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Authors: V.A. Dold

Simon & Rose (4 page)

BOOK: Simon & Rose
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Mark’s face paled as he accepted them. “I don’t think she’s that kind of woman. Besides, I’m not sure I’m ready for her to see what’s left of my leg.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. I’ve known her a long time. Sharon is a lady, through and through, and as far from a one-night stand as you can get, but from what I’ve seen, she’s definitely into you. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had more than a dinner date in mind for you, my friend.”

Mark wasn’t convinced.

“Do yourself a favor, let her set the pace. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

Mark considered that. “Okay, that’s good advice. I’ll do that.”

Simon stood and slapped Mark on the back. “No need for details but let me know how it goes. Enjoy your date, and if I don’t get the chance to talk with you again tonight, I will see you in the office.”

“Thanks, man. I needed the pep talk.”

“Anytime, Mark.”

The band began to play and a few people twirled and circled the dance floor. Mark was more interested in watching the people on the patio. He used to love to dance, but since his injury, he hadn’t set foot on a dance floor. He wasn’t sure he could manage to dance with the prosthesis, and he hadn’t had a reason to try. With his attention elsewhere, he didn’t see Sharon reenter the ballroom.

She was skirting the dance area when a heavy hand gripped her upper arm. “Hey, beautiful. How about a dance?”

“Thank you for the offer, but I’m here with someone.” When she tried to pull away, he tightened his hold.

“It’s only one dance. Besides, that gimp you’re with probably can’t do more than hop around on one foot. You need a real man to take you for a turn on the floor. I may be your only chance at a real dance tonight…in more ways than one.”

Sharon looked the hand still gripping her arm, then back at the idiot. “My date is more man than you will ever be.” Her lip curled back and her wolf’s dangerous snarl laced her voice. “Remove your hand before I feed it to you.”

His eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to retort.

Before he had the chance to say something that would get him killed, Rizzo growled threateningly and Mark’s low, menacing voice hissed into his ear.

“Remove your hand from the lady, or this so called gimp will wipe the floor with your sorry ass.”

Out of nowhere, Cade appeared on Mark’s right and Marcus on his left.

The man pulled his hand away from Sharon like she was on fire. “No problem. You can have the fat bitch. I’ll find someone who isn’t into gimps.”

Sharon looked at the man like he was dog shit stuck to her shoe. It was obvious she found the idiot tedious and unworthy of her time. Her class and self-confidence awed Mark. He and Rizzo moved from behind the man to stand at Sharon’s side. Cade and Marcus could handle the asshat.

Once Mark moved from his position behind the bastard, Marcus stepped closer and grabbed the man by the scruff of his neck. “You won’t be bothering any of the fine ladies here tonight. You’re leaving.”

He tried unsuccessfully to dislodge Marcus, and barked. “Like hell, I am. I paid to be here, and I plan to get my money’s worth.”

Cade clamped a bone crushing grip on the man’s arm “Your choice, leave on your own steam, or we carry you out on a stretcher.”

The moron opened his mouth to argue. Cade looked at Marcus, and without a word, they lifted the belligerent man an inch from the floor and removed him from the room to pass off to security.

While the Le Beau’s dealt with the man, the ruckus had silenced the room. Mark glanced at the sea of gaping faces and then back at Sharon. But his worry was unfounded. Rose and Simon were already in motion, bringing the room to order and reestablishing a party atmosphere. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it softly, then inspected her arm. Purple bruising was beginning to show. He wanted to find the asshole and beat him to a pulp. With a gentle finger under her chin, he tipped Sharon’s face up to his. “You were magnificent. Does your arm hurt?”

“I’ll be fine in a minute. I just need to take a breath.”

He took her elbow and helped her to their table. He had just settled Rizzo in her spot by his feet when he heard Sharon huff out a breath.

“Ah, hell. The gossip chain has begun. That horrid Mrs. Smith is already telling tales to Mrs. Lincoln.”

He almost laughed out loud at the haughty, disgusted stare she gave the women. That was until she spoke again.

“Dance with me.”

“What?” he sputtered.

“Dance with me. We need to help Rose and Simon get this event back on track before people start leaving. I won’t be the cause of the ball prematurely ending and being proclaimed a disaster in the society pages.”

He swallowed his fear, told Rizzo to stay, and led her to the dance floor, praying the entire way he didn’t embarrass himself and Sharon by falling on his ass.

