Simmer: Erotic Romance (Fireside Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Simmer: Erotic Romance (Fireside Series)
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The party was something out of a magazine, with girls dressed in glittery short dresses and the guys all in suits and tuxes. Victoria remembered Levi had saved up money for weeks just to afford the suit that he would wear to the party. Tyne had tailored it for him so it would fit perfectly. Victoria had giggled
while watching Tyne stick him with pins so he would look dashing. At the time, Victoria couldn’t tell him how fine he looked. Neither of them had spoken of their feelings for one another, not yet anyway.

Victoria was already at the party when Levi arrived. He liked to make an entrance and always appeared about an hour after a party had begun. He was a good looking guy and got some attention from the girls, and so, because of this, an entrance was necessary. As he walked by the side of the house and
past the pool, Victoria had watched him with a smolder in her eyes. She turned away quickly when she realized he had noticed the group of girls she was with, standing in the cluster by the bar.

She was soaking up attention from other guys, giggling at their silly jokes and touching their arms in a flirtatious way. It wasn’t that they weren’t attractive, they just weren’t for her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have a little fun. Victoria tossed a glance over her shoulder to see if Levi was oozing jealousy. But two could play at this game. Victoria watched Levi as he took the hand of the girl closest to him, a pretty brunette with blue eyes, and kissed the back of it.
“You look lovely tonight. Can I get your name?” Victoria wasn’t going to let him get away with that. Even if he was playing off of her jealousy, Victoria wore her emotions on her sleeve. Some people would say that wasn’t a positive trait, but it’s what nabbed Levi, so she considered it a compliment.

Levi! Oh, I'm so glad you came!” Victoria instantly stepped between her friend and Levi in order to gain his attention. “You look so handsome.” Victoria took her hand and lightly traced the outline of his collar, stopping just above his heart before removing it. It was a subtle touch but intimate, and to others it looked innocent. But Victoria had felt Levi’s heart beat quicken, meaning she had his attention.

And you look—” Victoria could see he was almost at a loss for words as he took in her beautiful periwinkle dress and dazzling jewelry. “—amazing,” he finally finished. “Can I get you something to drink?”

He winked and took her arm as they walked away from the bar and into the house. Once inside, they found a quiet corner in the theater room so they could
sit and talk.

Thanks for saving me back there,” Victoria said. “You know how much I hate those guys. All that they do is treat girls like a piece of meat.” She swept her light blonde hair over her shoulder and immediately sunk into the leather furniture. Victoria was so much more relaxed here, away from all the noise and the people. Levi quickly relaxed himself. He probably felt that being alone with Victoria was just like the old days back when they were kids. They could be themselves, no false pretenses needed, and it was refreshing.

No problem, I gotcha covered.” If Victoria only knew how protective Levi felt about her back then, maybe she would have realized just how covered she was.

So,” she said in her light, airy voice, “what have you been up to these days? Working a lot? I haven't seen much of you lately.” Victoria felt slightly defeated. She missed seeing his face at school every day, but since he graduated she felt disconnected from his new life.

Yeah, I've been busy. And Tyne has been taking the car a lot more than I would like. But you know how big sisters are. Always doing what they want, and never really thinking about anyone else.”

Levi!” Victoria shot up from the sofa and shook her finger at him accusingly. “You and I both know that is not how Tyne is at all. She takes really good care of you. You should appreciate her.”

Levi blushed, proving how right Victoria was.
“I know. It's just hard sometimes, you know. But sometimes I wish she could just be my sister, but she's my mom, too. It's weird having a mom only six years older than you.”

Victoria relaxed at his admission and sat back down. Tyne had become like a sister to her over the years,
and she would go to the end of the earth for her. “I guess that would be weird,” Victoria agreed. “But still she loves you. More than your mom did.”

Comments like that should sting people, really hurt them where it counts, but when Victoria said things like that to Levi
, it just rolled off him. She was just like that, always saying how she felt. It was never to make anyone feel sorry for themselves, it was just how things were.

Victoria watched Levi sink lower into the leather sofa. He put his hand over his eyes and thought for a moment. Victoria observed the rise and fall of his chest, taking in the attractive man in front of her. They had been so close for so long she sometimes forgot how much they had grown up over the years. In his suit he looked like a grown man. A delicious one.

She snuggled up to him. He lay back on the couch and Victoria simply fell onto his thick chest. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. She was comfortable enough with him to lay there with her eyes closed and enjoy a quiet moment. He pulled his hand away from his eyes and rested it on her head. Victoria laid there in peace until she felt Levi brush his lips over the top of her hair.

She opened her eyes slowly, turning her head to face him.
“Did you just kiss me?”

Levi’s face showed his
utter panic. Victoria watched his face go through more emotions than she thought one person could possibly feel. Fear, panic, loss…she didn’t know which ones he truly felt. Victoria sat up slowly until her whole body was directed at him and their eyes locked. Victoria yearned for more, more of his touch, of his sweet and innocent kisses.

When he didn’t speak for a long time
, Victoria decided she needed to lighten the mood. “Well, that took you long enough.” A smile played on her lips. She leaned her head forward and touched her forehead to his. She pushed up on her right arm and slightly climbed on top of him in the corner of the sofa. Leaning closer, she whispered to him, “Levi? Do you promise to take care of me?”

Yes,” was all he said, but Victoria could tell it meant so much more. It was the first promise he had made to her, and she knew it wouldn't be the last.




BOOK: Simmer: Erotic Romance (Fireside Series)
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