Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) (3 page)

Read Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined)
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“Cam and I were college roommates for two years.” NJ shook his head. “Two crazy years.”

“No need to talk about the past.” Cameron clapped his hand on NJ shoulder as the men chuckled. “Jax and I connected in culinary school. He’s head chef for my New York restaurant now.”

“Jax rocks,” Misha said, her face alight with happiness. “But I must say all of Cameron’s friends do.”

“Cameron and I go way back.” Braeden whistled. “Boy, did we wreak some havoc during our entire four years of high school.”

“Yes, we did.” Cameron cocked his head in his friend’s direction. “Again, don’t you go sharing any wild stories, either.”

“No way, man.” Braeden winked at the women. “Not until
the wedding, at least.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” Cameron glanced at his watch. “I’ve introduced you to all of my groomsmen, except for my brother, Oliver.”

Misha frowned. “Where is he?”

“I’m here.”

Oliver’s deep voice came from behind them. Serene pivoted along with Ava and Josie to see him sauntering forward, devilishly handsome in a pair of light linen pants and a muscle-hugging, ice-blue T-shirt.

“Nice of you to show up, little brother,” Cameron said after introductions were made.


Right. Serene had almost forgotten that Oliver was younger.

Younger than you by how many years?

A hint of a smile teased the sensual line of Oliver’s mouth. “What can I say? The afternoon got away from me.” Oliver’s gaze locked with Serene’s and her heart fluttered as erotic images of just how he’d spent his afternoon flooded her mind. “I’m sorry I’m late. The good news is this party can now officially begin.”


Chapter Two




“Oliver, you were right about Tahiti. This has gotten to be one of the prettiest spots on the planet. I see why this is your favorite place to visit and let off a little steam.”

Oliver nodded at Cameron. “I’ve been trying to get you to come here for several years and you always turned me down.”

“I never had a reason before Misha.”

Oliver scoffed. “You don’t
a reason to come to the islands, brother.”

“Well, I just always envisioned bringing someone extra special to share the experience with.” Cameron shifted his attention over to Misha. “I’m glad I waited.”

“You are truly in love.”

Cameron grinned. “That I am. So, Mr Ladies’ Man, where is Shannon?”

“The flight and an afternoon in the sun must’ve…uh, tired her out.”

“Right. I’m surprised Ms Erby was able to come on such short notice.”

Oliver raised an eyebrow as flashbacks of the limber redhead wrapped around his waist flitted through his mind. “I wasn’t. What woman would turn down Tahiti and me?”

“You are a mess when it comes to women, you know that?”

“Hey, anything else would be boring in my book.”

“You’ve just gotta find the right page turner.” Cameron handed Oliver a beer.

“Maybe.” Oliver took a swig and watched Serene laughing with her sister. “I just want to enjoy tonight. Tomorrow, Mom and Dad arrive, which means I’ll have to rein in my wild side.”

“I think they already know about it.”

Oliver laughed. “True, but knowing about it and seeing it are two very different things. Dad has always seen me as the more responsible one despite being the youngest.”

“That’s hilarious.” Cameron tilted his beer back with a shake of his head. “I don’t think either one of them ever realized you were always more reckless than I was.”

“How could they when you always covered for me?”

Cameron smiled. “True. Honestly, I’m not looking forward to him being here either. If he says anything that rubs me the wrong way…”

Oliver picked up the hard edge in his brother’s voice. “He’ll be on his best behavior, especially with Mom around.”

“We’ll see. He’s still pissed I turned down the gig to host
Celeb Chef
. Because of me, Shawn Rill pulled out of their deal to use one of our hotels as set for the show.”

“He’ll get over it.”

Cameron raised an eyebrow. “Think so? We both know our dad can hold a grudge.”

“When it comes to business. This is about family.”

Cameron shook his head. “See, that’s why you work for the man.” He tilted his head over by the animated group. “Looks like we are wanted by the banquet now.”

“Good. I’m starved.” Oliver followed his brother over to table. “Cam, don’t let anything or anyone—including our father—mess up this moment for you. Despite what he doesn’t say, I know he’s impressed with what you’ve done with your two restaurants.”

Cameron shrugged. “I no longer care about having his approval, but I will not tolerate his lack of respect anymore.”

