Stanton Adore (34 page)

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Authors: T L Swan

BOOK: Stanton Adore
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“Josh,’ she whispers in a hoarse voice.

“I know precious,” I whisper. The feeling between us when we are like this is too much. Too intense. Too perfect. Unable to control it any longer I start to move into her and she groans with pleasure.

“I need………I need it harder baby,” she whispers into my ear. Fuck. So do I, but the water is between us and I can’t get any friction. I pull out and she whimpers at the loss of contact.

“Come to the spa presh. Ride me, milk me.” Her eyes widen and she smiles and nods as I lead her through the water. I sit in the spa and she kneels over me, kissing me deeply and if I’m correct stalling. She’s trying to calm herself so she doesn’t come on entrance. Too fucking bad! I need what’s between her legs and I’m taking it now. I grab her hips and pull her down onto me with such force that she cries out at the brutal force of penetration. Our eyes are locked as I lift her and grind her back down, rubbing her clitoris onto my pubic bone. This is what I need………… what I love. Our bodies are so in sync with each other I feel sometimes as if I am just here for the ride, my body on auto pilot. My heart is racing and my breathing is laboured, as is hers. The driving urge to fuck takes me over and I start to move her harder against me and she groans a deep groan as she closes her eyes…………she’s close. I can tell by the tone depth in her voice, by the way her body is trembling. Shit I’m not going to last, she just feels too good. I feel the familiar ripple of her inner muscles and I hold her still and deep and she convulses and screams into my mouth. I will never tire of this. Every time with her just gets better. Her orgasm is my green light to let go and I start to slam her down onto me, my hands on her shoulders from behind for leverage, her knees around my shoulders. Our bodies were made to fit together. Each thrust deeper than the last, her core is still rippling around me, sucking me in. Oh Yes! My eyes close, I slam one……two……three more times and I explode into a mind blowing orgasm. We stay still………… panting as we try to catch our breath. This is the part that brings me to my knees every time, the aftermath. The intimate prolonged kissing and the way she looks at me, like she can see right through me. She looks at me like she loves me and is as blown away by this as I am.

“I fucking adore you precious,” I whisper into her neck as I kiss it again. She smiles her beautiful smile complete with dimples.

“That’s good because I fucking love you,” she whispers. I feel myself harden again and I just know it’s going to one of those nights when I can’t stop.

“Saddle up baby………… were going for a record tonight.”


I wake feeling groggy, I haven’t drank recently and those drinks I had last night on an empty stomach have made me feel like shit. I need a protein shake and something to eat. Natasha is draped over me and sound asleep, obviously suffering a bout of jet lag. I watch her for a minute in silence. I have never seen such a perfect woman………… infuriating but perfect. I could look at her all day………… I could fuck her all day………… in fact I might just do that today. My mind wanders back to her in the spa last night. Shit…………she’s a hot fuck. The way she rides my cock sends me into overdrive, never have I been with someone where the chemistry is so raw and untamed. She blows my fucking mind……… every god damn time. I smile as I think of what I will have her doing when she wakes up. She can start by sucking my dick, hmm I feel myself getting harder at the thought of those beautiful lips surrounding my cock. I narrow my eyes as I feel my arousal grow. Yep………that’s what we are doing today. International oral sex day in the Stanton household. I stumble out of bed and throw some boxer shorts on and head downstairs to the kitchen.

“Morning lovely,” Birgetta smiles as she kisses me on the cheek as she walks past. Birgetta has become my surrogate mum since she came to work for me five years ago.

“Morning,” I mumble in response.

“Where’s Natasha?” she asks.

“Still sleeping,” I reply.

“She’s beautiful Josh.” I nod as I get my powder out of the cupboard and make my shake.

“She is,” I reply.

“Tell me something Joshua, how long have you known this girl?” I know where she is going with this. I blow out a breath and reply.

“Since I was nineteen and yes she’s the girl in my tattoo.” She puts her hands together under her chin as if praying and her eyes light up like the fourth of July.

“She’s the one then,” she asks nervously.

“Yes she’s the one alright,” Cam casually remarks as he walks into the kitchen and kisses Birgetta on the cheek. She slaps him away.

“I asked your brother,” she snaps and her eyes shoot back to me. I put my hands on my hips, “Yeah………… she’s the one…………as annoying as that is” I sigh. She jumps up and down on the spot in excitement and Cam laughs as I slump into the breakfast stool.

