Read Temptation Island Online

Authors: C.C. Soltry

Temptation Island (13 page)

BOOK: Temptation Island
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Carm closed her eyes as Marek turned the wipers on high.  His intensity and calm confidence soothed her and kept her from panicking.  She’d never been in a flash flood before and found she really didn’t like it.  Not one bit.






















Carm sipped at the hot buttered rum and let the liquid warm her insides.  It had been like a living nightmare.  She hoped to God she never had to experience anything like that again.  They’d slid half the way down the side of the mountain after the road had washed out.  Somehow Marek got them down safe and without harm. 

How he’d managed to remain so calm when she’d been near hysteria she’ll never know.  Looking at him now no one would believe he’s just survived a near death experience. 

Carm glanced at him over the rim of her crystal glass.  He’d unbuttoned the collar of his Armani shirt and rolled the tailored cuffs up his tanned, muscular forearms. Back at his office his hair had been somewhat tamed but now curled riotously around his head.  She really had to ask him if he had those fabulous streaks put in it or if the sun had put them there because in the moonlight they shimmered like gold.

Marek lifted a glass of red wine to his lips and glanced around the open patio.   She watched as his eyes came to rest on her and he lifted one side of his mouth in a half smile.  Heat melted through her as Carm returned his stare from across the outdoor bar.  She noticed a five o’clock shadow had appeared on his gorgeous face adding to his appeal.

Keeping his eyes locked with hers Marek lifted a hand and rubbed his thumb across his bottom lip, wiping away a drop of crimson wine.  Her stomach clenched hard with need at his suggestive movement.  He knew perfectly well that it would make her remember their heated kiss.

And it did.  Her eyes locked on his mouth and she could once again feel his firm, capable lips caressing hers. Feel the way his tongue had rubbed against hers.

Heat rushed up her neck and burned her cheeks.  Dragging her gaze from his Carm broke eye contact and took a long swallow from her glass.  If he kept this up she had no idea how she was going to survive the night without bursting into flames.  Or melting her panties off.  The man was like walking sex.

Fighting the urge to fan herself, Carm cleared her throat and watched the crowd.  Since Marek had booked them rooms at one of the most exclusive resorts on St. Kitts she was surrounded by the wealthy.  Women in diamonds and men in Gucci. 

Carm had never suffered from an inferiority complex before, but she couldn’t help but feel out of place in her beaded jewelry and department store suit.  She was grateful they were outside just off the beach in dim, overhead lighting and no one other than Marek was paying her any attention.

Just then Landon arrived on the scene with a sultry brunette on his arm.  Carm almost choked on her rum and burst into a fit of laughter.  If she felt misplaced then Landon must feel totally outclassed.  Somehow that made her feel much better.  It helped to know she wasn’t the only one there without a six figure income. 

Spotting her Landon smiled, dimples creasing his cheeks.  Sending a wink her direction he led his date to a table and helped her settle into a chair.  Whispering something in her ear, Landon spun on his old, ratty sandals and made his way toward Marek at the bar.

Carm couldn’t help but compare the two as they stood together.  Marek definitely had the height advantage and a more muscular, ripped build.  Not short or thin by any means, Landon held his own skimming right at six foot.  But his build was more the lean type that surfers usually had. 

Both men had a street-wise look about them, however.  Even Marek’s expensive clothes couldn’t hide that.  He looked like a man who could handle himself in any situation, from the boardroom to the streets. 

Carm realized with a start that his back alley brawler attitude aroused and comforted her at the same time.  Taking another sip of her drink she shifted her eyes and watched as a band appeared on a wooden stage on the sand.  It was the second time in two days Carm had enjoyed live music. 

A hand came to rest on her shoulder and Carm jumped.  The low laugh told her it was Marek and Carm said without looking up, “Do you dance?”

Marek pulled out the chair next to her and sat down.  “Our food should be here any moment.  I’m glad you agreed to try the conch chowder, it’s delicious.”

