Read The Agreement Online

Authors: S. E. Lund

The Agreement (31 page)

BOOK: The Agreement
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"What if I can't help it?" I said, my
eyes closed as he sucked one nipple, a jolt of lust rushing through me as his
teeth grazed the puckered areola. "Sir," I quickly added.

"A simple yes or no is all that's

"Yes," I said, my voice husky. "

"You have to learn that you're only allowed
to come when I want you to. I know when you're ready and when you deserve an
orgasm. If you feel like you're going to come, you must tell me

My eyes almost rolled back into my head when his
fingers slipped between my labia to find my clit.

"I don't want you to come this time,
Katherine. I want you to just feel well-used. I want you to get used to being
an object for my pleasure."

"Then why are you arousing me, Sir?"

"Shh," he said, a finger on my lips. I
could feel his cheek raise in a smile against my skin. "No talking. I want
you to feel how I felt the other night when you came so quickly and we were
rudely interrupted. You have to yield up every bit of power to me, Katherine,
when we're together. I decide everything. What we do, how we do it, if and when
you come, and how you come." His fingers continued to stroke my clit, then
slipped a bit deeper, teasing the entrance to my body.

"You've probably spent most of your life
trying to keep quiet when you have an orgasm, Katherine. I want you to be loud.
I want your eyes open and staring into mine."

I gasped when his fingers stroked inside of me,
his thumb on my clit, my body clenching in pleasure around his fingers.

"You're so nice and
, Katherine.
You're almost ready for me."

I kept my eyes closed as he continued to
stimulate me, and in truth, I felt as if I could come just from his fingers

Then he pulled his fingers out abruptly and
pushed me down onto the bed so I lay on my back.

"Crawl up farther," he said as he
removed his shirt and shorts, so that he was standing in his boxer briefs. I
did, pulling myself back on the bed.

"Are you going to tie me up?" I said,
breathless, excited about the prospect.

He frowned.

, I mean."

"Katherine, a slave doesn't ask her Master
what he plans. She merely submits happily."

"But you said…"

"Shh," he said and took my hands and
placed them above my head. "Keep your hands together like that. Imagine
that they're restrained and tied to the bed frame. Don't let go no matter

"Why aren't you going to restrain me for

," he said, his voice a
bit frustrated. "You have to let
decide these things."

I complied, holding my hands, my arms stretched
above me.

"Now, close your eyes and keep them closed
until I tell you to open them. I don’t want you distracted by anything besides
how your body feels."

I nodded.

He spread my thighs and lay between them, his
mouth at my neck and then my breasts, sucking each nipple, squeezing my breasts
as he did. My face was hot, my heart pounding, my groin aching. I knew he was
going to eat me, as he said he would, and the anticipation was killing me,
sending waves of desire through my body.

He moved down to my groin, to my shaved pussy,
and licked it all over, the external labia, and around my inner thighs and it
almost drove me crazy. When he finally licked my inner lips and clit, I groaned
out loud, then inhaled sharply as he sucked them into his mouth.

"Remember," he said, pulling off me.
"You can't come this time. You have to tell me if you feel like you

I said nothing, my eyes closed, my body so
ready. He slipped his fingers into me and placed his mouth over me again,
sucking me, licking me and soon, I felt that sweetness that always came before
an orgasm.

"I…" I gasped, my hands in his hair.
"I'm going to…"

He pulled off and removed his fingers, and I
just lay there panting, so close. Without any stimulation, my impending orgasm
waned and I panted, swallowing, my mouth dry.

," he said.
"Keep your eyes closed."

He stood up and pulled me back to the edge of
the bed, my legs spread, my feet on the edge. "Put your hands above your
head again. Now, I'm going to fuck you until I come inside of you. You're not
allowed to come this time."

I nodded, licking my lips, my brain fuzzy from

He then proceeded to stroke my clit with the
head of his cock, repeating what he did to me that first night at my apartment,
teasing me with it, poking the head into me just a bit before withdrawing and
stroking my labia and clit slowly. He was deliberately arousing me again,
building me back up to an orgasm, and when he entered me part of the way, I
felt it start again.

"I'm going…" I said, gasping as he
pulled out, my thighs quaking. Again, he just waited. I felt hot all over, my
body tense. After a moment, when my breathing slowed, he started once more,
stroking his length over my pussy, then pushing in an inch, maybe two.

I gasped. It felt so good, I thought I was going
to pass out. He stopped moving and leaned over me, his cock still inside of me.
His face was just above mine.

"Open your eyes," he said, his voice
firm. I did, staring into his. "I'm teaching you patience, Katherine. You
have to get used to obeying me. You have to turn your body and mind over to me
completely. Just

I nodded.

"Now close your eyes again."

I did. He started to thrust inside of me,
slowly, agonizingly slowly, entering me a bit more with each thrust. He didn’t
touch my clit, just fucked me, until his entire length was in me. It felt so
good as he withdrew completely and then entered me again, slowly, over and over
again. Then, he stroked my clit softly, lightly, and that additional
stimulation was enough and I knew I'd come if he didn’t stop.

"I'm going to…" I said, gritting my
teeth, trying not to but the sweetness built in my groin, deep inside me. He
didn't stop. Instead he leaned over me again, his arms on either side of me.

"Open your eyes," he said quickly.
"Look in mine."

