Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) (9 page)

Read Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined)
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It was the lush moon shimmering over the ocean, the carnal atmosphere and the liquor.

And Oliver’s gorgeous body and captivating hazel eyes.

He appeared in her line a vision as if summoned. “Damn,” Serene muttered under her breath. She’d needed him out of her personal space for a few precious moments longer.

“Here you go.” Oliver passed her a cup. “Apona told me to tell you he mixed that one especially for you.”

Serene tried to recall the phrase about good intentions as she gazed up at Oliver. “Uh-oh.”

“I tried it. It’s good. Taste it.”

She took a sip and was bombarded with the vibrant flavor of ginger. The drink had a little spiciness intermingled in with the sweetness of the pineapple.

“What do you think?” Oliver asked as he settled back on the blanket. He stretched his long legs out and Serene drew in a breath when his thigh brushed against hers.

“It’s really yummy, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish it.” Serene took another sip and almost giggled. She really needed to stop while she was ahead. God bless Apona.

“Has the alcohol gone straight to your head?”

Serene waved her hand. “I’m okay. I just know my limits.”

“Do you?” Oliver sipped his drink. “Because I get the sense you limit yourself out of fear.”

Too stunned to speak, Serene frowned. She briefly averted her gaze from his to look at the fire. “Oliver, you don’t know me. Are you basing that huge assumption on my lack of skinny dipping experience?”

Oliver ground his cup into the sand. “I’m basing it on that and some other things.”

“Such as?”

“You obviously take care of your body, but you don’t seem to feel comfortable in your own skin. I’ve watched you tug on that dress a dozen times. You have a beautiful body. You shouldn’t be afraid to show it off sometimes, to celebrate your hard work and be a little provocative.”

Curious tendrils of heat wrapped around Serene and she squeezed the cup in her hand as Oliver grinned, a slow teasing–tempting smile.

“I can tell that you like the idea of playing up your sexiness, exploring your sexuality, but something always holds you back.”

His words reverberated in her head as if he’d set off an alarm by her ear. “You make me sound like I’m a prude.”

“I don’t think you’re a prude. Far from it.”

Serene shook her head in frustration. “I
comfortable in my body. I
wear clothes that show off my body and there is
holding me back from doing anything I want to do.” Her tone ended up being harsher than she’d intended, but she couldn’t help it.

Who did he think he was to tell her these things, having known her all of, what, forty-eight hours?

Oliver studied her. “Nothing holds you back, huh?”

Serene shrugged. She was here, wasn’t she? She hadn’t backed down the moment she’d realized she’d lost the bet. “Nothing. I wouldn’t be a small business owner if I let fear rule me.”

“We aren’t talking about your professional life. We’re talking about you, the
you beneath all that

Serene glared at him. “Like I said, nothing holds me back from what I want to do.”

“Do you want to kiss me?”


Chapter Six




Oliver held back from claiming Serene’s lips as he gazed into her expressive eyes. His cock hardened at the emotion he saw glittering in the sienna depths as her eyes dipped to his mouth.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, but I’ll ask you again so I can see the answer in your eyes. Do you want my kiss, Serene?”

Seconds of silence stretched between them before Serene glanced away. “I think I’ve had one sip too many.”

Oliver lifted his drink from the sand, finished it then stood. He held out his hand when Serene looked at him. “Come. I want to show you something.”

“What about my shoes?”

Oliver waved his hand as he helped her to her feet. “No one here will take them.” He slowed his normal pace and led them farther from the bonfire along the beach.

After a few feet, the crash of the waves pounding into the shore drowned out the beat of the drums. They continued to walk in silence and Oliver interlaced his fingers with Serene’s when she subtly tried to ease her hand from his. He was amused that she hadn’t inquired where they were going when he’d seen curiosity written all over her face.

“Look at that moon. The reflection on the water is magical.”

“It is.” Oliver stopped and faced Serene. “What you’re about to see is, too.” He pointed in the direction of their destination. “Do you see the other bonfire down by the rocks?”

Serene peered into the darkness and nodded. “I do.”

