Simple Man (21 page)

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Authors: Lydia Michaels

BOOK: Simple Man
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“You’re really good at that,” she rasped.

He smiled against her leg and kissed the cute gremlin there. Eyes shut, he rested. Van Morrison played on—
Into the Mystic

She turned and cuddled into him, twisting and scooting until they were both crammed chest to chest on the couch. He opened his eyes and the prettiest brown irises blinked back at him.

“Hi,” she whispered.


She smiled and pressed her lips to his. He wondered if she could taste herself. Those shy moments would be cataloged forever in his mind as one of the most intimate times of his life.

“You’re still wearing pants,” she said, causing his eyebrow to arch. Tentatively her fingers pulled at the button of his jeans. “I want you.”

Had there ever been more beautiful words? He eased onto his back and she filled the space between his thighs. “I’m yours.”

Sitting up, her hair was a wild halo of gold and wheat. Her breasts hung heavy as she leaned over and undid his pants. Lifting his hips, he gave her room to ease them down. She pulled them off and he lay before her clad only in his boxers.

Her fingers teased along the elastic band of his shorts. Looking at him with drowsy eyes, she asked, “Do you have a condom?”

“In my wallet.”

She looked around and lifted his jeans off the floor, handing them to him. He withdrew his wallet from the back pocket and fished out a foil packet. He’d been carrying it for months. He held it up and she smiled.

Her fingers wrapped around the packet and he heard the tear of foil. She lowered his shorts and seared kisses along the head of his cock. His eyes closed as he drew in a long breath through his nose.

Warm lips closed over him, sucking gently. His spine extended and his butt clenched. She wasn’t necessarily blowing him. She was seducing him.

He lifted as his shorts came down, drawing out one leg then the other. She sat up, her mouth glossy. Her teeth nibbled on her lower lip and her dimple appeared. Latex slid over his flesh and she met his gaze. She was so fucking hot. He hoped he lasted long. It had been a while.

“No socks. Does that mean I’m on top?” she whispered.

“However you want it.”

Her hair fanned over her face as she climbed over his hips. He stretched and flattened out on his back, holding her hips as she found a comfortable position. She held him in her grip, lining his erection up with her sex, and slowly seated her body over his.

Heat engulfed him. She made a slight sound of duress as she lowered herself, but continued to take him slowly inside of her. He sighed. Heaven.

Once she was completely seated, she was breathing fast. A starburst of color expanded behind his eyes. She was so tight and hot. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips.

Her hands opened wide, like little five point stars, as her weight balanced on his chest. “You’re big,” she said as she adjusted to him.

He laughed silently. That was always nice to hear.

Slowly, she lifted. His body pulled from hers in a gradual glide. He stared as her cream coated the latex. He wished he wasn’t wearing a condom, but he knew better. She lowered herself. His grip tightened, fingers flexing over her hips as they both moaned. He couldn’t recall ever fitting so perfectly with another human being.

Again she lifted and fell in a controlled slide. She was taking him with measured patience. It was glorious. He guided her and soon her rhythm increased.

His cock stroked along her tight channel. Her breasts swayed slightly with each thrust. The temptation was too much. Sliding his hands up her back, he curled forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

She arched in his hold and began riding him faster. Needing more, he sat up and turned, taking her with him. The cushions of the sofa supported his back and his feet pressed on the cool floor. This position allowed them a bit more support. As he guided her hips, she rode him hard.

His hands and mouth were everywhere. Their flesh became dewy with perspiration. He ran his hands through her hair, gripping a handful of the spun silk at the nape of her neck, forcing her to angle back.

His lips opened on her throat and he sucked. He nibbled to her shoulder. Nails dug into his back.

Suddenly he turned, flipping her so she was beneath him. His hands gripped the soft underside of her knee and lifted it to the back of the couch as he pounded into her heat. She cried out with each hard thrust. He filled her, forcing himself as deep as he could go.

Her cries echoed off the walls, words of begging, pleas for him to never stop. His hair hung over his face. He thrust into her. When the tingle started at the base of his spine and he knew he was close, he reached between their bodies and found her clit. He rubbed tight little circles and she came apart.

