The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1)
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“Not if I think with my head instead of my heart.”
Or my hormones
. Her gaze cut to his crotch. She hadn’t meant to do that and tried to correct it quickly, but he caught her.

The corners of his mouth turned up. “I’m not thinking with my dick, Fiera. Well, all right. I’m not thinking
with it. We both know I want you. I’m dying here. But you want me, too. That proves we’re mates as much as the love in our hearts does. As much as your visions prove it. Do you feel this way about Hawke at all?”

“No! Of course not.” She hugged herself tighter as a nasty shiver went down her spine. “There’s one more thing about that day in the woods I didn’t tell you.”

As he sat back on his heels, his expression turned dark again. “Go on.”

“Hawke tried to kiss me.”

There was no reason for Canyon to bother answering. Fiera saw the muscles in his jaw twitching. The air around him grew charged, as though a storm were brewing inside this cabin.

“He had his arms around me so tightly I could barely breathe. He tried to kiss me, and I struggled to get away. I finally … I kneed him in the groin. It was the only way to get him off me.”

Even that failed to erase the murderous look from Canyon’s eyes.

“That’s when he told me the only reason he didn’t take me, right there in the woods, was because he would honor the pack law. He would wait until I came of age. He told me I was his, and that there was nothing I could do to stop him from having me.”

The self-control Canyon was exercising mesmerized her. He rose and paced the cabin, punching one fist into the other, muttering under his breath, but she didn’t need to hear his exact words to catch the emotion. She could feel the black aura surrounding him.

The dangerous posture excited her as much as watching the muscles in his body flex while he walked. Her breathing grew quick, and her clit throbbed. She’d never been this aroused before. They were alone here. He had arranged it. This could happen, and then it would be done. Not even Hawke could reverse it. All she had to do was release the fear and give in.

Finally, he stopped and faced her, his expression now filled with determination and lust. “There’s only one way to fix this, and you know what it is. I have to mark you as my mate. Today, while he’s away with his family. By the time they return, there will be nothing either of them can do.”

Did it even matter which of them had read the other’s thoughts? They were of one mind right now, and if that didn’t prove they were truly mates, Fiera had no fucking clue what did.

“Your family will be involved, too.”

“I know that. They won’t care. We take care of each other. Fiera, don’t you understand? You’re my
. I will not stand by and watch Hawke take you from me.
will not stand by and watch it. You are not alone in this. You and your father have my family behind you now. If you want me, too, there’s no reason for us to delay any longer. We have the backing of the Elders. The hell with Hawke and his family.”

Everything he’d said was right. She had no one else to turn to or to trust. The Elders had made their decision, and if she allowed Hawke to continue, he’d defy them and break their law. They had recourse to deal with him for doing so, but the damage would be done. She would belong to Hawke forever. Any chance she’d have of being Canyon’s mate instead would be lost.

“I do want you, Canyon.
you. Do you forgive me for not telling you all this before?”

“Yes.” He breathed a sigh of relief as he spoke. “Of course I do.”

She couldn’t let Hawke claim her. She was meant to be with Canyon, and he was the only man she had ever wanted. She would do this. Right here and now. She would belong to Canyon for all eternity. It was what she’d wanted all her life, and only she had the power to make it happen.


Chapter Three


This moment had happened so many times in his dreams, but this was no dream. This was real. Canyon was almost afraid to believe what he saw and heard, for fear he’d hallucinated it. Fiera had agreed to mate with him. She wanted him, and only him. This was finally going to happen.

Every nerve ending was on fire as his cock throbbed with need. His heart filled with joy. His muscles grew taut, and he had trouble controlling the need to shift. The hair on his body seemed to stand at attention as he watched her face.

The last thing he wanted was to hurt or frighten her, but the urge to devour her was so strong. He would have to be careful. Her brilliant blue eyes blazed with love and desire as he finally snapped out of his daze and pulled her into his arms.

Kissing her earlier had been mind-blowing, but this time he slowed down to savor the experience. He teased her lips with his, reveling in the soft whimpers and moans his gesture produced. It took every ounce of willpower not to simply smash his lips against hers and shove his tongue into her mouth. He wanted to enjoy this, and more importantly, he wanted her to reach the very peak of her desire before he finally took her.

When she parted her lips he eased his tongue inside, moaning along with her. He’d never felt anything so fucking exquisite in his life. If kissing her was this erotic, what the hell would happen when his cock finally slid into her pussy? He’d surely die of happiness.

After she wrapped her arms around his waist, she moved one hand slowly down to grip his ass cheek. As soon as she did, Canyon started to shift. He held it back as much as possible, but had to release her mouth as his fangs came out. He was so fearful of harming her.

“Canyon…” Her voice came out in a breathy whisper, dripping with need and awe. “I never knew it would be like this.”

“Neither did I, love.” He grazed her neck with his teeth, dying for a taste. But not yet. This wasn’t the right time to mark her. It had to be done after he was inside. He had to slow down and hold it together for little while longer.

