The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1)
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Chapter Eight


It was late in the evening by the time Fiera and Canyon lay in their bed, alone at last. She snuggled against her mate’s warm body and sighed. “You must be exhausted.”

“I am, but not
much.” He rolled on top of her and pinned both arms over her head. “Certainly not too tired to make love to my mate again.”

That’s exactly what she’d been hoping for. “I hope you’re never too tired for that.”

He nuzzled her neck, gently licking the bite he’d placed there last night. It was still tender to the touch, but Fiera didn’t mind. Having him lick it sent an odd thrill through her body, as if any touch on it remarked her once more as his.

“My family adores you.”

“I adore them. Your house is so warm and fun.” Even her father had seemed more like his old self. Maybe all he needed was to be around others during the day?

“Are you still upset about the complaint Hawke filed?”

“Yes, but in retrospect it’s not a surprise.” She wished she didn’t have to talk about it, but knew Canyon would want to. “We both acknowledged he would do this. He’s not the kind of man who makes empty threats.”

Canyon kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Fiera moaned deep in her throat and arched her hips toward him, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her again. Everything else would have to wait. She wanted nothing to interfere with the first night in their own home.

After he released her mouth, he let go of her wrists to slide his tongue into the valley between her breasts. He took them in his strong hands and kneaded them. “He can’t hurt us, Fiera. Not really. Not anymore. You’re mine now.”

“Canyon, I love you, and I know this is important, but can we please not talk about Hawke or his family tonight? All I want to do is make love to you again.”

The look he gave her was filled with adoration and understanding. “Of course. In fact, let’s make a pact. No more talking about Hawke or his family in this bed. Or in this room, even.”

“That’s a wonderful idea. Thank you.”

As he kissed her again, Fiera melted into his embrace, loving the contrast between his hard, muscled body and the tenderness of his kisses. She had made the right choice. There was no doubt in her mind now. She belonged to this man, and she belonged with his family.

The touch of his hands roaming over her body was now so familiar, she felt as though she’d been with Canyon for years instead of less than two days. He slipped his dick into her pussy before she had time to realize what was happening. Fiera moaned loudly as he moved in and out, so slowly it was torture. Every stroke massaged that sweet spot deep within her, until a lazy but strong orgasm overtook her.

“Oh, Fiera … I love to feel you come when I’m inside you.”

As the contractions went on and on, she wrapped her arms tighter around Canyon and kissed him. When he released the kiss and withdrew, she realized he hadn’t come yet. He cupped her face gently, his gaze tentative. “There’s something I want to try. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“What is it?” She’d give this man anything he wanted.

He gave her a sheepish grin, turned her on her side, and caressed her back. Fiera moaned softly. “That feels nice.” He moved his hands lower, lightly slapping her ass cheeks, and she thought what he wanted was to spank her, until he spread her ass cheeks and brushed a finger across her asshole. “Oh…”

“Does that feel nice, too?” His voice was filled with hope, and she smiled.

“Yes, actually, it does.”

“Don’t move.” He practically jumped off the bed and walked over to his dresser, opened a bottom drawer, and removed a jar and a box of condoms. Fiera sat up when she realized what he wanted to do.

“You don’t want to try.” The expression on his face conveyed such disappointment, her heart went out to him.

“I’m not sure how I feel about it. Patti told me it hurts.”

“That’s because Patti’s mate is a boorish ox.”

right about Derek. The cougar shifter had the manners of a goat. Fiera couldn’t help but laugh softly.

“I won’t let it hurt you, my love.” He sat next to her on the bed and kissed her again. Fiera’s body responded, which didn’t surprise her. How could she refuse her mate anything? He released the kiss and trailed his tongue down her back. Slowly and deliberately he pushed her onto her stomach, where he kissed her ass cheeks. Fiera moaned as delicious sensations coursed through her.

“How does this feel?” he asked, his voice coaxing.


When he spread her ass cheeks and licked her asshole, she gasped in pleasure. “And this?”

“Oh my God…”

Canyon continued licking her ass, and lightly slapping the cheeks, until Fiera’s clit throbbed and her pussy grew wet again.

“What do you think?” His voice was rough and edgy, and she knew that meant he was on the verge of losing his self-control. Clearly, he was seducing her into trying this, but that realization didn’t make her angry. She loved the fact he could talk her into anything. It was part of his charm.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’ll try it.”

“I knew you would.”

As he growled deep in his throat, Fiera smiled. The surge of power she felt when she discovered how happy such tiny gestures made Canyon was heady. She wanted to feel this way all the time. He picked up the box of condoms and put one on. She watched, fascinated, as such an incongruous-looking piece of latex could fit over his swollen cock.

