Simon & Rose (5 page)

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Authors: V.A. Dold

BOOK: Simon & Rose
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“That’s true. I know a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck who are very happy.” Then a thought crossed his mind and he frowned. “Are you unhappy, Sharon?”

She smiled over her shoulder as she led him to the parlor. “Not anymore.”

His heart skipped a beat. In that moment, he knew without a doubt, he would follow this woman anywhere, for as long as she would have him.

She motioned to a sitting area and then walked to a wet bar. “Would you like a drink?”

“I had my limit at the ball. Do you have soda?”

“I do. Is cola all right?”


She handed him the soda and then sat next to him on the couch with her own drink. He watched her every move as she placed a coaster on the coffee table and set her glass in place.

When she sat back he put his arms around her and pulled her close. Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her. “I can’t get enough of you,” he growled, his voice gravelly with savage yearning.

His hand went to her hair, and he breathed across her lips. “Can I take your hair down? I want to see it flowing over your shoulders.”

“You can do anything you want,” she breathed back.

Mark slid both hands into her hair, worked the pins free, and combed it out with his fingers, kissing her as he alternated between stroking and bunching her hair in his fist.

“I’ve never felt anything so silky.”

Sharon’s moans were sweet music to his ears. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

He kissed the corner of her mouth, across her jaw, to lavish attention to her neck. When he kissed the crook of her neck, he heard her make a strange rumbling sound. He lifted his head in question and she opened her eyes.

“I need you, Mark.” Before he could respond, she stood and held out her hand. “Let’s take this to my bedroom.”

He took her hand and followed her up the sweeping staircase. With every step, trepidation threatened to overtake him. He was going to have to get naked. He wanted her more than air, but as they crossed the threshold of her massive suite he froze. Rizzo pushed her head under his hand to get his attention and pull him out of the emotional spiral.

She turned, a questioning frown creasing her brow. “Is something wrong?”

He sucked in a shaky breath and raked his fingers through his hair. His mind scrambled, searching for a response that wouldn’t utterly humiliate him. He had nothing to offer her, but the truth. “I haven’t been with a woman since I lost my leg. Hell, even my doctors were men. I don’t know if I can do this.”

He expected pity or disgust. To his shock her expression soften and held only love and reassurance.

She stepped to him and gently touched his chest. “I don’t care about your leg, Mark. I want you, the man that you are. Your leg doesn’t factor into that at all.”

He stepped back, shaking his head. “I don’t think I can live with the memory of horror and disgust on your face when you see the stump where my leg should be.”

Sharon sighed. “Before I took over as the lady of the manor, I spent years as a healer. I’ve seen more severed limbs and maiming injuries than you can imagine. Your leg is nothing I haven’t seen before.”

That got his attention. “You have?”

She nodded and reached for his hand. “I have. When you lost part of your leg, you lost a bit of flesh and bone. The man you are inside, the man I’m falling in love with, wasn’t lost. He remains alive and well, standing in the threshold of my bedroom wearing much more clothing than I was hoping for.”

Chapter 6



Mark felt warmth creep up his neck to his face. Arousal heated his blood. He didn’t want to wait any longer to take his awakened body for a test drive. He commanded Rizzo to lie in the hallway outside Sharon’s door, took a cleansing breath and said, “Tell me you want to do this. I need to hear the words.” His voice was steady, but inside, self-doubt and vulnerability reigned supreme.

She never looked away from him, never showed any sign she’d changed her mind. If anything, she looked like she wanted him even more.

“I’ve never wanted anything or anyone more in my life.” As if to prove her point, she pulled the hidden zipper of her dress and dropped the bodice to her waist. Then popped the clasp of her bra and tossed it to the floor.

Mark was unable to speak or breathe. He’d swallowed his tongue. Damn. Numb from the neck up, he stared at the most incredible woman he’d ever seen.

Sharon laughed softly, and stepped into him again. “Let me help you out of that monkey suit.” She placed her palms on his chest and searched his eyes. “Do you trust me, Mark?”

Still unable to speak with her bared breasts mere inches away, he nodded.

She reached for his belt, and as she pulled the leather free of the buckle, she began to speak again. “Past experience has taught me the best way to alleviate a patient’s fear is to rip the Band-Aid off, so to speak. In the moment, the fear may be paralyzing. Once the experience is over, they can move forward and leave it behind. It may be difficult, but in a minute, you’ll realize your apprehension was unnecessary. Assuming, the person you are removing the Band-Aid for is worthy of you, and cares more about the man than his individual parts. And I don’t give a rat’s patoot about your leg.” She glanced up at him and smiled. “I promise.”

Mark was listening so intently to what she was saying, he didn’t realize she’d managed to get his pants undone until she took a step back.

When he glanced around and frowned, as if looking for something she asked, “Is it easier for you to stand or sit to remove your slacks?”

