Simmer: Erotic Romance (Fireside Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Simmer: Erotic Romance (Fireside Series)
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When I yank
ed down his boxers and wrapped my hands around his pulsating cock he threw his head back in ecstasy, but only for a moment. Then he was on me again, like fire. He lifted me up under the arms and pulled my skirt up as fast as he could. He took the belt from behind me and latched my hands together above my head over the curtain rod left by the previous owners. It only took him seconds but suddenly he had complete control over me. My ass landed on the hardwood but just an inch or so away from the edge so that he would have clear entry. I was trapped, and loving it. He pulled my hips and waist to the very end of the windowsill and looked at me again with a devilish grin on his face. “Did you miss me?”

You know I did.”

He leaned forward
whispering onto my lips, “Then show me.”

Suddenly he angled his hips up and allowed his cock
to enter me. He used his hands to lift my ass up just a little bit from the windowsill so that he remained completely in control. I held onto the leather of the belt feeling like it would brand my skin with our sin and knowing that I wouldn’t want it any other way. He rocked my hips back and forth with his hands being able to move me so magnificently with such ease. My resilient cowboy. He had come back after all this time. He had saved me in the bar. He was everything to me again.

He rocked our bodies back and forth, carrying all my weight in his arms.

“Tell me you wanted me, that you thought of me.”

I thought of you every day! Damn’t Luke. Fuck me.”

It was all he needed to hear. He pushed into my core filling me with his juices. I cried out as he hit my g-spot again and again.
Luke release me from my hold and I crumpled down on top of him. He held me close while all the emotions that had been building up inside of me came crashing out. His fingers gently moved through my hair and his other arm supported my back. I cradled into him, never wanting to let go.

After a few minutes he stepped back
and pulled up his pants.

I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” I said wiping my tears. He smiled as he wiped a single tear from my cheek.

he wrapped his belt around him. Shaking his head he looked down at the buckle to complete the task, “Cheyenne how do you get me in so much trouble?”

I made a face,
“Me? You were the one who showed up here today. After months! Six fucking months Luke! What the hell have you been doing?
have you been doing?”

He stepped back with his
hands up as if to say he was going to surrender, “Now just wait a second here… Who’s to say I was with anyone? Not to mention I figured your new husband Collin would be hanging around here helping you pick out staff.”

I scowled at him,
“You know that’s not true. You know how things ended between us. I haven’t even talked to him in months. He moved to Florida for God sakes! And I know he met some pretty little thing down there and is living happily ever after, while I’m stuck here waiting for you to show up.”

I hopped off the windowsill and
brushed past him.


I turned on him anger now fueling my attack.
“You heard me. I couldn’t leave this place without knowing if you were ever going to come back or not. I couldn’t risk it.”

Risk what?”

My heart.” I shook my head sadly, “Luke when you left you took my heart with you, it’s taken me this whole time to get it back. But when you walked into the bar the other night I realized that a piece of it is still missing. It’s not fair that you have control over me like that. But then you don’t want to do anything with that.”

He looked at me dumbfounded.
“When did I ever say I didn’t want anything to do with your heart? Didn’t I just come in here and apologize? Tell you how wrong I was?”

threw my hands up in the air, “Then why did you leave?” I knew that my eyes were pleading for answers. I had gone over the situation a thousand times in my head. The note had been ruined by my tears but I still kept it. We had a plan, and it fell apart the second he walked out the door.

He ran his fingers through his dark hair and when he looked back up at me I realized that there were a few new wrinkles near his eyes that hadn’t been there last
winter. Maybe he had felt some of the pain that I had endured during our time apart. He sighed, “I don’t know Cheyenne. I didn’t feel like I was good enough. Like maybe your father was right. I didn’t know if it would ever work out between us. It didn’t seem possible, to find love like this. It’s for movies! Not real life.”

Then why the hell are you back?”

Because I missed you damn’t! Because every night I went to sleep wondering what you were dreaming of. Because every day when I woke up I was desperate to see you lying in the bed next to me. Because I want to share my life with you and because I was an idiot!”

I was speechless. All those moments I had wondered what he had
done with his life to make mine so miserable when I had done the same to him. He genuinely missed me. For a moment I thought that our realization that we loved each other would be enough to survive.

