Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story (19 page)

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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Chapter Fifty-Three


I rolled my eyes, looking at Selena’s phone number flashing across my screen. I didn’t want to be bothered, but I decided to force myself to answer the call. As much as I hated to admit it, I needed to keep her close, especially with that crazy ass nigga lurking. Maybe she could talk some sense into Wise’s ass. That Milan bitch had his head gone.

I frowned a bit, as I tried to adjust myself in the bed. My body was still sore from the accident, and I couldn’t take anything for the pain because of the baby.

“Hello,” I answered dryly, wondering what she wanted.

“Hey cuz, I was calling to talk you. Are you busy?”

“No, what’s up?” I answered.

“Well, I told Wise that he needed to sit down and talk to you, and I was wondering if you was willing to sit down and have a conversation.”

I smiled; my attitude immediately changed. Hell yeah I wanted to sit down with Wise. He had been ignoring me and I needed him to just hear me out. I took a second to hide my excitement.

“I’ve been trying to get in contact with him for days. But, he’s been ignoring me. I don’t have a problem sitting down with him, especially with me carrying his child. Shit, he knew that I was in a car accident, yet he didn’t even come check on us!” I spat, seriously hurt. I knew that I had my fucked up ways, but I’d never do anything to hurt Wise. It started out as me helping Sick-Ass find Carter by getting close to Wise, but I had actually fallen for him. I played tough, but not having his heart hurt, so I fucked around to fill the void, so what. He’s been cheating on me with Milan for years. I’m not stupid!

“Ok, well do you want to meet us somewhere?”

“No, I’m in too much pain today. You guys can come to me.” I suggested. I was staying out in Flint, which was two hours away from Detroit, and far enough to not be found. I wasn’t meeting up with that psycho, I didn’t trust him. Plus, he was after Wise now, and not just Carter. A dead baby daddy couldn’t do anything for me.

I read off my address, and Selena agreed to come. They were in Auburn Hills, which was closer to me than Detroit. So I knew that it would only take them an hour to get to me.

We hung up and I peeled myself from the bed, rushing to the bathroom to get cute for Wise. The pain that shot throughout my body didn’t even matter, I needed to get my man back. He needed to handle my little situation, then get rid of that ghetto bitch, Milan, and we could get back to where we needed to be.


Close to two hours later, there was a knock at the door, and my lips curled into a smile. I stood and checked myself in the bathroom mirror. Satisfied with the way that I looked, I went to answer the door.

My mouth dropped to the floor, seeing Wise, Selena, Carter, ratchet ass Milan, and some other dude. I said Wise and Selena could come, I never said anything about them bringing a whole football team.

They pushed pass me, inviting their selves inside. “Unt uhh. Who are all these people? Selena you said just you and Wise.”

Milan had the nerve to give me a dirty look. “Girl please, I know that you didn’t expect me to allow him to see your thirsty ass without me.”

I rolled my eyes, focusing on Wise. He wouldn’t even look at me. To his knowledge, I hadn’t done anything wrong to him, so his attitude toward me was so uncalled for.

“Whatever. I don’t feel good, and I definitely don’t feel like the drama. What did you guys want? There’s no sense in beating around the bush.” I said, wanting to get straight to it. I was past pissed.

“Since you want to get straight to it, why was you in the car with Keem? Huh?” Wise asked, his voice laced with hate. “All this time your trifling ass was playing me. That’s fucked up. So you was plotting on me with that nigga?”

He caught me completely off guard with that question. Luckily, I was quick on my feet. I had practiced what I would say if he finally answered my call for a whole week.

I put my face in my hands, then began to force myself to cry. “He, he was trying to kill me! After you put me out, he started pushing up on me. He wanted me to help him set you up and he got mad because I wouldn’t.” Tears began to flow naturally as I thought about that night. I came so close to death. “I tried to warn you! Him and Jabari were trying to set you up. I wouldn’t help. I would never do you like that.” I cried, pleading with my eyes, as Wise and I locked in on each other.

“Oh bitch please! I guess you fucking Jabari was you keeping it 100 with Wise too!” Milan shouted. My mouth hung wide open as everyone stared at me.

I wiped my tears, stalling for time. I needed to flip the conversation. “No, you’re the bitch! You’ve been sleeping with my man forever; and I knew it! I just wanted to hurt you both as much as you guys hurt me. I had always held Wise down, and as much as I hate him, I would never want to see him get hurt!” I half told the truth, putting on an Oscar-deserving performance.

Carter kissed his teeth, stepping forward. “Man, fuck the dramatics. Why was that nigga Amir at the hospital visiting you?”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Amir? Who the hell is Amir?” I asked, lost. I didn’t know an Amir.

“Stop playing dumb Sasha,” Wise demanded. He turned to Milan. “Bae, where yo’ phone at? Pull up that picture of your stepdad.”

I watched as she scrolled through her phone. I cringed, hearing him call that bitch “bae”.

