Submissive Beauty (18 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

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“Just curious is all. I’ve never seen you get this serious about a sub, and I can’t help but wonder how far you’re willing to take this.”

“Are you asking me if I plan to collar her permanently?” Might as well get David to the point.



“Smart ass.”

“Well, if you don’t really want to know then you shouldn’t ask the question.” When Thomas’ email popped up he focused his attention there, letting the conversation between him and David wither. He quickly scanned the unread messages until one caught his eye.

“Fuck.” Thomas’s fist landed on the desk next to the computer.

“What is it?”

“More proof.” He rubbed his forehead and contemplated his next move.

“Proof of what?” David sat up his tone sharp. The security specialist had kicked in.

“The guy you loaned me for that private matter …”


“He just sent me a message to tell me that the man I had him watching is about to skip town.”

David stood and paced around the desk. “Who was it?”

“My accountant.” His fingers pushed through his hair, tugging on the strands.

“Shit.” David paused, a look of concentration on his face. “You want me to send someone to stop him?”

Thomas considered the offer. He didn’t yet have the proof he needed. Although he knew. “I was going to wait and see if Gabrielle confirmed my theory.”

“Gabrielle did.” Her voice startled them both as she walked into the room from the bathroom. For a second, he’d been so distracted he’d forgotten she was still in there.

“What are you talking about?” Thomas noticed Gabrielle had managed to put herself together and looked even sexier than before if that was possible. Her silk blouse had covered her tits but the nipples still pressed against the fabric, straining the see through material.

“I was working on some notes when you came in earlier and wanted to tell you sooner, but we got a little sidetracked.”

“I’d say,” David agreed.

Unconsciously her hand went to her neck to touch the collar wrapped there.

Thomas’ cock thickened and pushed against his zipper at the image she presented. It had been so long since he’d put a collar on a submissive he’d forgotten how good it felt. Now, he just needed to figure out how to get the blood back to his head so he could think straight around her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw David staring between them, a mocking curiosity written all over his face.

“So tell me now. You’ve got my full attention.” Thomas clicked off the computer and eased back in his chair. Might as well get comfortable since something told him he wasn’t going to like what she had to say.

“Well, about three hours into my review I started noticing anomalies. Entries that seemed off and eventually began to unbalance themselves. Honestly, it was the sloppiest sort of bookkeeping that I’ve seen in a long time. Whatever he’s been doing around here, he wasn’t even trying to hide it very well. The deposits and the records of cash intake on your busy nights never match up.”

A red haze of rage began to cloud Thomas’s mind as his worst fears were confirmed. He’d given his trust to his accountant despite the instincts telling him not to. Hell, the man had been a friend for more than two decades. Thomas wanted to lash out and punish someone for letting this happen. But the only two people sitting here had nothing to do with the crime.

“How much?”

Gabrielle hesitated, a look of reluctance on her face. “I haven’t finished even the first twelve months of review yet.”

Thomas pushed his fingers through his hair and blew out a harsh breath. “Fine, fine. How much so far?”

“In the neighborhood of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

David whistled from across the desk, and Thomas tamped down his anger before he started taking it out of the hides around him. A Dominant was expected to have control of himself at all times, especially when around a submissive. But this kind of betrayal tested his limits.

“On that note. With your permission, I’d like to put in a couple more hours this afternoon on the financials.”


She turned toward the door and headed out.

“But Gabrielle…”

She stopped.

“I want you at my house tonight and every night after that. So after work, let David take you home to get what you need for the next couple of days then I’ll meet the two of you at home for a late dinner. Don’t worry about your car. Leave your keys with Deidre, and we’ll make sure someone delivers it to my house.”

Her back went ramrod straight, and her face clouded. Thomas definitely got the impression she wanted to say something. Fortunately for them all, after a few long seconds, she murmured, “Yes, Sir.”

He watched her until she’d sashayed her curvy butt out of his sight before turning back to David. His hand raised.. “I don’t want to hear it.”

“Relax, Thomas. I know when to hold my tongue. I was only going to offer to help in any way that I can. I’m sure my guy can track him down. If he was that sloppy with his paperwork here, then I doubt he bothered to do a great job in covering his trail in the real world.”

Thomas nodded. “You’re probably right, and I do want the little bastard picked up. It’s not even the money that’s the issue as much as him pulling this kind of shit against me.”

“Little shit must be crazy, or maybe, he has a death wish.”

Thomas sharpened his gaze on David. He didn’t want to discuss it anymore.

“Just find him.” He turned his back to David at the wet bar and poured two fingers of scotch. He deserved them. “I’ll see you tonight with Gabrielle.”

Thankfully, David got the message and slipped quietly from the office, closing the door behind him. There were calls to be made and work that wouldn’t wait. He would have a naked submissive waiting for him at home, and he couldn’t wait.

* * * *

Two and half hours later, David pulled open the employee entrance to Sanctuary. Frustration boiled through him as he sucked in a breath of the chilled air inside. His security team had lost track of the accountant, and so far, no leads had been found. Now, he had to give Thomas a status update, and he didn’t relish telling him they had no new information. When he made his way back to the offices, he found the outer room empty and quiet. Deidre’s desk looked clean and organized as if she’d already left for the day and Thomas’ door was closed, a foreboding barrier.

One door stood open though, the accounting office. He moved past Thomas’ office to go and check on Gabrielle first. Their afternoon had been intense as well as meaningful, and he wanted to see how she was doing. Not to mention seeing her might improve his foul mood—at least, he hoped so.