Apparently he was going to ignore her question.  She asked again as the band began to play some reggae, “Do you dance, Marek?”

Just then their waiter arrived and set the food before them.  The young man was efficient and discreet and after quietly asking if they needed anything more, slipped away.  Carm watched his bright shirt and white pants retreat then turned her eyes to Marek.

A fork full of Swordfish halfway to his mouth, Marek gestured to her purple glazed bowl, “Try the chowder, sugar and after dinner I’ll let you decide if I can dance.”

She eyed him skeptically for a moment before picking up her spoon.  She really was starving and the seafood chowder smelled devine.  Reaching for the wicker basket loaded with rolls, Carm snatched one and set it on her plate.

Carm took a bite of chowder and closed her eyes.  It was bliss, pure bliss.  Nothing she’d ever eaten could compare to it.  Rich, flavorful and creamy.  And oh so good.  Her stomach rumbled, eager for more.  She wasn’t just hungry, she was ravenous.

Carm took a few more bites then looked at Marek.  “It’s delicious.  I’ve never tasted anything like it.”

Marek smiled, “I’m pleased you like it.  I grew up on it as a kid.  It was one of my mother’s specialties.  I thought it would be to your liking,

They ate together in silence and enjoyed the sound of the band playing.  A few couples had made their way to the beach and were dancing barefoot in the sand.  Landon and his date were one of the couples.

Noticing where her eyes gazed, Marek said, “He’s got a woman on practically every island.”  At Carm’s look he added, “I’m serious.  There’s something about him that woman adore.  They’re drawn to him like bees to honey.”

Carm watched Landon dance, his movements languid and unrushed.  “I can see why.  He’s got this air of lazy sensuality about him and he’s charming.  And he’s obviously in no rush to settle down.  Women can’t resist that kind of challenge.”

Silence reigned across the table and Carm turned her head to see if Marek was still there or if he’d slipped away.  She found him staring intently at her, his face serious.

“What?  Did I say something?”  Carm laughed uneasily.  He looked so intense.

Suddenly he smiled and reached out a hand.  “It’s time for that dance, sugar.  Kick off your shoes and leave them on your chair, no one will take them.”

Wondering what he was up to, Carm stood and slipped off her shoes.  Leaving them behind she quickly rolled her pant legs up and let Marek lead her down the shallow steps to the beach.  Warm, soft sand greeted her as he tugged her down the shore.  Coming to a stop just to the far side of the band, Marek spun her to face him.

The final strains of the song drifted away on the fragrant night air.  A hint of wild sage lingered with the more pungent scent of Caribbean spices.  Carm glanced up at the night sky and marveled at the clarity.  The stars dotted the velvet sky like sparkling gems and the moon hung heavy and round. 

Time seemed to stop when Marek took her in his arms as a slow song began to play.  Swaying to the music, he put his large hands on her hips and pulled her close.  Murmuring in her ear to wrap her arms around his neck, Carm nodded and slid her hands up his chest to clasp together at the back of his neck. 

Marek’s hair brushed against her fingertips, tickling softly.  From the first moment she’d seen him Carm had wanted to touch his hair. She wanted to feel the thick curls in her hands, but without drawing his attention.  He didn’t need to know how badly she wanted to feel him.

Clearing her throat Carm tried to distract him, “Did you find out anything this morning when you questioned the hotel employees?”

While he shook his head, Carm took the opportunity to inch her hands up his neck.  Warm, springy curls wrapped around her fingers and Carm delighted in their softness.  For some reason a sharp thrill rippled through her at the small discovery.

Marek leaned his head toward her, tugging his hair out of her grasp and whispered in her ear, “If you wanted to touch it, sugar, you should have asked.  I’ll let you touch any part of my body you want to, if you ask nice.”

Heat flared in her cheeks and Carm felt her face flush with embarrassment.  The man was physic; there wasn’t a thing that snuck past him.

