Take It Farther (5 page)

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Authors: Laran Mithras

BOOK: Take It Farther
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Friday night was a night I will never forget. Ever.

I pushed the button on the gate-com and waited.

"Yes?" A female voice I did not recognize.

"Richard Franklin." My wife sat silent beside me.

There was no answer. An electronic beep and the gate swung
open. We drove in and parked near the front door.

Their house was palatial.

Walter greeted us at the front door. A man stood near him in
the semblance of a uniform. "Richard! Jolene! Come in." His
exuberance was welcoming.

We entered and the uniformed man took Jolene's coat. Then he
took mine.

Jacqueline floated towards us from the hall. "Richard,
so glad you could make it."

As if I was the only one? I think from that moment on, I
wondered how I could take her position from her at work. It was a crack in her
seemingly insurmountable armor that said she was also nervous. Hadn't she done
this before?

Walter led Jolene away as if we weren't there.

I said, "I wouldn't miss a chance to see that Akkadian
Babylonian piece you mentioned."

Her smile actually became warm. I might have to guard
against seeming too excited in the future over what she liked. Wouldn't want
there to be difficulties over personal and business mixing.

She took my arm, possessively. "This way."

I'll admit, right now, that the comb was spectacular.
Jeweled a little less heavily than I imagined, the thing had two sets of tines:
one thick set and one thin. The middle had some kind of creature engraved on
it. A griffon? I wasn't sure.

The comb was set on a stand of velvet in a glass case on top
of a pedestal under a halogen spotlight.

"Wow," I said. If I had ever said anything to
attract or entice or flirt with Jacqueline Preston, that was it, right there –
and not intentionally.

She leaned against me, smiling. "Exquisite, isn't

I could not help but admit the truth. "Yes."


~ ~ ~


"Where are they, anyway?" I asked.

We were sitting on a couch, sipping wine.

She looked at me with bright and knowing eyes. "Do you
really want to know?"

I swirled my wine in my glass, aerating it. "Of course;
she's my wife."

She sipped at her wine. "Fucking, probably."

I blinked. That fast? My wife?

"Don't believe me?" Her gaze was playful.

"No, actually. I don't think I do."

She rose. "Come."

I followed her, half-finished wine in hand.

She led me deep into the house and up some stairs to a
split-second level. She approached a closed door and slowed. She put her head
close to the door. Then she motioned for me to come closer.

I frowned. But I came closer. Muffled sounds greeted me. My
wife's sounds, as if muffled by a pillow or a mouth. Her moans told me it was

My heart began to race. What was going on?

A hand pulled me away.

Downstairs, I began to pace. I downed the rest of my wine.

Jacqueline said, "Why don't you relax?"

I spun. "My wife is in there."

"I understand."

"Do you?" I faced her, accusation in my features.

"Of course I do. My husband is in there." She said
it as if that was all that needed to be said.

I paced more, but silently. Was he hurting her? Was she
okay? Was she happy? Was she scared?

I heard then, a cry, male, as if finding a painfully
pleasurable end to a coupling.

I paced faster.


I looked at my boss.

She said, "It's alright."

How could I make her understand? "My wife is up

She rose from the couch and came to me. "I think…"

"What?" I paced back and forth, out of her grip
with each turn.

"Come. Let me show you."

"Show me what?"

"Shh. I'll open the door and let you see. It's alright.
Just be quiet."

Torn with the need to scream, I followed her, intrigued that
my fears would be removed.

We re-climbed the stairs. She led me back along the hall to
the door.

Pausing, she let me listen. Pants and moans came from
within. Was that really my wife?

She quietly opened the door.

I saw the bed, large and high. On it, two forms struggled in
desperate sex. Walter's butt flexed and moved back and forth between feminine

Jolene lay there, clutching Walter, her fingernails digging
into his back. Her face was screwed up in that concentration that seemed so
familiar up close, but now viewed so far away.

