Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) (75 page)

Read Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Deanndra Hall

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #Erotica, #erotic romance, #mystery

BOOK: Tearing Down Walls (Love Under Construction Series Book 2)
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“Ladies, you have no idea how much I appreciate this,” Nikki told Laura, Brittany, Annabeth, and Katie on Monday when they were putting food out for the Memorial Day party. “I’m beat. Traveling kills me. Not to mention that all Tony’s thought about is being back in our own bed. So I’m thankful for the help.”

“We’re glad to do it,” Laura said, and Annabeth nodded.

“I love helping out. You shouldn’t have to do all the work every time. We use your house, after all,” Brittany told her, pulling the lid off the potato salad Kathy had brought. Molly was getting out the dinnerware and flatware and Kathy had started pouring up tea and water into the pitchers. When Kelly walked in, Nikki put her to work warming the rolls. But Raffaella was sitting in the great room; she’d looked unusually tired, and Nikki had insisted that she rest. Vic had told them on the way home from the airport that she seemed especially frail to him, and Tony was worried about her.

Laura glanced at Nikki, and Nikki noticed something on the brunette’s face that she couldn’t discern. Finally, Laura asked, “Nik, could you get the rest of the girls in here with us? There’s something I need to tell you all.”

Nikki gathered all of the ladies together. “What’s going on, honey?” she asked Laura.

“I’m having surgery tomorrow,” she told them, her voice low and subdued. “I’m having my breast tissue removed and implants inserted.”

“Do you have cancer?” Annabeth worried.

“No. I have lots of scar tissue from an incident in the military, plus I don’t have a nipple on the left side. And Dr. Fisher said I need to have it done before I can . . .” She paused and took a deep breath. “Before we can get pregnant.”

It got quiet in the kitchen, then Molly said, “Laura, I’m so happy for you and Vic. I hope you have a beautiful, healthy baby.”

“Laura?” Annabeth whispered. “Are you guys getting married?”

“Yes. Vic hasn’t formally proposed, but I think it’s coming soon.”

Before Annabeth could start squealing, Katie clapped her hand over her partner’s mouth. Brittany threw her arms around Laura’s neck and whispered in her ear, “Congratulations! We love you both so much. I hope you’ll be very, very happy!”

“We already are,” Laura whispered back to her. Then Laura turned to Nikki with a pleading look, a need to have the smaller woman tell her that it was okay, that Nikki was all right with it and everything between them was good.

Nikki held out both arms and Laura walked into her embrace. “I’m so happy for both of you, sweetie. We’ll do anything we can to help you guys, any time. You know that.”

“But are you okay with this?” Laura whispered to her, careful that the others couldn’t hear. “I know that you and Tony would’ve loved to have a child together, and that you and Vic . . .”

“Laura, all I’ve ever wanted was for Vic to be happy. And if you’re happy too, that’s even better.” Nikki smoothed Laura’s hair with a shaking hand. “You are happy, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t know a person could be so happy. And Vic’s happy too. We’re so lucky to have each other,” Laura whispered back and hugged Nikki close.

Thinking about it was almost too painful, so Nikki turned and smiled at all of the women. “We need to get this show on the road. Let’s go, ladies,” she said, picking up food and moving it to the buffet in the dining room. She heard the front door open, then Tony’s voice. In a second, she heard him yell, “Hey, Nik! Come in here!”

Nikki dropped what she was doing, headed to the door, and stopped in shock. There, inside the doorway, was John Henry and his date – Marla!

“What the . . . Oh my god!” Nikki grabbed Marla and hugged her. “I don’t understand . . .”

John Henry grinned. “Clayton sent me over to the shop to order flowers for Cheryl for Administrative Assistants Day. Marla was working, and one thing led to another, and . . .”

“Yeah, we didn’t want to say anything until we decided if we were going to keep seeing each other,” Marla added.

“And?” Nikki was practically dancing from one foot to the other.

“Let’s just say I’ve got her and I don’t intend to let her get away!” John Henry laughed, and Marla leaned her head into his shoulder. Nikki was beyond thrilled. Tony took on the pleasure of introducing Marla around in the great room.

