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Authors: C.C. Soltry

Temptation Island (8 page)

BOOK: Temptation Island
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He hung up the phone with a clunk and rubbed a palm hard against his temple.  Oh he wished he could remember last night.  Plus, if he’d made out with her and more, like Landon suggested, than it’s a shame that he has no memory of it.

Because what he didn’t tell Landon was that Carmen Hogue
look damned fine naked.

A scratching noise sounded at the French doors leading to the deck and Marek looked down.  His cat Sunny had one furry orange paw on the glass and was begging to be let in.  The cat was nearly as fat as his litter mate Noomba from the Green Island Inn.

Marek reached for the knob and turned the handle.  Before Sunny could streak in he stepped out onto the sun drenched deck.  Squinting against the sun, Marek bent down and gave the cat a cursory pat.  Since Sunny was busy purring and polishing his calves Marek scratched her under the chin as well.  The orange tabby closed her eyes in kitty bliss.

Marek looked out over his lawn and noticed his hammock had been removed from its usual spot.  It no longer hung between two Royal palms by the Plumeria bush like it normally did.  He picked up the chubby cat and held her cradled in his arm and was about to walk over to investigate when he heard someone in the kitchen behind him.

Marek turned just as his housekeeper Mrs. Carrins reached the deck.

“Oh, der you are!  I thought I heard someone come in da door.  I was upstairs in one of da guest rooms and wasn’t sure.  I see you’ve found your cat.  Silly ting slipped outside unnoticed dis morning and I couldn’t find her for da life of me.”

Marek smiled at his plump housekeeper and motioned for her to reenter the house.  “Sunny likes to go outside and sunbathe in my hammock.  But I noticed it was curiously absent.  Would you happen to know anything about that Mrs. Carrins?”

The middle-aged woman patted her grey streaked bun as she walked ahead of him in her usual practical white flats.  Marek had always thought they looked a lot like nurses orthopedic shoes.  Glancing over the shoulder of her flower printed top, Mrs. Carrins tsked, “Dat ting needed a good wash.  I took da dirty excuse for a hammock down and I’m goin’ da let it soak for a long while.  I won’t take no argument from you either, my boy.”

Marek hid a grin and held up his hands in defeat.  With a false look of sheepishness he replied, “You won’t get an argument from me, but you might get one from Sunny.”

Mrs. Carrins glared at the cat he still held and huffed, “Dat cat can just find another resting spot.” Turning her deep brown eyes back on him she continued, “Now, you got an appointment in about an hour.  Da lady already called while you were out to confirm dat she’d be here at two sharp.  Go an’ get cleaned up and dressed proper.  You look like you slept in your clothes.  You give dem ta me when you get out of dem now, ya hear me?”

Mrs. Carrins, you have no idea.  If you did you’d probably twist my ear and scold me like a schoolboy.

Hiding another grin behind his hand, Marek couldn’t dim the gleam of amusement in his eye.  The housekeeper turned with her hands on her ample hips and glared, but Marek wasn’t fooled.  He could see her lips twitching in an effort not to laugh.

“Go on now, young man.  You got a business ta run and I don’ have time ta for a lecture.”  Shooing him away, the housekeeper made tsking sounds until he was out of sight.

They’d known each other for years and Marek still got a kick out of ribbing her.  He’d been giving her a hard time since he was a teenager.  Some things never changed.

And some things did.

Marek headed up the stairs to shower and pour himself into his business attire.  He had a business to run. 



Carm stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her waist.  Bending over she wound a towel around her hair turban style.  Tucking the loose end under the back, Carm patted it to make sure it would stay in place.  Satisfied it would she stepped out of the steamy bathroom and walked to the dresser. 

Grabbing her bottle of lotion Carm sat on the bed and began smearing the fragrant cream over her body.  The scent of vanilla and coconut mingled in the air delighting her senses.  Inhaling deep, Carm rubbed her hands together to distribute the lotion evenly.