At least the band had continued on, and thankfully was playing a slow song. He didn’t stop until they were in the center of the dance floor. With a flourish, he took Sharon’s right hand and spun her out and back in before they began a slow waltz. So far, so good.

Sharon eased in closer, enveloping him in her delicious spicy, sweet scent. He slipped his hand from her waist to the small of her back, pressing her soft curves tighter against his body. Like a couple who spent years dancing together, their bodies moved as one. Mark forgot about his prosthesis as everyone but the woman in his arms ceased to exist.

Her sigh fanned his throat with warm breath. Goose bumps rose on the back of his neck and his groin tightened further. She was killing him and all he could think was,
what a glorious way to go.

By the end of the song, the dance floor had filled to capacity.
Our work here is done
, Mark thought. “Would you like to take a break?”

Sharon chuckled softly. “Why not? Our work here is done.”

His gaze shot to hers.
Did she know I was thinking that?
Perplexed, he maintained his hold on her hand and led her to their table. As always, he held her chair and then pulled his own closer to hers, careful to not pinch Rizzo’s tail. As he took his seat, he noticed crystal pitchers of ice water and matching glasses had been added next to the centerpiece. “Would you like some water?” he asked as he poured a glass.

“Yes, please.” He passed her a glass and took a long drink from his own.

Now that his nerves were calm again, he placed his hand over hers. “You’re a beautiful woman, Sharon. Thank you for dancing with me. By being my partner you made me look ten times better than I am.”

“Cher, the way you fill out your tuxedo and move so gracefully, you didn’t need me to look good. When I closed my eyes, I could have been dancing with Fred Astaire. I’m the envy of every woman in the room.”

“Graceful.” He laughed. “And I hate tuxedos. I would only put one of these monkey suits on for you or Simon.” He wondered if she caught his meaning. He hoped she understood what he was saying. Unless it was a really, REALLY good cause or his own wedding, he wouldn’t be caught dead in the restrictive getup. From the way he felt about her, his wedding would include Sharon as his bride. Now he understood love at first sight. He was absolutely smitten with her. Unless his radar was malfunctioning, the vibes he was getting told him she had feelings for him too

Chapter 5



She gazed into his eyes. “You would wear a tuxedo for me, even though you hate them?”

He squeezed her hand and brushed his thumb lightly across her fingers. “Yes, ma’am. But only for you.”

She was about to ask him if he wanted to leave with her when Cade and Marcus joined them.

“Are you all right, Sharon?” Cade asked, concerned etching his handsome face.

“Did he hurt you?” Marcus growled.

“I’m fine. Only a slight bruise.”

Marcus scowled at Cade. “I told you we should have taken him to the parking lot and taught him some manners.”

Cade heaved a sigh. “You can’t beat up every person who acts like an ass, Marcus.”

“Why not?” His voice rose an octave. It rang with incredulity. “He was in need of a lesson, or three. I happen to be a great teacher when it comes to pounding sense into an idiot.”

Cade shook his head and turned his attention back to Sharon. “If you want to leave, Simon and Rose will understand.”

“I’m fine, really. Thank you for stepping in. I was about to feed him his arm, and that would have been a real party killer.”

Mark’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. He was surprised, and yet proud of her at the same time. Not that a slip of a woman could feed a man his arm, he had no doubt she couldn’t, but still, she had gumption.

Cade stood and put his hand on Marcus’s shoulder. “Come on, Bloodthirsty Bubba. Let’s leave them to their evening.”

Marcus rolled his eyes and stood, glowering. “I’m glad you’re all right, Sharon. Have a good evening.”

“Thank you again, Marcus. Have a good evening, as well.”

After they left, Mark searched her face. “If your arm is bothering you, I would be happy to ask around for ibuprofen.”

“Thank you for offering, but really, I’m fine.”

She may not be in pain, but she was definitely bored. Mark noticed she was tapping her foot in time to the waltz being played. Now that he’d made it through one dance his confidence was back. It was time to test her interest in him. Holding her gaze, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed each knuckle. One by one. With each consecutive kiss, he watched her breath increase and a soft flush stain her cheeks. Exactly what he’d been hoping for. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Slowly, a rosy bloom spread to her neck and… lower. His eyes followed that glorious glow until it disappeared under the neckline of her gown. His imagination filled in the gaps as his mouth watered. Sharon had incredible cleavage. He wanted nothing more than to unwrap her like a present and worship her. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat, and lowered her hand. “Would you like to dance?”

