Sinful Secrets: Take Me (Billionaire Breeding Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Sinful Secrets: Take Me (Billionaire Breeding Erotic Romance)
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She simply pulled her wide-brimmed hat down over her face and stretched out on her chair, “Run with it.”


That night
I found myself alone for dinner.  To say that Ari had taken advantage of the free drinks would have been the understatement of the year.  She was blitzed and asleep by 3 o’clock.  After dragging her back up to the room and hopping in a shower, I was starting to get hungry.
  There was a nice little place downstairs that I was dying to try so I grabbed my keycard, stuffed it in the side of my bra, and left as silently as I could.

’, as the restaurant was called, was quiet that night.  I
at an expansive sushi bar and was greeted by a smiling chef right away.

“Hello,” he said, “do you know what you want?”

Sushi was one of my
of course I knew what I wanted.

“Some albacore sashimi to start would be great.”

The chef simply nodded and got to work.  I took a few sips on the water that had been brought to me and looked around.  The lights were dim but put out just enough light to gently illuminate the de
ep blue walls that were textured
to look like water.  The counter in front of me was black but glittered
as my head moved.  All around
the place was designed to look like an under-water oasis and whoever executed it had done a damn good job.  Every moment spent there made me feel more and more relaxed.

The chef lowered down a plate of six pieces of glimmering fish.  I wasted no time digging
in, dipping each one into a concoction
of wasabi and soy sauce that I
absentmindedly mixed together while taking in the sights.

My thoughts turned back to the turmoil that I had left behind
at home.
s hadn’t even attempted to call, let alone apologize for acting like a jerk.  I knew for
a fact that it wasn’t my fault
but the whole situation still bothered me.  There was a nagging feeling in my gut that things were all but over between us.  We had been together for so long that I was stuck wondering how my life would be without him. 
Sure it was going to be better overall, but i
t was going to take some getting used to.

Just as I raised a piece of fish to my lips, a gentle hand clasped my shoulder.

“Hello there,” a man’s voice said to me with a faint Spanish accent.

I set my chopsticks down and turned.  I
was the man from the beach.

“Oh, hi!  How are you?”

The man known as Dom took a seat next to me and placed his arms on the counter, “I’m better now.”

My stomach was twisting up again.  There was a fluttering feeling in my chest.

“So you were the one who paid for our drinks?”

He smiled, “That would be correct.”

I could almost feel myself blushing, “Well thank you.  I do have to apologize though.”

Dom leaned back in his chair, “What for?”

“Well, my friend Ari
got a little carried away.  She’s knocked out in the room upstairs.”

He laughed and signaled to the sushi chef with two fingers.  The man got right to work on whatever it was that he had ordered.

He really must be a regular
, I thought to myself.

“It’s no problem as long as you had a good time.”

I poked the piece of sashimi with my chopsticks, “Oh she definitely had fun.”

“And you didn’t?”

His question made me feel a little flustered.  I didn’t want to offend the man.  He looked up to the chef, who set down a plate full of various kinds of fish.  When he did, I noticed a long, jagged scar running from the back of his ear.  It eventually disappeared under the collar of his
nicely pressed shirt.

“Oh yes, I did.  Sometimes Ari can
a little bit much to deal with when I’m trying to relax.

He looked over at me, “I never got your name, by the way.”

“Oh,” I reached my hand out to him, “Sophie.”

He set down his chopsticks and gripped my hand with both of his, “Dom.  It is a pleasure.”

For almost a good minute he enveloped my hand with his.  The touch of a new, mysterious man gave me chills that I desperately tried to hide.  There was something in his eyes that was different from most
I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.  A passion was burning behind them.

When he did finally let go, he
turned to his plate, “So what brings you here, Sophie?”

The way that he said my name was tempting and soft.  I caught me a little off guard.

“I, uh,” I paused to gather myself, “I’m just taking a break from the grind.  You know.”

“I sure do,” he ate a piece of his food and took a swig of water, “this is the perfect place to do that, you know.  They have everything that your pretty heart could dream of.”

“Well, what is your favorite thing to do here?”

Dom considered the question as he wiped his full lips with a napkin.  He tossed it down onto the counter and turned to me, “How about I show you?”

“Show me what?”

“Do you feel like taking a ride?”

Did I?  I wasn’t quite sure what to say to that.  I didn’t even know the guy and he was asking me to just up and leave with him.  I hadn’t even talked to him long enough to know whether or not I could trust him.  But then there were his eyes.  They drew me in; made me feel safe and at ease.  There was a reassurance there that kept me firmly in his grasp.

I swallowed hard and threw my napkin off of my lap, “Okay then.  Let’s go.”

put both of our meals on his tab and guided me through the halls of the resort.  Eventually we reached a cove
red, gated parking area where we
climbed in a rugged, though nicely adorned, Jeep.

After gunning the engine to life and waiting for the gates to open, Dom guided the vehicle out of the resort and through the small town that waited just outside of it.  That, too, was left behind as he turned on a small, dirt road and started up a menacingly steep hill.  I think that he sensed my worry.

“It’s okay,” he turned to me, “I’ve done this hundreds of times.”