That was my love. She was not in pain, or being hurt. Her
hips moved with Walter's thrusts. I couldn't see if he was in her or not, but
it sure looked like it.

A hand reached around and stroked my growing length in my

Walter was pulling out slowly and driving in hard. My wife's
body moved with each thrust. Her face was registering bliss.

All at once, I hated his butt, and loved the sight. I knew
her. I knew her sounds. These were hers. And hating him as I did, I became
incredibly excited that he was treating my wife to pleasure.

Jacqueline unfastened my slacks and I let her.

She pulled my cock out and began stroking me from behind.
Her breath was hot in my ear. "Do you like what you're seeing?"

My cock hardened fully. My eyes were transfixed on Walter's
hips moving, driving his cock into my wife. "I…"

Her strokes scrambled my senses. I became aroused beyond all
imagination. My shaft swelled larger than I have ever felt it. Her hand shafted
it in time with her husband's thrusts into my wife's pussy.

I felt the connection, then. My wife was safe. She was
liking what was happening. Her hips moved with his thrusts and her mouth gaped
open in that familiar way. It was a little disconcerting seeing her move under
another man, but not strange. Just familiar and different at the same time.

Jacqueline stroked my very hard cock while Walter fucked my
wife senseless. "Do you like what he's doing to her?"

My breathing was ragged. "Yes."

"Do you like her enjoying it?"


"Do you love your wife?"


"Even now?"

"Oh, yes."

She pulled harder in her strokes. "Do you want Walter
to fuck her?"

My head swam. Yes I did. Definitely. "Yes."

Her hand sped up. It felt good. "Do you want my husband
to fuck your wife again?"

I whispered, "Yes, fuck yes." Lights flashed and
my senses exploded. Long shots of cum erupted from my cock and I cried out in
relief and agony.

Walter and Jolene looked over at me, then back to each

What I had done set off Walter. His butt clenched and he
sank deep, convulsing and shooting his cum into my wife.

She cried out, her hips lifting to accept all of him. He
grunted, clenching over and over as he filled her. Each clench of his ass sent
another jet of sperm splashing into my wife's depths. His orgasm went on for a
long time, his cock deep in my wife's pussy. It was his second orgasm, and he
shot it as deep as he could, without a condom.

I loved it.

But they weren't done.

Jacqueline led me to a love seat and we sat.

Jolene smiled at me, unsure a couple of times.

I smiled back, unsure at first, but happy she was not being

Her smiles brightened. Walter was on his side, leaning
against her, toying with her. After a few minutes of murmuring talk I couldn't
make out, he moved down her form and began licking at her clit.

My wife seemed to melt into the bed. Her eyes closed and one
hand came up and lightly stroked at her breast.

Walter worked her clit over and was massaging his penis – it
was semi-hard.

He can't go three times, can he? Difficult for me to go

As if reading my mind, Jacqueline whispered into my ear,
"Looks like he going to try again. He usually only cums twice. But he's
done it three times on certain occasions."

My wife didn't look abused, so I sat and waited, watching.
Walter was no bigger than me. As he firmed, I saw that he had a slight upward
curve. Mine was very straight.

Seeing my wife laying back and relaxed, all of my fears
vanished. My worries were forgotten. What was happening was as natural as
speech, or a touch. Nothing had changed, except that my beautiful wife looked
even sexier.

I wondered then, did Walter appreciate her? Did he like what
he was seeing? I hoped he hadn't said anything stupid like her boobs were too
small or her hips too flat. He might take enjoyment with her but I was the one
who had to deal with hurt feelings at home.

My eyes narrowed. She was mine; he better damned well treat
her like a goddess.

He was hard again. He motioned and pulled on her hip.

She started, then began moving with his gestures. She got on
her knees and he pushed her forward. Her swollen pussy was exposed, her ass in
the air. She leaned down on her forearms and looked underneath her, watching
him toy with his cock near her pussy.

He moved up and touched it to my wife's pussy. He moved the
head around, just playing, making no moves to get it in.