To help get his emotions under control, Canyon released her body. “I want to see you naked.”

Right. That’ll help you keep your lust in check.

As she started to pull off her top, he caught her wrists in one hand. One hand that had already begun to shift into a paw. She gasped, but it wasn’t from fear or revulsion. The look in her eyes made his dick hurt so badly he could barely stand it. He’d never seen any woman this aroused. It made him feel powerful, like he could do anything.

“Let me do it.” Canyon released her wrists, then poised his hands over her breasts. Her shoulders move up and down as she breathed. He swore he could hear the very pores in her skin opening and closing. He’d never been so hyper aware of another living creature. If that alone didn’t prove this woman was his mate, nothing did.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Fiera.” He laid his hands on top of the fabric, holding her gaze as she made tiny noises in the back of her throat.

“I know that.”

The trust she’d placed in him struck him suddenly. After everything she’d just told him, convinced that the Medina family would hurt her, her father, and his family if this happened, she still stood before him, willing and ready to mate with him. Only a woman who truly loved him, and recognized him as her mate, would do this. The fact that she hadn’t told him right away was now officially gone from his mind for good.

A deep growl rose up as Canyon placed his hands on her breasts. He couldn’t help it. Sweat broke out along his hairline with the effort not to shift. Fiera closed her eyes and tipped her head back, as if offering her throat to him. He couldn’t imagine hanging on until he put his dick inside her. He was already losing what little control he still had.

She moved closer, pushing his hands against her breasts until he grabbed them and kneaded them in hands that to him looked like shifted lynx paws. If she noticed it, too, she didn’t seem to care. She waved her head back and forth slowly, moaning the entire time. Her hands came up and grasped his arms, clutching them tightly.

“Canyon, this is exquisite.”

“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “Yes, it is.” He couldn’t take any more. He had to have her
right fucking now


As Canyon released her breasts and pulled off her top, Fiera gasped. She never wore a bra. Hated the damn things. He stared at her naked chest as though mesmerized, and she had to bite her lip not to laugh. Men were obsessed with the silliest things. But the awe on his face made her feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet. It gave her a sense of strength, like she was the one who held the upper hand here, even though he was the alpha in the room.

When he cleared his throat again, she wanted to tell him not to worry about the sounds he made. She could see he was partially shifted. The rough, growling voice came with it, and she loved it.

“Take off your pants and shoes. I need to see the rest of you.”

“When do I get to see you naked?”

“Oh, Fiera. I’m dying here.” He was. She could hear it in his tone, and see it in his eyes.

“This is very hard for me, too.”

“Really?” He looked at her as if she’d just told him the sky was pink with green polka dots. “You don’t look it. You’re so calm and cool.”

“I’m not.” She shook her head. “Not even close.”

“I’m glad to hear that, but I hope you’re not afraid.”

When Fiera placed her hands on his face, she was seized with an urge to rub the rough skin all over her body. “Put that fear out of your mind. Fear of you is the last thing I’m feeling.” She pulled down her pants and slipped out of her sandals to stand naked before her mate.

“Oh…” His gaze roamed everywhere at once, from her breasts, to her triangle of hair, down her legs, and back up again. Sweat formed in the hollow of her throat as she watched him. Her breathing increased, and her pulse raced.

Everything her cousins had told her about sex came rushing back, but none of it made sense right now. It was a tangled mess of erotic images and advice that Fiera had tried to compartmentalize at the time, as if when this happened, she’d be thinking clearly. She could barely think at all. Every cell in her body was focused on Canyon, and what he might do or say next.

A deep, low growl escaped his throat again. Shivers ran down her spine as a wicked, sexy grin split his face. He was on her before she had time to process that he’d moved. She was in his arms and he was walking. He carried her to the bed and placed her on it, then covered her body with his.

Fiera cried out in pleasure as he kissed her, tangling his fingers in her hair and tugging just hard enough so that she felt it, but not pushing past the point of real pain. It was exhilarating! He moved his tongue against hers and ground his erection into her groin. She arched her hips, wanting more without a complete understanding of what that meant. Not yet anyway. She would know soon enough.

When he broke the kiss, he sat back on his heels and peeled off his shirt. Her arousal skyrocketed at the sight of his hard, muscled torso. She reached up and traced the tats. He moaned loudly and grabbed her hand, licking her palm and across her wrist.

Shivers ran down Fiera’s spine again as he moved off her and removed his pants and underwear. Her jaw dropped open at the sight of his cock.
She’d never seen a fully engorged penis before. It was so red, and the tip was wet. It sprang out of his pubic hair like something alive and separate from the rest of him, as if he had little or no control over it.

“Don’t be afraid, Fiera.” He stroked it slowly, up and down the length, while he held her gaze. “We’ll take our time.”

Fear was the last thing she felt. She nodded, her voice gone. As she watched him, her skin began to tingle, and her pussy was wetter than it had ever been when she’d masturbated. She wanted to touch him, but wasn’t sure how to ask, so she reached toward him tentatively.

