Submitting to Him (3 page)

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Authors: Alysha Ellis

BOOK: Submitting to Him
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He tossed a foil packet to Nick. “Fuck my wife. Don’t stop until she comes again, but make her work for it. She likes it hard, don’t you, dear,” he said as he leant down beside her.

She didn’t answer and he dealt her another stinging slap. “Do you want Nick to fuck you hard?”

She nodded.

“And when he’s finished with you, I’m going to do you, over and over. Do you understand?”

Again she nodded. Nick stepped up behind her. His thick cock would make it difficult for her, stretching her already sensitive opening. Blair moved in close, positioning himself so he could see the red lips of her cunt surrounding Nick, watch him slide in on her juices, glide out again, her tight pussy holding him, the erotic tug of friction.

“Harder,” he ordered, but it wasn’t needed. Nick drove into her, strong and fast, his fist wrapped in her hair, pulling her head back. He leant forward and sank his teeth into the sinews of her neck, holding her like a stallion mounted a mare, the mating wild and feral.

Nick’s teeth were white and strong and he closed them on Elise’s skin and tugged. A shiver raced across her skin. Her high-pitched scream told Blair she’d come again.

Nick’s control seemed to slip and he rode her so hard the iron frame of the bed head slapped against the wall. Every thrust drew a panting grunt from Elise and she pushed back on her elbows, fighting not to fall.

With a shout Nick came, his head flung up. A red and white ring of teeth marks stood out clearly on Elise’s skin.

To hell with giving Nick time to recover or withdraw at his own pace. Blair had to be back inside Elise and it had to be now. He grabbed Nick by the arm and dragged him away. He didn’t wait to see how Nick reacted or where he went. The clasp of Elise’s body as he sank into it made him shudder with delight. Her tight, rounded buttocks flexed and rubbed against him.

She clenched her inner muscles and Blair’s capacity for observation of anything beyond the feel of his cock in her pussy evaporated in a searing blaze. He thrust deep, burying himself to the balls. She rocked on her elbows with the force and the head of the bed tapped against the wall in time with Blair’s rhythmic chant. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuck!”

In spite of having come such a short time ago his balls contracted. One more thrust and the familiar pulsating oblivion hit.

When the fog cleared, he lay slumped over Elise’s back, his still-rigid cock stroked by the rippling of her aftershocks.

She’d collapsed onto her stomach, her arms stretched out in front of her in a way that must have caused her shoulders to ache but there was no complaint. The only sound was their mingled gasps for air.

Something cold and wet brushed up against the side of Blair’s face. He looked up. Nick stood beside him, a bottle of beer in each hand. He gave one to Blair, and then nodded towards Elise. “You permit?”

“Yes,” Blair said and watched as Nick unlashed her hands from the bed, rolled her over and eased her into a sitting position. He held the beer to her mouth.

“Drink,” he ordered.

She obeyed, gulping greedily. Blair smiled at Nick, again pleased at how well he fit into their little group. Caring for the submissive was of prime importance. There was no place for a dominant who didn’t realise that.

Only when Elise indicated she’d had enough did Nick raise what was left in the bottle to his own mouth. Blair watched him close his lips over the place where Elise’s had been. The sight was erotic, as Nick must have known it would be.

Blair continued to sip his beer, using one hand to gently caress Elise’s thigh, his back propped up against the foot of the bed, his legs crossed at the ankles stretched out alongside her.

Nick remained standing as if he were not certain enough of his welcome to assume his place was with them.

The haze of passion faded slowly. Blair reached down and placed the empty bottle on the rug beside the bed, and began to untie the knots. Nick didn’t help, just continued to watch with his pale, assessing eyes.

As each knot was released, Blair kissed the red marks imprinted on Elise’s skin by the ribbons, knots and stones. When she was free, Blair wrapped her in his arms and gathered her close, holding her like a gem beyond price. The diamonds at the centre of the knots, now tossed carelessly back into the case, were valueless compared to the treasure that was Elise. “Thank you, my beautiful, beautiful girl,” he murmured into her hair.

She clung to him a moment, her breathing gradually steadying. The wide, spaced-out look in her eyes sharpened. She lifted her head and whispered in Blair’s ear.

