Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story (22 page)

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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Chapter Fifty-Nine


This ride to Lansing took a lot out of me. I was tired of running back and forth from Detroit all the way up here. It was only a two hour drive, but the sky had turned an ugly gray, and the street lights barely lit up the streets. I had a house made in a gated community for when I was in town, and I wanted nothing more than to go there and pass out. But, I had a meeting at the warehouse, and I still had to check on a few things.

I was getting too old for this shit, and a permanent retirement was looking good for my near future. After seven years of alternating between pretending to be a hardworking CDL driver and running my distribution warehouse up north, I was officially tired.

I tried to change and dedicate myself to God, but I was a street nigga. The streets were all I knew. Getting that fast money was my drug of choice. I couldn’t go to nobody’s nine to five bringing home pennies when I was used to making hundreds of thousands per month.

Detroit had too much shit going on with it, my crew got fucked up and I made sure that the other side felt the heat too. But, at the end of the day, I was about making money not starting a war, so I moved my operation up north and left the hood to the young bucks.

I hooked up with this Italian cat and it’s been murder she wrote. I was making good money, and I put in less work.  My wife, Angel, thought that I still had money from my hustling days and I was just working as a front. I loved her, but when everything went down, it had her so shook up that I don’t think she would understand me jumping back in the game again.

I thought about it all. I knew Los was turning over in his grave at the fact that Angel and I had hooked up. That shit wasn’t supposed to happen. I would have never crossed my partner like that. I only wanted to look after his family, like I knew he would do for me. Angel got to wildin’, throwing her shit at me. She had always been a beautiful woman, and I fell for her shit hard!

I think we both felt guilty about that shit. That’s why she convinced us to go to church. We got ourselves together. My intentions were good. I love Angel, Milan, and the grandbabies. They were my world.

Well, I was a little disappointed in Milan for fucking with that Wise cat; especially with the history that me and his brother had. Back in the day, bodies would have turned up all over the Detroit River. But, finding God did a little something for me. I was calmer and a lot wiser. Plus, I had unanswered questions. I would be getting some answers real soon.

“Yeah, I’m definitely wiser.” I told myself, pulling into the parking lot and next to the black Charger. I took the driver in. I had been doing business with him for the past few months, but I had known him since he was a hotheaded lil’ nigga, running wild in the streets. Let’s just say we had the same enemy back in the day. I let that shit go, but he was still on some bullshit. I couldn’t wait to get this shit over with. A retirement was definitely in my immediate future. The Italians were just going to have to understand.

I watched as he hopped out of his car, then I hopped out myself. He smiled. “What’s up, OG? You ready to make this power move?” He asked as we made it inside of the building. I had been getting close to him lately, studying his moves. Originally, I was going to retire and allow him to take over, sending me a monthly cut. But, I was starting to see that the nigga was still too hotheaded. He’d end up getting everybody in a fucked up situation.

“You already know it, Fish. I’m getting old. I’m ready to settle down and enjoy the wife.” I told him, not sure if I still wanted to do business with him.

Catfish was loose at the lips. I knew his whole story within a day since we reconnected. His mouth was going to be his demise.

“The wife, huh? How is Angel doing anyway? I ain’t talked to her in years.”

I cut my eyes over to him. W              hat the fuck was he doing asking about my wife. All that talking he be doing, yet he failed to mention that he knew her. Shit, he was the ma’fucka that told me that Carter killed Los, and anything else he saw fit. Yet, he failed to mention that he knew my wife.

“She good, but I’m not understanding why you asking about her, and why you just telling me you knew her. What, y’all used to fuck around?” I asked defensively.

“Nah, Unc! I’m just saying, you my people now, and I don’t even know how to tell you this bullshit. Put it like this, just watch your back. She got snake tendencies.

Now my facial expression turned grim. My wife’s name had no business in his mouth. We were good. Whatever happened in the past was just that… the past.

“Nah, young buck. That’s a discussion that we not gone have.” I quickly shot. The look that I gave him let me know that I meant what I said.

He threw his hands in the air in submission. “My bad O.G. Like I said, you’re family now. I got to look out for you.”

We walked across the main floor and headed up a narrow hallway to my office. Once inside, Catfish sat at the seat in front of my desk. I chose to go to my mini bar and pour myself a shot. This lil’ nigga would  talk himself out of ever getting ahead.

“So, isn’t your step daughter messing around with Wise now.”