“Let me show you what to do.” He moved back onto the bed and knelt next to her, took her hand, and guided it toward his cock. “Wrap your hand around it, gently.” She did what he said. “Now move it like this.” He placed his hand over hers as a guide, while she imitated his movements from before. The contrast between the velvety smooth skin on his cock and the veins covering it was delicious.

“Too much!” Canyon moaned and moved her hand away.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No, sweetheart.” He stroked her hair. “I’m barely hanging onto my self-control. I don’t want to wait any longer, Fiera.” He grasped her face and pulled it toward his own. “I need to be inside you.”

The kiss he planted on her mouth was so hot, she half expected the bed to catch on fire. The room was as warm as an oven already. She knew that sensation had as much to do with her own body heat as it did from their combined arousal. Shifters ran hot, and there were two inside this cabin.

When Canyon pushed her back on the bed and clamped his mouth on her left nipple, Fiera cried out again as jolts of electricity raced through her body at his touch. She’d never felt anything like this! He sucked gently, alternating that with licking around the nipple, the areola, and the underside of her breast, until she was certain she’d lose her mind.

She clutched at his hair, tangling her fingers in it and surprised by its softness. When he switched to the other nipple, Fiera reached down between her legs and giggled at the wetness there. He glanced up, grinning.

“You find this amusing?”

“I’m soaked. I didn’t know I could get this wet.”

“Hope I have something to do with that.”

“You have everything to do with it.”

A soft chuckle escaped his throat as he grabbed the hand that she’d put between her legs. He licked her wet fingers. “Oh, that tastes incredible.”

When he bent down and spread her legs to lick her pussy, Fiera moaned loudly. The sensation was so incredible that she could barely breathe. He sucked gently on her clit, teasing it with his tongue, until Fiera knew she was going to come. He slid a finger into her wetness and moved it in and out, and that was all it took.

A powerful orgasm overtook her. In response, Fiera arched her back and cried out. Surely his dick inside her couldn’t feel better than this. If it did, she’d pass out from sheer joy. He continued sucking her clit and finger fucking her until the contractions began to subside. Once they did, he lay on top of her again and kissed her.

Fiera wrapped her arms and legs around his hot, hard body and shoved her tongue into his mouth. She tasted her own juices, but she didn’t care. This was so damn wonderful she might never leave this cabin. They could stay here, making love until they couldn’t walk, and she’d be just fine with that.

“Oh, Fiera…” Canyon sat back on his heels and stroked his dick again, then moved closer to her and guided it toward the opening to her wetness. “Are you ready?” His voice was so rough and gravelly, but that only added to the excitement.

“Yes!” She’d been ready for this most of her life. “Take me, Canyon. Make me yours.”

With a loud groan, he began to ease his cock into her pussy. Fiera held her breath and bit her lip because it hurt. “It’s all right, sweetheart. Try to relax your muscles.”

“Okay.” She smiled up at him, touched that he’d noticed her discomfort.

Canyon bent down and kissed her again, gently working his lips over hers until Fiera was so focused on the kiss and the heady sensation it sent coursing through her body, she didn’t realize his cock was finally inside her. There was no pain now, only a fullness that sent shockwaves of desire out to her fingers and toes.

“Oh, yes. That’s it.” When Canyon began to move, Fiera threw back her head and moaned loudly as the most exquisite pleasure flooded her senses. “You’re mine now, Fiera. No one can take you from me. We’re bonded forever!”

As his fangs came down on the left side of her neck, she cried out in pleasure and pain. The searing burn lasted only a second. After it subsided all she could do was ride the wave as another climax began to build. She’d never had two orgasms in a row before. The emotions racing through her were so strong she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. She’d never been this happy, or felt so complete.

“Fiera … I can barely hold on…”

To increase the friction on her clit, she arched her hips closer to him. When her second climax began, Canyon cried out loudly and his thrusting grew so swift she couldn’t match his rhythm. All she could do was lie there while the contractions from her orgasm spread through her once more, and he fucked her like a runaway train.

This was the most erotic, exquisite sensation she’d ever experienced, and she never wanted it to end. Her pussy was sore now, but she didn’t care. Sweat pooled on their bodies where they touched. Canyon’s hair hung against her chest, damp and soft. She clung to it as he finished with loud grunts.

While she squeezed her pussy walls around his shaft to milk every last delicious contraction she could, he lay over her, breathing heavily. The bite throbbed now, but she was proud of it. It marked her as belonging to Canyon. They were mated, and no one in any pack could undo what had just been done.

“That was fun.” Canyon lifted his head and smiled at her, his eyes all soft now and no traces left of the lynx on his face.“Fun, yes.” She giggled. “And amazing, and incredible, and wonderful, and when can we do it again?”

BOOK: The Alpha's Taboo Mate (Blood Moon Lynx Book 1)
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