“Come on, you two.” Misha waved them over and Cameron went to her side. “Cameron and I are so happy to have our dearest friends and family here. It’s truly a gift to be surrounded by those that love us as we prepare to commit to
love in front of you all in couple of days.” Cheers and whistles erupted from the bunch before Misha continued. “There are place cards for everyone when you’re ready to take your seat. Let’s eat, drink and be very merry!”

“Place cards? What the hell?” NJ murmured as he walked by and Oliver chuckled.

He checked his cell, finding a text from Shannon asking him to bring her back some fresh fruit, and replied that he would with the condition that he fed it to her. Her lightning fast, enthusiastic reply pleased him. Shannon was fun and the things she could do with her legs…

She was the perfect island getaway girl with no strings attached. Well, except for her string bikini, and Oliver couldn’t wait to see her in that. He moved toward the buffet and his stomach growled the instant he saw the sumptuous feast of fresh fruit, seafood and marinated roast chicken.

“Oliver?” Misha touched his arm and Oliver turned to see her and the striking couple standing beside her. “I wanted to introduce you to my brother Kaden and his wife Aimee.”

Oliver shook Kaden’s hand then Aimee’s. “Hello. It’s very nice to meet you both. How long have you two been married?” Oliver thought both Kaden’s and Aimee’s smiles faded a bit.

Kaden briefly glanced at this wife. “Nine years.”

Oliver nodded. “Wow. That’s fantastic. Tahiti is the perfect place for a second honeymoon.”

“Yes, it is.” Misha took hold of Aimee’s arm. “Aimee, I need your opinion on something. Can I steal you away for a moment?”

“Of course.” Aimee turned to Oliver. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Oliver.”

“Likewise,” Oliver said, noticing she barely glanced at her husband before walking off with Misha.

“So, this isn’t your first time to the island?” Kaden asked, his gaze still on his wife.

“No. Tahiti and I are old friends.”

Kaden chuckled. “Ah, the life of a bachelor obviously has its perks.”

“It does. I must say, I admire your commitment to Aimee.”

Kaden cleared his throat and leveled a look Oliver’s way. “Don’t.”

Oliver frowned when Kaden walked off before he could respond. There was definitely something up with that couple. He headed over to the buffet, grabbed a plate, filled it with a little of everything offered then went in search of his name around the candlelight table. He found it at the end right by Serene.

This will be fun.

Oliver moved toward his seat, watching Serene talking to Ava. The two women were engrossed in their conversation, giving Oliver plenty of time to appreciate the luminous white dress Serene wore. She had a lovely toned body, but had managed to maintain her curves. His gaze dropped to her shoes and his cock twitched appreciatively.

Damn sexy.

Serene was a beautiful woman, captivating with her lush mocha skin and feminine grace. Oliver loved her short pixie hairstyle and the way it showed off her elegant bone structure. She had a presence and calmness about her Oliver found intriguing.

As if sensing she was being observed, Serene turned her head and met his gaze.

“Good evening, Serene.” Oliver took his seat and scooted closer to the table and Serene. “Did you get a chance to take in any more of sights here on the island?” He couldn’t resist teasing her, wanted to get a reaction out of her like he had earlier. Serene didn’t disappoint him. Her wide brown eyes narrowed as she glared at him. The fire in her eyes matched the intensity he’d heard in her voice when he’d caught her spying on him and Shannon.

“You know what? I saw more than I wanted to see this afternoon.” Serene lifted her goblet of water and Oliver watched her take a careful sip.

“Oh?” Oliver leaned in toward her. “You didn’t want to see? Because from where I was standing—”

“Really?” Serene glanced around as if to see if anyone was paying their conversation any attention. Apparently satisfied, she fixed her hard gaze back on Oliver. “You’re going to talk about this now?”

“I thought it would be better than just pretending I didn’t see you watching me with Shannon.”

“Look,” Serene lowered her voice, “it
my intention to watch. I don’t, I’m
into that kind of thing. Now we are
going to discuss this again.”

Oliver chuckled. “Fine, but I think you’re wrong.”

A small frown briefly marred Serene’s smooth brow. “Wrong about what?” She sat back in her chair and Oliver smirked, amused by the seemingly blasé expression on her face.

into that kind of thing.”