Her face lit up. “I would love to.”

Mark told Rizzo to stay, stood, and held out his hand. “Shall we?”

Smiling, she looked up at him. Sharon couldn’t help but notice desire burning in his gaze. She placed her hand in his, allowed him to help her to her feet, and lead her to the dance floor. The heat from his fingers warmed her hand and sparked her imagination. How would they feel caressing her body?

They weaved their way through the crowd to a tiny bit of open floor, barely big enough for the both of them. Sharon relished the feel of his hard, masculine body against hers when he pulled her into his arms. The dance floor was at maximum capacity, limiting space for a proper waltz. That was fine with her. She wanted him as close as possible. Sighing, she laid her cheek on his shoulder.
Thank you, Goddess, for this marvelous man.

Sharon floated on a cloud of bliss, swaying to the soft music in her mate’s arms. No man had ever swept her off her feet the way Mark had. Normally, she felt the need to carry-on a conversation and fill the awkward silence. With Mark, words weren’t necessary. The silence was comfortable. Oh, she wanted to fill it, just not with words. Sharon had something much more pleasurable in mind for Mark. Like kissing, touching, and if all went well, stripping that tuxedo from the smoking hot body he held against her.

With every shuffle of his feet, she felt his muscular thighs brush her own. Suddenly, a puff of air warmed her neck as it left his lungs, and she heard him groan. She felt his desire mixed with frustration. She was about to suggest they return to the table when he abandoned the waltz stance they were in, lifted her arms to his shoulders, and wrapped his around her waist.

Sharon smiled as she recalled slow dancing as a child in just the same way. With their bodies entwined, it was easy to press fully against him. Breast to chest, hip to hip. She did just that, with a flourish of a little extra hip contact tossed in.

“You’re killing me, woman,” Mark growled into her ear.

She laughed softly. “My intention was to tempt you, not cause your demise.”

“If I have to die here and now, I would die a happy man. I have the most beautiful woman in the room in my arms. What more could I want?”

“Thank you, Mark. I feel the same way about you.”

“To tell you the truth, I haven’t danced since my injury. Getting ready for tonight, I was as nervous as I was at my senior prom. I was sure I would make a fool of myself. I wish you had been my date then. Shortly after the band began to play, the gal I asked ditched me for one of the football players.”

“She was a fool. And I’m more than happy to make up for her poor decision.”

The smile he gave her squeezed her heart. “You’re incredible.” Lowering his head, he brushed a kiss against her cheek. That was paramount to throwing gasoline on her fire. She wanted so much more.

Inhaling a deep breath, she took in the rich herbal scent of him and managed to stifle a moan. Every morning, she walked the paths of her herbal garden with her morning coffee in hand. Brushing her fingers over the basil and thyme to release their incredible fragrance. Mark smelled just like that.

Mark’s voice deepened. “I’ll bet boys fought over the chance to take you to prom.”

“I didn’t go to prom.” Little did he know senior proms didn’t exist when she was a girl.

In answer, she felt his head shake. “The guys you went to school with were idiots.”

Sharon lifted her head to admire the handsome man holding her. His chocolate brown gaze met hers. His expression was intense, full of heat and longing. She looked forward to loosing herself in his eyes for the next thirteen hundred years. This man was definitely worth the endless string of losers she endured searching for him. “You’re very good for my ego. I just might keep you around.”

“You can keep me for as long as you want,” he whispered into her ear.

She had to kiss him. They had worked their way to the edge of the dance floor near a wall. With a little maneuvering, she turned them so his back was to the room. Perfect, his height created a barrier to prying eyes. “Kiss me, Mark.”

Heat flared in his eyes, and he grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

She closed her eyes, lips slightly parted. Thankfully, he had a tight hold on her. The instant his lips touched hers, electricity tingled over her skin and she swooned into him.

They lost themselves in each other.

Lord have mercy, her lips were soft. He could kiss this woman forever. He needed more. Tightening his hold on her waist with his left hand, he cupped the back of her head with his right. When her tongue caressed his, his entire body quivered like a live wire.

The silk of her gown under his fingertips added a sensual, tactile aspect to the entire experience. He wondered what her skin would feel like when he skimmed his hands over every inch of her naked curves. Her body heat and scent enveloping him was making him slightly dizzy. Or was it the lack of oxygen to his brain? Hell, who cared? He had her right where he wanted her and he wasn’t about to let her go.