He spotted a fainting couch across the room. “If you don’t mind, I’ll use that.”

“Be my guest.”

Holding his pants in place he walked to the couch. Before he could chicken out, he pushed them below his hips and sat to shove them to the floor. Just as he realized he still wore shoes, Sharon knelt at his feet and removed them.

“Thank you,” he murmured sheepishly.

As quickly as he could he stripped the slacks away to expose his leg. To his surprise and relief, instead of being shocked, Sharon seemed intrigued.

“Do you mind if I take a look at your prosthetics?”

He went as still as stone. “I’ve never been asked that before.” Then he gathered his courage and said. “Go ahead.”

Sharon touched him gently as she inspected his hi-tech leg. “This is fantastic. Is it painful to wear?”

He shook his head. “Not as much as the first one I had.” The last thing he wanted to do was discuss his leg. He got to his feet and stood before her in all his glory. From the waste down, anyway. Mark watched her face closely for signs of revulsion. Her dark chocolate eyes slowly raked up and down his lower body. To his relief, she expressed only appreciation and if he wasn’t mistaken, arousal.

Then her eyes rose and captured his. Oh, yeah. There was more than arousal in her eyes, there was a virtual forest fire blazing. Oddly, they appeared to glow.

The increased rise and fall of her chest, caused her luscious breasts to sway, and his erection to twitch. If she didn’t touch him soon, he was going to die.

With a husky voice, she asked, “May I remove the rest of your tuxedo?”

In two steps, he stood before her, and placed her hands on his chest. “Only if you hurry.”

Mark heard that strange rumbling sound again, right before she pushed the jacket from his shoulders and gripped the front of his shirt. The sound of rending fabric filled the room. “Was that fast enough?”

He chuckled as he reached for her gown. “I like your style, but I also like this dress. I would hate to damage it.” He noticed the zipper was only partly undone and lowered it the rest of the way. Without effort, the silk pooled around her sexy heels. Sharon stole his breath in her thigh high stockings and stiletto pumps.

A groan ripped from his throat. “Damn, woman. You’re spectacular.” He pulled her hard against his chest and slammed his mouth on hers. She immediately matched his frantic need, opening her lips and inviting him to explore. He dipped his tongue into the sweet cavern of her mouth and did just that.

Mark felt her fingers kneading his scalp like a cat. Damn that felt good. Who knew a scalp massage could be erotic? When she made the rumbling sound, she even sounded a little like a cat purring.

God bless America, she not only smelled like banana bread she tasted like it, too. That mixed with steamy sex, love, and home. His tongue delved deeper and he crushed her closer. He’d never felt like a caveman with a woman before, but Sharon brought the hidden Neanderthal out in him.

When her nails raked his back, she almost did him in. A growl erupted from his chest.

She moaned in response, a ragged needy sound.

Mark gathered what little reserve of gentlemanly behavior he was able to muster, and stepped away. Chest heaving, she blinked her passion-clouded eyes at him in question.

There was a heap of vulnerability in his eyes. “Tell me you still want this.”

Quivering in his arms, she smiled. “More than you know. Shall we take this to the bed?”

“Thank God,” he groaned, and his mouth was on hers again, ravenous, insistent. Before he thought better of it, he swept her into his arms and walked to the bed. Something he never would have done were he in his right mind. A slight misstep and he would have dropped her and more than likely landed on top of her to boot.

He laid her down and gazed at her. She was the most amazing, incredible woman he’d ever seen. His eyes devoured her from head to toe. The stockings and heels were fucking hot, but her panties needed to go.

He moved to the end of the bed and grinned. Then he took hold of her ankles and pulled her toward him. A quick glance at her face told him she was okay with his handling of her.

“I’m yours, Mark. Do whatever you’re comfortable with.”

That was all he needed to hear. “I need to see you,” he whispered. He hooked two fingers in the elastic of her panties and swept them down and over her heels. Without a hint of shyness, she widened her legs and gave him a view of what he sought. When she touched herself, he swallowed his tongue again. Then she sucked her glistening finger into her mouth and his brain stuttered to a halt.

When he was able to take a breath and felt relatively confident he could speak, he croaked her name “Sharon.” Trembling, he traced a finger over her glistening center. He wanted to do so many things to her, he just wasn’t sure how.

She shivered at his tentative touch.

He knew if he knelt at the end of the bed, it would be difficult to get up again. There was more than one way to reach this gorgeous siren. He pulled her to the edge and leaned forward, finally able to taste her. She gasped when he kissed her inner thigh, his mouth trailing higher until he swiped her core.

Her moan urged him on. Mark lost himself in her heat. Licking, suckling, and stabbing deeply. She was sweet and spicy, exactly the way he thought she’d taste.

She tunneled her fingers in his hair and held him to her as his tongue swirled and plunged. Her hips bucked, and her breathing became shallow. She was close.

