The Agreement (33 page)

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Authors: S. E. Lund

BOOK: The Agreement
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He was so good at this, it felt so good, so
sweet that soon, I was ready to come again.

"Drake," I said, breathless once more,
"I'm going to come again."

He didn't stop, just kept sliding inside of me
just a few inches, his fingers never stopping their slow, agonizing tease. I
was breathing rapidly, my body so close once more and I felt that any moment my
orgasm would start. I tried to speak, barely able to get it out.


for me," he said,
his voice hoarse. He started thrusting faster, entering me all the way.
"Say my name when you come," he whispered, biting my shoulder.
"Say my

I gasped as my orgasm started, the sensations so
intense, jolts of pleasure down my legs and up into my belly. My face felt hot,
and I had to grit my teeth.

Say my name
," he said again,
his voice a harsh whisper.

…" I groaned as I
shuddered, my whole body quaking.

He was right behind me. He pulled his fingers
away from me, and gripped onto my hips, thrusting harder, grunting in my ear as
he came as well, gasping with each thrust, pulling my hips against him.
Finally, he stopped and just leaned against me as I bent over, still grasping
the safety bars for support, my thighs now shaking.

…" he gasped in my ear,
his hands stroking underneath me, down from my neck and over my breasts, then
to my pussy once more. "That was so good."

I clenched around him when he touched my clit
and he groaned. He just stood like that for a moment, his cock still pulsing a
bit inside me, his breathing and mine starting to slow. Finally, he slipped out
of me. He turned me around and grasped my shoulders, bending down to kiss me,
pulling me into his arms as he did. I just melted into him, trying not to
think, trying to just feel
, feel this moment. The other moments when
I had to face reality, when I had to face what Dawn sent me in her email, would
come soon enough.

"There," he said, stroking my cheek.
"That's two for one, I think."

I smiled and closed my eyes, biting back sadness
that started once more when I thought about Dawn's email. "Are you keeping

He leaned down and pressed his face in my neck,
kissing me, and I felt his cheek rise in a smile.

"I'm greedy that way."


After we ate a quick breakfast in our room that
Drake had ordered the night before, Drake went back to his own suite to prepare
for his conference session. I sat alone in front of the open window and read my
email, examining the copy of the restraining order.

It named Drake and was taken out by his former
wife, Maureen. A temporary order of protection for "forcible
touching" and "harassment". The order was dated almost five
years earlier and I wagered it was after he and his wife split.

Forcible touching… Harassment…

Not quite what I thought at first. I thought
he'd assaulted her. I could understand if a husband who had just been told by
his wife that she was leaving him tried to touch her, tried to stop her from
going through with it.

I could see Drake, maybe not quite understanding
his Dominant nature, trying to control her and getting too insistent. I could
see there being misunderstandings over this and a he-said she-said situation.
Then I feared I was trying too hard to find an excuse for him. Maybe the split
came out of left-wing for him and he freaked. It didn't seem like the
self-confident controlled man I knew but perhaps he was really heart-broken by
the split. Would he really hurt his wife?

Maybe that was what drove him to
compartmentalize his life so carefully, keeping women at arm's length using
submission contracts.

I sent Dawn a text.


Dawn, that was during his breakup with his wife
of five years. He was probably upset and maybe overreacted but he wasn't cited
with assault of any kind. He probably didn’t want her to leave him. He has
mentioned how broken up he was over their split. Can't you understand that he
is not dangerous? He is not into pain! He just likes control and I happen to
like it when he takes control. Is our friendship worth nothing? Can't you give
me the chance to prove to you that he's a good man?


She responded in a couple of minutes.


I have to follow my conscience. He likes to tie
women up and fist them and anally fuck them, Kate. Doesn't that scare you? How
much farther from that is rape? Even if you let him willingly, what's wrong
with you if you want that? It's sick.


I sat and held my head in my hands, grief washing
over me that she couldn't listen to reason. Was she going to actually try to
ruin his career over this?


Don't do this, Dawn. Don't ruin him. He hasn't
hurt me. He's only cared for me.


She replied right away.


I won't wait around until he does hurt you.
Kate, this is for your own good. End it now before it goes any further and he
either breaks your heart or hurts you for real. If you don't, I
send this to the head of surgery along with his FetLife profile. Do you know he
calls himself Master D? I asked around the nurses at NYP and I heard an earful.
They say he's a controlling bastard. Who knows what else I'll find if I have my
PI dig a bit deeper… End it Kate. I don't care if you hate me. I have to do
this to save you from even worse pain.


I didn’t respond. I just dialed Lara.

She answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Kate. What's up?"

"Lara, I'm in trouble. I need your advice
as a lawyer."

. Can I assume it involves

"You assumed right," I said and
related what happened. I didn't use Dawn's name but told Lara that it was
someone who knew Drake in his professional life.

"What happened with his wife?" I
asked, cringing, not sure if I wanted to know.

