Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess) (3 page)

BOOK: Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess)
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“You can tell whatever you want to tell, I ain’t putting my mouth on no bitch’s pussy that ain’t mine! Now, I agreed to this shit because I ain’t trying to lose my girl or my family but there is just some shit that I won’t do!” I didn’t want her to tell Kisha but there was no way in hell I was about to go down on her. I reached down on the floor and picked up my clothes.
Shit after all of this I’m still not going to make it to Lala and this bitch is still going to tell Kisha! Fuck!

“What are you doing?” Tamika sat up on the bed.

“I’m leaving. What does it look like?” I snapped thinking about flipping out and whooping her ass! I was about to lose everything anyways so why not?

“About to leave? No you’re not because if you walk out of this hotel room you will have nowhere to go unless you are going to stay with that bitch that you got pregnant! I will have Kisha on the phone telling her about your side bitch before you can make it to your car!” She threatened. “Try me nigga and see if I’m playing! I keep telling you, I ain’t Kisha! She doesn’t know how to deal with you but I do!”

“Bitch, fuck you! You don’t even have any proof! It’s my word against yours and I doubt if Kisha will believe shit that you say over me!” I started walking towards the door.

What I heard next caused me to freeze in my steps! I heard my voice ask,
“Man, y’all remember the chic named Lala that I’d told y’all about that I was smashing for a minute?”
Then I heard Skeet and Casper respond in unison,
Next I heard myself say,
“Well y’all know that I told y’all that she packed up and dipped a while back. She had told me some shit about her being in love with me and not being able to continue to stay here and work with me. Well to make a long story short, she’s back and seven months pregnant.”
I turned around to see Tamika holding up her phone with a smirk on her face, while the conversation continued to play.

“You triflin’ bitch!” I charged towards her!

She ran to the other side of the room, her titties bouncing as she ran! “Tre, I swear if you hit me, I will have your ass arrested and I will send this message to Kisha!” She yelled. “How are you going to explain being in a hotel room with me alone? Think before you make a mistake that you are going to regret!” I continued towards her! She tried to run past me but I grabbed her by the back of her hair. I snatched hard on it and pulled her back to me!

“Give me the motherfuckin’ phone!” I demanded!

She handed it to me. “You can have it but Rakita has a copy of the message so if you erase it, it won’t matter!” She laughed breathing hard. “”Now turn my hair a loose!”

I let go of her hair and threw the phone across the room! “Fuck! What in the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you want to fuck with a nigga that doesn’t want to fuck with you?” All I wanted to do was beat the hell out of her but I couldn’t because I knew that she would call the police on my ass and there was no way that I’d be able to explain to Kisha or Casper as to why I’d been in a hotel room alone with her in the first place!

She rubbed the back of her head, I assumed because it was aching from me pulling on her hair. “Tre, I really don’t have time for this shit! Now either you are going to do as I say or…”

I had no other choice but to play by her rules. I couldn’t let Kisha hear that recording. I looked over at her nasty ass feeling defeated. “This is some bullshit!” I yelled!

“Yeah…whatever…life’s a bitch and then ya die!” She rolled her eyes and then walked over to the bed and laid on her back spreading her knees apart. “Now come on and give me some of that hurricane tongue that Kisha’s stupid ass is always bragging about!”












              My mama and daddy had finally arrived and though I was glad to have them there it still wasn’t the same as having Tre there.
Lord please let him make it. I don’t want him to miss the birth of our babies. I know that I have done a lot of wrong things but please Lord don’t pay me back like this!
I prayed silently. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing and to add to my worries it felt like the babies were ripping my insides out. I’d never been in so much pain in all of my life! This shit was excruciating!

“Breathe Lala.” My ma coached as she stroked my hair. “Just try to breathe. Do you want some more ice chips?” She asked holding a cup filled with ice chips to my mouth.

“No! I want my kid’s daddy!” I snapped smacking the cup of ice chips that she was holding in her hand! The cup fell and ice went everywhere! “Where in the hell is Tre? He promised me that he was going to be here! I can’t do this by myself!”

“LaQuela…” My dad started but my mama held up her hand cutting him off.