I shrugged. “Not my business. Quite frankly, that whole situation is a dead issue to me.”

“I know Unc. But that’s why I wanted to meet up with you personally. I need you to help me get rid of those niggas. I know you don’t want to see Milan with ol’ boy, and what about Carter? You just gone let him slide?”

I studied Catfish to see if he was serious. If I wanted Carter and Wise dead, I would have did that shit myself. I told his young ass that I was done with the situation. But, then again, I did have a few questions that needed answers. “So where do I come in with that?”

“Well, can you get Milan to bring them to you? I can take it from there.”

I nodded. Maybe it was a good idea to bring everyone in the same room at once. I guess I was going to set that up.

Chapter Sixty




It was the look in his eyes. I think that I was actually scared of Catfish. I respected Jabari’s mother and when she said just leave, I quickly did as I was told. Wise was still mad that I waited until we got home to tell him what happened. However, I knew that if I did tell him at the funeral home, he would have been tripping.

“You’re not letting me be your man, Milan. How the fuck you think that makes me feel that another nigga got you spooked? I don’t like that shit!” He fussed plopping down on the bed next to me.

We were at my house, grabbing a few of my valuables. Don was supposed to be released from the hospital in two days and we were packing up to leave the city with him and Carter. Well, Wise was having someone else pack both his house and mine, then he was going to have our things shipped to Atlanta.

“Wise, it’s ok. I didn’t want to cause a scene. We won’t be in the city anymore to even have to worry about him.”

He let out a sigh. “That’s not the point. You know what, that don’t even matter. Did you call your mom to get the kids ready?”

I shook my head. “No, I’ll call her when I’m done here. And please stop fussing with me. I’m emotionally drained. I just want to look into your face and find peace.”

Wise’s expression softened. “My bad, baby. You know how much I care about you. I just don’t like that shit. But, come on. As long as you got all your important shit, you can leave the rest and I’ll have it shipped.”

I nodded, grabbing my purse, as Wise grabbed my last bag. I took a look around my house. I couldn’t exactly say that I was sad to leave it behind. It held too many broken memories.


An hour later, we were back in Auburn Hills, pulling up at the hotel. I decided to call my mom. I had to build up the nerve to tell her that I was moving away with the kids. My mother loved her grandbabies and I could never take that away from her.

“Hey mom, what are you and the kids doing?” I asked, as we hopped out the car.

She got to rambling about how Jabari Jr kept aggravating Kayla, and Melanie was getting a little home sick. I felt bad for my babies, and I couldn’t wait to take them away and start our new life as a family.

“Put Melanie on the phone please.” I asked, looking at Wise. I passed him the phone as she picked up.

Wise and Melanie’s relationship was amazing. I listened as they spoke. He loved my baby with everything in him. Yet, I was selfish enough to abandon her and miss out on everything that was important. I mean, I was around, but not as a mother should. I had so much making up to do with her.

“How is she? Tell her that I love her.” I instructed Wise. He put his finger up, signaling me to wait.

“What we got to talk about?” Wise’s facial expression hardened, alarming me. I hoped that Melanie wasn’t telling him that my mom or Amir did something to her.

“Yeah, we can make that happen. We got a lot of shit that needs to be put on the table anyways. I’ll talk to Carter and have Milan call you back. Can you put my daughter back on the phone?”

Wise and Melanie chatted for a few minutes before hanging up. He looked at me, with a confused expression. “That was your step-father. He wants to meet up later today.”

“Why though? Aren’t we moving away in two days? I think we should just let sleeping dogs lay.”

“Nah, I think we need to talk. You’re my family now, which makes him connected to me by default. I don’t need that extra tension every time we’re around each other. Your mom and dad need to know that this shit forever, whether they like me or not.”

I just nodded. I still didn’t get a chance to tell her that I was moving, and I honestly wasn’t even worried about that anymore. I was more concerned about the meeting between all three men.

Chapter Sixty-One


Carter was still acting like he had a little attitude with me from the day before. His stubborn ass made me sick sometimes, and I was glad that Wise came and took him away. They had gone somewhere and quite frankly, I didn’t care where.

“You better stay here, too.” I mimicked him. He was barking off orders like I was a little girl. Was he forgetting that I’m the same broad that was right next to him, being his Bonnie?