When he had adjusted his hold, he felt her soft, full breasts with their taut peaks press closer to his chest. If they weren’t in a room full of people, he would cup them in his hands and show her just how beautiful she was. He’d convince her, he was the only man for her. Behaving like the gentleman he was raised to be was utter torture.

Mindful of her styled hair, his fingers brushed gentle circles on the nape of her neck. It was killing him to leave his left hand at the small of her back. He was dying to slide it lower and cup the rounded curve of her backside.

Plastered to each other the way they were, there was no way she didn’t feel the extent of his arousal. His body ached to rub against her heat, but he would never do such a crass thing to her in public. If they were alone, he couldn’t say he’d be so well behaved.

He had no choice but to end the kiss and take a breath. Nuzzling her neck, he murmured, “I could dance with you all night.”

“All night works for me.”

He pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. “I want to thank you again for bidding on me.”

She held his gaze and gave him a come hither look. “You’re very welcome, but, Mark, I don’t want your gratitude. Make no mistake, that’s not even close to what I want from you.”

They stood still on the dance floor, ignoring the couples dancing near them, spellbound by each other’s eyes.

Mark swallowed hard. He wanted Sharon more than he’d ever wanted a woman before. His mind whirled as he tried to work out making love to her with, or hell, without his prosthesis. How the heck was that going to work? Screw it. If he could get past her seeing his leg for the first time, he would figure it out.

Decision made, he pulled his big boy pants on. “Tell me what you want, Sharon.”

“You, Mark. I want you. Take me home?”

“With pleasure,” he growled, and took her by the hand. Without another word, they walked to their table for Rizzo and her purse and then started for the exit.

He was about to march straight to his car when his brain engaged. “Did you bring a wrap or coat?”

“Yes, my wrap is in the coat check.” She fished the claim ticket from her small clutch.

“I’ll get that for you.”

She stood quietly at his side while he collected her wrap. “Allow me,” he said with a grin as he draped it around her shoulders. He took her hand again, kissed the back and walked them out the door.

They reached the valet and she looked up at him. “I came in a limo, did you drive?”

“Yes. If you prefer the limo, I could meet you at your place,” he said, unsure what she would want to do.

“If you don’t mind, I would like to go with you.”

His smile returned. “Great, but what about the limo?”

“I’ll call Carlos and tell him he can take the rest of the night off.”

As she pulled her phone from her purse the valet pulled up with his car. Mark opened her door and waited for her to straighten her gown. Then he put Rizzo in the back and hustled as fast as he was able to the driver side.

It was only a short drive to Sharon’s palatial home. The glaring evidence that she was a very wealthy woman brought his insecurities roaring to the surface. He had nothing to offer a woman like Sharon. What was she doing with a man like him? Did she pick up guys from the wrong side of the tracks just to pass the time and have a little fun?

As he began to drown in his thoughts, he felt her hand squeeze his thigh.

“Don’t let the house fool you. I’m not a high-society snob. And you may not believe this, but I’ve never brought a man here before.”

Mark gaped at her. “Never?”

She smiled and shook her head. “There has never been anyone I wanted to share it with. Until I met you.”

Her words warmed his heart and reinstated his confidence. He placed his hand over hers and smiled back. “Then I’m honored you’re sharing it with me.”

His mind raced as he drove her winding driveway to the front of the house, imagining having her all to himself. No one watching them. No interruptions.

“Where should I park the car?”

“You can pull up to the door. It won’t be in the way. No one will be coming by tonight.”

Once parked, he hurried to unload Rizzo, open her door, and offered his hand.

She smiled up at him. “You have such lovely manners.”

“I learned everything from my father. He is a wonderful man, and I try everyday to emulate him.”

“I would love to meet him.”

“The next time I go home, I would love to take you with me and introduce you.” He prayed Sharon would still want to see him after tonight.

“I would love to.”



He wanted to shout his joy to the heavens, but he contained himself.

Sharon opened the door and welcomed him in. “I’ve given my housekeeper the night off, so we have the place to ourselves.”

Mark took in the grand entrance in awe. He stood in the epitome of New Orleans opulence. “Your home is breathtaking.”

“Thank you. My parents built it and left it to me when they decided to travel. Mother fell in love with the Scottish highlands, so my father bought her a castle and they never came back.”

Mark chuckled, shaking his head. “I can’t imagine having that kind of money.”

“Having money buys ‘things,’ it doesn’t buy love or happiness.”

BOOK: Simon & Rose
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