Nikki had no more than gotten busy again in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell. “I’ll get it.” Annabeth passed through the dining room to the door. Nikki heard her say, “Hi. Can I help you?” The voices droned out of earshot, and she heard Annabeth ask them to come in. “Mom?” she called out.

Just as Nikki started to the door, she saw Laura stiffen; it was so noticeable that Nikki was sure something was wrong. “Hi! Can I help you?” she asked the strangers at the door.

“I hope so. I’m Roy Billings and this is my wife, Brenda. Is Laura here?” The big man seemed kind of shaky, and Nikki was confused. When she turned, she was stunned to find Laura standing in the foyer doorway, arms crossed. It took Nikki a nanosecond to figure out who they were.

“What are the two of you doing here?” Laura asked them, a look of total passivity on her face.

“Hi honey!” her mother said. “How are you? My, don’t you look pretty in that dress!” Laura looked down to see what she was wearing; ten minutes earlier she would’ve remembered without looking, but seeing her parents there had completely rattled her.

“We came to see you, to talk to you, Laura. We miss you,” her father said. He reached out to her, but she pulled back. Nikki could almost see ice spreading across her features as they spoke.

“Laura, honey, why don’t you take them into the master bedroom sitting area?” she asked, trying to coax Laura into going upstairs with them.

“No. I didn’t think they’d show up, and I damn sure don’t want to talk to them,” she snapped, turning on her heels and speeding back into the kitchen.

Nikki was at a loss for what to do. Always gracious, she said, “Why don’t the two of you come on into the great room? Everyone’s out there, and I’m sure . . .”

“Maybe we should just leave,” Roy said, and Brenda started to cry. “This was a mistake. I knew nothing had changed.”

“But a lot has, Mr. Billings; can I call you Roy?” Nikki asked. The sad-looking man nodded. “Laura’s made a lot of progress in the last few months, getting comfortable in her own skin and learning that people can be trusted. I’m sorry she had that reaction to seeing you, but I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

At that exact moment, Vic stepped into the foyer. “Hey! I’m so glad you two made it!” he said, shaking Roy’s hand. Then he caught the looks on both their faces and turned to Nikki.

“Kitchen,” she sighed.

“Excuse me,” Vic mumbled as he turned.

“If anyone can do anything to bring her around, it’s him,” Nikki told Laura’s parents.

“He seems like a nice fellow,” Roy said.
Yeah, and if he wasn’t bullshitting me, she’ll be set for life if she stays with him,
Roy thought.
And if these people are his relatives, I’m betting it’s all true.

“He’s kind of big and scary-looking,” Brenda whispered to Nikki.

Nikki just laughed. “I know, but Vic’s got a big tender heart to go with that tough exterior. Just wait – you’ll see! And isn’t he just the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen?” she whispered back to Brenda.

“Oh, he sure is!” Brenda grinned. When she smiled, Nikki realized that Laura looked just like her mother, the same hazel eyes and dark hair, but she was taller, like her father.

“So come on out here and meet everyone, let Vic talk to her for a few minutes. I’m sure it’ll all be fine,” Nikki said, leading the way. After she’d introduced Roy and Brenda to Tony, he took over the introductions. Nikki almost laughed; it was clear that Roy recognized Tony when they were introduced. The look on his face when he realized Vic’s family connection was gratifying to her.

All the ladies in the kitchen knew something was going on when Laura huffed back through the doorway, and in a few seconds Vic showed up. That was when they all decided they should probably get the hell out of there while they still could. Brittany took off toward the great room like a rocket, with all the rest on her heels.

Laura’s back greeted Vic. She stood in front of the sink, staring out the window, her arms crossed over her chest. He walked up behind her quietly and slipped his arms around her waist. “Honey, I think . . .”

She wheeled around; her face was bright red and her eyes were livid. “I don’t give a damn what you think. I didn’t get all that mad when you told me you’d invited them because I never dreamed they’d show up. But now, well, I’m pretty fucking pissed and I don’t mind letting you know that,” she hissed. That was a sure way to get him to apologize. He’d hate having her mad at him.

Much to Laura’s surprise, that wasn’t what happened – at all. Vic glared at her from under his dark brows. “Missy, I will not tolerate that tone from you.”

