands and hard
wood. Yes, Allison loved thrills, but she wasn’t really into
pain. Still, curiosity beat hot in her veins. She was so mesmerized
she did not even notice when Craig stepped through the adjoining
bathroom door and found her there.

“Well, I see you
found my play room.” The deep voice from behind her made
Allison jump sky-high. She turned with a mortified flush rushing to
her face.

I’m sorry. I was looking for the bathroom and… Well, I
thought you were in here.” Allison realized her voice was
trembling, and she clenched her fists, trying to get herself under
control. Her embarrassment at being caught snooping was almost
instantly turned to worry. Would he be able to tell how turned on she
was? Would he notice the rapid pounding of the pulse in her throat or
the flush of her skin?

Craig’s eyes
narrowed. “The restroom is right through there.” His
voice was clipped, and Allison knew he had to be aggravated at the
obvious invasion of his personal space. Shamefaced, she hung her

I’m really, really sorry. I know you must think I’m so
nosy.” Allison fumbled for what to say. She gestured around
her. “This room is really something else. I mean, it’s
really cool. I mean…” Allison figured she better shut up
before she said something that would really humiliate herself.

Craig raised his
eyebrows at her response, slowly looking her over. Allison blushed
deeper under his view, aware that goose bumps had broken out over her
skin, and she couldn’t quite stop the quivering. Then his eyes
narrowed and he took a step toward her. Allison found she was holding
her breath.

She looked up into his
eyes and felt as if he instantly took her captive. His eyes held hers
as he took another step closer. An exhilarating thrill rushed through
her, as if she were being approached by wild jaguar. And then, he was
close enough to touch her.

Unhurriedly, leisurely
he lifted his hand and traced a slow line down the bare skin of her
arm. An uncontrollable shudder rushed through her. Nervously, the
pink tip of her tongue darted out to moisten her now dry lips.
Everything felt surreal, and even though she was filled with
curiosity and exhilaration, she couldn’t believe she was
letting this happen. This was a step on the wild side, even for her.

“Well, Miss
Allison, I do believe you’re actually turned on by what you see
in this room.” Slowly, Craig walked around her, and she stood
nervously as both of his hands came up to gently stroke her arms from
behind. His voice was a low whisper in her ear, and the cool
sensation of his breath drove her wild. “Have you ever wanted
to ‘play’ like this before?” His hands caressed her
skin, and she felt as if her knees would not be able to support her
weight. She closed her eyes and slowly shook her head. No.

Craig’s deep
chuckle sent a rush through her veins. And she knew. She knew he was
going to make her come.

Craig did not say
another word but slowly moved his hands from rubbing her arms up to
her shoulders. His strong fingers slid the straps of her tank top to
the side, bearing the smooth arch of her collarbones. His fingers
brushed there, and Allison sighed at his touch. She felt the brush of
his hair against the side of her face as he bent his head and softly
placed his lips at the cleft of her shoulder and neck. Instinctively,
she tipped her head to the side, giving him complete access.

The sensation of his
hot lips against her sensitive flesh sent a rush of fire straight to
her core. His teeth nibbled their way up her neck, his tongue
stroking and lips delighting. Then his mouth reached her ear, and his
teeth gently nipped at the soft lobe.

This was the one thing
that had always driven Allison absolutely wild. For some reason,
having a guy nibble on her ear was one of the most erotic things in
the world for her. She had once wondered if a guy kissed her there
enough, would she be able to come just from that simple touch?
Probably not, but kissing her there stroked her so high that any
orgasm after was as explosive as an atomic bomb.

Allison shivered and
she knew that he could feel just how fast her heart was beating in
the throbbing artery of her neck. His fingers stroked the pulse, and
her heart only beat faster.

Then Craig was pulling
her back against him, and she could feel the hardness of his pecks
and abs behind her. But when he grasped her hips and pulled her ass
flush against him, she gasped. She could feel the rigidity of his
hard cock pressing against her, sliding against the soft curves of
her bottom.

She had the urge to
turn, shove his pants down, and take him in her mouth. She wanted to
taste him, stroke him with her tongue, and explore every rippled inch
of that thick, hard cock. She ground her hips back against him,
encouraging him, exciting him.

But then he was tugging
her backwards, her head swimming with arousal and pleasure. He turned
her slowly until she was facing the bed, their feet a slow dance to
the rhythm pulsing through their blood. He stroked his hands down her
arms again, and grasped her wrists with his strong fingers. As he
kissed his way to the back of her neck, he slowly lifted her hands
above her head. Then she felt the stiff cuff around her right wrist,
and she blinked in surprise.

Expert hands fasten the
cuff in a flash, and then his attention was shifted to her other
hand. Alarm flashed through her, the desire and arousal quickly
shifting to a flood of panic. “No, wait.” For some
reason, Allison had been expecting this. She fought for control of
her racing thoughts, trying hard to process what was happening. “I
didn’t mean…”

Craig was standing in
front of her by this time, his eyes roving openly over her body.
“Shhh.” He placed the long finger over her lips, hushing
her objection. “It’s okay.” His eyes were heavily
lidded, and she knew he was just as turned on a she was. “Don’t
worry. I’m not going to hurt you. Besides, you and I both know
you want to try this out.”

Allison glanced up to
see her hands dangling from the chains above. The pulse of anxiety
that flooded her also filled her with excitement and an unfamiliar
desire. She looked back at the strong man standing behind her. He was
slowly unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off to reveal impeccably
muscular pecks and biceps. Her eyes dipped down to the rippling
hardness of his six-pack abs, following the shaded trail that dipped
down into the waistband of his pants. God, he was sexy.

Nervously, she licked
her lips as she watched him strip off his clothes. “Yes,”
she said slowly. “But…”

He looked at her and
raised his eyebrows. “But what?” By this time, he was
down to nothing but his pants, which did little to reveal the obvious
bulge straining at the cloth. He turned from her as she stood there,
bound, filled with both excitement and uncertainty. Swiftly he
crossed to the cabinet and opened its glass doors, the array of toys
to choose from simultaneously thrilling and terrifying her from where
she watched.

“I… I
don’t like pain.” There. She said it.

Craig chuckled, for a
split second Allison thought it was because he got an illicit thrill
from the idea of hurting her. “Don’t worry, Allison.”
The sound of her name on his lips sent another jolt of fire through
her. “I have no intention of hurting you. I won’t do
anything you don’t want me to.” He pulled a couple of
selections from the cabinet, and Allison’s head was swimming
with confusion when he stood in front of her holding a flogger. Why
on earth was he standing there with an instrument of torture if he
had no intention of hurting her?

BOOK: The Billionaire's Playroom: An Erotic Dominance Story
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