I spoke softly,
“So what do you want to do Luke? How do we go from here?”

He shrugged,
“I don’t know. I think we try. You have a nice place here, but it’s a little big. Maybe you should get a roommate.”

I laughed,
“A roommate eh? I already have one, you know. Jade is pretty great.”

frowned, “You two need a man around the house.”

Oh really, well I mean I can only think of a couple guys that I know. There is one that bought me a bunch of drinks at the bar the other night…” I tried to finish my joke but Luke’s lips were already on mine stunning me into silence.

I don’t want to hear about your other guys,” he growled.

Done. And I don’t want to know anything about your escapades while you were away. Agreed?”

He nodded.
“I missed everything about you.” He tangled his fingers in my hair wrapping a strand around his pointer finger.

That makes two of us.”

We stood for a moment in silence
our foreheads touching, just enjoying happiness of being together again. We pulled apart at the same time and he started walking out the door. My misery returned in an instant. “Where are you going?”

He turned around with his hand on the door frame,
“Well if I’m going to live here I better get my stuff.”

I smiled allowing my fears to fall away.
“Still have that old knapsack?”

He laughed,
“Of course. Every time I look at it I think about our time in the cabin, and how it changed my life.” He paused, “How you changed my life.”


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Turn the page for a look at her new series Lost in Love: Losing Levi, a Contemporary New Adult Romance trilogy.




Losing Levi

Lost in Love
Book 1

By Morgan Black

Losing Levi

Published By Metamorphosis Books

Copyright © 2014 Morgan Black

This book was previously published. I hold all necessary rights to this content.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or events are entirely the work of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons, events, or places is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Please purchase only authorized editions and do not participate in piracy of copyrighted materials.


Cover art by Cover
Up Designs


Victoria leaned her head back against the cold bricks, allowing her blonde hair to flow around her shoulders. She attempted to readjust her body in order to be more comfortable, knowing that she would have to wait a long time before Levi got out of work to come pick her up. She had no interest, however, in going upstairs and spending the next hour listening to her roommate complain about either the five boyfriends she had or the crazy party she was at last night. Perhaps at one point that would’ve been something that Victoria had been interested in, but ever since she and Levi had gotten serious there was no reason for Victoria to worry about frat boys or what new tattoo she should get on Spring Break.

Victoria’s Spring Break wouldn’t be spent on a beach somewhere.  Instead
, she would be cozied up with her boyfriend, Levi. Boyfriend didn’t even seem like the right word, partner or best friend made more sense. Levi had rented a small cabin in the woods for the two of them. Victoria finally had time to really embrace the trip only an hour before, when she packed a bag full of long sleeved shirts and tight fitting jeans. Although it was still chilly outside, Victoria made sure to throw in a few camisoles and a pair of shorts just because she knew Levi liked them.

This extended weekend was supposed to be all about the two of them. As Victoria watched two freshmen play Frisbee on the lawn
, she imagined how romantic their weekend would be in a cabin amongst the trees. It was a place where Levi could truly relax. No cell phone reception meant no annoying interruptions from friends or work. Soon they would be sitting in front of the fire, snuggling together, or drinking wine by the lake with a homemade picnic. It all seemed so picturesque in Victoria’s mind, but she knew that’s not how things really worked. No one’s life was like a movie.  Victoria had learned that the hard way over the past couple years.

College hadn’t been all that it was supposed to be. The first bump in the road had been when Victoria failed a course second semester during her freshman year and life had gotten a lot more difficult. Victoria’s parents were on her all the time about grades, threatening to cut her off if she couldn’t keep them up. It wasn’t really clear as to why she
had started to rebel her freshman year.  Perhaps it was the fact that her sister, Fallon, had finally married the complete buffoon, Drew. Victoria was forced to spend more time with him then necessary. Necessary being only holiday dinners and the occasional family reunion. But now Drew was at their parent’s house all the time, which made no sense considering their parents had bought Fallon and her shiny new husband a beautiful townhouse as a wedding present. Victoria felt she had to keep an eye on him. She thought that he might swipe something when no one was looking. She was so annoyed that she was the only one that could see how money hungry he was. Sure, for a long time Victoria had been one of those girls that asked her parents to spend money on frivolous things, but now that she was getting older, she had realized just how lucky she had been growing up.