Next he unscrewed the lid of the jar and the scent of coconut wafted past her nose. “I know that smell. Your mother was brewing some sort of concoction with it yesterday.”

“Who do you think gave it to me?”

When he chuckled, Fiera sat up and stared at him, heat rising to her face. “Your
made you lube so you could have anal sex with me?”

“Relax, my love. She uses it for other purposes, too. Lubrication was merely one suggestion when she gave me this jar.”

“Your parents are very open about sex.”

“Yes, but isn’t it better that way?” He nuzzled her neck. “Making love is a natural and normal part of a mated relationship. They only want us to be happy.”

“I am happy, Canyon.”

The expression on his face grew tender. “Then I have everything I need in life.” Fiera lay prone once more and closed her eyes. She heard a liquid sound, just before a warm, wet finger slid into her asshole. She sighed out loud as a sweet, peaceful sensation spread through her.

“How does that feel?” Canyon moved his finger in and out, slowly.


“Feels pretty damn nice from my end, too.” His voice had that rough quality once more, and a thrill of excitement raced through Fiera. This might be fun if she relaxed and let it happen. He removed his finger and this time slipped two inside. It burned for a few seconds, but soon it felt wonderful again.

When he slid his other hand underneath and began to tease her clit, Fiera moaned. This was heaven. His fingers inside her, and his other hand on her pussy, moving at precisely the right speed and rhythm. He’d learned so much about how her body responded in two short days.

As he removed his fingers from her asshole, he kept his hand on her pussy for a few moments, prolonging her desire. When he pulled his hand away, he settled his body between her legs. He leaned over and kissed her ass cheeks again. “Are you ready? I’m going to claim you once more, Fiera. This time in your sweet ass.”

Waves of pleasure coursed through her as Canyon smacked her ass cheeks, harder now. Fiera cried out, so turned-on she could hardly stand it. He was the sexiest man alive, and she’d give him anything he wanted for the rest of her life. “Yes. I’m ready. Take me.”

A low growl escaped his throat as his sheathed cock teased the opening to her anus. Fiera forced her muscles to relax while he inched it inside. When he reached underneath and teased her clit again, that made it much easier. The burning lasted for a moment, but once it stopped, all she felt was exquisite pleasure unlike any she’d known with him so far. She loved this! Patti’s mate must definitely be doing it wrong.

“Oh, Fiera.” The speed of his thrusting increased, but so did the rubbing on her clit, and her next orgasm was very close now. “Oh, baby. That is so fucking

Words were impossible. All she could do was lie there as the climax washed over her, swift and powerful. She whimpered, and he growled in pleasure as he fucked her faster now. She was lost in the sensations, and never wanted this to end.

When he came, droplets of sweat splashed her back and his cries filled the room. He lay over her, breathing heavily in her ear. “You’re mine in every way now.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I always will be.”

When he licked the bite he’d made last night, Fiera moaned again as waves of pleasure accompanied the gesture. “And don’t forget that. You belong to me, Fiera. You will always be mine.”

was what mattered. She wanted nothing more for the rest of her life. Making love to her mate in every possible way. Not the Elders, or Hawke and his family, or the business. Only this. Only Canyon, her one true love and forever mate.


Chapter Nine


Canyon hated leaving Fiera the next day, but she’d promised to stay in the house with his family. This would give her time to spend with her father, and it would give Canyon and his father time to begin their investigation in earnest. They were going to Seattle for the day to use the computers where his father worked so they could dig up information on what the Medinas were doing behind the scenes.

It wasn’t that they were trying to hide their investigation from anyone his father worked with, but the Internet in their village wasn’t fast or reliable enough for their needs, plus by going in on a Sunday, they wouldn’t be disturbing anyone else. They also wouldn’t be interrupted. They could work all day and into the evening if necessary.

His father had suggested they bookmark any sites they needed to explore further, then use the small office space he rented in Port Angeles on Monday to continue their work. That way, they’d be closer to the village, and his father could still work on his actual job duties as needed. Neither one liked like being ninety minutes or longer from their family so often.

It was always a shock for Canyon to go into the city with his father, even though he was there several days a week. Seattle was a mass of concrete and steel structures, with so many people about, Canyon always felt claustrophobic and edgy. Today, he couldn’t help feeling they were being watched, although he knew it was unlikely.

It was more likely he felt overly paranoid now that he knew Hawke’s family was aware he and Fiera were mated, but hadn’t done or said anything in response. Other than file the complaint against her father, of course. But that had been done before they knew, and Canyon didn’t believe for one moment they would have held off much longer on doing that, regardless.