“Don’t look so excited,” Cameron remarks as he slaps me on the back. I frown and blow out a breath, “Being in love is fucking annoying Cameron, you have no idea.”

He does a fake cold shiver. “Yes I can imagine, that’s why I’m not planning on doing it for at least………… ten years.” I roll my eyes.

Ben walks into the kitchen. “Can I see you in the security room Josh?”

I frown. “Sure,” I follow him out of the room and down the corridor. “What’s this about?” I ask, he looks at me uncomfortably.

“I have been running the security tapes this morning and I found something very interesting in Murphy’s house.”

I frown and gesture to the screen. “Run the tape.” He puts it on and my stomach drops. I watch in slow motion as Adrian’s boyfriend Ross drives into the driveway of Adrian’s house in Adrian’s car. He’s not alone, he has another man with him and it is night time. “What time is this” I snap. “Two am,” he replies. I rub my forehead in frustration, fuck I know where this is going. We both sit in silence as the tape plays, he goes around and opens the car door for the guy and pulls him out and then he is pinning him up against the car kissing him………… Adrian’s fucking car………… at Adrian’s fucking house. I stand still with my legs wide and my arms crossed as I watch. I am fuming. That sleazy fuck.

“That’s not it,” Ben says and my eyes widen.

“How many?” I ask.

He winces. “I’m up to twelve and we had only been gone eight weeks, there is another four weeks to go through yet.” Contempt drips from my every pore, never have I hated anyone like I do Ross. And unfortunately I now have the proof of what I have known all along. I feel sick………… how am I supposed to tell Adrian this shit, he deserves better. I blow out a breath and return to the living room to get my phone and I text Adrian

Hi Murph can you come over now

I wait for him to reply, a text beeps

Not really, what’s up

I text back

Where are you?

A text beeps back

I’m at home but I am going to Ross’s soon, can’t I see you later. Is it really that urgent?

I fume again at the mention of that pricks name

YES this is a matter of urgency
Get here now!

I wait for his reply

You’re a pain in my ass Stanton

See you soon

I turn to Ben.

“Bring the car around, time to pay lover boy a visit” he nods understanding my meaning.

“Sure thing.” I walk up the stairs with renewed purpose. He’s fucked with the wrong person if he thinks I will let him do this and get away with it. I walk into my room to quickly get dressed and there she is. Lying naked in the middle of my bed smiling up at me. My god those dimples are beautiful. I lie down on the bed next to her and gently kiss her lips as I push the hair off her forehead.

“Morning beautiful, how did you sleep?” she gives me a mussed up sexy smile.

“Fine thanks but you know I hate waking up alone, where have you been?” As she stretches her arms.

I kiss her again and smile. “Can you do me a favour?”

She smiles and nods as she runs her hand up my legs to my shorts.

“Hmm I like the sound of that,” she purrs.

I wish. “No not that, can you keep Adrian busy for an hour or so. I need to organize something for him………… a surprise and I don’t want him to know. Could you do that for me Presh?”

She frowns. “You want me to babysit Adrian.”

I smile and nod. “Exactly, thanks baby. I will make it up to you later.” I jump up and start pulling on my clothes in a hurry, I need to leave before Murph gets here. I give her a peck on the cheek and dart toward the staircase pretending not to see her disgruntled face.


We pull up out the front of Ross’s house and both sit in silence as we way up the situation. I slowly get out of the car and Ben follows me up the path in silence. He’s going to be sorry and begging for mercy by the time I’ve finished with him, that’s if I don’t kill him first. I don’t know if I have ever been so furious in my life.


Knock, knock, Knock


Ross opens the door and his face lights up.

“Joshua, nice to see you.” He looks around for Adrian and I continue to glare at him. “Come in,” he gestures with his hands.

My eyes flick to Ben and I murmur the words. “Guard the door.”

We exchange nods and he steps back into his position, I walk in and close the door behind me. Time to pay fucker.


He’s odd, I rub my eyes as I try to remember what he has just told me. Is it Adrian’s birthday or something? I hear the sound of people talking down stairs and I get up and shower. I suppose I had better get to my job, whatever that is. Fifteen minutes later I enter the kitchen to find a very annoyed Adrian speaking to Cameron.

“Well why would he summon me over here and then frigging take off.” Oh shit I need to think quickly.

“Hi Adrian,” I smile, his eyes flick to me.

“Hi Tash where did your nut job boyfriend go.”

“Um I asked him to go and get something from the shop for me,” he and Cameron both frown at me.