“That’s where we’re going. I need you to remain silent until we are back here.”

“Um…” Serene frowned.

Oliver pressed his finger to her lips. “You’re safe with me. Do you know that?”

Serene drew in a breath, exhaled then nodded. “I do.”

“All right. Now, not another word until I speak. Okay?”


Oliver gently squeezed her hand then turned and headed in the direction of the flickering light. They joined a small group sitting on the sand watching a man and a woman dance to the lulling song played by another talented guitarist. Oliver cast a glance at Serene once they’d sat and was pleased to see her gaze transfixed on the dancers. The male dancer wore a traditional, royal-blue, wild hibiscus
skirt. A boar’s tusk necklace hung around his neck and a
leaf headdress adorned his head. His female counterpart wore a similar headdress with white flowers, a red
hibiscus mini
skirt with a matching bra top and a
hip-band. The two commanded attention as they moved closer to each other, in sync to the music, until the woman’s back was against her partner.

Oliver heard Serene’s soft intake of air and he wondered how she’d react in a few minutes. Before long the man untied his partner’s bra, revealing the woman’s breasts. The Tahitian beauty continued to sway her hips against her partner and her skirt was removed next, baring her shaved pussy to all before she turned to face the male dancer. She dropped gracefully to her knees, pulling on her partner’s skirt as she did, and uncovered his thick erection.

Serene gasped, turned to look at Oliver then shifted her attention back to the female dancer who’d taken her partner’s cock into her mouth. The male performer gently removed his partner’s headdress and played in her long dark tresses, obviously enjoying the erotic attention he was receiving. The dancer pushed her back and knelt in front of her, kissing her passionately before covering her body with his. The two continued to touch and kiss as the guitarist’s music swelled and diminished beneath the rumble of the ocean behind them.

Serene stiffened beside him when the guy parted his lover’s legs and took her. The woman’s soft cry of ecstasy carrying in the air, and Serene’s almost inaudible moan, made Oliver’s semi-erect cock rock hard. Seemingly oblivious of their audience, the lovers took pleasure from each other. The music complemented their sensual movements, quickening in tempo as they did, and the lady’s delicate cries became mewls of passion as her partner pounded into her until they both uttered hoarse of groans of ecstasy in what appeared to be a shared orgasm.

Oliver stood and held out his hand as others who’d joined them to watch rose and quietly walked away. He helped Serene up from the sand, noticing that she wouldn’t meet his gaze as they turned and left the two lovers still cuddling by the fire. They made their way back without speaking word until he stopped in the very spot where he’d asked for her silence. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Serene took a step back from him. “I came here. I wore what you wanted as part of our deal.”

Oliver nodded. “Yes, you did.”

“I want you to take me back to the resort now.”


“Right now.” Serene held his gaze, but the sparkle in her eyes belied the chill in her voice.

“Okay, let’s go.” He was ready to get back. Serene was angry, but she was also aroused and he intended to deal with both issues.


Oliver guided them back to the first bonfire, waited for Serene to pick up her shoes then led them all the way to the Jeep. He unlocked the door for her then moved forward to help her into the vehicle.

Serene waved him off. “I can manage.”

“All right.” Oliver couldn’t decide if he was tickled or annoyed by her stubbornness. “I’ll stand here just in case.”

Serene scowled at him, attempted to hoist herself inside the vehicle and slipped. Oliver stepped forward and boosted her up then closed the door. He got into the SUV, started the engine and waited for Serene to buckle up before pulling the Jeep onto the unpaved pathway leading back to the resort.

“What the hell was that, Oliver?” Serene asked several minutes later.

was two lovers enjoying each other and the energy of those sharing their experience.”

Serene snorted. “It was crazy. I can’t believe you. I never should’ve agreed to wearing this damn dress”—she jerked on the skirt—“or going
with you.”

“I’m sorry you’re angry.” Oliver parked the Jeep near their bungalows.

“Angry? I’m offended. I want to get my clothes and leave.” Serene opened her door.