"Oh, that was overblown," she replied.
"He tried to stop her from leaving the night she announced she wanted a
divorce. He wanted to keep talking and she just wanted to leave. He stopped her
physically. Didn't hurt her or anything, but by then, she was so cold to him,
she didn’t care how he felt. When he persisted, calling her, wanting to get
counseling, try to keep the marriage together, she took out the order of
protection. It was only temporary, so no big deal. It wasn't a permanent order
so the judge didn't think he was a real danger. Drake had been so busy with his
work, with establishing his career, he didn't understand how far apart they had
grown until it was too late. She just couldn't deal with him, had a new
boyfriend and just sprung it on him out of the blue."

"Poor Drake," I said. I felt really
bad for him.

"Christ," she said, sounding
exasperated. "What did you tell Drake about this?"

"I tried to break it off with him last
week, but he wouldn't accept it. He said he wants to stay together and that we
would just be really discrete, but this person was able to find out that we
were both in the Bahamas. She found a Private Investigator and did a background
check on Drake. I didn't tell him any of this yet. I'm afraid for him."

There was a silence on the line. "I was a
bit concerned about Drake. He's gone a bit native with you, Kate."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, a bit wild. Like the old
Anthropologists when they stayed too long with the tribe. Not following his
usual routine. He
sees his subs outside of the lifestyle. I don't
know what he was thinking with you, but he saw you at the fundraiser, at your
father's campaign fundraiser, at the concert, and now he's there. That really
surprises me. He's not being sane about this. His reputation is far more
important than training a potential sub."

"I tried to talk to him, but he's just not
listening. How bad would it be if the existence of a restraining order was made
public, say to someone in the hospital?"

"I have no idea, but it would depend on the
optics of it and the person who received the information. Some people might
completely ignore it. This happened five years ago after all. But add in the
whole kink element, his profile at FetLife… That might be too much."

I sat and chewed my nail. "What should I

She was silent for a few moments. "What do
you should do?"

"I don't want him to be hurt because of

"Then end it."

I closed my eyes. "I already tried

"You didn't try hard enough. Listen, Kate.
I know Drake Morgan. You want to end it with Drake? Tell him he doesn't do it
for you. Tell him you don't feel it. Or better, show an interest in meeting
another Dom who might be better able to get you to submit. Technically, he
should have just kept things totally professional with you and not seen you
outside of establishing this D/s relationship. He screwed up. You can use that,
claim that he feels too much like a boyfriend, not a Dom."

"I couldn’t do that! He
do it
for me. He

"Kate, you two have only known each other
for a few weeks. Just cut him off. Be mean. Believe me, there are any number of
subs who would be entirely grateful to have a Dom like him. I'll set to work
finding a replacement for you. She'll be there to assuage any sadness he feels
over your broken agreement."

"You really think I should do this?'

She was silent for a moment. "I think that
this shouldn’t have happened. I think whoever found out about you and Drake is
an evil person to threaten this. I'm so sick of the public's ignorance of this
lifestyle and intolerance. Drake is my close friend. I think you have to put
Drake's career before your own hopes for this D/s relationship. He's a
wonderful man, Kate. He does really wonderful work as a neurosurgeon. Don't let
your desire for him ruin his life."

"I know."

We said goodbye and I ended the call. I sent a
text to Dawn.


You win. I'm ending it with him tonight. I'll be
back in Manhattan as soon as I can get a flight.


Then I cried my eyes out.
















While Drake did his presentation, I went with my
parents for a boat ride, all the while holding back my emotions, forcing a
smile for them every so often. After our trip, we came back to the hotel and
there was a note from Drake saying he had a lunch with his colleagues but hoped
to be back around mid-afternoon.

We went down to the restaurant and sat on the
patio, eating our lunch in the shade of a huge umbrella.

"How are things, sweetie? You seem a bit…
distant this morning."

I shrugged my shoulder. "Fine."

"Things OK with Drake?"

"They're all right."

"Just all right?"

"He's very self-absorbed."

"He's here to present his research,
Kate," my father said, his voice a bit impatient. "He's probably just
focused on his work."

"He's really a nice man," I said.
"He's just always a bit preoccupied. I don't feel like he's really with me
even when we're alone."

I sighed. I wanted to lay the foundations for
our breakup with them so they didn’t fight me.

"He's a busy man," my father said.
"He's busy now with work."

"I'm bored," I said. "I think I
might go back early. Is there any way I can get my ticket changed?"

"Katherine!" he said, frowning.
"What are you thinking? You just got here…"

"It's just not working out, Daddy. Maybe
he's too old for me. I don’t know… I want to go out and party. He just wants to
sit around and listen to music or watch television and I just don't do that. I
mean, he was already in college when I was still in primary school."

My father just shook his head. He was not
pleased and I'm sure he thought I was being a shallow bitch. My heart was
breaking, but I knew this was for the best.


Later, Drake came to my room using the key card
I gave him to enter my suite as I was lying on the bed. I was busy rehearsing
in my mind what I was going to say to Drake and pretended to be sleeping. I had
a plan in mind and it was a cruel plan. If Lara was right, I had to make Drake
think he wasn't, as she said it, 'doing it for me'. That would be hard. It
would require a real acting job on my part.

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