Take It Farther (3 page)

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Authors: Laran Mithras

BOOK: Take It Farther
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It was snowing a little heavier the next day, but was warm
enough that most of it was melting on the ground.

Walter invited Jolene for a leisurely stroll around the
property, which she accepted.

She had on her jeans, snow boots, knit jacket and a scarf
with a snow-beanie. She looked radiant and warm.

I watched them go from the porch. Not much could happen out
in the snow.

Jacqueline came up beside me and watched them walk off.
"How is… everything?"

I knew she meant more than just asking about my morning.
"Alright, I guess."

"You guess?"

We went back inside. "Your husband seems concerned with
respecting her. I like that."

Her smile was almost as radiant as Jolene's. "Oh, Walt
will certainly make her feel like a princess. His charm is relentless."

"Walt, huh?"

She shook her head. "My pet name for him. Don't call
him that to his face."

I grunted.

She said, "What do you do for fun?"

"Read business magazines for the comic relief."

She rolled her eyes with a knowing look. Business magazines
were pure propaganda. "About as fun as a tabloid?"

I gave her a grin. "What about you?"

"I collect antiquities."

I gave her an appraising look. "That's unusual."

"Is it?"

"What's your favorite piece?"

She touched my shoulder as we sat on the couch. "A
gemmed comb unearthed from Akkadian Babylon."

"Babylon? Wow."

"That's what I thought. Paid dearly for it, but I love
looking at it. The workmanship is still evident after four thousand years."

"I'd love to see it."

"We'll have to invite you to our home."

I raised an eyebrow. Getting invited to Jacqueline Preston's
cabin was special as it was. To her home? Quite special. "I look forward
to it."

"I'm relieved you're comfortable with my husband paying
attention to your wife."

I wasn't sure what to say. "I… think we understand each

She nodded. "He said you two spoke in the

"I would not see my wife treated like—"

She stopped me. "No one wants to see their loved ones
treated poorly. Rest assured Walter would never treat your wife in the wrong

I sighed, breathing a little easier. "I don't know
about anything heavier…"

Her look said nothing, just watched me.


~ ~ ~


Walter returned with Jolene about two hours later. They came
walking through the falling snowflakes holding hands. Or holding gloves.

Right outside the door they hugged. Briefly.

I had time alone with Jolene in the bedroom as she changed
into something for inside. "You were holding hands?"

"Ah, yes. There was a muddy patch in the meadow and I
started to slip. He saved me an embarrassing fall. After that he just sort of
held on."

I couldn't say much about them holding gloves, could I?
"He was nice?"

"Very. He showed me the meadow beyond the trees and the
creek that borders it. There was some ruins of a water mill there. All

"He hugged you, too."

She gave me a look. "Yes, it was very sweet."

I pursed my lips.

"Oh, come on. We were both bundled like Eskimos."

She had a point and after saying it, I didn't feel bad about

"You're alright?" She sat next to me on the bed.

I considered our conversation the previous night and how I
felt now. Walter was being kind and a gentleman. I had nothing to complain
about. "Yes, I suppose I am."


~ ~ ~


Dinner was more touching between them. It distracted me. I
wanted to see and I wanted to say something, but there was nothing to say. It
wasn't salacious and a part of me firmed a little in happiness that my wife was
receiving so much admiration and attention.

Seeing something flirtatious like that had me expecting to
be defensive, and then realizing that I was alright with it. I wanted her to
have fun and be happy.

Walter made a fire after dinner in the huge fireplace. He
reclined in front of it next to my wife. They both lay with their feet towards
the fire. They were on their sides, facing each other, still talking. And they
were talking about banking, of all things. What could be so interesting about
banking? But he had her laughing about how serious his wife was and how focused
I was.

Were we that strange? I looked at Jacqueline. She was
looking at me over a cup of tea, one leg crossed over the other, foot swinging

Walter leaned a little closer when my wife looked at the
fire. "That perfume is wonderful. What is it?" His nose was close to
her neck.

Watching a man's face so close to her made my heart thump a
little, but it settled quickly.

"Oh, I don't wear perfume. Bad chemicals."

"Smart woman. So that's just soap?"

Jolene shrugged with one shoulder. "Soap and

His voice was low. "Intoxicating."

She sort of jerked her head to him. "My smell?"

But he was pulling away. "Drinks?"

Jacqueline said, "Scotch for me."

Jolene said, "Pina Colada?"

Walter looked hurt. "Oh, I'm sorry. We don't have those
mixes here. Maybe we should have some in the future."

"What do you have?"

Scotch, rum, whisky, and vodka. The basics only.

"That's okay. I'll have some rum."

He nodded and looked at me.

"What your wife's having."

"Two scotches, then." He walked into the kitchen
leaving Jolene alone.