“Joshua doesn’t shop Natasha” he snaps. Boy he’s angry.

“Um no…………I ahh………… I needed something specific,” they both frown at me again. Oh shit what am I going to say?

“Um he went to get me my pill prescription for me.” They both frown and look at me as if I’m crazy.

“He doesn’t particularly want a baby and I told him no sex until he got my tablets for me…………you know taking one for the team and all that.” Oh shit, that was the lamest excuse in the history of lying, Josh is going to kill me. Adrian shoots his eyes to Cameron and they both burst out laughing. Cameron holds his hand up and Adrian slaps it in a high five.

“What the hell have you done to Joshua Stanton he’s like a fucking love sick puppy. He puts on a fake Aussie accent. “No sex for you Joshua until you get me my pills,” Adrian says to Cameron as he points his finger at him. I roll my eyes and flick the jug on. Josh is right I’m a totally shit liar.

Chapter 28

n hour later
I hear Joshua’s deep voice echoing throughout the house, he’s home. I bound up to the bedroom to change into my swimmers which are still hanging on the towel rack in the bathroom before I go and find him. I am trying to tie up the top when I notice something on the bottom of the shower that wasn’t there when I had a shower an hour ago. I pick it up……It’s Josh’s t-shirt. I hold it up to see why it is in the bottom of the shower and to my mortification it is covered in blood. What the hell. Who has he been fighting? I head downstairs to find out what in the hell is going on. I hear Adrian speaking outside on the phone to someone and Joshua and Cameron are in the kitchen deep in conversation. I sneak closer to try and eavesdrop. I hear Cameron’s voice raise.

“How bad is it do I need to go around there? Does he need a doctor? I try to act casual and waltz toward the kitchen. I hear Joshua’s hushed voice as I walk closer.

“Don’t tell Tash, she’ll go postal,” hmm he plans on keeping it a secret, how do I play this? Adrian comes through the back door in a huff obviously pissed off about something and I smile and link my arm through his as we walk into the kitchen.

I walk in and smile at Josh. “Hi baby, did you get my pills?”

I kiss him on the cheek and he raises one eyebrow at me. “Your pills,” he repeats. Silence falls on the room. I do an over accentuated nod.

“Yes you know how I needed contraception pills and you went to get them so we could have sex without producing an heir,” he frowns at me and I bite my lip to stifle my beaming smile. It’s so fun making him squirm.

He narrows his eyes. “Um yes I………… I got them.”

Cameron winks at me from behind Josh and I know he’s enjoying my joke as well.

I hold out my hand. “Give them to me then,” he frowns as he looks at my outstretched hand. I can see him thinking what the fuck is she talking about. I see Adrian and Cameron stifle their giggles in the back ground and I bite my own lip to stop the smile from splitting my face.

He frowns and then grabs me in a head lock and I squeal out loud. “Very funny Miss Marx,” he growls and we all laugh. “Don’t even mention heir’s.”

I pull out of Josh’s embrace and turn to Adrian. “Are you ok honey, I overheard you being annoyed with someone?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “It seems I just got dumped.”

“Dumped,” I’m shocked, who in their right mind would break up with gorgeous Adrian. This Ross must really be a dick.

“Yeah, I was going to break up with him anyway, it seems he beat me to it. My eyes flick to Joshua and I catch him make eye contact with Ben. I bet any money Josh had a fight with Adrian’s boyfriend today,
what is going on here
. Everyone falls silent as they wait for Adrian to say something. My experience tells me he needs to be distracted.

“I’m going shopping, want to come with?” His eyes flick to Josh for approval.

“Don’t look at him, look at me. I asked you if you will take me shopping,” I murmur.

He smiles and shrugs. “What do you want to buy?”

I shrug. “Don’t know, maybe lingerie or something. I thought I would give Rodeo Drive a run for its money.” Josh and Cam both smile, they know exactly what I am doing.

“Go Murph,” Josh pats him on the back and then looks at me. “Show him how hot lingerie is………on the mannequin of course.” He does wide eyes at me.

Adrian frowns. “Eeww are you that stupid you think I would want to look at your girlfriend in lingerie.”

Josh shrugs. “You’re only human.”


“Tash,” he whispers in my ear from behind. “I need to show you something,” I smile into my teacup, knowing exactly what he wants to show me.

“In a minute,” I whisper back.

