Stalin and His Hangmen (78 page)

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Authors: Donald Rayfield

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Historical, #History, #Modern, #20th Century, #Europe, #General

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12. Delivering prisoners to the Lubianka, 1928

13. Boris Savinkov, 1922

14. Menzhinsky, 1925

15. Menzhinsky s funeral, 1934. To the right of the coffin stand Genrikh Iagoda, Menzhinsky’s second wife Alia Semionovna, and Menzhinsky s surviving sister Vera.

16. Stalin relaxing at the dacha,

17. Mayakovsky shortly after his suicide, 1930

18. Pavel Dybenko and Aleksandra Kollontai with Dybenko’s sister and parents, 1918

19. Genrikh Iagoda and Maxim Gorky, 1934

20. Famine, Kharkov province, 1932

21. Stalin and Voroshilov fishing, Abkhazia, 1933. Left to right: Voroshilov, Stalin, unknown bare-chested figure, Beria

22. Stalin and his second wife Nadezhda Allilueva,

23. Right to left: Stalin, his daughter Svetlana and second son Vasili, 1936

24. Stalin’s NKVD guards, Sukhum, 1933

25. Molotov and his daughter Svetlana,

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