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Authors: Alysha Ellis

Submitting to Him (2 page)

BOOK: Submitting to Him
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“Sit,” Blair ordered her and she sank gracefully onto the sofa.

“As you can see,” he said to Nick. “My wife is currently unable to avail herself of the fine food you’ve provided.”

He waited, but though Nick’s tongue slipped out once more, and his mouth opened and shut, no sound emerged.

Blair handed Nick a fork from the table. “I want my wife to sample the food. Would you oblige?”

“Me? I…” Nick stumbled to a halt.

Blair met his gaze head on. “You did say you would do
to make our stay more comfortable?”

Nick’s head moved in a sharp, staccato movement that might have been a nod.

“Let me make it plain to you. I am a man who is rich beyond compare, not only in worldly goods but in the affections of my beautiful wife. So rich that it pleases me, and her, to share her with a very select few. You could be one of those.” Blair offered him a reassuring smile. “There will be no coercion. You are free to walk away now, or after, without any fear of consequences. I will not report you or try to have you removed from your job.” He walked to Elise and placed his hand on her shoulder, running it down the smooth flesh of her throat, stroking over the full mounds of her breasts. He looked up and caught the heavy-lidded intentness of Nick’s expression. “I promise you if you consent to join our little game, there will be no consequences.” He ran one finger under the edge of the corset to touch Elise’s nipple. “No negative consequences.”

The front of Nick’s pants bulged in an unmistakeable sign of his interest. Elise smiled and Blair pinched her nipple hard. She gasped and dropped her head submissively.

Nick looked at them both with pale assessing eyes, then he took one step forward and picked up a fork from the table. He speared into the first bowl and brought out a tiny, red morsel. “Tomato keftedes,” he said, his voice shaking as much as the fork. “M-made from the local tomatoes. Unique to the island.” He held the fork to Elise’s mouth.

She lifted her head in response to the upward pressure of Blair’s hand under her chin but her lips remained shut.

“She can’t eat until you give her permission,” Blair said.

give permission?” It was a question but Blair nodded as if Nick had issued an instruction and Elise opened her mouth. The fork wobbled and the savoury dropped in more by luck than intention. Elise swallowed it and whispered, “Thank you, Sir.” Her open mouth begged silently for another bite, but she didn’t raise her eyes or speak again.

Blair reached into his pocket and drew out a tangled bundle of blue silk and tossed it onto the table.

“Leave the food for a moment,” he instructed Nick. The fork dropped onto the white and blue rug leaving a deep red stain. Nick, despite his job as manager of the hotel, didn’t spare it a glance. His gaze flashed from Blair, to Elise, to the pile of silk and back to Blair.

“My wife is a beautiful, generous woman,” Blair said, making sure Nick understood. “But she needs a man who can dominate her.” He looked at Nick, issuing him a challenge and an invitation. “Are you strong enough to accept the gift of subservience?”

“I’m Greek,” Nick replied as if that were answer enough.

Blair nodded. Still holding one hand coiled in the fiery beauty of Elise’s hair, he ran the fingers of his other hand across the curves of her breast. Nick followed the movement with his eyes, twin slashes of colour springing to life along his cheekbones.

“Are you ready?” Blair whispered to Elise. Once she gave her consent, the scene would begin, played out until the end with no more stepping outside the roles they chose.

She nodded. The movement tightened the hair wrapped round his fist and he instantly tugged downward and dragged her off the sofa. She landed on her knees. “You want more to eat. Open your mouth.”

When she obeyed he ran his finger around her soft, pink lips. “Nick!”

Nick reached out to take another morsel of food from the trolley. Blair stopped him with an upraised hand.

“Not that.”

For an instant Nick stiffened and Blair half expected him to turn and leave. Then he pushed the trolley away and moved forward until Elise’s eyes were level with the buckle on his belt. Blair untangled his hand from Elise’s hair and stepped aside. From the confidence with which Nick moved, the small, tight smile on his face and the powerful bulge tenting the front of his trousers, Blair knew Nick had absorbed and accepted the rules of their game.

In spite of that, once he stood before Elise, he hesitated. He looked down into her face. What he saw there obviously satisfied him. He slid open his zipper. His penis, hard erect and thick enough to make even Blair raise his eyebrows, sprang free.