The look on my face must have still given me away, because he reached over and took my hand into his.  I probably should have been more nervous that he was driving with one hand but that was far from how I was actually feeling.  His touch soothed me on an insanely deep level.  The warmth of his skin on mine almost seemed to guarantee my safety.

I looked over at him, my long, chestnut hair and pale yellow dress fluttering in the cool wind, and squeezed his hand more tightly.

We pulled over to the side of the road.

“Come,” he pulled his hand away and killed the engine, “I want you to see this.”

He ran around the Jeep and opened my door for me.  Again he t
ook my hand and
guided me into the thick jungle, pushing aside vines and palms of varying sizes and hues of green.
  The air was sweet and thick.  A thin layer of moisture was already starting to form between our palms.

For a brief second I was worried. 
Please don’t let go

As if
reading my thoughts, his fingers curled around mine even tighter.  He turned back to me with a full grin.  His teeth were pearly white with one slightly crooked one on the bottom.  With his eyes still on me, he reached out and pulled aside the biggest palm frond that I had ever seen in my life.

There in
front of me was the glittering, emerald sea, laid out like an endless blanket over all of eternity.  The sun had begun to dip down below the horizon.
It cast out its golden arms and t
he calm waves shimmered under their touch.

Dom squeezed my hand
and pulled me out of the edge of the jungle.  We emerged in a small clearing,
situated on the edge of a tall cliff.  It was
complete with a cushy lounge chair and a table.

He motioned to the solitary chair, “You’ll have to forgive me.  I usually only come here by myself.”

“It’s okay, really.  This view is amazing!”

“So is mine.”

I turned to my left to find the handsome stranger looking square at me.  He took my other hand and pulled my body in close to him.  I could smell the earthy, spicy scent of his cologne flowing down into my lungs.  With each deep, sharp breath I let him into me.

Dom leaned forward, wrapping his arms
around me, and planted his lips on mine.  What followed was a frenzied, passionate kiss that I don’t know quite the words to
  In the whirlwind of emotions that were storming about in my head, I vaguely felt his powerful arms clenching my entire body close to his.

I closed my eyes and let him take me.

As the sun began to disappear and a cool wind rattled the foliage all around us, Dom’s supple lips left my mouth and started to work their way down my neck and collarbone.  His breath was hot on my skin.  It was a stark contrast to the air around us.

A soft moan
from my throat and he moved his face to the small area between my breasts.  With one swift mot
ion he pulled down the straps
of my thin dress
and bra
, exposing my already erect nipples to him.  His left arm wrapped around my waist and hugged me tightly.
  It felt like our throbbing bodies were sinking into each other.

His right hand cupped my tit and he kissed gently all around it before finally massaging my nipple with his tongue.  I ran my fingers through his thick
, short
hair and pulled his mouth down onto my flesh, forcing him to suckle me even harder.

He let go of my breast and reached down to the hem of my dress.  His hand slipped under it and squeezed my thigh, moving up an inch or so with each time.  Before I even realized it, his fingers had pushed their way between my legs and were stroking the very top of my aching mound.

“Oh god,” I gasped and threw my head back.

Dom’s mouth released my nipple.  He moved his face back up to mine and we kissed again.

Are you okay with this?” he asked.

Without opening my eyes, I considered his question thoughtfully.  Even as my hormones raged nearly out of control, I had to force myself to come up with the answer.  Was I okay with it?  Was I willing to let go of my life up until that point and take the plunge into something completely new?  And what about my joke of a life with Chris?

My heart was pounding against my chest wall, “Yes.”

“Look at me.”

I opened my lids slowly.  Dom’s fi
ery eyes were locked with mine.  T
hey were gleaming more brightly right then than I had ever seen, shining almost like amber.  It was then that I noticed his breathing: unlike mine it was slow and calm.

He leaned in to me, his nose gently touching against mine, “Is this what you want?”

It was.

“Yes,” I whispered to him.

There were no more words spoken after that.  We didn’t need any.

locked lips with me again and guided me backwards.  My legs bumped up against the single chair and I was lowered down onto it softly.  The thing was plush and full.  My body sank down into it like I was kicked back on a cloud.  Dom’s body hovered over mine for only a moment before he crawled down between my legs.

His hands
slipped up each of my calves
on the outside, pushing up my dress right along with them.  As the hem rose upward on the backs of his wrists, another cold gust rushed past us.  It made me shiver almost violently.  Dom pulled my legs in close to him and I instantly felt warmer.
  Any uncertainty left
from my decision was removed
under his tight grip.  All of my fears washed away on the backs of the breaking waves below us.

Dom reached between my th
ighs and gently began to rub
his fingers over my growing wet spot.
  He was gentle at first, making wide sweeping motions with his fingers just on the outside of my thin panties.  All the while he was knelt down low and was showering my sensitive skin with light pecks.  As soft as they were, each one still felt like a small eruption taking place.  He went on for some time like that.  The slow pace was killing me and, yet, it made me aroused in a way that I never knew was possible.

His thumb pressed down onto my swelling nub and began to massage it up and down.  I opened my leg
up to him wider, allowing him in with everything that I had.
  With his free hand he gripped my thigh
and spread me open even more.  H
e moved up closer to me on the lounge chair.

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