“Come closer,” Blair said to Nick.

He moved to stand beside them. Elise held out her hand and pulled Nick’s face down, until their lips met in a gentle kiss.

“Thank you, Nick.”

Nick pushed a lock of Elise’s hair back from her forehead and dropped one soft kiss there. Then he straightened. In spite of his nakedness he was dignified and suddenly formal. “It was my pleasure,” he said.

“The bathroom is…it’s your hotel, you don’t need me to tell you where to find it,” Blair said.

Interpreting the comment as the dismissal it was, Nick scooped up his clothes and walked to the adjoining room.

When he returned a few minutes later he was fully dressed, his face washed, hair combed. His eyes still retained an earthy heaviness.

“I…” He stopped, seeming to search for words.

“I hope you will find your way back to us while we remain here,” Blair said. “Elise and I would enjoy your—company. Very much.”

“You have only to send for me.” He walked out the door, closing it with a click behind him.

Chapter Two




Elise stood under the shower and let the hot water soothe the aches and pains the session had given her. Not that she didn’t enjoy the getting of them, but coming down from the high of submissive space took time.

Blair knew she liked this brief moment of solitude and as always, gave her what she wanted. She turned off the water and reached for the towel. She rubbed herself dry, picked up the bottle of moisturising lotion she’d had made and scented especially for her and strolled naked back into the bedroom. She dropped face down onto the bed. Without a word needing to be spoken, Blair picked up the lotion and straddled her thighs. He squirted a dollop into his hands, waited until it warmed then began a skilful massage.

He kneaded the tight muscles of her back, letting his fingers soothe and glide, lingering over the places where she knew the ribbon-wrapped diamonds had scored her skin. The lotion eased the sting and she sighed in pleasure.

“I liked him,” she murmured.

“I noticed,” Blair replied. “How many times did you come?”

“Wasn’t counting.” The rhythmic strokes of Blair’s hands soothed her into a drowsy slumber. She barely stirred when Blair pulled the sheets over her and slipped into the bed, holding her close, his legs tucked in behind her, her back cuddled against his chest. “I love you,” he whispered and it was the last thing she heard before sleep claimed her.


* * * *


In the morning they headed out early to take in the sights of Santorini. When Blair invested in a property he did so knowing as much as there was to know about it and the attractions that would help to make the investment profitable.

Elise’s contribution stemmed from her skill at analysing and predicting trends. Time and time again she had proved her ability to determine what was popular, what was about to become passé and what would soon be the destination, or ambience, or thrill the mega-wealthy would clamber over each other to have. Most people thought she had an uncanny ability to predict. Elise knew her real ability, one worth the millions she had contributed to her and Blair’s combined fortune, was even better. She knew the weakness of the members of the ultra-wealthy set. The mundane was their enemy.

All she had to do was convince them that this island was the new place to be seen, and to ensure she pitched the hotel to those who saw themselves as trendsetters. Her personal favourite ploy was to price a product or service so it was out of the price range of all but the wealthiest—a self-fulfilling prophecy. If only the very rich could afford it then the very rich wanted it.

It wouldn’t take much to arrange some discreet subliminal advertising for the hotel. A photo-shoot for a fashion magazine, perhaps an independent film—funded by one of Blair’s shell companies. Elise would make sure the handsome manager was shown in the pictures. The female half of the market—and some of the male half as well—would love Nick Zervolos. His exotic good looks alone would be enough to attract a sizeable number of visitors.

She frowned. The idea of sharing Nick with anyone but Blair made her stomach clench. Nick was theirs.

At the end of the day, hand in hand with Blair, she wandered back into the hotel foyer. Nick stood behind the desk, his attention on a guest who had just arrived. Elise gave Blair’s hand a sharp little jerk and he pulled to a stop. After a moment or two the client Nick was attending to left, and Elise waited for him to notice them standing there. Instead, without looking up, Nick turned away and stepped towards his office.

“Nick,” Elise called. “Nick!” Her voice raised, she stepped closer.