On her knees, Elise waited, making no move to take him into her mouth. Nick proved once again he was worthy of inclusion in their erotic play. He leaned over and landed his open palm with a crack on Elise’s arse. The links of the gold wrist chain Nick wore left a red pattern, like the corded welts of a well-tied rope.

Blair’s heartbeat sped up and his cock hardened. He loved watching Elise being taken by another man, loved watching him brought to distraction by the silent power she wielded. Loved the red handprint on her bum.

As the echo of the slap died away, Nick put both his hands on Elise’s bottom. The contrast of the gold of his skin cupping the pale globes of her arse fed Blair’s growing hunger. Nick pulled her in close, and she opened her mouth. From his stance at the side, Blair watched Nick’s thick rod slide in and out, thrusting into the back of Elise’s throat.

It was one of her most delectable skills, the ability to take a man deep without gagging. Nick had discovered it gratifyingly early. His harsh exhalation mingled sensuously with the soft, moist grunts Elise uttered.

“Harder,” Blair instructed and Nick sped up, his hips rocking back and forth, fucking her face. His lips pulled back in a feral grimace and the exhalations turned into a series of rough pants. Elise’s head bobbed back and forth.

Moisture dampened her thong and winked like diamonds in the light. If Blair touched her now, put one finger on her clit, she would explode into a wild orgasm.

He had no intention of letting it happen yet. Elise’s pleasure, and
was very important to him, would be so much greater if she was forced to wait. With a groan, Nick pulled back, cum spurting in thick white ropes over Elise’s face and the corseted curves of her breasts.

Blair forced his breathing to slow, ignored the tightening of his balls and the pressure of his own penis bulging against his zipper. Not yet. There was so much more to happen.

Nick stood over Elise. His chest heaved as he took deep breaths. After a moment he pushed his cock back into his suit pants and zipped up.

Blair pulled Elise to her feet, picked out a knife from their case of toys and cut the laces holding her corset closed. It sprang apart and he tossed it aside, slicing the thong of her panties with one swift strike so they too could be ripped away.

She stood in front of them naked, her white skin gleaming. Though she kept her head bowed submissively there was pride in the way she presented herself to their gaze, knowing she was beautiful, knowing how much Blair valued the gift she gave.

He gestured to Nick, no more than a turn of the head and a nod, but Nick reacted exactly as Blair hoped. He grabbed one of the sturdy, wooden chairs from the under the table and spun it behind Elise.

Blair took a long piece of blue silk and tied it into a circle. With quick, practiced flips of his wrists, he added three other equally spaced knots. He slipped the top ring over Elise’s head and centred the first knot between her breasts. He took two more pieces and tied one to each side of the second loop. Again he delved into the suitcase. When he straightened he held a black leather case. He lifted the lid and removed the three large diamonds nestled into a velvet-lined tray.

The stunned expression on Nick’s face amused him. “Elise deserves the very best of everything,” he said. Moving behind Elise’s back Blair used the ends of the ribbon to tie one of the gemstones into a complicated monkey’s knot. Then he pulled the binding taut. The silk between her breasts opened out.

As the silk slithered across her skin, Elise gave a sensuous little sigh.

Nick’s eyebrows rose and he turned his head to look at Blair in a silent question.

“The stones leave a beautiful imprint,” Blair explained. “The marks please me.” Then he handed a diamond to Nick. “Can you tie the knot?”

Nick nodded and set to work. Blair watched with satisfaction as the blue ribbon running down the centre line of Elise’s body stretched into a series of patterns that reflected the classic diamond shape of the stones he used in his decorative knots.

When the third one was in place, Blair ran a final ribbon from the bottom of the loop, pulling it between Elise’s legs, cutting up between her arse cheeks until it reached the rope at the back of her neck. He yanked it, pulling it cruelly tight. The final diamond opening framed her cunt in silken blue.

He forced her arms across the back of the chair and pushed her down, the lowest diamond-studded monkey knot nestled between the cheeks of her arse.

With Nick assisting, Blair pulled her legs apart, and used more ribbons to tie them splayed out to the legs of the chair, her bottom on the edge of the seat.