~ ~ ~


I was happy. Seeing them talking and drinking and touching
made me realize I was worrying over nothing. A warm feeling in me appreciated
his attention to my wife. My reservations were gone. Maybe with the scotch.

Jacqueline and I talked about antiques and her dismissal of
anything under a couple hundred years old.

I watched Walter and Jolene talking less and less, just sort
of leaning their heads together, occasionally murmuring something. What had I
been worried about? My wife was beautiful. It made me feel proud that she was
so attractive that my boss's husband found her irresistible.

I turned once to Jacqueline. "You? You're okay…?"
I motioned.

Her smile was like a cat that had just slurped some warm
milk. Her eyes twinkled and her mouth displayed a saucy grin. A single nod.

When I looked back, he was nuzzling my wife's neck.
Smelling, moving his nose. Her head was back a little, relaxing and enjoying

I had often done the same to her. Seeing her from a totally
separate viewpoint doing what she did with me was at once familiar. So that's
what she looks like when I nuzzle her neck.

She leaned up a little and finished her rum. She turned to set
the glass down between them and Walter lifted her chin with his finger. He was
looking into her eyes with a sly smile.

I sipped at my scotch.

He leaned forward slowly.

My heart began to pound.

His lips met hers briefly – just a seductive brush of flesh.

My breath caught and my mouth was open.

But he was already pulling back.

That… wasn't so bad. I guess. I closed my mouth.


~ ~ ~


She was in bed before me. I stripped naked and climbed in.

Jolene winked at me.

I hugged her towards me. "Did you have a fun day?"

She giggled.

I could tell she was half-plastered. So was I for that
matter. "How did you like all that fireplace play?"

She smiled. "Hmm." Then laughed. "That was

My hand slipped down her panties. "His kissing your
neck and all that was okay?"

She nodded. "Mm hmm. It made me hot."

Hearing that stirred my penis.

"And the kiss?"

She waved a hand. "What a tease. It was hardly a

I dipped a finger down and into her wet folds. "You
wanted him to kiss you better?"

"Would have been nice."

"Do you want him to kiss you?"

She groaned. "Would you be mad?"

I was erect. "Not if you liked it."

"Maybe I'll let him kiss me then."

"We're leaving tomorrow."

"I know."

Another night of building sexual tension without release. I
couldn't wait to get home.



I watched Walter take Jolene for another walk Sunday
morning. They held hands as they left.

Jacqueline and I talked about the Federal Reserve and the
plans to replace the dollar. We talked of gold and silver and paper assets.

I think we were both chatting to pass the time until they

I finally said, "How many…" I gestured out the

"How many other women? That's sort of a personal
question, isn't it?"

"My wife is a personal question."

She got what I meant. "Three others over the years."

"Oh, that's all?"

She almost frowned at me. "Walter is very picky."

"I… guess I should be flattered."

"You should. And your wife, too."

"So you like this?"

She smiled that contented smile. "Life with Walter is
always fun. Even more when another woman is involved."

"Aren't you ever worried that he'll…"

"The first time I was. But he's not interested in
taking them, just appreciating them for a time."

I went quiet. That made it sound so easy and neat. But was
it? After sleeping off the scotch, I had begun to wonder if I really wanted him
kissing her.

But such decisions at this point of the short weekend were
out of my hands. Walter kissed her outside while Jacqueline and I watched
through the window.

His kiss was deep and slow. My wife responded with her arms
around his neck, clinging and moving with him in the kiss. It didn't seem as
sensual as I had thought it would be. More desperate – filled with tension.

The trip was over shortly after that.


~ ~ ~


I drove us home and we went through the rest of the evening
doing normal things. I waited until bed to bring it up. "He kissed you
this morning."

"Yes." She sounded guarded.

"Were you bothered?"

Jolene didn't answer right away. "I was unsure. But it
was just a kiss. It didn't seem too big a deal at the time."

I remembered their lips locked and the desperate motions of
the kiss. "You didn't like it?"

She turned and toyed with my cock, running her fingernails
along it. "I liked it. For a kiss."

I wanted to say that the flirting was done, but I began to
build an erection.

She smiled. "You really liked me kissing him?"

"Seeing you passionate was a turn on, but I think maybe
that was enough."

She was already nodding. She blew out a breath. "Whew.
Good. It might've been fun but I really don't want anything to go farther. I
don't want to be placing our marriage on the chopping block so some guy can
flirt with me."

"I wouldn't leave you over that."

She laughed with relief. "Well, yeah. It's already
happened. So it was okay that we kissed?"

I was hard. "Yes."

She stroked me. Wicked woman.

I reached down and slid my hands down her panties. She was
hot and wet. "Did you like him kissing you?"

"The kiss was nice."

"But did you like him kissing you?"

She moaned to my fingers. Then she said, "Yes."

Our sex was hot, feverish and as desperate as their kiss.


