Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess) (6 page)

BOOK: Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess)
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“Tre…are you going to come?” Lala asked.

“I can’t come. It’s not that I don’t want to be there but what am I going to tell Kisha? I already lied to her yesterday about having a job to do out of town. I can’t use that same lie again today.” I explained as I turned into Casper’s driveway and turned off the ignition. “If the pediatrician tells you that it’s not just an innocent murmur then I will try to get back up there. Just call me in a few days and let me know what’s up.” I heard her let out a loud wail followed by loud sobbing. “Lala! Lala! Lala!” No response.

Hello, this is Earl, LaQuela’s daddy.” Her dad introduced himself. Obviously he’d taken the phone from her. “Young man, I know that I don’t know you and you don’t know me.”

“That’s correct, sir.
We don’t know each other.” I was trying my best to stay calm. I didn’t want to disrespect Lala’s pops but I had a feeling it was going to come to that before we hung up the phone because there was no way that I was going to allow him to come out of his mouth sideways to me and not put him in his motherfuckin’ place!

“Please don’t interrupt me again son!” He said sternly
raising his voice like he was talking to his son or something. I didn’t say anything. I let him say his piece. “You know, I can’t help but wonder what kind of man would hear that something is wrong with one of his children and not come to at the very least see their child! I understand that there is nothing that you can do about your daughter’s condition but you can be here! LaQuela didn’t lie down and get herself pregnant! You laid down with her and so you should be here, not just her!”

I’d heard enough! This old ass motherfucka had me fucked up! “Sir with all due respect, I don’t appreciate the way that you are speaking to me and the tone that you are doing it in! Furthermore, who are you to question what kind of man I am based off of one situation where you more than likely don’t have all of the facts! First of all, I came to the hospital to see my daughters on yesterday but I couldn’t stay long! So yes, I have been to at least look
in their faces.” I let him know! “Also LaQuela knew when she decided to keep these babies that I wasn’t going to be able to be there as much as she would like me to…”

He cut me off!
“As much as she’d like you to? What about how much you’d like to be? You should want to be here!”

“I do want to but I can’t!” I exploded!

“Why because you stepped out on your ol’ lady and got another woman pregnant? Because like a punk you aren’t man enough to tell that woman that you have two outside children by another woman? Stand up like a man, tell her what you did and then deal with the consequences of your actions like a man! Grow some fuckin’ balls son!”

“Fuck you! I got balls! As a matter of fact you can
suck’em you old ass son of a bitch! Since you got so much mouth, you be there for your fuckin’ daughter and her kids! I’m not about to lose my family for her and no other bitch! It’s just that simple!” With that I pressed end and ended the call! I was beyond pissed! If I could’ve gotten my hands on him at that moment I would’ve fucked him up!

I tossed the phone over in the passenger seat, grabbed my pack of Newports off of the dashboard and lit one up. I heard giggling and looked up, Tamika and her friend Rakita was coming out of the house.
Rakita was a rat just like Tamika! She’d suck a dick for a ten cent piece of butterscotch!

Rakita waved as she made her way
to her car. I figured she was trying to be funny because she knew about the situation with me and Tamika. Tamika said something to Rakita and then started in my direction.

“Man…damn not today!” I griped under my breath. “I do not feel like dealing with this bitch right now.” I took a pull off of my cigarette inhaling the nicotine into my lungs. I took my time releasing the smoke out through my nose.
I felt my head began to throb.

Tamika tapped on the window. “Roll down the window. Shoot, you acting like you scared that somebody gone bite you or something.”  She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she waited for me to roll down the window. I couldn’t help but notice her nipples nearly poking a hole through
the thin fabric of the strapless yellow sundress that she was wearing. Today she had her long weave pulled back into a ponytail with bangs in the front. I’d never seen her with her hair any way but down and I must admit that the style looked kind of cute on her.

I rolled down the window. “What?” I asked bluntly. I didn’t feel like being bothered and I didn’t try to hide it. Besides I didn’t want her feeling like it was okay to be all up in my face every time that she saw me just because I was playing her
little fucked up game.

Her eyes grew big and she took a step back. “Excuse you!” She placed one hand on her thick hip while swiveling her neck and pointing with the other hand. “I don’t know who you think you are talking to. Don’t get it twisted! My name is Tamika, not Kisha and not whatever that pregnant bitch name is! Okay boo-boo?”

Lord have mercy, why me?
I asked myself as I stared up at her with her neck rolling around. I really want to backhand her ass into the middle of the next month! “Yeah…what? As in, what do you want? You do realize where we are right? I know I agreed to play your little game but let’s not be stupid.”

She rolled her eyes. “First of a
ll, ain’t nobody playing games! I’m doing what I have to do to get what I want! Secondly, Casper’s fat ass is down in the basement getting high and drunk so it’s not like he’s looking out the window or something. Besides that, I am a grown ass twenty-three year old woman, which means that I can talk to whomever I please!”

She was really on my last nerve. All I wanted her to do was say whatever it was that she wanted and get away from my car! “Okay, so again what do you want?”
I repeated.

“I want to see you later on. Is that possible?”

“Nah, I’m not going to be out long because Kisha is already bitchin’. I’m going to take it in early and kick it with the fam…plus I have a lot on my mind.”

“Hmph…well I’ll tell you what. I am going to text you in a few hours and let you know where I’m going to be at.” She started walking away towards Rakita’s car.

“Hold up.” I opened up the door and got out of the car. She stopped walking and turned around. “Didn’t you just hear what I said? I said not tonight.”

“And I said I will text you in a few hours and let you know where I’ll be.”

I shook my head and let out a chuckle. “You trippin’.”