Jolene wriggled her hips.

A push from his hips and I couldn't see the head of his cock
anymore – it was inside my wife's folds.

I thought seeing their union would inflame me with anger, or
jealousy. It was altogether different and unexpected. It didn't feel wrong, or
taboo, or forbidden or disturbing. Nope, it actually looked like the most
natural thing I could have imagined. It looked right. It looked nice and
intimate and caused me feelings of happiness. It was totally unexpected.

Walter pushed all the way in. I couldn't see anything now as
his hips were firmly pressed against the backs of her thighs.

My wife had raised her head a little and was moaning lowly.
She did that for me. The moves and sounds were the same. Nothing new here
indicated that anything had changed. She was feeling pleasure in her normal way
just as she did with me.

A feeling floated around within me. I realized I had hoped
she only ever really experienced pleasure with me. There was a slight jealousy
for that. But it was eroded away into nothing by seeing her feeling good about
what was happening and the fact that she wasn't exhibiting anything other than
her normal pleasure.

So then I started to feel good. I touched my cock again,
massaging it as he moved against my wife. She pushed back against his thrusts
and they worked together as he fucked her.

That's when I realized I was smiling. There was no threat
here. Nothing to destroy the marriage. Of course, as long as she didn't want to
run away with him. But I knew she loved me. She looked over at me a few times
and all the same, strong love for me was in her eyes as we locked gazes.

In fact, her looking at me as she got fucked was probably
one of the sexiest memories I will ever have of my lovely wife.

Walter pumped into her for a long time. I'm not sure how
long. The bed moved lightly and eventually my wife laid forward, and down –
only her ass lifted off the bed. She began moaning in something like a
delirium. It was breathy and indistinct, as if she were floating somewhere else
on the pleasure. Her eyes were closed.

Walter's muscles began to tense and he started driving his
hips down into my wife's upturned pussy.

Her light, breathy moans turned into louder gasps and cries
of ecstasy. Hair was all over her face, but I could see her brow furrowed in
that look of sexual tension.

Walter had it, too, his mouth open in a grimace and his eyes
squeezed shut as he strained to pump her faster and harder.

I loved seeing her butt jiggle to his thrusts. There wasn't
much to jiggle, but it sure looked awesome. I could see parts of his shaft as
he pounded her. In and out. My wife's pussy smoothly accepted his pistoning

He began making a strangling noise and then he pushed hard
into her. He held it there, his body quivering and then suddenly jerking hard
and forcefully, once again shooting his load deep into my wife.

Jolene wasn't responding. She was laying there, her ass up,
and a look of concentration on her face. She was letting him finish in her and
feeling it.

She slowly sank down when Walter pulled his dripping cock
from my wife's pussy.

There was no complaint from me. I was hard again, stroking,
but too sensitive to cum again.

Jacqueline was squirming on the seat next to me and looking
at her husband.

Jolene was looking at me, opening and closing her eyes. We
shared a smile. I'm not sure what mine looked like to her, but hers turned into
one of relief.



Walter fucked my wife four more times over the next two
months. Then he grew bored. Jacqueline assured me it wasn't my wife that bored
him; it was simply his way.

Jolene took it hard for a couple weeks, but realized it had
run its course.

I lay with my wife in bed one night, a month after learning
there would likely not be any more get-togethers.

She stroked her fingers down my chest. "Are you sure
there's nothing going on between you and Jacqueline?"

I looked at her with a suffering glance. "You know
there isn't."


I was confused. "So?"

She toyed with my chest hair. "So if someone else came

Oh. I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I mean, is that something off limits now?"

I put down my stupid magazine. "Off limits? I think we
got out of it what we wanted."


"But you mean if a new opportunity presented

She nodded.

I knew what she meant. She had very much enjoyed it and would
I be willing to do it again? I stroked her face. "Only if the man was
ready to respect you as good as or better than Walter."

She smiled, then, nodding. Her love was evident and she
petted my head in return. "I love you."

"And I love you."

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