~ ~ ~


She smiled at me in the morning before she left. Her voice
was silky. "I think I like what Walter's done for our love-life."

"It was great before him."

"And it's great now, too. You were an animal."

I chuckled. "You're a sexy woman."

She grew serious. "I meant what I said, though. I don't
think I want to go any further."

"Alright." I was not disappointed. I had to agree,
the inclusion of a little flirtation from Walter had created a sensational lust
between us for each other. Is that how it was for Jacqueline? Had she been
fucked silly last night? And had she enjoyed it?


~ ~ ~


I picked up my phone the following week. "Yes, Mrs.

"I think you can call me Jacqueline when others aren't


"Walter and I want to invite you and Jolene to The
Silver Lining on Third."

The Silver Lining was a posh dinner club with a touch of
dancing to slow techno music. Young people stayed away – the cover charge was a
hundred dollars.


"Say yes. Walter likes to dance and I don't. It's a
very nice place."

"Yes, I've heard about it."

"Let us treat you."

"I… will have to ask—"

"Please do."


~ ~ ~


I was on my phone seconds after hanging up. I hit send on
Jolene's number.

"Richard? Calling about dancing?"

I knew she figured it would be about Jacqueline and Walter.
"Yes. They invited us to The Silver Lining for dinner and dancing. How did
you know?"

"Walter texted me. It sounds fun."

"Oh, I was hoping you 'd agree with me to reject this
one like we agreed."

"Well, it's just dinner and dancing. Posh public place.
I don't see any harm in it. And I like to dance."

My concerns melted away under a wash of interest. "I
guess if you put it that way."

"What else would it be?"

"I don't know, a handsome man pressed up against you
half the night?"

Her laugh was low and sultry. "Someone's getting
thoughts. I don't think I'll be wearing panties to bed tonight."

I laughed. "Naughty woman."

I hung up from her feeling silly for thinking about
rejecting. What was dinner and dancing? It actually sounded like fun even to
sit and watch her. I shifted in my chair, my member deciding to wake up and
move around.

Now that I had talked to her, I found I couldn't wait. I'd
have to help her pick out a dress.


~ ~ ~


Jolene said, "You're kidding." She looked at the

I nodded. "That one."

"Are you serious? I can't wear something like

It wasn't really as bad as she was making it sound. The hem
ended at her knees in a slim slink of material. The skirt was topped by a loop
of material that tied around the neck. Her back would be exposed and her sides.
She would look fantastic in it. "Try it on."

"No way."

"Come on, you'll look beautiful in it. I want to see
you in it."

She gave me an eyebrow. "Walter would, too."

"Well, nothing wrong with that, is there? It's a dance

"Alright. I'll try it on. No promises."

I waited outside the dressing room. Some young thing who
still sported braces gave me a good once over. Go away, little girl.

"Okay," said Jolene.

I opened the door and started to step in. "Wow."

"Oh stop it." But she was turning this way and
that to see everything. "I thought I might fall out of it, but
everything's covered."

"So it's a sale."

She gave me an eye.

I lightly gripped her from behind and breathed down her
neck. I could see goosebumps form on her skin. "I love it. And Walter
will, too."

She shivered. "You think so?"

I nodded into her neck. "If you don't wear this dress,
you don't go."

She coughed. Then she shook her head. "Alright,
alright. I hope he doesn't think I look stupid."

"He'll think you're beautiful."

She placed her hand on mine as it rested on her shoulder.


~ ~ ~


The evening of the dinner she fussed with the dress.

I stood there, feeling excited by her dressing for Walter.
"I think…"

"Hmm? You're not thinking of canceling, are you?"

I shifted the bulge in my slacks. "No."

"What's wrong?"

"I can see your panty-line."

She groaned. "Lemme try another pair."

"Go without them."

"What? No way."

"Really. Go without them. Your dress is so long there's
no danger of there being an accidental flash. You could even sit on a barstool
and your dress would cover."

"I'm not going without panties."

I moved up behind her. "It would make me excited."

She looked at me weird. "It would?"

"Sure, to have you pressed against him wearing just the

"Hmm, you really would like that?"

"I promise to attack the hell out of you when we get

She giggled. "I don't know."

"Tell you what. If you wear panties, this is the last
time we get together with them. If you go without, then I'll agree to more
dinners and dances."

"That's not fair."

I grinned. "Sure it is. The choice is all yours.
However, I urge you to go without. Let's not spoil the fun."

She shook her head but reached up and pulled them off.
"Are you sure about this?"

I ran my hands down her sides and over her buttcheeks.

She shifted and turned to me. Her grin was half there,
searching. "Are you sure?"


"I thought you wanted it ending at a kiss?"

"It's just dinner and dancing."

"What if he wants to kiss me?"

"I'll leave it up to you."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

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