“How are things?” asked his father.

Canyon gave him a sly glance. He knew that tone of voice.

“If you want to know how I like being mated and finally able to have sex with her, just ask.”

“We did raise all of you to be open and honest, didn’t we?” His father laughed easily.

“Do you regret that?”

“No. Not at all.”

“To answer your question, it’s wonderful. Not just the sex, which is fabulous enough. To sleep in her arms, and know when I wake she’ll be there in my house. I can come home to her every night. I have someone to take care of and to protect, and she loves me. She really loves me. In spite of all my faults.”

“I know she does.” His father smiled indulgently. “She’s an extraordinary girl. You did the right thing, even if the Elders don’t think so.”

“Thank you for helping me plan it.” Canyon frowned. “Why do you think Hawke or Amasa haven’t sought me out? They have to be super pissed off about this.”

“I wish I knew. I suspect they’re planning to, but they’re probably waiting to see who is on our side.”

“Well no one is on theirs. Surely they know that. The only reason they have anyone’s cooperation is due to their bullying and threats.”

“Yes, I’m sure they know it, and that’s why we need to step this up now.” Canyon’s father nodded, his gaze thoughtful now as they drove. “It bothers me, too, that neither of them has contacted us.” He cut his gaze toward Canyon for a second. “Almost as if they know something we don’t.”

A shiver ran down Canyon’s spine. “Do you think it was wise to leave Fiera alone today?”

“She’s not alone. Stone, Arizona, and Cletus are home today. They won’t allow anyone near the house or near your mate.”

“Neither will Mother.”

The men laughed. It was true that his mother was just as much of a force to be reckoned with as any alpha male lynx. When they arrived at the office, Canyon was surprised to see Gillian Wallis there. She was one of the attorneys on their staff, but he didn’t realize they worked on weekends.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” she said, shaking Canyon’s hand. “Luke told me you were married yesterday.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.” They always spoke of their mating in terms of a marriage when they talked about their mates or the ceremony in front of humans. Canyon’s glance traveled over Gillian. She had graduated from UW two years prior at the top of her class, but he still felt she looked way too young to already have a law degree. She was very pretty, with long blonde hair and big blue eyes. Canyon had always thought Stone or Arizona would find her very attractive. He preferred dark-haired women, like Fiera.

“I’ve asked Gillian to help us,” said his father. “She’s a genius when it comes to ferreting out names behind companies and contracts.”

“I didn’t realize that.” He barely knew Gillian. “How did you become interested in that particular area?”

“My grandmother was the victim of a particularly intricate scheme aimed at the elderly several years ago. They bilked her out of tens of thousands of dollars, and I made it my mission to out them.”

“Were you successful?”

“Oh yes. And luckily for us they were all US citizens, so they’re in prison now. My grandmother was able to recover most of her money as well.”

Now he understood. Canyon gave his father a knowing look, and could see by the expression on his face that he’d already thought of the same idea, and that was why Gillian was in the office on a Sunday, along with them.

“Gillian has agreed to help us search, on the condition we not tell her why we’re doing this.”

“I don’t want this to be an ethical dilemma for you,” said Canyon. He had considered that possibility, but figured his father knew what he was doing. He hadn’t, however, expected his father would bring in a human on this issue.

“It’s not, son. The less personal details Gillian knows, the more impartial her research is.”

“I see.” He nodded. “Thank you, Gillian.” Canyon glanced around at the empty cubicles. “Where do we start?”


Fiera felt uneasy, even in a houseful of people. She had helped Leah make breakfast, and she’d helped clean up afterwards. There were many chores to do but Canyon’s sisters all pitched in, so Fiera found herself simply taking direction from each of them as needed. It wasn’t enough to take her mind off her anxiety, however.

One thing she couldn’t help notice was how lucid her father appeared to be, and as soon as she was able to get Leah alone, she asked about it.

“I’ve been giving him a special mixture of herbs in apple juice to drink, several times a day. Apparently that’s his favorite.”

“Oh yes. Apple juice. He loves it. What herbs?”

“Turmeric, gingko, salvia, and ginseng. It’s working, don’t you think?”

“The change is remarkable, but I feel foolish. If I’d known, I could have done this for him.”

“I’m the one who feels foolish. I should have come to your house and watched him on my own, not merely discussed it with my mate. I would have known what to do before now, and all this might have been avoided.”

“Please don’t say that. You have no idea how grateful I am. You took him into your home, and you’ve all accepted me as family. It’s more than I could ask for.”

“Fiera, you are family, dear. You and your father both are now. We’re not going to let anything happen to either of you.”

