Sinful Secrets: Take Me (Billionaire Breeding Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Sinful Secrets: Take Me (Billionaire Breeding Erotic Romance)
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He knelt down to me and placed his face right next to my pussy while he slipped the thin material of my panties out of the way.  I quivered under his touch; my whole body was shaking in anticipation.

When his bare skin met mine, a flood of overwhelming release took over me.  Two of his fingers gracefully slid into my slit.  He moved them in and out slowly with a curled, “come hither” motion each time that he was inside of me.  The intensity of my emotions that that moment made me feel him with every nerve; with every inch of my vulnerable space.

As I reached up to my own, still exposed, breasts and massaged my nipples, I felt Dom’s hot, wet tongue meet my folds.  I cried out for him, my voice echoing through the valley below.  Those moans and whimpers only made him more eager.  His mouth moved over my clit and
sucked gently on to it

I reached out to him, my hands
tenuously gripping his short hair
with all that I could muster, and pulled him in closer.  His face was buried in my wet lips.  He licked and sucked me all while thrusting his fingers in and out of my channel.

Slowly his pace quickened.  Eventually my whole body was bouncing back and forth under the force of his fingers in my hole.  I rocked my hips up and down onto his lips and tongue, moaning and gasping loudly the whole time.

Never once did he relent.  Just as I was coming to the brink, it was as if he knew

A hot welling of tension built up in the pit of my stomach, just above where Dom was coaxing me closer.  His left hand pinned my thigh down and grasped it tightly, almost painfully.  On his other hand, the fingers pounded into my pussy with loud, wet slaps.  His lips wrapped around my clit and began to suckle in quick, rhythmic pulses.

I came violently on that chair, the mysterious, wealthy stranger between my legs and working eagerly.  Every inch of my nerves exploded in pure ecstasy.  My already moist channel flooded with my own juices and tensed around his thick fingers.  Dom didn’t stop right away.  He slowed his movements until I was finished, then pulled back and used his shirt to wipe my clear fluids off of his face.

After doing so, he
climbed up over my body and kissed me again.  I wrapped my arms around his powerful shoulders and dug my tongue into his mouth.

I was surprised when he simply laid down next to me and pushed my dress back down.  He didn’t want to have sex.  Instead he to
ok his time covering my body
and curled up right behind me.  I could feel his deep, relaxed breaths as his chest pressed against my back.  I didn’t know what to say.  Fortunately, as it turned out, nothing needed to be said.

We stayed there until I started to doze off, safe in his warm embrace.


walked me to my room that night.  I could tell that he didn’t want to leave me there.  He lingered for a long time without even saying a word.  There was a sense of vulnerability in his face that pulled me in.  It threatened to keep me there as I wrestled with all of the new emotions flooding my heart and mind.

After some time he had kissed me goodbye and left down the hall, casting knowing looks over his should
er the entire way.  When he
finally disappeared behind the mirrored doors of the elevator I went back into my room feeling like I was walking on air.

Sleep had come easy that night but the rest was anything but peaceful.  I had dreams of him and Chris, nightmares that reflected the emotional turbulence that rattled my every waking thought.  I can’t remember now what I had dreamed about but I have a very clear memory of waking up very early the next morning in a cold sweat.  My hair had been tangled and knotted from a torrent of
tosses and k
icks over the earlier hours.  The pillow below me was moist and sticky with sweat; maybe some tears, too.

Thankfully, Ari was passed out cold in the neighboring bed.  I took a moment to c
ompose myself on the edge of my
bed before scurrying into the bathroom
and showering for a long, long time.
  By the time that I
finished cleaning up and dressing, the sun had fully risen and its golden shine was blazing through the room’s sheer curtains.

Much of that day was spent poolside with Ari.  We
had a few drinks (on a paid
-for tab, of course) and just lounged around.  She never asked about where I was the night before.  Either she had no idea that I was even gone or she wasn’t going to pry.  Chances were that she had been too drunk to notice
, actually
.  The girl liked to party, what can I say?

After a couple of cocktails and a long bout of silence, she turned to me and shielded her brow with her free
hand, “What’s up with you
?  You’re acting all distant.”

“Oh nothing.”

“Come on, she turned on her side to face me, “What’s going on?”

I laid my head back and closed my eyes, “I’ve just been thinking a lot about my life,” I paused, “and my relationship with Chris.”

She took a swing of her drink, “Look, nobody back home has wanted to say anything
because we are all friends,
but that mess should have been done a long time ago.”

I was a little stunned.  I had never even gotten a hint from my friends that they knew I was unhappy back home.  Truth be told, I thought that I was pretty good at hiding my misery.  As it turned out, however, that must not have been the case.

“What do you mean?”

Ari set down her glass and
gripped my arm.  Her hand was like ice from the cold beverage, “We all know that you have been unhappy.  It’s just that none of us felt like it was our place to say anything.  Maybe we should have.  I don’t know.  You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Of course not.  I’m just a little surprised, that’s all.”

She let go of me and settled back into her chair, “I want you to be happy.  You need to do what’s right for you, not what you think other people expect of you.  Sometimes you have to walk away.”

I didn’t respond.  As soon as she said that, my mind went back to the cab driver that had taken me to the airport.  He had told me the same thing.  Maybe the two of them were right.  Maybe it was time to head in a different direction.  Perhaps now was the time to embrace a new life; a new path.  After all, one’s course didn’t have to be set in stone, did it?