She was a wild wind he could not capture, arching and scratching and bucking into him. Her hands gripped the back of his neck and pulled him low. Her mouth fused with his.

“Yes!” she whispered against his lips.

His cock pulsed and his balls drew up tight. He thrust hard as his seed pumped out of him, filling the tip of the condom. Bolts of electricity zipped up his spine and locked him in a moment in time, so potently saturated in all things human. He stiffened, reveling at the peak of his release and collapsed onto her soft, welcoming body, careful not to crush her.

His mind came back to him slowly, sensing her lips kissing his shoulder. He pulled himself off of her, giving her room to breathe and wanting to check if she was okay. She smiled up at him.

“You’re amazing,” he said.

“So are you.”






Chapter Fourteen


Shane awoke to the sound of the television playing softly and quiet chatter.

“And then maybe we can take a walk later. Do you have a stroller? It’s a nice day out, yes it is, little man.”

Shane opened his eyes and found Kate sitting in his kitchen wearing his Led Zeppelin shirt, creamy, bare thighs crossed delicately beneath the worn surface of the table. You’d think she was wearing a suit, considering how properly she carried herself.

Logan sat in his pink highchair and babbled back at her as she spooned something into his mouth, scraping the spoon slowly along his chin. Logan was handling the solid food a lot better for her than he did for him.

She continued to talk to Logan as she fed him, unaware she was being watched. Seeing her feeding him, chatting with him, did things to Shane.

He sat up and she turned. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

“Hey.” He smiled and stretched. Sliding off the blanket, he found his jeans and pulled them on. Strolling into the kitchen, he bent and kissed her head. She smelled like a mix between him and her. It was the best perfume in the world.

“Hey, big man,” he said, running a hand affectionately over Logan’s head. He smiled and cooed at him. Turning back to Kate, he said, “Thanks for getting him up.”

He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. When he returned Kate was sitting on the couch with Logan watching Sesame Street. Logan had a fistful of her hair and was happily tugging it. It was a nice picture.

He grabbed a Gatorade and joined them. “What are your plans for the day?”

She shrugged. “I’m free. How about you?”

“I have a gig tonight, but that’s not until later.”

They spent the morning watching television and playing with Logan. Around lunchtime, Shane put him in his swing where he quickly fell asleep. He turned and stared at Kate.

“He’s a really good baby,” she said as she picked up rattles and placed them in a basket.

“Yeah. He is.”

She stood and a moment passed where they simply waited for the other to speak. He knew what he wanted to do.

“Come here,” he said as he locked the front door.

She smiled and followed him. He took her hand and pulled her into his bedroom. The covers were still on the couch. He shut the door and they stood in the small, dim room. He faced her and knew she understood his intentions.

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he ducked down, and kissed her slowly. She kissed him back and soon they were all over each other. “I love you in my shirt.”

“I can’t believe I’m wearing what was once a diaper.”

“Not for long.” He toppled her to the bed and removed her shirt.

She reached for him and undid his pants. Shane kicked them off and pulled away her panties. There was something so sexy about rolling around on his bare bed with Kate completely naked.

Their legs twined and the brush of her sex against his bare cock made them both groan. Reaching in the drawer in the bedside table, he found a condom and slipped it on. She lay beneath him, anxious and waiting. He filled her on one quick motion.

Her legs curled around him, heels digging into his ass as he slowly fucked her. She gripped him and met each thrust. Her head tipped back as she came and once her pleasure was handled he began fucking her in earnest.

He liked that she didn’t need it to always be gentle. His hands cupped her breasts and he sucked at the tips, pinching the other nipple with his fingers. When he came he felt as though he gave her part of his soul.

They panted and held each other. Slipping off the condom, he dropped it in the wastepaper basket on the floor. They each lay on their backs, hands entwined, thumbs slowly gliding over the other’s fingers.

Shane never had a girlfriend like Kate. She was a grown-up. She had a job and a house. Having her in his life made him want to be more of a man.