“Is there a problem, Mrs Cowdery?” Nick’s voice was cold and distant and he didn’t make eye contact. “I’m sure the concierge will be able to sort out any problems you might have. If you’ll excuse me.” He ducked his head in what might have been meant to pass as a deferential nod, but looked more like a dismissal, and strode into his office, shutting the door behind him.

Elise looked at Blair.
The astonishment she felt was reflected on his face. She opened her mouth but Blair held up one finger in a gesture that no one else would notice but which Elise instantly recognised as a demand for silence.

She followed him into the lift and it was only when they were safely inside their room that she blurted out, “What was that about?”

“I don’t know,” Blair replied. “He might not want the staff to know that there is anything personal going on between us.”

“Well, of course he wouldn’t,” Elise exclaimed. “I understand that. Does he think we don’t? It doesn’t explain why he would be so distant. Yesterday before any of this happened he was all attention and personal service. Now he doesn’t want to speak? Ring him. Tell him to come up here.”

Blair fixed her with a single look. “Please,” she added.

Blair picked up the phone and dialled reception. “I’d like to see the manager.”

Elise couldn’t hear the receptionist’s reply, but she gathered enough from Blair’s end of the conversation. “When I have a problem, I expect to deal with the person in charge. I do not pay to speak to underlings.” Elise winced. It was unlike Blair to throw his position and power around. The fact that he chose to do so indicated how seriously he took this.

 They waited for five minutes, then ten. “He’s not coming,” Elise whispered.

“He’ll come,” Blair said. “But I think we’re seeing a little power play of Nick’s own. He’s making us wait because he can. That boy is an instinctive Dom.” Blair paced back and forth. “He’s what we’ve been looking for.”

She knelt before him, wrapping her arms around his waist to still his restless pacing. “Be patient, my heart. If he is as good as we think he will be you can’t expect him to be obedient.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when a single sharp rap sounded on the door. Blair flung it open and Nick stood there, spine stiff, mouth in a firm straight line, fists clenched lightly by his sides. “You asked to see me.”

“Come in, Nick. Come in.”

Nick hesitated, then took a step over the threshold. He kept his gaze on the window opposite, as if the view of the serried rows of whitewashed houses leading down the hill to the ocean was the most important thing in the world.

“Nick, what’s wrong?” Elise asked. “When you left last night I thought we were…”

“Last night,” Nick spat out. “Last night I was insane. I put my career, reputation and my pride at risk.” He thrust his fists into his pants pockets and frowned at Blair. “And today! Today I find out that you are buying this hotel. You and your wife are here to sample the goods.” His beautiful mouth twisted into a sneer. “I am not part of the package. I am not for sale. I won’t be used by you or anyone else.”

He spun around, flicking a glance to the ceiling and back to Blair. “
don’t have closed-circuit cameras in the guest rooms of the hotel. We respect our patrons’ privacy. But tell me, did you secrete cameras around the room? Some expensive technology that island peasants like me would never expect? Am I going to find myself an internet sensation?”

Elise clapped her hands to her mouth, too shocked at the fierceness of his accusations to speak. Blair, however, took a step towards Nick and stood toe-to-toe, chest-to-chest with him.

“Last night, my wife and I offered you something special. I thought you were man enough to appreciate and understand the enormity of the gift. You’re worried about a secret camera?” Blair gave Nick a shove. “If this got onto the internet do you really think the world would be talking about
I’m Blair Cowdery. For the last ten years I have dodged paparazzi, been followed by legitimate journalists and appeared on every major television news and social programme. If what my wife and I did here last night became public knowledge we’d be ruined. The stories would continue to circulate for years.”

“We gave each other the gift of trust,” Elise added. “We would never betray that—or you.”

Nick didn’t say anything, but he didn’t walk out either. The rise and fall of his chest slowed.

“If any harm came to you because of what we did last night,” Blair added, “then I
use my money and my power to make it right. I won’t let anyone I care about be harmed because of something I have done.” He backed off a step. “The rumours of my intention to buy this hotel are true, by the way, and hardly a secret. But what happened here last night had nothing to do with my intended purchase.”

Nick narrowed his eyes. “Why choose me to be part of your game? Because as an employee I was vulnerable?”

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