“Now,” he growls into my ear sending goose bumps scattering down my arms. He pulls me out of my chair by the hand. We have just eaten a beautiful three course dinner and I am quite exhausted from shopping with Adrian all day. I have acquired some very naughty little outfits and Adrian has vented all day about hating men. Of course I have made him come and stay with us, who knows what a scorned boyfriend could do? It seems I was right, Joshua told me the whole sordid story this afternoon. Adrian’s boyfriend is totally a dick. Josh grabs my hand as Adrian and Cam grab their beers and head out to the pool.

“I want to give you a tour of the house,” Josh smiles. Oh he really did want to show me something, that’s unexpected. We walk through the kitchen and he opens a door and a staircase is down a corridor. We go down two flights and Joshua flicks a light switch. Shit, a massive wine cellar is lit up like a Christmas tree. He gestures his hand around the room. “Wine cellar” he announces and I smile, it seems Joshua is proud of his wine cellar.

I nod. “Very impressive,” he kisses me quickly on the lips and heads back up the stairs. We head down the corridor to the left of the kitchen and walk past the dining room and the lounge room, this house really is stunning. Joshua’s decorating style is a little sterile but the house looks too beautiful to be real. The high ceilings combined with the polished concrete and the amazing light fittings give the house a luxury feel.

“It looks like a resort Josh,” I remark.

“That’s the look I have gone for,” he winks at me. He opens a door on the left, “Games room.” A massive pool table and bar complete with twelve bar stools are in here complete with three big screen televisions. My eyes flick back to him as I remember our night of movie making and he smiles knowing exactly what I am thinking of. We continue walking down the hall and he opens a door on the right. “Part………pool room,” he murmurs. Why did he just correct his speech? He was going to say party room but he corrected himself. He quickly closes the door as if he doesn’t want me looking in, hmm mental note I need to investigate this room tomorrow and find out why he’s uncomfortable with me in it. We continue down the hall and we get to a huge glass wall. “Gym,” he smiles, ah he’s proud of this room and I mirror his smile. There is a huge flat screen on the wall and every damn machine I have ever seen. I just know I am going to end up hating this torture chamber. Now I won’t even have an excuse not to get to the gym, how annoying. We continue down the hall and it occurs to me, why does he want to leave this house when he is so obviously so attached to it? “

Josh why do you want to move?” I ask.

He stops dead in his tracks. “I want you to be happy Tash and I want you to pick the house you want to live in.”

I smile and pull him close for a cuddle and I kiss him on the lips. “Josh I just want to live with you………in your house and if that’s a humpy in the damn dessert then I will be happy. I don’t need a new house Josh, this house is amazing. What is it about this house that makes you think that I won’t want to live here?”

He frowns as he considers my question. “It’s not that you won’t want to live here Tash………… it’s me. I have been single a very long time and,” he’s trying to articulate his words. “Everybody in LA knows this house as a party house. I would like to live in something that…………I don’t know. You and I are the only ones that see……certain parts of the house.”

I give him a sad smile. “You want to move so I’m the only one that has seen your bedroom,” he bites his lip and his eyes drop to the floor. I hit the nail on the head, he has too many memories here. Memories of other women. I pull him into an embrace.

“Josh I’m not afraid of your past. It can’t hurt me unless you let it. I want to stay in this house for a while. At least until………… I don’t know………down the track when Cam moves out and then if we find an amazing house we can move then. I have enough to worry about moving here than making you sell your beloved house.”

He smiles and nods. “I wasn’t going to sell it, I was going to give it to Cam.”

My mouth drops open. “You are going to give a house worth………what?”

“Twenty mil,” he cuts in.

My eyes bulge from their sockets. “Twenty million. This house is worth twenty frigging million dollars?” he nods and smiles. “And you are going to give it to Cam?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “Yeah why not, unless you want to keep it for guests and stuff.” This man has lost touch with reality. I shake my head as he continues pulling me up the hall to the end door and he opens it. “Garage,” he smirks. My mouth drops open, holy fuck. This room is like a car yard dealership. A massive hall with two rows of sports cars that are all black or white. I frown at him.

“I collect cars,” he smiles.

“No shit Sherlock,” I whisper wide eyed. He pulls me down the huge walkway through the centre of the cars and my jaw is on the ground. Ok I am getting the feel of his money now. This is extravagance………… extreme extravagance.

“Aston Martin,” he points. “Corvette,” he points again. “Lamborghini,” he smiles. I stop dead in my tracks.

“You have a Lamborghini?” I smirk.

His eyes light up as he nods. “Yes,” he smiles. And sure enough a beautiful black Lamborghini comes into view.