Oliver took hold of her arm and her gaze narrowed in on the point of contact. “I’ll help you down.” This time she didn’t argue as he got out to help her. “Let’s get you your things.” Oliver let her pass. He followed her up to his door, unlocked it and held it open.

Serene stepped into the dimly lit bungalow. Oliver watched her storm into the bathroom and return seconds later with her clothing in hand. “So that’s all you have to say?”

Oliver tossed the keys on the table as she stared at him.

“You’re sorry I’m angry? Really?”

She was gorgeous in her fury. Oliver almost felt bad about sharing
her, until he recalled her tiny gasps and moans while watching. “Take the stuff you tried on too.”

“Stop ignoring my questions!
did you take me there?”

“I took you because I knew you’d enjoy it and I think you did. You said you were offended but I don’t think that’s why you’re so upset.” Oliver paused as Serene glowered at him. “You were turned on. Admit it. Watching those two fuck aroused you like hell.”


Serene brushed an imaginary speck off her yoga pants. “Sex should be a private act.”

“Says who?”

“Says just about everyone. Normal people don’t have sex in public.”

Oliver raised an eyebrow. “Oh? And I guess normal people don’t get excited watching either, right?”

Tendrils of heat that had begun to twist within her body when she’d sat on the sand with Oliver began whirling through her again in full force. So now she knew for sure she was abnormal and her wet thong was solid evidence. Had she ever got so wet so fast?


She was still turned on. Every inch of her skin needed immediate attention. Serene tightened the walls of her pussy as she bit the inside of her cheek. Her arousal continued to grow as Oliver studied her as if he knew exactly what her body craved.

“Serene, I believe consensual sex is whatever you want,
it to be and those needs are neither normal nor abnormal. I took you to
because voyeurism turns you on. I could tell the other day when you watched me and Shannon out on the lanai.”

Serene pointed her finger at him. “I told you it wasn’t my intention to watch.”

“And just a little while ago? If you were so offended why didn’t you get up and leave?”

Good question.
Too bad she didn’t have a ready answer.

“You didn’t leave because you
to watch.” Oliver searched her face. “You wanted to see those two touch, kiss…fuck. It turned you on. Admit it.”

Serene shook her head. “Oliver—”

“It’s okay, Serene. Many people do. You aren’t some kind of freak because voyeurism makes you wet.”

Serene gasped. “You just delight in shocking me, don’t you?”

The slow, sexy curve of Oliver’s lips made her knees turn to jelly.

“I do.”

Heaven help her, she wanted
, had imagined
taking her on the sand like the couple they’d seen.

“Does voyeurism make you wet, Serene?”

Serene sucked in a breath when he yanked her against his body.

“Answer me.”

Serene’s pulse raced as she gazed into Oliver’s hazel eyes.

“Tell me it turned you on.”

Serene shuddered against him. “It turned me on.” She moaned when Oliver dipped his head, already anticipating the magic of his kiss. He didn’t disappoint, moving his lips against hers in sensual abandon as Serene melted into him.

The clothes she’d been holding in a death grip fell from her grasp and a muffled noise erupted in her throat when he caressed her lips with his. Desire flooded through her even as she tried to pull back. Oliver held her fast, deepened the kiss and guided her backwards until she was against the wall. He nipped her bottom lip and Serene parted her mouth, letting him in. She put her hand on his arm and squeezed the muscles beneath her fingers when Oliver took hold of the side of her dress and hitched it up. Oliver palmed her pussy and Serene moaned as his fingers skated over the damp front panel of her thong. She quivered when he slipped a finger beneath the lacy fabric, stroked her wet lips then tore his mouth from hers. Serene recognized it as the moment to pull away, but stayed where she was.

“You never admitted to wanting my kiss.” His voice was husky in her ear. “Your wetness on my fingers should be answer enough, but I want to hear you say it.”

Oliver teased her clit and Serene inhaled sharply, wanting more. She wanted it all and the realization was almost as shocking as the mini quakes of pleasure evoked by Oliver’s touch. Going any further wasn’t wise, Serene knew that, but it was hard to care with Oliver brushing his lips on her neck.

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