He cupped her derriere with one hand and flicked her nub with the other. That was all it took. She cried out, plunged over the edge, legs shaking, and body quivering. Pride coursed through him; he’d done that. He’d given her the mother of all orgasms.

Mark straightened to his full height. His chest was out, hands on his hips, breath labored, and grinning ear to ear.

“That was incredible,” she panted, and patted the bed next to her, inviting him to join her.

When his smile faded and the sour scent of panic wafted over her, she became worried. He didn’t move or speak. Then his erection began to subside. Wasn’t he past his fear?

He scrubbed his face with his hands, but didn’t move or speak. When he lowered his gaze to avoid looking at her, a flutter of alarm stabbed her heart.

“What’s wrong?”

He huffed a sigh, defeat evident on his face. “I don’t think this is going to work.”

Sharon cocked her head to one side. “What makes you say that? After seeing my body, have you changed your mind?” She knew that wasn’t the issue, she felt the level of his arousal like an intimate caress. By challenging his reasoning, she opened a door to discuss what the real issue was.

Marks gaze shot to hers. “Hell, no. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”

She held his gaze for a heartbeat. “Then be honest with me. I won’t judge you. I think I’ve proven that. What’s wrong?”

He looked away, and then quietly said, “it’s emasculating to admit this, but I’m not sure how to make love to you with this leg.”

Sharon nodded as she considered his options. “May I ask you a personal question?”

“At this point, you understand me better than most people. Ask me anything.”

“When you remove the prosthesis, is it painful to be on your knees?”

“You’re asking if missionary will work?” He shook his head. “The surgeons did their best, but I have some very temperamental nerve endings around the scar tissue.”

She pushed herself to a sitting position, and studied his leg again. “As I see it, we have a few options.”

His eyes widened. “Options?”

Sharon smiled up at him and licked her lips. “Options. I could stand and bend over the bed. Or the dresser over there looks to be the perfect height for me to sit on. And then there is always you on the bottom and me on top.” Then she winked. “Unless you feel like getting wet. I have a very large jet tub in the bathroom that could prove interesting.”

A wicked smile returned to his face, and heat filled his eyes. “Dang woman, where have you been all my life?”

She nibbled her lower lip and suppressed a laugh. “Right here, waiting for you.”

She watched him closely as he looked from the bed to the dresser, and lastly the bathroom door. Silently, he walked to the dresser, his renewed erection bobbing, to assess its height and durability. The giggle she’d held in check broke loose when he gave it a good shake.

He grinned at her over his shoulder and winked. “Come on over here, sexy lady.”

Sharon crawled slowly off the bed. Giving him a good look. Then slowly sashayed toward him.

She openly admired his restored arousal. Her eyes alight with interest. Then she licked her full bottom lip.

His erection throbbed and twitched in anticipation. His heart pounded a frenzied tempo in his chest.

She stopped before him, desire burning in her gaze, and ran a finger down his chest.

Mark took her shoulders and gently turned her so her back was toward the wall and she was between him and the dresser. Slowly he ran his hands down her body, grazing the sides of her breasts to grip her hips. With an ease that spoke of his strength, he lifted her to sit on top.

The instant she was seated, he wanted to thank the person who designed the piece of furniture. Her damp center was perfectly aligned with his groin. When she took a breath, his gaze shot to her pebbled nipples, rising and falling.

The thundering of his heart in his ears threatened to silence his common sense. Thankfully, the little voice in his head prevailed. She may be a mature woman, possibly past childbearing years, but he couldn’t be sure, and wouldn’t chance unprotected sex.

“Stay right there.” His pants were only a few feet away. He rummaged in a pocket and pulled out the condoms Simon had given him.

Sharon smiled at him from her perch on the dresser. “Thank you for wanting to protect me, but those aren’t necessary.”

He studied her for a moment. “Are you sure?”


His body screamed for release, but he had to taste her lips again. He tossed the condoms over his shoulder, cupped her face with both hands, and kissed her until his head spun.

With a satisfied groan, he dipped his tongue into her warm depths. A soft moan rose to her lips as she kissed him as ferociously. He tilted her head to deepen the kiss as his thumbs stroked her jaw.

Sharon’s hands skimmed his chest and wrapped around his neck. That allowed him to wrap his arms around her back, and pull her flush against him. Every tiny move she made brushed her nipples over his bared skin.

She rubbed his erection with her damp core, driving his need to heights he’d never known. Then she growled softly into his mouth while his tongue danced with hers. He felt the fingers of her right hand rake his chest and move lower. When she wrapped them around his cock, he gasped.

Shaking like a leaf in a stiff wind, he lifted his head and opened his eyes. Her face was flushed and lips rosy from his kisses. Then he swore he saw her eyes glow as he felt her guide him to her center and pull him forward with her heels around his hips.

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