Submissive Beauty (17 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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Desperation blasted through her. She had to make him come before she lost control and broke the rules. Painful pleasure stretched through her as images of Thomas and David taunted her need. Thomas had to come. Now. Gabby scraped her teeth along his thick length. A long guttural groan sounded seconds before jets of semen blasted into her mouth, where she swallowed every drop.

Thomas eased his spent cock from her and fell forward catching himself on his hands. David had slowed his movements, allowing her to concentrate, and now with Thomas’s flat brown nipples hovering above her, she reached up and bit him.

“Ow, you are a little witch today.”

She didn’t get a chance to respond before teeth grabbed onto her clit and a sharp stab of pain shot through her giving way to intensified pleasure all the way to her toes. A third finger slipped inside her nice and slow, more sensation than she could bear streaked across her body. Once again, her release began to build, and she struggled to move away from the mouth latched onto her pussy, determined to obey and fight her orgasm.

The edge was too close. “I…I can’t stop it. Please…please, Sir, may I come?” she begged breathlessly.

“Yes, my beauty, you may.” It was David who answered, giving her the permission she desperately sought. Tension spiraled through her torso as his fingers fucked in and out of her, creating a soft sucking sound.

Fingers grasped her nipples as Thomas returned to her side. “Come on, baby. Come for us. Let go and trust us to catch you.”

She did trust them—she did. One final swipe across her clit and she lost it. Her hips bucked, splintering the tension and pleasure holding her taut. Fiery explosions went off in her body, and Thomas grasped her head.

“Look at me, Gabrielle. See me while you fill David’s mouth with your sweet cum.”

Her eyes fluttered open as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

“You belong to us. Do you agree?”

The intensity of his gaze overwhelmed her as she rode out the orgasm.


David lashed across her clit with teeth and tongue until she whimpered at the sensitivity. Finally, he released her, sliding up her body as Thomas moved to give him room. In a split second, David sheathed his erection with a condom and hooked his arms under her knees, angling her hips upward for the perfect entry. With no hesitation, he plunged into her, filling and stretching her with every sweet inch of his erection.

Gabby pulled on her bindings, unaccustomed to not being free to grab and touch when she wanted. The two men together had unleashed something feral inside of her, and she bucked and fought like a wild animal. “Yes. Yes! Fuck me, David, please. Fuck me hard!”

His lips peeled back from his teeth, giving him a look that probably mirrored her own. His hips pistoned faster, thrusting his dick in and out of her. Rough. Intense.

“You’re so goddamned tight and hot. Fuck!” David’s head dipped and latched onto a nipple where he bit and tugged adding sweet pain to the ecstasy building between them.

“Yes. Yes,” she screamed as she fucked him back. Pleasure engulfed her as her pussy squeezed around him, convulsing in a second even bigger release than the first. When she thought she would splinter in two, David moaned and came, filling her with more pleasure than any one woman had a right to.

Long minutes later, David released her legs and slid from her body just as Thomas approached her cuffed hands. Gabby watched David ease around to her side as Thomas made quick work of releasing her before settling against her opposite hip. Her arms ached from her struggles and each man took the time to massage her sore limbs and kiss the abraded skin at her wrists. She’d not even noticed how abused her skin had gotten during her struggles.

Gabby pressed her face to David’s chest and slowly came back down to the here and now. Her entire body throbbed from the attention and pleasure they had given her. She wanted nothing more than sleep.

“You look drowsy. Guess you won’t be up to any more accounting work today.”

A few cylinders in Gabby’s mind fired at Thomas’s words. “Sure, if you just give me some more time to recover. Maybe even a nap?” That sounded like pure heaven at the moment.

“Take all the time you need. I won’t be a slave driver…today.”

Gabby smiled and relaxed into the surrounding heat of her two men. She’d happily submitted to them both, and they’d loved her well. What more could a girl ask for?





Chapter Thirteen



“Wake up, pretty girl. I have a present for you.” Hands nudged her shoulder as Thomas’s voice floated over her. She’d been having a wonderful dream about a bed on a terrace with her starring as the pleasure slave to two hard and handsome men. A dream from which she wasn’t quite ready to wake up.

“We might have to start calling you lazy if you sleep all day, you know.” David’s mocking words seeped into her fuzzy brain as she struggled towards consciousness. Her eyes cracked open to the bright sunshine across the room, and her hand flew up to cover them.

“Can you close the blinds? That sun is too bright,” she mumbled.

Rich laughter rumbled next to her as David laughed. “Kind of hard to block out the sun when you’re outside my dear.”

Gabby parted her fingers and looked upward to see that, yes indeed, they were lying outside. Memories flooded back as she realized she’d only been reliving a memory not a dream. She was in fact in a bed on a terrace, and both Thomas and David were lying next to her.

“How long did I sleep?” She struggled to sit, and thankfully, David helped her up. Her body felt leaden.

“You’ve been asleep for about three hours now.”

“Really? Wow, I’m so sorry. You should have woken me up. I still have a lot of work to do.” She scrambled to her knees so she could find her clothes and get dressed.

“That’s not why we woke you. We have something more important to give you,” Thomas murmured.

She remembered then. “You said something about a present.”

“That’s right.”

She turned to face Thomas.

“Gabrielle, have you ever been collared before?” he asked.

Her stomach jolted and equal parts fear and joy leapt into her heart. They didn’t mean what she thought they did, did they?
No way.

“Um…no…I haven’t,” she stammered. She tried to hide the sudden fear from her voice and failed miserably.

Thomas grinned. “Don’t be scared. And don’t leap to any conclusions here. Let us explain.”