“Nah, you are if you think that I give a fuck about Kisha or the next bitch! You are the only one who gives a fuck about Kisha and that is exactly why you are going to meet me later.” She walked off and got in the car with Rakita. The two of them backed out of the driveway leaving me standing next to my car fuming.














“It’s your deal.” Skeet announced to Casper as me, him, Casper and Tyson sat in the basement playing spades. Casper grabbed the cards and started to shuffle them. “So whatever happened with ol’ girl that
’s supposed to be pregnant by you?” Skeet asked turning his attention to me. “Did you ever get that situation worked out?”

“Yeah, everything is all good.” I replied
scratching my head.

“Hold up? What girl you got pregnant?” Tyson inquired wearing a confused expression. “You got somebody pregnant?”

“Yeah man, this chic that I used to work with. Me and her were fuckin’ around for a minute and then she got pregnant. She left without telling me shit. Next thing I know she comes back and she’s eight months pregnant about to have the babies.”

He all but yelled.

“Twin girls, she had them yesterday.” This time everybody at the table looked at me. “She was on her way back to Danville, where she moved to, when she went into labor. She’s in the hospital out in South Boston, VA.”

“Damn, did she send you any pictures or anything?” Casper asked.

“Nah…hell nah!
All it would take is for Kisha’s nosey, snooping ass to go through my phone and see some pictures of some babies. I’d have to fight her ass sure as hell!”

“I feel you but I’d like to
see’em. You know see if they look like you.” He admitted. “Ol’ girl might be trying to pull a fast one on you. Those babies might belong to the damn postman! She probably doesn’t even know!” Everyone laughed even me but I knew in my heart that those were my babies. I could see some of my features when I’d looked at them. They kind of favored the boys a little bit when they were born.

I figured I’d ask the fellas their opinion of the
run-in that I’d had with Lala’s dad earlier. “Let me ask y’all something.” I started. “Lala, the girl that I got the twins by, called me earlier. She told me that one of the babies has a heart murmur and that the hospital is going to keep her a few extra days to monitor it and then she has to take her to her pediatrician when she gets home so that they can tell her whether or not it’s something that she needs to worry about. She was upset and crying telling me that she was scared and asked if I would come to the hospital to be there with her and the baby. I told her that I couldn’t because I already lied and told Kisha yesterday that I had to go out of town for work. I knew that I couldn’t tell that same lie again so I told her to give it a few days and see what the pediatrician says. I told her that if the pediatrician says that it’s something to worry about to call me back, let me know and I will try to get back up there. That’s when she starts boo-hoo crying and her daddy gets on the phone and starts talking shit! Calling me a punk and telling me to grow some balls and tell my girl about my kids! I mean he was wildin’ out! Yo’ if I could’ve gotten my hands on that nigga, I would’ve really fucked him up!” I felt myself getting mad all over again! “My question is does it make me any less of a man because I am not willing to lose my family for some side bitch and her kids? I mean…I know they are my kids too but it doesn’t feel the same as Quan and Shaun. There’s a difference. I’m not saying that I am going to turn my back on them and not help take care of them because I plan to handle my business. But I can’t just hop up and run to Danville every time Lala calls though. I just can’t do that.”

Tyson was the first to respond. “I wouldn’t say
that it makes you any less of a man because it’s not like you are saying ‘fuck them’. Ol’ girl knew the situation going in, she knew that you couldn’t be there like she wanted you to because you already had a family. Really you are only doing what you have to do.”

“I agree with Tyson.” Casper added. “I mean. Of course her pops is going to be pissed because that’s his daughter and those are his granddaughters. He is naturally going to be overly protective. It doesn’t matter to him whether or not his daughter made a conscious decision to be your jump-off…” Everyone burst into laughter. “What?” He asked looking around. “It’s the truth.”

“Yeah well you’d better try to stay on Lala’s good side because if you piss her off…” Skeet shook his head. “All I am going to say is I would hate to be in your shoes.”

me too man.” Casper agreed. “Man, I keep telling you to leave that outside pussy alone. That’s why I stick to one woman and leave that bullshit out there in the streets alone. I don’t have time for the damn headache.”

I looked at him.
Yeah and while you are sticking to one woman, your woman is out blackmailing motherfuckas for dick!
“I’m not worried about Lala.” I spoke confidently. “I know that most of these bitches get mad and go flapping their gums telling your girl everything but she ain’t like that.”

“Okay, I hear you.” Skeet laughed.

I was about to say something else but my phone vibrated. I put down my cards and took it out of my pocket. I had a text message. I opened the message, it was from Tamika.

Come to the baseball park. I want some dick!

I told you not tonight. I am about to go home…maybe tomorrow night.

I laid my phone down on the table and picked up my cards. Before I could play my card, my phone vibrated again. “Hold on a second, Kisha done started trippin’.” I lied. I picked up my phone and read the message.

If you aren’t here in fifteen minutes then my next message will be to Kisha…don’t play with me, Tre!

I didn’t bother messaging her back.
“Y’all, I hate to dip out in the middle of the game but wifey is trippin’ so I am going to take my ass on to the house.” I stood and gave everybody dap. “I’m going to holla at y’all another time.”

“Damn, Kisha has your ass trained doesn’t she?” Tyson teased. “She tells you to bring your ass home and you damn near break your neck!”

“Whatever nigga, it’s not about being trained. I’ve been out for a minute and now she wants me home. So to make her happy, I am taking my ass home.” I replied. “That’s why I have a woman and you don’t!”

“Shit not for long once Kisha finds out about your other babymama!” Skeet joked. Him, Casper and Tyson all laughed but I didn’t find shit funny.

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