“Oh, and exactly what will you do about it? Tough guy? Big bad Dom? I’m not your fucking sub,” Laura taunted.

Vic shot her a malicious grin, and she knew she wouldn’t like what he was about to say. “Seems I recall a certain lovely lady getting her ass spanked for something she’d done that she shouldn’t have.”

Her eyes went round. “You wouldn’t . . .” she spat at him.

Vic continued to glare at her. “Oh, I wouldn’t, would I? If I don’t see an attitude adjustment in about ten seconds, I’ll throw you right over my shoulder, carry you right up those stairs, take you right into our bedroom here, and blister your backside until you won’t be able to sit for a week. Don’t think I won’t.” Laura scowled, and then Vic thought of something she’d said to him. “You need to think: What would Nikki do? What
she doing? Right now?”

Heat crept back up her face, and she snarled, “She’s in there introducing them around, being the world’s best hostess.”

The corners of Vic’s lips curled upward ever so slightly. “That’s right. And you’re going to go right out there and sit down. You don’t have to be all huggy-huggy-kissy-kissy with them, but you
have to be polite. I’ll accept nothing less. Now go and be the lady I know you to be, not the brat I’m seeing right now; get out there and act like a grownup.” Vic pointed to the great room, and Laura knew he meant every word he’d said.
Damn it,
she thought.
He’s right, but I’d
admit it to him.
As she turned to walk out, Vic reached out and caught her arm, spun her around, and planted a big kiss on her cherry-red lips. “I love you, little girl,” he whispered to her, and that was all it took – she melted right into him and kissed him back.

“I love you too,” she whispered. “But there’s a fine line between love and hate, buster,” she grinned, and he smacked her butt as she walked out of the room.

“Gosh, that was a wonderful meal.” Brenda folded her napkin and put it on the table. “I appreciate you inviting us, Vic. Well, I should say Tony and Nikki,” she smiled. “You have a lovely home.”

“It’s been in my family for a long time, but I did some renovations a few years back. We’re pretty comfortable here,” he replied and smiled at his wife.

“We’ve got all kinds of dessert over on the sideboard, so help yourselves,” Nikki told them all. “And if you don’t want anything right now, just come back whenever you’re ready and get what you want.”

“God, I’m stuffed,” José moaned. Nikki had invited Steve and the four guys to join them, plus Wendy. The young female tech from Citadel seemed to get left out of everything. But if it hadn’t been for her, Vic and Laura might’ve never made it to Memorial Day.

“Yeah, me too,” Steve groaned. “I need to get myself a woman to cook for me, I think. And maybe do laundry and wash my car . . .”

“Wow, you’re not very demanding, are you?” Kelly sniped at him.

“Steve? Oh, no, not at all,” Vic growled with an over-exaggerated rolling of the eyes.

The doorbell rang again, and Tony heard Nikki cry out, “Bryson! I’m so glad you came! And who is this pretty lady on your arm?”

“Nikki, this is my wife, Fran. Fran, this is Nikki Walters, Tony’s wife. Remember Tony from elementary school?”

“He was a year older than me, but I remember him. He was always so cute,” she gushed. About that time, Tony rounded the corner.

“Still is! See?” Nikki cooed. “Baby, look who showed up!”

“Bryson! Glad you could make it!”

“I had to work until one, but I’m glad we got to come. I guess the food’s . . .”

“Right in here. There’s plenty,” Tony told him. “Everyone’s still sitting around the table, so you’re not late. You’re right on time!” Nikki led them into the dining room and everyone scooted around to make room.

To the group’s surprise, Laura got up, walked around the table, and hugged Bryson. “I never got to tell you, but thank you for bringing me here that night. I’ll never forget that you did that for me – for us.” Watching her hugging and thanking Bryson set up that ache in Vic’s chest again. She’d grown so much and come so far, and he was so proud of her. Before she could sit back down, he decided it was time.

Standing, he took her hands and looked into her eyes. He loved Tony and Nikki, the kids, and his Zia Raffie, but no one had ever looked at him with as much love and trust this woman, and when he brought the small box out of his pocket, the look of adoration in his eyes made Laura gasp. She knew what was coming, and she was ready.

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