I laugh. “And here I was thinking you were my Lamborghini,” I whisper.

He smiles again and kisses me as he places something in my hand. I frown and look down and there in my hand is a silver engraved key ring with a single key on it. I hold the key ring up to inspect the inscription

Always Joshua

Huh? What is that supposed to mean? I turn the key ring over and the initials


What does the initials stand for? He kisses me.

“Welcome home baby, this is your house warming present.” He can’t be serious. “Joshua…………you’re giving me a Lamborghini…as a house warming present?”

He smiles and nods. “Not just any Lamborghini, this is my most prized possession apart from Jasper.”

I frown again, “Whose Jasper?”

“My horse,” he whispers as he does wide eyes at me.

“Oh of course,” I mutter. I cringe that I didn’t remember that important piece of info.

“When I first made real money I bought this, it’s very sentimental to me. So when you started calling me your Lamborghini,” he breaks into a full beam smile and I swoon at the sight of him. “I knew I wanted to gift it to you because it was sentimental between us,” he whispers.

My eyes drop to the car. “It’s beautiful Josh, very black.”

He laughs out loud, “I give you a Lamborghini and you tell me it’s very black.” I smile as I bite my lip and shrug my shoulders. I walk around the car. It looks like something from space I don’t even think I have seen one in real life before. My eyes drop to the gold number plates


Oh shit, Natasha Marx. He has put my initials on it, hang on what does the S stand for? I frown as I look at the number plates and I break into a full smile.

“You put slut on my number plates?” I ask in mock horror. He laughs out loud again and then goes silent, so silent that I look back up to him to see what he’s doing.

“The S stands for Stanton” he whispers. Did he just say that or is my overactive imagination playing tricks on me?

“Natasha Marx Stanton,” I whisper, he nods and gives me a nervous smile.

“Has a nice ring to it don’t you think?” He says as he grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. His eyes searching mine. My heart has starting beating out of control and I think I have stopped breathing all together.

I shrug. “I would probably drop the Marx,” I say as I bite my bottom lip.

He raises his eyebrows in surprise. “You would drop the Marx?” he questions.

“In an instant,” I breathe as my eyes tear up. “A millisecond” I murmur.

We both stand still in silence, staring at each other. I wish I could freeze this moment in time, if I could just bottle this feeling I would. Then he is on me, kissing me like his life depends on it. His hands are in my hair pulling me closer to him. “Natasha………… I fucking love you,” he murmurs and the emotion in his voice nearly breaks my heart. This man is perfect and he loves me. Daggy Natasha from Sydney who loves Mc Donald’s fast food. He nearly rips my arm out of the socket as he pulls me toward the door and up the staircase. “I am taking you to bed for a very long time Miss Marx…………saddle up.”


True to his word, we have hardly left our bedroom for two days. Joshua has put himself on a self – imposed sex ban. I winced this morning at breakfast when I sat down and the look of horror on Josh’s face when he realized I was sore was priceless. I got the giggles much to his annoyance and he announced that we wouldn’t be having any sex for at least two days. Yeah right, I believe that when I see it. He has gone out to meet up with his friends for lunch and Cameron has gone to the hospital. Josh tried to get Adrian to babysit me but I insisted that I need to get used to being at home alone if I am going to move here. What a joke………… home alone. Birgetta is in the kitchen. Max my bodyguard is in the garden talking to two other security guards. A couple of gardeners are roaming about and there seems to be some activity in that room Josh didn’t want me looking at the other night, painting or building or something. I head down the hall to investigate. I open the door and am relieved to see that the workers are not in here. I walk in and pull back the curtains to get some light, this room is massive. To my surprise it opens with massive bi fold doors onto the pool area. Another huge bar and stereo speaker system line the walls. Seriously how many bars can one house have? I look around at the room and it seems………… Off. A huge space but only one leather lounge against the wall. This room is different to the rest of the house. What is it? I look at the floor and I realize that except for the bedrooms this is the only room that is carpeted. That’s odd for a room that I imagine would be used for parties. Hmm and I can smell wet paint, why is it being repainted? A Young blond painter comes through the bi fold doors from outside, he is about twenty and quite good looking. He is wearing a singlet and work shorts and he is tall………probably 6ft2 and very well built. His eyes scan down my body and he looks shocked to see me. I look down at myself, oh shit I’m in my swimmers with a towel wrapped around my chest I wasn’t expecting anyone to be in here, I thought they had left for the day.

“Hello,” I smile.

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