Milan chuckled, snapping me from my thoughts. “Are you little mad or big mad?” I rolled my eyes at her ass too. Her snitching ass was the reason that Carter was mad at me. If she didn’t want to ride, all she had to do was sit at the hotel.

“Oh I’m big mad at you and him. Both of y’all asses gets on my nerves.” I looked over at Sasha, who was picking at her nails. “And you to Boo Boo Kitty, I’m disappointed with yo’ ass too.”

Sasha looked up. She rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything. I wanted to say fuck her, but for some reason she was like a bad ass child that you knew wasn’t a bad kid and you didn’t want to give up on.

Milan kissed her teeth, and I decided to fuck with Sasha. “Why you so quiet heffa’? You know I still love you ‘cause you family.”

“Whatever, I’m not thinking about neither one of you broads.”

“And I’m not thinking about you either! Broad!” Milan quickly shot back.

Sasha let out a sigh. “See, let me go back to my room. I don’t know why I even came down here. Y’all not gone stress me or my baby out!”

I think I saw Milan cringe. “Fuck you and that baby! The verdict is still out!”

Sasha smiled. “You wish! I was throwing this pussy at him every night. It’s Wise’s baby for sure, step momma.”

Milan stood up and lunged toward Sasha. I began to crack up with laughter as I blocked her path. “Unt uhh, you bitches not gone do this. Sit yo’ extra hype ass down Milan, and chill out before she tap that ass, Sasha.”

“Yeah, she better chill before I stomp that baby out of her ass.”

“Whatever,” Sasha waved Milan off, checking her phone. She looked up. “Oh my God! Why does this nigga keep calling me? I thought Wise and Carter were going to handle him.”

My face lit up. “Answer it. I still want to handle his ass.” I turned to Milan. “And take yo’ snitchin’ ass home if you don’t want to go.”

The call ended before Sasha could answer. However, a text message immediately came through for her to meet him at some address in an hour. Sasha shook her head. “Unt uhh. I don’t trust him.”

“Well, I trust myself and my nine. We’re going to meet up with him. He’s going to get his ass handled and I’m going to fly back to Atlanta in peace, knowing that no one is after my man. Now let’s get this going. Milan, didn’t you pick up your car when you went to get your stuff?”

She nodded. “Well let’s go heffa’.” I reached into my suite case and grabbed my nine. “Both of them were looking at me all crazy. They must didn’t love Wise as much as I loved Carter. He was already talking crazy about how he felt he had death on him. I wasn’t about to let his intuitions become a reality.


I looked around and turned up my nose at the raggedy building that he had us pull up to. It looked as if it was leaning and the chipped paint and plastic covered windows had me second guessing my decision.

I shook my head. “This nigga on some foul shit.” I scanned the deserted parking lot. Besides a black Charger and two vans with deep tints, no one was around, and the neighborhood was so run down that if we screamed, I didn’t think anyone would help.

“Pull off, Milan. This is bullshit.” I demanded.

Just as Milan began to back up, the two vans charged toward us, causing my heart to beat faster. “Hurry up, bitch!” I yelled, as we sped up the street. No matter how fast Milan went, they were still on our ass, though.

“Oh my God! I knew we shouldn’t have came. I told you I didn’t trust him!” Sasha yelled.


The driver of the first van crashed into us, causing the car to swerve. We almost flew into oncoming traffic. Our car barely missed colliding into an ugly beat up Neon.

“Can one of you bitches call Wise or Carter? Damn!” Milan shouted, making a sharp left. The van was still on our ass.

Sasha pulled out her phone and began to dial numbers. But fuck that, I reached into my purse and pulled out my nine. When I looked to the window, the driver of the second van was aligned with our car. He was just about to ram into us, but I raised the gun up and pointed it directly at his head. His scary ass slammed on his brakes, causing a crash.

“Shit, Wise isn’t answering.” Sasha panicked.

“Because it’s you! Selena grab my phone and toss it to her.” Milan ordered, driving the car like a professional race car driver. I guess when you’re in a fucked up situation, it would have you with skills you never knew you had.

That’s when shots rang out. I heard as the air left the tires. The car began to fishtail out of control and I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes as we ran straight into a parked car on the side of the road.

The girls were panicking, I wanted to stay calm, but as the figure advancing towards my door with his gun drawn came closer, I felt my lungs begin to tighten. It felt like I couldn’t breathe. I mean, I started thinking about Carter, my baby, and even death. Hell no! I couldn’t die like this.

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