Serene averted her gaze from Oliver’s as heat suffused her cheeks and grabbed her beeping phone from the table. “I’m not even going to dignify that with a response.” She shifted her attention to her cell and replied to Shawn’s text.

“No need to.”

Serene paused from typing to look up at Oliver, considered scrapping her dignity then thought better of it. She didn’t want to draw any attention to their conversation. “So, where’s your plus one?”

Oliver moved closer to her as a waiter placed a basket of buttered rolls in front of them. Serene found herself breathing deeper as his scent wafted over to her. “Shannon’s got a headache. Jet lag is hard on her body.”

A pithy answer to Oliver’s tongue in cheek reply escaped her once again as another onslaught of erotic images of him thrusting hard into the redhead distracted her. She glanced at his handsome face and saw nothing to indicate that he knew he’d caused a hot flash. She tore her gaze from his, drew in a slow, silent breath and centered her thoughts on the flickering candle in front of her.

That’s it. Breathe in. Breathe deep. Push those naughty thoughts away. You’re like the flame. You’re like—

“What are you doing?”

Serene sighed. “I was meditating.”

“Dinner parties stress you out?” Oliver chuckled as he placed his cloth napkin and spread it over his lap. “Or is it me?”

Serene grabbed her own napkin and smoothed it over her thighs. She met her sister’s gaze across the table and smiled at her before facing Oliver. “
are obnoxious.”

Oliver laughed. “I’ve been called much worse.”

“I bet.” Serene reached for her fork then dipped it into her fish as NJ sat down across from Oliver. She greeted him then took a bite, mentally thanking him for engaging Oliver in conversation.

Ava leaned over toward her. “How did you get the best seat at the table?”

“What?” Serene glanced at Ava and saw her eyeballing NJ and Oliver. “Oh. Don’t be mad at me. Misha did the seating.”

Ava giggled. “I’m sure she had her reasons. Looks like Josie is having a good time talking to your sister-in-law.”

Serene turned her head and saw Aimee engaged with Josie. “Those two have similar personalities.”

“Yeah, they both need to come out of their shells.” Ava picked up her glass then took a sip. “I’m going to get Josie to, if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Hey, everyone can’t be a wild, free spirit like you.” Serene reached for her cell when it lit up.

“Free is fun. I know you get that.”

“I do, indeed.”

Ava sighed. “But it’s times like these I wish I had someone special to share this romantic experience with.”

Surprised by Ava’s heartfelt admission, Serene stopped reading the text from Brady to look at her. “I thought Misha told me you thought you’d finally met ‘the one’? The vibe felt right and everything.”

“Maybe I’m losing my intuitive skills due to lack of sex. I need to recharge.”

Serene snorted. “That’s what it takes?”

“Yup. Well, it has to be good sex. Mind-blowing se—”

“I get it, Ava.”

Ava laughed as she shrugged. “I guess I’ll settle for fresh fruit and a little chocolate fondue right now.”

Serene chuckled as the Latin beauty eyed NJ again before getting up from her seat. Seconds later, NJ got up from the table too and Serene smiled. She watched him join Ava by the lush display of exotic fresh fruit and the chocolate fountain. Her cell vibrated and Serene turned her attention back to her phone, quickly reading Brady’s text about missing her. The right response eluded Serene as she stared at Brady’s words. The truth was, she hadn’t thought about Brady. For the last three months, he’d been her Friday or Saturday night date mate. Well, her every other Friday or Saturday night date mate, when she’d juggled dating Shawn too.

Two men. Two attractive, successful men and she didn’t feel a genuine spark for either of them. How was that possible?

Ask Ava.

Yes, she’d consort with Ava, the self-proclaimed date whisperer about her two gentleman in waiting.

Better wait until after she gets some.

Serene giggled. She intended to find out who Ava had been seeing when she’d picked up on the vibe between Misha and Cameron.
was the guy she needed to recharge with. Her intuition had been spot on.

Speaking of recharging…

She was in need of some hot, mind-numbing sex as well. It had been too long. She was dating two men but having no sex. She’d decided not to sleep with Shawn or Brady until she’d figured out which man she wanted to build something more with. Three months later, and she was no closer to her answer, unless she based it on kissing, because Brady was one helluva a kisser.

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