She thought about Levi’s upbringing for a moment while she raked her hands back and forth through the dewy grass. His mom had left Levi and his older sister
, Tyne, at a very young age. Not that she was really a mother figure before she left—mostly she was as high as a kite. This made for a very difficult and awkward situation at home for Levi and his older sister, considering their father was a police officer. When they were younger, he had tried to get Levi’s mom help many times, even sending her to a fancy rehab facility at one point, but nothing seemed to stick besides her and needles. Admittedly, Levi had a lot of mommy issues as a result. It’s not that Victoria was judging him, he had discussed it with her after visiting a therapist. He was horrified at the thought of commitment and for a long time that had worried her.

At some point she had decided their relationship was worth more than looking into the future and worrying what might happen, or what might not. She was content in their relationship. Truly happy. And marriage wasn’t
the be all, end all anyway.  Many marriages didn’t make it.  And some people who were in the ones that did were miserable anyway. Her parents had a beautiful relationship though, which gave her hope, even if she didn’t want to admit it. She thought about their late Friday nights out at expensive restaurants while she was cared for by a nanny or her older sister. She had watched her mother place a string of pearls around her neck and admire her wedding ring. Victoria could see the love in her eyes. Her mother spoke often about her admiration of her father, and their life together. She loved those small quiet moments with her mother. There were other fond memories of her childhood, many of them spent with Levi.

Closing her eyes
, she envisioned the times they had spent together as children, when the innocent childhood crush had formed. Victoria’s father was a lawyer that worked closely with the police. Many nights when Levi’s soccer practice was finished and Victoria was done with ballet, they would end up in Victoria’s father's office while their dads poured over some new case.  Levi was a year older than Victoria and his dad always told him to keep her occupied. Victoria could recall the large man in the black uniform lean down to his son and say, “There are things here that little girls shouldn’t see, you got me, Levi?” Tyne would watch them while she did homework, but it was up to Levi to keep Victoria busy. Tyne was too focused on her studies to notice the connection between the two children.

Levi would find some cards to play with and they would laugh for hours over a silly game of Go Fish. After a year or more of their friendship Victoria realized that she felt something more for Levi
, but she was just a child. Victoria didn’t understand her true feelings for him. Besides that, he was a broken boy from a broken home. He had trouble understanding what love really meant and Victoria knew that even now it was still difficult for him to verbalize how he truly felt about her. Levi was much more of a physical being, not that Victoria had anything to complain about. When their lips would touch it felt like lava moving from his skin to hers. The feeling traveled down through her body, filling her with tension. Sometimes she felt that if she touched him too intimately in those moments she would explode. But sometimes explosions were good.

They had their fair share of sexual encounters
, of course.  There had even been a few boys before Levi, if Victoria was being honest with herself, but none of that mattered anymore. The only person that mattered now was Levi.  He was everything to Victoria.  No matter what happened in their lives, Victoria would make sure that they stayed together.

Darkness was settling around Victoria
, and the boys that had been playing Frisbee had returned to their dorms while she sat, still waiting for the old beater truck to turn the corner into the parking lot. When Victoria finally heard the rumbling of its engine she stood and slowly grabbed her bag.

Levi hopped out of the green truck and strode quickly over to Victoria. He only paused when he
placed his hands on her cheeks to kiss her with such intensity that Victoria thought she might fall over.

I’m sorry I’m late babe. Do you have any idea what traffic is like out there? Friday night…” He shook his head allowing his chocolate colored bangs to fall into his eyes. Victoria lifted her hand and used her forefinger to pull them out of his face.

It’s not a problem.”

He squinted in the fading light as if looking for something,
“How long have you been out here?”

She shrugged handing him her bag and began walking,
“I don’t know… like an hour. It’s better than being upstairs with Jen.” Victoria turned around to look at him for a moment, his feet were planted and he had a scowl on his face.

Is she still causing problems for you?” He began walking but it was more of a stomp than his typical gait.

Victoria rolled her eyes
. “She’s not causing problems for me. She’s just really annoying. There’s nothing you can do to fix annoying. Trust me, I’ve tried. You forget that I grew up with Fallon.”