Wise turned the phone back toward me. “So this nigga didn’t come see you at the hospital the day of the accident?”

I studied the picture. The man looked familiar, but he definitely wasn’t the sick-ass bastard that came to visit me.




I felt like I was in an episode of Scooby Doo, trying to solve a mystery. I was ready to figure this shit out already. Keem and Jabari were dead, so I’m thinking that they were the problem. We haven’t had any issues since they’ve been gone.

As far as Milan’s step dad goes, I think that somebody was setting him and Carter up. Their stories were too similar and I wished that Carter’s bull-headed ass would pump his brakes and just sit down and talk to the man.

“See, I’m telling you, somebody played the both of y’all.” I shrugged, discreetly taking Sasha in.

I had to wonder if she was telling the truth. She had been trying to warn me about them ma’fuckas for a minute. I just didn’t know if I could trust her bird ass anymore. True enough, I had fucked over her feelings, but I never mistreated her. I made sure to respect her. For her to go out and fuck my homeboys as payback was some hoe-ass shit, and it had me feelings some type of way.

However, I knew that if she was carrying my baby, the least I could do was make sure that she was straight until we got a D.N.A test. I wasn’t a sorry-ass nigga, and my moms raised me to take care of my responsibilities. Now, getting Milan to understand that would be a totally different story.

“This is exactly why I said to just talk to her.” Selena spoke up. “Let’s get this behind us. Sasha is my cousin and I would hate for something to happen to her. Thank goodness she didn’t die in the accident with that crazy motherfucka!”

Milan kissed her teeth, rolling her eyes. She wasn’t fucking with Sasha at all. I wanted to laugh at her little attitude, but I knew that now wasn’t the time.

I turned to Sasha, “So you don’t know him at all?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t. He looks familiar, but I’ve never talked to him.” She paused for a second, I could see the tears welling up in her eyes again. I wished that she would save the dramatics because she put herself in this fucked up position. “Wise, I tried calling you. I tried warning you. There is someone out to get you that’s way more of a threat than Keem or Jabari. I heard him talking to Keem  and he said that he wanted you and your brother dead, I’m scared for you.”

My face completely frowned up. “Me? My brother? Who the fuck is this nigga?”

She shook her head again, “I’m scared. He knows that I know about his plan and that’s why Keem tried to kill me. He’s been calling my phone Wise, threatening me, and you left me to deal with this shit!” Sasha really broke down, making me feel guilty and shit.

Selena gave me this evil ass look, as she went to console Sasha. I just wasn’t understanding how they were making me out to be the bad guy.

“Well, call that nigga up. Let’s handle this shit right now so that I can get the fuck on!” Carter grimaced.

“No, I have to wait until he calls me again. He’s been calling private.”

“Ok, well get yo’ shit together; you coming with us. When he calls back get him to meet up with you and we’ll handle it from there.” I told her, not even bothering to look at Milan.”

“Oh no the fuck she ain’t coming with us, Wise! This ain’t the Brady Bunch, we’re not one big happy family.” Milan shot.

“Fuck it, I don’t have to come. I can take care of myself!” Sasha sniffled.

“No. She can come and stay with me and Carter. I’m not leaving my cousin and some crazy nigga is after her. Chill Milan, everyone knows that Wise is yours. This is serious.” I was glad that Selena spoke up. I could tell that Milan wanted to say something, but she didn’t. Sasha grabbed a few of her things and we bounced, waiting for ol’ boy to call her phone again.



Chapter Fifty-Four


The tension was so thick that I could cut it with a knife. Wise knew not to say anything to me, because I would have told his ass something, Selena too. I had never known her to be a ditzy broad. I always looked up to her because she was always so strong and on point. Carter was a wild boy and she matched his crazy to a T!

I looked back at Sasha out of the corner of my eyes, and I had to roll them. She was sitting in the back seat looking all content, as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She may have had everyone else fooled, but not me!

We finally made it back to the hotel, and we all went back to Carter’s room.  Wise pulled me to the couch and sat me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, showing me extra attention. I knew that he was just trying to make me feel secure, however, I wasn’t naïve Milan from back in the day that allowed him to fuck over me. If I smelled any funny business going on between him and Sasha, I was going to beat both of their asses, and leave him alone for good.

“You know I love you, right?” Wise whispered into my ear, as he moved a few strands of hair out of my face.

“I love you too, but I’m still mad at you. We’ll talk when we’re alone.” I shot back, loving the look of envy plastered across Sasha’s face. I didn’t know what else she expected. But, Wise was all me.

We sat and kicked it for a while before Carter announced that he needed to make a run with the men, and he was wanted us ladies to sit tight until they got back. Now they were really reaching. I wasn’t about to sit in a room with Sasha and I didn’t have to.

“Nah, I’m going back to my room, I’m good.” I shot, my voice laced with attitude. I peeled myself off of Wise’s lap, and stood to leave with them.