“Where is he now?”

“Reading a book on ancient runes I gave him.” Leah beamed with pride.

Had she heard correctly? “He is?” Fiera stared at her. “He hasn’t read anything in years. He loves runes. He used to work with them all the time.”

“He told me that, so I gave him the book to read.”

“You’re a miracle worker.”

“No.” Leah laughed softly. “Not at all. I’m merely using the gifts I was given.”

Male voices called out from the main room, and at first Fiera thought Canyon and Luke had returned, but instead she recognized them as belonging to Stone and Arizona. She and Leah went to greet the men.

“We have news for you,” said Stone. “The Elders came to see us.”

Fiera couldn’t speak. Her heart raced, and sweat broke out along her hairline. She knew they’d interview everyone in the village, but hadn’t expected them to start with her own family or Canyon’s close friends right away.

“Yeah, it was so lame,” said Arizona, plopping into a chair as if he’d just told them about something as inconsequential as a seeing a rabbit in the woods. “We told them your father is completely changed. All he needed was people around him who didn’t treat him like he’d done something wrong by growing older.”

“You should have heard him,” said Stone, cocking a thumb in Arizona’s direction. He took a seat next to his friend. “He was all like, we were taught to respect our elders, not toss them away like they were a nuisance.”

“Then Avery asked us why we were standing guard over his house. He actually used that phrase. Standing guard.”

“So I said we weren’t standing guard. We were living in it so no one came along and took it from him, like the Medinas were trying to take away Cash’s family business.”

“And of course they got all high and mighty and started in again about how no one has any proof of that, but Stone and I shot them down once more and said it was only a matter of time. We threw back in their faces all the families in our village who have been threatened by the Medina family but are too afraid to come forward, or who were threatened into withdrawing their complaints.”

“We told them if they really wanted to do something useful, they should investigate all those claims instead of bothering a man whose only fault was mourning his dead mate.” Stone shot Fiera an apologetic look. “I mean no offense by that.”

“I know you don’t.”

“You two certainly aren’t reluctant to stand up to them,” said Leah, her voice tinged with caution.

“Do you think we shouldn’t have done so?” asked Arizona.

“No, I think it’s fine you spoke your mind, as long as you did so respectfully. While I don’t agree with the way they have ignored requests from families in our village to do something about the Medinas, I also don’t believe we should be outright rude to them. They have a lot to weigh when it comes to deciding on which matters to intervene.”

“Yeah,” said Stone. “Like who does them the most personal favors.” It was no secret the Medina family made sure everyone in the village knew they brought the Elders prize game and their best crops each season.

“We’ve done our share of giving them gifts as well,” said Leah. “And don’t forget that we elected the Council members who appoint the Elders. While I certainly have my issues with them right now, we’re stuck with them for life. It’s easier to stay on their good sides.”

“The difference,” said Arizona, “is that you and Luke don’t go around bragging about it.”

“Are you suggesting the Elders are being bribed to make certain decisions by the Medinas?” asked Fiera.

Stone gave her a hard look. “Would that surprise you?”

“No, but it’s a dangerous accusation without proof.”

“Here we go with the proof again.” Arizona threw up his hands in a gesture of impatience.

“If they didn’t demand proof of what we’re accusing the Medinas of doing,” said Fiera, “anyone could make allegations against their neighbors, unfounded or not.”

“You should have been an attorney,” said Leah, giving her a wink.

“I don’t need to be in order to understand that if you’re going to beat someone at their own game, first you need to know what cards they hold in their hand.” Fiera smiled. “My father taught me that a long time ago.”

“Uncle Cash was a sharp man when we were kids,” said Stone. “Maybe he will be again one day, now that we’re all here to encourage him and keep him focused on things he used to enjoy doing.”

“Well, here’s something to help you all focus,” said Arizona. “The Elders said they’ll be here within three days to speak with each of you, including Fiera’s father. Alex mentioned they had already spoken to most of the families in the village. It sounded like they would make a decision after speaking with everyone here, so anything we can do to prepare your father would be good right now.”

“I’m not afraid of them,” said Fiera. “Not anymore.” She’d found new strength because of Canyon and his family. She glanced toward Stone. “What about Uncle Chance and Uncle Chad? They should be here, too, when this happens. This concerns them as well.”

“We’ll make sure they are,” said Stone. He opened his mouth as if to speak again, but instead turned his head abruptly toward the front door.

Fiera felt a chill go through her, and a vision popped into her head, making her dizzy for a second or two with its intensity.

“Hawke and his father are outside,” she said. “They’re coming to the door.”


BOOK: The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1)
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