I did, expecting he'd stop fucking me, but he

…" I said, gasping, but
he didn't stop and then I went over the edge.

"Say my name," he ordered. "Say
my name when you come."

My body took over as my orgasm started and I
tried to keep my eyes open, I tried to say his name, but it was almost
impossible. He started thrusting deep and fast, his face just over mine.

Say my name

I tried but could barely speak above a whisper.

And then I was lost to it, waves of pleasure
washing over me, my body tensing, arcing against his, breathing through gritted
teeth, my eyes locked on his. He thrust harder, faster, watching me the entire
time. I felt his cock become even harder inside of me and finally, he grimaced,
his eyes closing briefly before opening again, grunting with each thrust as he
came, his face inches from mine, his eyes locked on mine.

Then he collapsed onto me, his face in the crook
of my neck, gasping for breath in my ear. His cock throbbed inside of me and I
clenched around him, my arms still above my head. I slipped them down and
around him, my legs wrapping around his waist. His skin was warm against me,
his body weight comforting.

It was such a powerful orgasm and I felt almost
faint, my hearing dulled, my mind drifting as if I was riding on a wave of
bliss as he kissed my neck.

Finally, when I recovered enough to think, I
couldn't hold back.

"I don't understand," I said. "I
thought you didn’t want me to come, but you made me come on purpose."

He pulled back, his face over mine, his eyes
locked on mine. Finally, he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Kate, my whole reason for existence when
we're together is to make you come."

"But then, why did you tell me…"

He kissed my neck once more and then rose up. He
took my legs and spread them and watched as he pulled his now-softening cock
out of me.

"Perfect," he said as he watched and I
remembered him saying he wanted to see his come dripping out of me.

I smiled and covered my face with my hands, a
bit embarrassed at his carnal pleasure in the evidence of his orgasm. It amused
and interested me at the same time. I always thought it was messy and a bother,
but he found it satisfying, like he was marking his territory. It was just one
more clue to Drake, and how his mind and libido worked.

"Why did you tell me I wasn't supposed to
come?" I asked again.

He leaned back down between my thighs, his face
above mine, and he stroked my cheek.

"I have to learn your body like it was my
own because I want to own it. You have to get used to taking orders from me.
You have to get used to me controlling your response. I watched you get closer
and closer with what I did to you so I could learn to judge when you're no
longer able to hold back. I watched your body and your face. I listened to your
breathing for how erratic it became when you started to come, watched your skin
for how it flushed when you were ready, saw your nipples as they puckered when
your orgasm started, how your belly tightened as your muscles tensed. They're
all clues that let me know how you're feeling, how you're responding to each
thing I do to you. Eventually, I'll be able to tell you're close without you
having to tell me. But you'll still have to ask permission. I want to control
your orgasms, Kate. It's my kink."

I nodded. He wanted me to be completely in his
control. To give up my will to him so he could make me do what he wanted. He
wanted to make me come, not just accidentally during sex, but purposely.

I closed my eyes and just lay beneath him, bliss
filling me, my arms and legs heavy. I didn't have to do anything except
respond. I didn't have to think. I didn't have to worry. I didn’t have to try
to do anything.

It was liberating.

"I want your every orgasm to be mine."

"Why?" I said, opening my eyes.

He just stared at me, shaking his head.

"Why does it matter?" he said, his
face serious. "I just do. There's no big mystery. It gets me off. When I
really feel your complete submission, that moment when I know you are
completely mine, it will be," he said, pausing as if searching for the
right words. "Bliss."

"Bliss," I said, wondering what bliss
felt like, but pretty sure it felt close to what I felt when I was in the
throes of my orgasm.

"Hopefully, when you do submit completely,
you'll feel it, too."

"I thought I did."

He smiled. "No, not even close. We're just
starting, Kate. I have to learn every inch of you. I have to learn all your
little kinks. All the things that send you over. I have to feel you give more
and more control to me. Unquestioning. You have to do things without a thought
and you're still thinking. It will take a while. But it will be so worth it for
us both."

He kissed the tops of my breasts where I was
burnt and laid his head on them, his breath warm on my nipple.

I couldn't imagine it getting any better than


To my surprise, we didn't fuck again. I thought
he intended to make me come three times, and I began to wonder if he didn't use
his sex talk as a way to ramp up my desire. I smiled to myself as I lay in his
arms in the dark once we'd both brushed our teeth and crawled under the covers.
He knew how to work me up.

I was also surprised that he decided to stay
with me.

"Why are you sleeping here with me?" I
asked, when he snuggled against me, his arms around me, one hand under my
breast as if he was feeling my pulse. "I thought you'd go back to your own

He was quiet for a moment. "I thought I'd
stay with you tonight, make sure you're all right after the day you had. You've
got a bad sunburn, and you had a touch of heat stroke."

"So you're in charitable doctor mode?"

He kissed my shoulder. "Something like
that." He said nothing for a moment, but then he sighed. "To tell you
the truth, I've gone a bit off the reservation, so to speak."

I rolled over onto my back and looked at his
face in the darkness. I could just make out his cheekbones and a glint in his
eyes from a sliver of light from under the curtains.

"Off the reservation?"

"I've broken my own rules with you."


He stroked his hand over my shoulder and down my
arm. "I told you. I keep things in their own place. I don't like them to

"Why? Were you one of those kids who kept
their food on separate parts of the plate, not letting them touch?"

BOOK: The Agreement
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