At the moment Carm was avoiding thinking about anything.  Blocking out any unwanted thoughts or images she focused on the relaxing routine of getting dressed.

With a yawn Carm stretched her arms high and rolled her head from side to side.  She really needed a massage to loosen her tight muscles.  Her gaze slid to the basket on the dresser and landed on the free gift massage.  As long as she didn’t have to have Marek along she definitely was going to go tomorrow.

Carm swore under her breath.  She didn’t want to think about him.  She
to think about him.

With a frown Carm slid open the closet door and looked inside.  Before she’d left home Kate had helped her pick out an outfit to wear for the meeting.  Looking at it now, Carm felt her stomach give and uneasy jitter.

Today was the big day.

“I can do this.  I can handle this man.”  Carm mumbled aloud in the quiet room. 

Releasing a breath on a whoosh of air her shaky hand reached out and clasped the hangers.  Yanking the suit from the rack Carm spun around and tossed in gently on the bed.  Sidestepping the bed in favor of the dresser she opened a drawer and pulled out a bra and panty set.

She was a sucker for lingerie.  It was one of her weaknesses and on a teacher’s meager salary it could be a pricey one.  She just loved the way good silk felt against her skin.  It made her feel confident and powerful.

Carm dropped the towel and slipped into the matching lavender silk set.  The thin material slid smoothly along her skin and settled low across her hip bones.  Carm preferred the new style of panties that rode ultra low. 

Folding into the low cut bra, Carm adjusted the cups and shook her shoulders to settle them in place.  It was a tip she’d learned after her breasts had fully developed.  If a person wasn’t careful they could end up with a nipple that pointed northwest and another that went south. Big boobs had to be smooshed and jostled into order. 

With her breasts in their proper resting spots Carm decided to blow dry her hair before she put on her clothes.  It wasn’t humid in the room, but it was warm with soft breezed coming in through the open window.

Releasing her hair from the towel and combed through it with a pick.  Since she liked her straight hair to pack as much volume as possible, she bent at the waist and set about drying her tresses upside down.  It made her face quite red, but the effort was well worth it.

When she was finished drying her hair Carm flipped back upright and ran her fingers through it.  She needed to give it a moment to settle so she strode back over to the bed to get dressed.

The svelte camel colored suit was one of her favorites.  Made of lightweight material it was a year round winner.  Even in the hundred plus degree heat of an Eastern Washington summer.  She loved to punch it up with some funky colored blouses and hip jewelry.

As Carm pulled on the slim pants her mind refused to obey her orders any more and an image of Marek popped into her head.  Every scrumptious, glistening inch of him.

Groaning, Carm snatched up her thin fuscia silk shell and slid it over her head.  The material whispered along her bare arms and settled into a deep vee at her chest.  Muttering under her breath about stupid, idiot mistakes, Carm tucked the material into the waist of her pants.

Doubts and worry had been held at bay too long and now came crashing over her like a tidal wave.  Carm was staggered by the force of it.  She let out a shaky breath and lowered to the edge of the bed. 
What am I going to do?

Her troubles went far deeper than the actual marriage that she couldn’t remember taking place.  No, in went beyond that.  It went deep to the very core of who she was.  This fiasco meant that Carm had to reevaluate her belief in her self, her morals and her commitment to herself.

What kind of person just tossed their whole belief structure out the window for one night of fun?  Even if her judgment had been impaired by alcohol.  She’d spent her whole life secure in who she was and confident in her decisions. 

Now she questioned everything.

Carm ran her hands through her hair and stood up.  She had to finish getting ready because pity party or not, the job wouldn’t wait. 

As Carm applied makeup she thought back to the numerous conversations she’d had with her sister and friends over the years about sex.  Carm didn’t have anything against sex, not at all.  She’d felt desire and lust same as any girl.  Those were natural feelings.  And she handled those feelings same as most girls did.  Alone.

It seemed to be popular consensus among her friends that sex could be good, it could even be great.  But it wasn’t
until love was involved on both sides.  And that’s what she wanted.  She was a greedy woman and didn’t want to settle for second best. 