He walked around her, looking his fill, knowing that Nick watched. Blair dropped to his knees before Elise and bit hard on her waxed mound. Elise arched, her breasts pushing upwards. Blair bit again, harder, then slid lower and took her clit into his mouth. He sucked, letting her soft gasps drive his arousal higher, then he took the hard knot of nerves between his teeth and tugged. The warm, musky scent of her juices filled his nostrils.

He thrust three fingers into her cunt, curling the middle one so it pushed into the spot he knew drove her wild.

Her buttocks clenched and the muscles of her legs tightened. Her channel pulsed and he knew she was close to coming.

She moaned.

“You don’t use a gag?” Nick asked, his voice raspy and low.

“I like hearing her beg,” Blair replied, raising his head. He crooked his finger once more.

When she whimpered, “Please,” he pulled his hand back and stood.

He moved behind her and grasped her breast with one hand and clamped the other across Elise’s mouth. He hooked his thumb into the blue silk around her neck. “When I want her gagged I prefer to use my hand.” He bent down so his words washed against her ear. “It’s more intimate.”

He tugged the blue fabric tighter, restricting her breathing. “We’re going to take turns fucking you, one after the other as often and for as long as we want. Do you understand?”

Above his hand, Elise’s eyes widened, the pupils dilated and dark, the lids heavy. She nodded.

“That’s my good girl,” he whispered and let her go. “Nick, keep her quiet.”

Nick stepped behind the chair and wrapped his hands around Elise’s throat. He held them there for a moment, caressing the soft white skin, then he ran his fingers down to where his cum still clung in sticky patches to her skin, forming a random pattern between the geometric criss-crossing of the ribbons.

He scooped some onto his finger and held it to her lips. She licked once, delicately.

Blair, his pants down around his thighs, pulled out a condom. If it had just been him and Elise he would not have bothered, but whenever they admitted an outsider he took precautions. Safe, sane and consensual applied to everything and everyone he dealt with.

As soon as the condom rolled on he drove into Elise. Any sound she might have made was stifled by the broad blade of Nick’s brown hand. Her back slammed up against the chair, and Blair knew she would have marks where the knotted diamonds pressed into her skin. He loved those marks, the signs of his possession.

Her legs tied wide apart gave him the access he needed to drive deep, making her take all of him, surrounding him with the tight, wet glove of her body. He let himself get lost in the heat and pressure. He needed this, needed to take the edge of the tension that had already built. He was quick, hard and brutal but she’d been so well primed he felt her rhythmic contractions begin at the first thrust.

He could demand that she hold it, and she would use every drop of self-discipline she possessed to obey him, but he wanted her to come now—over and over again, until her interior muscles were scraped and raw and she carried the ache of too much sex with her for days. Every time she moved, she would remember what they did here tonight.

As she came, Blair pushed in deep and held, letting the squeeze and release take him over. His vision blurred and his breathing faltered. His orgasm went on and on, the power dizzying.

When the black haze faded he pushed himself away.

With unsteady hands he untied Elise’s legs from the chair, lifted her then led her to the bedroom by the simple expedient of inserting his fingers through the ribbon loops, forcing her to follow. When they reached the bed he let her go, pushing her onto her knees on the mattress. After untying her hands he brought them around to the front, holding them up so he could admire the red welts on her wrists.

He checked over his shoulder. Yes, Nick had followed them into the bedroom. Blair retied Elise’s hands, this time in front of her so she could prop herself up on her elbows. She was going to need that support.

Her hands lay either side of one of the bars of the elaborate iron frame of the bed. A few turns of the ribbon secured them there. Her legs were bent double, her heels pressed hard into her buttocks. Another blue loop held them in place.

Her head rested on her forearms, her arse in the air, too tempting to resist. He slapped it, once, twice, reddening the smooth curves, reigniting Nick’s mark and adding a new one.

Nick had taken up a position at the side, watching intently as he too stripped off his clothing. He hadn’t so far made any attempt to initiate action. Through the growing haze of reinvigorated lust Blair approved Nick’s willingness to act on the least hint but to refrain from overstepping the mark.

BOOK: Submitting to Him
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