Victoria liked to remind Levi of how different their sisters were. Fallon had been abusive of their parents’ money, spending it willy-nilly without a care in the world.  Fallon also reveled in bullying Victoria and liked to watch people squirm. Tyne
, on the other hand, was practically Levi’s mother and had raised him since they were kids. Tyne started working her freshman year of high school just to help put food on the table. She had never been able to afford college, though she was now taking some community college classes locally. Tyne would never say anything to make someone uncomfortable, it just wasn’t her way.

Levi wasn’t in school
either--he worked for a computer analytics company. He didn’t need the college education that most others did because he was practically a genius. But, he too had worked since he was young. Starting with a newspaper route leading up to a job as a waiter, he constantly had money flowing in to help his family. As a result, he had a sense of responsibility that most guys their age didn’t have. Sometimes it made Victoria feel protected and safe, while other times she felt like something else on his list of things to do in life.

She watched Levi’s face and could see that he was trying to shake off his annoyance with her roommate
. He laughed lightly at her quip about Fallon, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes.

Victoria tried to shake off the foreboding feeling that he was in one of those
angsty moods he sometimes carried around with him. She walked the rest of the way to the truck hoping the moment would pass quickly. He jogged up next to her in order to open the door. One of the qualities Victoria really appreciated about Levi was the way he always seemed to act like a gentleman. For a man who had grown up without a mother, he really did know how to treat girl right.

As he climbed in next to Victoria, she buckled her seatbelt and turned up the heat. It was odd because it was late spring and it should have started to warm up. But Victoria realized that she hadn't heard any of the usual cricket symphonies on campus on evenings like this.
“Do you think it's going be cold up there? At the cabin?”

As Levi backed out of the parking lot he shook his head.
  “Nah, I don't think so. Besides the place has heat, just in case.” He paused for a moment, as if for dramatic effect. “You shouldn't worry about the temperature anyway. You know I'll always keep you warm.” He allowed his hand to leave the steering wheel and rest just above Victoria’s knee on the inside of her thigh. It was a gentle touch, but Victoria knew that it meant so much more.

Victoria pulled her lips to one side
, giving him an assessing look. “Levi Manor, you are a bad boy!” she said mockingly. He laughed lightly and Victoria felt his poor mood from before lift slightly.

So, what kept you at work? Another big project?”

Levi shook his head
. “No, it's that asshole Dave. He's never doing his work on time. Then the rest of us have to pick up the slack. I wish they would just fire him already.”

If he’s so terrible, then why don't they?”

Levi lifted his hand from Victoria’s leg and placed it back on the steering wheel. She saw him grip it tightly.

“Because he's the boss's son. And, honestly, the only other person they have that can do his job is me, and sometimes they don't particularly care for the fact that I don’t have a college degree behind my name. It's bullshit really.”

Victoria nodded her head in agreement
. “What idiots! What does it matter if you have a college degree? You know more than most of those guys. Besides, in this economy a lot of kids are going to trade school these days.”

He sighed heavily
. “Yeah, except I didn’t do that either. Without any formal education I'm not going to be able to move up within the company.” Victoria could feel the tension rolling off of him like waves. She knew it was time to drop the subject. This had been an argument since Victoria had begun taking steps towards her law degree, just like Victoria’s father had before her. She realized that one day she would make a lot more money than Levi and that bothered him. He liked to take care of her, either by protecting or supporting her. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate how much Victoria wanted to be a lawyer, or that he didn't support her decision to go through seven years of schooling, but sometimes she knew that he felt he could never be as successful as she intended to be.

As they drove through the darkening night
, Victoria thought back to the night they had begun dating back in her senior year of high school.

Levi had already graduated and was working as a freelance computer analyst
, but many times he still graced the high school crowd with his presence, as many of the Cape Haven alumni did.  When you graduated from Cape Haven, you stayed a part of the town. It was just the way things were in the small coastal village.

It was in the spring and everyone was at some ridiculous party at Trey
Valaquez's house. Trey had previously been kind of a nerd, but then his parents won the lottery and somehow he became the most popular guy in school. They liked to leave the house a lot on weekends, or maybe Trey kicked them out, no one was ever really sure. Some people said that Trey was actually a total genius and that he had rigged the lottery system so that his parents would win. Ever since, he had ruled his own little world and most of Cape Haven.

BOOK: Simmer: Erotic Romance (Fireside Series)
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