Heat flooded her face as she blushed furiously at her assumptions. She’d thought for a fleeting second they wanted to collar her, something she knew better than to ever hope for.

“Tell me what you know about collaring. I’d like to know,” Thomas prodded.

Gabby licked her lips before pulling the bottom one between her teeth. She didn’t know all that much, but she’d envied submissives she’d seen wearing them. “I know that they’re given as a commitment when a Dominant has chosen a submissive to be his permanently.”

“Yes, that’s true. What else?”

“I’m…I’m not sure.”

“Relax, Gabrielle. We aren’t testing you.” David rubbed her shoulders, loosening the muscles she’d drawn taut. “We’re just looking to see how much you know.”

“Have you ever heard of a training collar?” Thomas asked.

Gabby shook her head.

“A training collar is sometimes given to a submissive as a token of consideration. In a public setting, such as Sanctuary, it provides notice to other Dominants that you’re taken, at least for now, and for some submissives, it’s taken as a symbol that enhances their desire to serve while wearing a collar.” Thomas brought his hands from behind his back and showed her a thin white collar he’d been hiding.

Gabby’s eyes widened at the beauty and symbolism of that seemingly simple strip of leather that would mean so much to her. Tears welled in her eyes as David and Thomas moved to stand in front of her.

“Would you wear our training collar? Not only as a display to others that you’re under our training, but as an acceptance and desire to serve us?” Thomas asked quietly.

A sob tore from her throat as she struggled to breathe. They’d caught her completely off guard. Not in her wildest dreams has she expected this.

“I-I don’t know what to say.”

“I know it’s fast, Gabrielle, but we’re both of the mind to take what we want and you’re her.” David grabbed her hand and pressed a quick kiss to her open palm.

She looked from one to the other as they waited for her answer. She didn’t have the words to express the joy they’d given her or the fact that this gesture meant the world to her. She’d still been struggling with the fact of wanting two men the way she did. Did this mean they accepted that? That it really was okay for her to need them both?

“Yes, I would be happy to wear your collar.” Tears slipped from her eyes, wetness tracking down her cheeks.

While Thomas maintained his firm expression, she saw David bite back a smile. Did they have any idea how David’s playfulness and Thomas’ intensity were the perfect combination?

“We need you on your knees, Gabrielle.” While not exactly phrased as a demand, it carried the familiar tone that made her insides melt. Thomas’ instructions always did that to her. Her obedience was never questioned, only assumed.

Gabby pushed from the bed while David grabbed a pillow and placed it on the ground in front of them. She’d have gladly knelt on the tiled floor of the terrace, but his extra attention to her well being only buoyed her decision.

She sank down at their feet and placed her trembling hands on her thighs. A few deep breaths later, she inclined her head to look at them.

Thomas held the collar closer. “The three crystals on the front were chosen to signify the three of us. With the pink stone in the middle and the two white standing by its side. While you wear this collar, you are ours to command and no one else’s.”

With that, his hands wrapped around her neck and snapped the collar in place. She now was theirs in training. More tears flowed as they each grabbed an arm and pulled her to feet.

“Don’t cry, baby.” David wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“I can’t help it. This means so much to me.” The leather band felt snug around her neck, and she couldn’t wait to see how it looked.

Thomas took her mouth then in a hard and hungry kiss. His tongue delved inside, and she met him with her own. They tangled and dueled like that until she whimpered in pleasure. He certainly knew how to kiss her senseless.

Pulling back, he made room for David to seal the deal in his own way. But instead of kissing her mouth like she expected, he went for her neck. He kissed the collar and bit at the skin just below it. Her breath hitched in her throat when his mouth traveled lower to nip at her breast.

“You have the most beautiful breasts, Gabrielle. Rich, dark nipples that stand up and beg to be plucked and pinched. I think I’ll get you some nice clamps today.”

Her clit throbbed at his words as she leaned into his mouth, eager for him to continue.

“No, not right now. Thomas is expecting some members to stop by shortly so unless you want to spend your first collared night on exhibition, I suggest we stop now and get you dressed.

Gabby squeaked and darted around the terrace searching for her clothes as both Thomas and David laughed at her. Both her skirt and blouse had been tossed onto the chair at the foot of the bed and were now a wrinkled mess. Anyone who saw her would know exactly what she’d been doing this afternoon.

“There’s a bathroom in my office if you want to freshen up.” Thomas pointed to the open doors at the far end of the terrace, and she took off in a huff to get through them. The last thing she heard before closing the bathroom door was their laughter. Even though it was slightly at her expense, their happiness made her heart bloom.

* * * *

“She’s quite a woman.”

Thomas turned to his friend, catching the glint in his eye and innuendo in his voice. “Yes, she is.” He walked into his office slowly, reluctant to leave their afternoon behind. She’d been everything he expected and more.

“So, I know why I wanted to see her collared. What’s your excuse?” David poked at him when Thomas didn’t want to be poked. He was afraid to look too closely at his decision before it bit him in the ass.

“She’s going to be spending time here at Sanctuary. It’s only a matter of time before other Dom’s get a whiff of her, and they’ll be interested. This way they know she’s not available.”

“So it was just all about marking your training territory and nothing else?” David moved to one of the leather chairs in front of Thomas’ desk and took a seat.

He didn’t look as if he was going anywhere.

“Don’t you have work to get back to? We’ve managed to kill most of the day.” Thomas clicked a few buttons on his computer and booted up his email account.

“Nope. Told everyone I would be out of commission for the rest of the day and that I’d see them tomorrow. So I’m free until then.”

Thomas looked at the smirk on his friend’s face and shook his head. “Why are you pushing me on this right now?”

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