“No, you don’t have to go, Milan. While the men are gone, I’m sure us ladies have some things to get off of our chests, because we’ll have to be around each other for a little while and the tension isn’t going to work.” Selena tried reasoning. I was giving her the side-eye too. I had to wonder what was up with her taking up for Sasha all of a sudden. I remember her talking mad shit about the girl back in the day. Hell, I’ve been to visit her in Atlanta with Wise while he was still with Sasha.

I thought about it for a second, and decided that maybe I would sit and have “girl talk” with them. I had a few things that I wanted to say to both of their asses.

“Alright, I’ll stay.” I announced, as the men grabbed their things and prepared to leave. Wise turned to me looking skeptically.

“You sure you gone be okay. Y’all don’t be in here trying to kill each other.”

I waved him off. “I said that I’m good. Y’all go ahead.”

I watched as they disappeared out of the door. The room was completely quiet once they were gone, neither of us willing to speak. Well, that is until Selena snatched Sasha’s ass up and pinned her against the wall. I didn’t know who was more shocked, me or Sasha.

I hopped up, rushing to Selena’s side. She was eight months pregnant and I would kill Sasha’s ass if she tried to fight back.

“Listen here heffa’” Selena started through gritted teeth. “I actually took up for yo’ ass, but something ain’t right.” Sasha tried to snatch away, but Selena had her pinned tight. “I only care because my man is involved in this shit now. I swear if you try something stupid, I will forget that you’re my blood. Now get to talking, why the fuck were you really in the car with that boy? And who the fuck is after my man. I know you know.”

If things weren’t so tense, I would have smiled. I knew my bitch wasn’t getting soft on me!

The room was silent for a while. Sasha began to look back and forth between me and Selena. I knew for a fact that she couldn’t have possibly believed that I was going to help her ass. I stepped forward, getting close to her. “Yea, bitch. Who the fuck is after my man?” I yelled, giving her the ugliest scowl that I could come up with.

“If you don’t let me go, Selena! I swear,” She ignored me.

“You swear what? You gone get yo’ ass whooped up in here?” Selena shot, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at her crazy ass. It was the truth, we would have dragged her all over this hotel room. I was itching to tag her ass.

“Could you please let me go? I thought we was way better than this. I told y’all asses that I don’t know his name. I overheard Keem’s conversation with him, that’s it! Now he keeps calling me since Keem is dead, trying to get me to help set Wise and Carter up.”

“Bullshit!” Selena spat. “Milan, please grab this heffa phone out her purse.”

I gladly snatched Sasha’s purse off of her arm and began to rummage through it for the phone. A part of me was curious to search and see if Wise had been communicating with her behind my back.

“This is so fucking uncalled for. All you had to do was ask for my phone. But we’re supposed to be family?!” By now, Sasha had began to cry. Crocodile tears were rolling down her face and they meant nothing. I couldn’t trust her ass as far as I could throw her. If she wasn’t pregnant, things would have played out differently. She earned an ass whooping the night that I overheard her telling another nigga that he was the baby’s father, then to find out that she was fucking Jabari behind my back really had me in my feelings.

“Girl please,” Selena kissed her teeth. She turned to me, while still having Sasha pinned against the wall. “Did you find her phone yet?”

“Yeah, I got it,” I answered, holding it up. Then I began to scroll through it, searching for anything unusual. There was nothing, and luckily for Wise, he ignored her stalking ass texts.

After a thorough analysis of the phone, I looked up at Sasha. “Ummm, you said the nigga called you private…. Where at? You ain’t got no private calls.”

“Cause the bitch lying like I thought. Got me looking like a fucking fool. So either it ain’t no damn body after Wise and Carter, and you on some bullshit. Or one of these numbers is it. Which one of them numbers is the nigga?” Selena gritted.

I pushed the phone into Sasha’s face. She stalled for a minute, but she eventually pointed to a number with a 586 area code. “It’s this one. But, I’m telling y’all. The nigga is crazy.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Selena sneered, grabbing the phone from out of my hand. She pressed talk on the number and placed it on speaker phone.

“I knew you would be calling. What you got for me? Did you set that up yet?”

“Set what up?” I spoke up, semi-recognizing the voice. I just couldn’t place it. “Who the fuck is this and why are you after my man?”

The voice began to laugh into the phone. “Well I’ll be damned. Let me find out that I’m talking to snake-ass Milan… I’m gone have fun killing yo’ nigga and you gone watch that shit go down.”

“Not if he finds you first!” I yelled. Now he had me curious. He knew my voice, and he knew my name!

“Nah, fuck Wise and his punk ass brother.” 

“No! Fuck you! Nigga, you better hope I don’t get to your sorry ass first. You sick, bottom feeding, dusty-ass bastard!” Selena cut in. 

“Yeah yeah. Have Sasha call me back when she get that info I need.” With that, he hung up, and I instantly turned around and swung on Sasha, connecting to her jaw.

“So you helping this nigga set my man up?” I growled. I was about to tap that ass, pregnant and all! She’s lucky as fuck that Selena stopped me!

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