My mind was slowly being made up.  My decision to be with Dom the night before was becoming more and more validated as time crept onward.

Another of the many young, handsome attendants approached me, “Excuse me, ma’am?”

I looked over to my right.  He was standing straight up with his hands clasped in front of him.


El Toro-“

I raised an eyebrow.

“Dom, I mean Dom,” he glanced around looking a little nervous all of a sudden, “he would like to know if you could meet him at the docks around six this evening.”

Those butterflies were back at work in my stomach, “Yes, of course.”

“Great, he sends his thanks.”

The worker made a tiny, almost imperceptible bowing motion before starting to back away.

I called after him, “Hey!”

He stopped and fidgeted his foot a little, “Yes, ma’am?”

“El Toro.  Who is that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry miss.  I, uh,” he glanced around again as if trying to buy just a moment to think, “I had just confused him for someone else.  My apologies.”

“Okay then.  Thank you.”

“Yes, no problem.”

As the boy scampered off like a dog with its tail between its legs, I was left to wonder what his problem was.  Getting two people confused wasn’t exactly an executable offence as far as I knew.  His behavior was strange but I let it go pretty quickly.  Maybe he was just new and didn’t want to screw up.  We’ve all been there.
  I had been waiting on tables for many years, after all.

“Who the hell is Dom?” Ari hollered a little too loudly from her seat.

“Oh,” I kicked back again with a little smile curling the corners of my mouth, “just someone I met yesterday.”

“Get it, girl.”

I just laughed.  Even the sound of his name made me giddy.  That evening couldn’t have come soon enough.


Just before I
was supposed to meet Dom
down by the marina, Ari had helped me dress for the occasion.  I could tell she was thrilled
for me but I was sure that her enthusiasm couldn’t have held a candle to mine.  We had gone to one of the reso
rt’s shops and picked out a short
, flowing dress.  It was a very light cream color with small accent flowers running along the small straps.  A thin, silk ribbon tied around the top just under my breasts.  A simple bracelet and a pair of sandals later, I was ready for whatever my new lover had in store.  I hoped that I was, anyway.
  After all, I still barely knew the guy.

Within only a few minutes I was out the door and on my way down to our meeting spot.  The resort was quieter than I had ever seen it.  During my entire walk I saw no more than two workers moving about.  The evening breeze had picked back up again, carrying on it the salty, sweet smell of the ocean nearby.  It made my soft, brown locks flutter behind me, right along with my new dress.

When I reached the wooden planks leading along the beach and toward the docks, my path was illuminated by rows of tiki torches that had been lit.  Their flames sputtered and danced all around me.  The sun was just above the horizon, ready to turn in for the night.

I rounde
d a sharp corner and spotted him
standing down at the end of the walkway.  He had his back to me and was watching the ocean with his hands tucked into the pockets of his shorts.

“Dom,” I called out to him.

He turned with a generous smile, “Sophie!”

I started to walk a little faster.  It turned into a trot by the time I reached him and lunged into his arms.  His embrace was warm, tight and inviting.  He held me there close to him for some time, just rocking back and forth.  I laid my head down on his chest and listened to the quick thumps of his heart.

“I’m so glad you came,” he told me.

“Me too.”

He pulled back but kept his arms wrapped around me, “Would you like to go on a short boat ride?”

I smirked, “A long one would be even better.”

His smile was big enough for me to see his one crooked tooth, “Even better.  Let’s go.”

He helped me onto the vessel.  It was all brand new and massive, with what looked like an entire living area down below the deck.  All of the railings and surfaces had been polished and shined.  Up above there was a man standing at the helm.

Dom motioned up to him, “Tha
t’s Miguel.  He’s going to take care of
us tonight.”

I waved up to him.  H
e returned the gesture silently
with a tip of his hat and
went right back to looking out over the open waters in front of us.
  Almost immediately the engine hummed to life and the yacht pushed away from the shore.  Dom took my hand and led me to the front of the boat where there was a large, rounded couch.  The front of it was a small table that held champagne, glasses and the biggest vase of red roses that I had ever seen in my life.

I was a little stunned.  It was the kind of thing that you only see in the movies.

Dom gripped my waist and guided me over to the couch where we sat close together.  We had a few glasses of the champagne in silence.  It wasn’t awkward, though.  For a long time we just sat and held each other, watching the sun dip down toward its inevitable, daily fate.
  The reality of my departure date was lingering in the back of my mind.  I didn’t want to go.  I could have stayed right where I was for the rest of my life.  There was a peace there in his arms that I had never known before.

He must have been reading my mind.

“When do you have to go?”

I tipped my head to the side and rested it on his shoulder, “We are supposed to leave tomorrow.”

He didn’t respond, just looked out over the golden-crested waves and sighed.

“How long are you staying here?”
I asked.

“As long as I want.”

“You don’t have a job to get back to?”

He laughed a little, “Well, yes, I do.
  It’s just, uh-

He hesitated for a moment.

“-A flexible position.”

We fell silent again.  The brackish wind coming off of th
e sea was getting colder.  A
l chill raced through my spine and
Dom looked down at me.

“Let’s go in where it is warmer.”

“Yeah, that would be good.”

Again he guided me, this time toward a short staircase below the man steering the ship.  When my head dipped down, it was instantly warmer.  There was a small door at the bottom of the stairs that Dom closed quietly behind us.

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