She wanted the magic.

Carm didn’t feel much like passing the time with inferior, ho-hum sex.  I her mind it was a waste of time.  Sex was sex and could be plenty good.  But she didn’t want
, she wanted the best.  And the best didn’t happen unless there was love.  Simple as that.

That’s why Carm was still a virgin and proud to be so.  She considered herself a confident, secure woman that had made her choice without shame.

But, now she had something to be ashamed about.  As soon as they figured out the specifics of last night she and Marek would either annul the marriage or divorce.  The idea of divorcing a man she didn’t even know didn’t sit well, but what could she do? 

It was the rest that would hang with her a long, long time.

Carm threw down her powder brush in disgust. 
Get off it Carm!  Enough already!
You screwed up big, deal with it.  Right now you’ve got a business to save.

Her reflection stared back at her from the mirror and Carm surveyed her handiwork.  Her makeup was
perfect.  Subtle, yet sultry.  Just the way she liked it.  It brought out the blue of her eyes.

Carm swept her hair into a smooth side part and pulled it back with a clip at the base of her head.  Satisfied with the overall look, she smacked her blush colored lips together and turned to leave.

Carm grabbed her purse and jacket on her way out the door.  She’d ordered a cab earlier and found it waiting in the drive for her when she made her way downstairs.  Putting on her sunglasses she slid across the seat and gave the address to the driver.  Shaky with nerves, Carm placed a hand on her jittery stomach and leaned back. 
Here goes nothing

Going over the game plan one last time Carm looked out the window at the colorful buildings they passed as the driver made his way out of town.  For fifteen minutes they climbed around the mountainous island.  The beautiful ocean was kept in view almost the whole time, enchanting Carm. 

It really was paradise.  If she wasn’t in her current situation she’d love to spend some quality time on the island.  Something about the place pulled at her and filled her with a deep sense of contentment when she looked around.

The driver slowed to make a turn and Carm felt her eyes go wide.  The split in the foliage barely looked wide enough for the taxi and had come out of nowhere.  She swore she hadn’t seen it coming.  Hidden among the dense plants and trees anyone could miss the driveway. 

Which is probably just how William Stokes wanted it, the arrogant ass.  Didn’t want anyone trespassing on his kingdom.

Branches and leaves whispered by the taxi and occasionally brushed the side.  Try as she might Carm couldn’t help but feel awed by the lush sight.

The road opened before them and they burst out of the thick drive.  Carm let out a low whistle at the sight before her.  She’d never seen a lawn sprawl for so long and still look almost dwarfed by the house.

Make that mansion.  Carm felt her mouth drop open as they pulled to a stop in front of the large two story plantation home.  It looked like something out of a brochure with its wide two story porch and stately appearance.  The sunny color added a touch of charm, keeping the place from feeling pretentious.

In fact, if Carm wasn’t so angry with the owner she’d admit to love at first sight.  The knowledge of what he was doing to her sister overrode her admiration for his home, however.

Climbing out of the taxi Carm paid the driver and strode quickly up the walkway to the front door and knocked.  Squaring her shoulders, Carm greeted the woman that opened the door.

“Hello.  I’m here for the two o’clock appointment with Mr. Stokes.  He’s expecting me.”

Carm kept her eyes on the short, plump woman as she nodded.  “I’ll take you ta his office.  Come along now.”

Following quickly on her heels, Carm ignored her posh surroundings.  If she didn’t no doubt she’d be distracted and she wanted to focus.  She’d allow an ogling session on her way out.

She admired the stern salt and pepper bun of the woman instead.  Like a drill sergeant the short woman stood ramrod straight.

Stopping in front of a set of French doors with bamboo shades drawn down over the glass, the woman turned.  “Here ya be now.  Mr. Stokes is waiting inside.”  She gave Carm a cursory once-over then strode quickly away leaving Carm alone.

BOOK: Temptation Island
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