He contemplated how tight his budget had become, trying to figure out ways to save some money. His mind always seemed to return to finances, even in post-fuck languor. It was hard, having a kid and being lower class. Kate was middle class.

“Will you put this in your report?” he asked, joking.

She laughed. “Perhaps.”

They hung out all day, not getting fully dressed until he needed to shower and get ready to go. Kate seemed nervous when he came out of the shower. She was back in her jeans and had pulled her hair into a clip. Logan bounced happily on her knee.

“Does the same girl always watch Logan?” she asked.

“Yeah. Her name’s Lisa.”

“Lisa’s Tucker’s girlfriend, right?”

Was she nervous because he saw another woman regularly? It was nothing like that, nothing remotely close to what he and Kate had. Lisa was his babysitter. That was it. “Yeah. She’s good with Logan. He likes her.”

She nodded quietly.

“Hey, you okay?”

“What? Yeah.”

He pulled his shirt on and frowned. Something seemed to be bothering her. As he laced up his boots he watched her. She put Logan on the floor and situated him with some toys. She tidied up, straightening pillows on the couch and tucking in the kitchen chairs.

“You don’t have to do that.”

She stopped and wrung her hands. Shane stood and walked to her, not stopping until his front was pressed to hers. He pinched her chin between his fingers and tilted up her face. Her lashes fluttered and their eyes met.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“N—nothing. I just…I’m not sure what happens now.”

Confusion tightened his brow. “What do you mean?”

“I mean…with us.”

“Well, I’m going to go to work and I won’t get home until late, so you probably won’t hear from me until tomorrow morning.” Relief showed in her eyes. “Hey, what did you think this was?”

“I didn’t know.”

“I’m not like that, Kate, certainly not with you. I like you. I like you a lot. This wasn’t a one time thing, okay?”

She smiled at him and nodded.

“Can I call you tomorrow?” he asked, shyly.

“I’d be mad if you didn’t,” she told him. He kissed her and when he pulled away she said, “I should probably go before your friends get here.”


She shrugged. “I don’t want them to think anything.”

“Kate, do you think they aren’t going to find out?”

“Well…it’s just…maybe we should try to keep this to ourselves for a while, because of the situation with Logan.”

Disappointment had his brows lowering. He understood not broadcasting it to her supervisor or the judge, but not telling his friends…that seemed a bit much. “Is that what you want?”

“No, but I think it’s what’s best.”

Maybe she was right—for now. “Okay.”

They kissed goodbye and she said good night to Logan. After Shane watched her leave he got his guitars together and waited for Lisa.

Tucker came with her tonight. As they came in, Logan smiled. Lisa scooped him up and Tucker scanned the trailer and frowned.

“Dude, flowers? You okay?”

Shane’s face burned. “Shut up. I’m trying to make it nice around here.”

“Nice or gay? Why don’t you throw down some doilies while you’re at it?”

Shane ignored him and went to say goodbye to Logan.

The night was uneventful. He played, got paid, and thought of Kate the entire time. He wanted to do something for her. Take her somewhere nice, maybe. His budget was tight and he’d have to consider Logan, but he’d figure something out.


* * * *


The following morning, after he dropped Logan off at daycare, he called Kate.

“Hey,” he said when she answered.


“How was your night?”

“Good. How was your gig?”

“Okay. What are you doing today?”

“I have a few home visits then I have to go to Lakota and swing by the office. I’m getting a new case today. I’ll have lots of paperwork to do tonight.”

“Oh.” So she wouldn’t be able to come over. “I was thinking…we should do something.”


“I don’t know, but don’t make plans for next Saturday.”

“My weekend’s all yours.”

He smiled, liking the way that sounded.

As he pulled up to the job site he said goodbye, wishing he had more time to talk to her. The sun beat through his t-shirt and the air tasted wet, but he didn’t mind. He whistled as he clocked in and his lips twitched as he tried to hide the grin that kept trying to show itself.

Work was more tolerable than any other day. The warm and happy sensation he had that morning remained. As he worked he didn’t let mild dilemmas upset him. He was patient and even went the extra mile when a buddy of his needed a hand, not worrying about how it would affect his own objectives.

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