Meeting his amused gaze, Carm attempted a flippant response, “Don’t flatter yourself,
.  And trust me, it’s the only part of you I want to touch.”

Marek splayed his hands across her curvy hips and slid them lower.  Coming to rest just on the sides of her butt he squeezed and pulled her closer until their bodies were flush against each other.  Wanting to resist him, Carm let out a frustrated breath when, instead, her body melted against him. 

“Are you sure about that,

She avoided looking at him and questioned instead, “Why does your accent become heavier when you’re angry or aroused?  I’ve noticed you start dropping your t’s.  It’s the same as when you wake up in the morning.  Do you work at smoothing it out?”

Marek spun her in a slow circle, digging her feet into the soft sand.  He was smooth, she had to give him that.  He knew how to move easy and loose.  It made her wonder if he moved like that in bed. 
Argh.  I’ve got to stop thinking like that.

Carm felt hot breath whisper along her neck.  Shivers ran down her spine as Marek said in her ear, “I’m flattered you notice so much about me.  Makes me almost think you care.  And any time you want to test that arousal theory, you let me know,

Deliciously achy pulses began low in her abdomen.  Her limbs went liquid and heavy at the erotic images his suggestion brought to mind.  Never before had Carm felt so needy for a man and she found she liked the sensation.

It was like a powerful drug.  It filled her with heady desire and melted her insides.  Enjoying the rush, Carm was mildly shocked by her willingness to embrace it when just hours ago she’d run from it.  With the surprise came to sudden clarity that she didn’t have to be a victim to it, afraid of what it might make her do.

No, Carm realized on a flash of insight that she could use it, control it to gain what she needed before she let in consume her. Consume them both. 

Lifting her eyes to meet his probing gaze Carm smiled with all the power of a goddess.  Pure joy shot threw her and she threw back her head and laughed, the sound rich and evocative.  Carm ran her hands up the back of Marek’s neck into his hair and tugged his head down for a long, drugging kiss.  Using teeth and tongue she embraced her knew found knowledge and gained a deep groan of desire from Marek.

As she pulled back, Carm flicked her tongue one last time over his lips. She felt the shiver that ran through him and loved it.  The extraordinary power of simply being female was going to get her everything she wanted.  And Marek was going to give it to her.  Not tonight, but soon.

Marek felt his world tilt unsteadily below his feet as he gazed in Carmen’s seductive eyes.  Something had changed for her in the last few minutes and some inner voice warned him to back away.  But he couldn’t, he was drawn to the look on her face and could not turn away for anything.  She entranced him.

Then it hit him, the change in her.  Carmen looked like some Pagan goddess, powerful and enchanting.  It drew him and put his guard up simultaneously.

Marek tilted his head toward the sky and sent a quick prayer to Fate and the Moon Goddess.  Whatever they did to her tonight he was grateful for.  Now it was time to finish what they’d started.

Sliding his hands back up her body he reached for her hand and silently guided her off the beach.  He sent Landon a quick nod as they passed and shook his head at the obscene hand gesture Landon made in return. 

They reached their table and Marek swooped up their shoes and kept on going.  Carm remained silent behind him, but he could feel her energy like a tangible force.

When they reached the bungalow just down the beach where they were staying, Marek unlocked the door and pushed it open.  Carm anticipated him and slithered past out of his reach.  Lust and passion weighed heavy in his gut, churning with burning intensity.  He needed her tonight.

Before he could stalk toward her and carry her to one of the bedrooms Carm spun on him.  “I’m not going to sleep with you tonight, Marek.  I want you, I won’t lie about that.  I want you more than any man I’ve known, but I’m not going to sleep with you.”

Marek stopped and stood still, unsure if he’d heard her correctly.  Surely she wasn’t going to back out now.  “What did you just say, Carmen?”

BOOK: Temptation Island
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