“Hey, pretty lady.” David propped his shoulder on the doorframe and drank in the sight of her. A huge grin formed on her face when she spied him. His dick stood up and took notice of it, not to mention the sight of the collar around her neck. What a difference a little white strip of leather made.

“Hey, yourself.” She jumped from her chair, running over to him. “Your timing is perfect. I’ve had about all the numbers I can take for one day. After a while, they all start running together.” Her arms wrapped around his neck, and her breasts rubbed against his chest. The thin silk shirt did little to cover the hard points of her nipples as they poked against him.

David bit back a groan as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He loved the way she fit against him, and right now, in his mood, if she had been naked, they would be fucking.

“I need to talk to Thomas before we can leave.”

Gabrielle shook her head. “You can’t. He left strict instructions with Deidre that he did not want to be disturbed at all under any circumstances. She said if you got here before Thomas came out then we’re supposed to go on home and he would be along later.”

He didn’t really want to leave before speaking to Thomas. But damn if that’s what the man wished then he might as well let it go and spend some quality time with a submissive that he couldn’t get off of his mind.

“Well, all right then, darling. How about you and I grab some of your things and see if we can’t find something to do to keep us occupied until he makes it home?” David winked at her before throwing his arm over her shoulder and ushering her from the room.

“So tell me, my sweet new submissive, what kind of takeout food is your favorite? I think tonight calls for a little celebration, wouldn’t you say?”

“A celebration?”

David reached up and tapped on the slim leather collar she still wore even as they were headed out.

“Of course. I’m sorry. In the excitement of the accounting issues I wasn’t focusing.” She fiddled with the edges of the leather.

David pushed open the door leading to the parking lot and ushered Gabrielle outside. “You know you don’t have to wear that in public if you aren’t comfortable. It’s important at home and especially important while you’re in Sanctuary, but not everyone is so accepting of our lifestyle out here.”

“I don’t want to take it off,” she uttered quietly.

“You don’t have to. I just wanted you to know that neither Thomas nor I want to interfere with your vanilla life.”

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this. For a collar to be placed around my neck. I never expected… It’s almost indescribable the feeling of security and connection I feel from it.”

He nodded. “Not altogether different from the feeling I get seeing it around your neck and knowing that while officially you don’t belong to us yet, you’re ours and ours alone. It’s a heady feeling and new for me as well.”

They had stopped next to the car mere inches apart, and David swore he felt the heat radiating from her body. When her fingers reached up and traced down his cheek, his stomach muscles tightened at the swift river of need that swept through him. The feather light touch seemed simple enough, but the liquid look of lust in her eyes was more than enough to set his body on fire. His dick swelled and strained for freedom.

Her upturned nose and lush mouth begged for the taking. Something he couldn’t resist. Besides, why should he? With her height, he had to bend down a few inches, but it was worth the look in her eyes when he nipped at her lower lip with his teeth.

Her mouth opened on a sigh as he wrapped himself around her and pulled her close. He loved the sensation of her sweet body pressed against him as his tongue delved between her lips, seeking the heat he knew he would find there. For a moment, time stood still and the worries of his day fell from his shoulders as he sought comfort in her submission, in her willingness to serve and his need to protect and care her. This is exactly what is was all about. He understood so much more now. It was easy enough for Thomas to tell him, but learning from a woman like her—so different. The need between went both ways and melded perfectly.

When his tongue rubbed against hers, she parried back with her own fervent desire, taking control of her response. He threaded his hand through her hair and pulled her head back and off his mouth. “Damn, woman. Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

She whimpered in response, her eyes soft with lust. David crushed against her lips, harder more urgent this time. The way his dick pulsed and throbbed in his slacks, he had half a mind to bend her over the hood of his car and fuck her right here, with little thought as to who might be watching. The image of her belly down on the shiny metal with her skirt lifted above that fine spankable ass nearly undid his tightly held control.

He released her suddenly and growled, “Get in the car.”

His words came out harsher than he’d intended, but he was doing the best he could to maintain some semblance of control on himself.

Her breath caught. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“No Gabrielle, don’t go there. You did nothing wrong. But if we don’t leave now, you’ll find yourself face down on the car with a dick inside you.”

Her mouth formed a surprised O, and her eyes went wide.

“That’s right babe, you’ve got me rock hard and aching for a fast fuck, so let’s go before you get a new lesson in humiliation.”

A wicked smile flashed across her face before she hustled around the car. She grabbed the handle and waited for him to unlock the car. “I’m aching for you, too, Sir.”





Chapter Fourteen



Thomas watched David and Gabrielle from the security screen on his computer. He’d heard them leave, and his curiosity had gotten the better of him. His afternoon had been tied up in conference calls and thoughts of his friend’s betrayal. It didn’t negate the experience of the lunchtime scene he’d indulged in, but it did mess with his head. It had been his idea to give Gabrielle the collar to protect her from other Dominants while in Sanctuary, but somehow, the actual giving it to her had morphed into something more.

How quickly things got complicated. When David had kissed her in the parking lot, Thomas’ dick had leapt to life. The urgency in his friend and Gabrielle’s obvious sweet, sweet compliance got to him every time. From the first moment he’d met her, he’d recognized that something special in her, a sort of jaded innocence that called to him. He’d had no power to resist her then, and now that his plan to push them together was going as smoothly as he’d expected, he was feeling a pang of regret.

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