She leaned over the bed and got close in my face.
I could tell by the look on her face that I’d just fucked up! She was so close that I could smell the piece of butterscotch on her breath that she’d eaten about twenty minutes before! “I understand that you are in a lot of pain and that you are upset but if you smack one more thing out of my hand, your kids will be entering this world and your ass will be exiting it! Do you understand?” She asked through clenched teeth.

I looked up at her shocked to hear her curse. “I’m sorry mama.” I sobbed. “I-I…just want him…” A pain shot from my stomach down through my coochie and nearly took my breath away! “Omigooood!” I screamed. I could’ve sworn that I saw a smirk on my mama’s face! My daddy came around the other side of the bed and held onto my hand. He kept assuring me that everything thing was going to be alright.

An hour and a half later I gave birth to my babies with still no sign of Tre. Even though I was disappointed that he wasn’t there seeing my beautiful babies replaced that disappointment with joy. They were absolutely beautiful. They both came into the world screaming, letting me know that they had finally made their debut. The tears that were now streaming down my cheeks were definitely not sad ones.

“Awww they are so beautiful.” My ma cried.

“Yes they are.” My daddy beamed rubbing my arm. “You did good Lala.” He leaned down and kissed me on my head. I just smiled because I couldn’t respond. I was too caught up in my baby girls. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them. They were just so beautiful and tiny. The sound of their crying was like music to my ears.

The nurses cleaned both babies up and wrapped them in blankets before handing them to me. “Hello Laila and Lola.” I whispered to my two princesses. I was already in love with them! Just that quickly they’d stolen my heart. They had Tre’s nose and lips and they both had hazel eyes like mines. After nursing both of my daughters the nurse took them down to the nursery and then they cleaned me up. I was so exhausted that I drifted off to sleep.

“Lala…Lala.” I felt someone gently shaking me and calling my name. I opened my eyes and thought that I was dreaming when I saw Tre. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and tried to focus as I looked around for my parents but I didn’t see them. I figured maybe they’d gone to get something to eat. “Hey, I told you that I was coming. I know I’m a little late but I made it.”

I sat up some. “You’re a lot late.” I corrected him groggily.

“I know.” He acknowledged. “I saw the babies. They are so beautiful. Man, they look like two little doll babies.”

At the mention of my babies a smile formed on my lips. I still couldn’t believe that I was actually someone’s mother. “Yeah they are beautiful.” I agreed. My throat was a little dry. “Can you get me some water? There’s some on the table right there in that pitcher.” I pointed to the table beside the bed. He poured some water in a cup and handed it to me.

I looked at him as I was taking the water from his hand, studying his face. He looked really tired. “Thanks for coming.” I told him. I wanted him to know that I appreciated him being there whether he was late or not. That didn’t matter. The fact that he was there was all that was important to me.

“You don’t have to thank me.” He said playing with a strand of my hair. “I had to go through a lot of shit to get here but it was worth it.”

I smiled. “The girls have your nose and
lips. Did you notice?”

“Yeah…” He changed the subject. “I told Kisha that I would be out of town for two days doing a job in Richmond. I figured that would give me a
lil time to kick it with you and the babies.”

“Okay. So Mr. Johnson was cool with you taking two days off?”

He laughed. “He wasn’t happy about it but I told him I had a family emergency so he told me to go ahead and handle my business. I’d promised you that I was going to be here so I wanted to make good on that promise.”

Awwww…” I giggled. I was really enjoying this moment. “Give your babymama a kiss for doing such a great job of bringing your babies into the world all by myself!”

“Oh be quiet! I see now you aren’t going to let me live that down!” He leaned over and gave me a soft peck on my lips and then ruffled my hair with his hand.

I playfully hit him in the stomach! “Stop boy! My hair looks worst enough!”

“So what?
You are in the hospital. You aren’t supposed to be looking like you just walked out of the salon! Besides, I’ve seen your hair messed up worse than that!” He winked.

I was about to take a sip of my water when there was a knock at the door. “Come in.” I called.

“Hey, I just wanted to check on you and see how you and the babies were doing.” It was the guy from the store who’d called the ambulance for me. “I just came from seeing your babies, they are gorgeous.” He said flashing a perfect smile as he walked over to the bed.

“I thought that you’d left already but I’m glad that you didn’t because I hadn’t gotten a chance to say thanks. Thank you so much.” I said sincerely, my hand went up to my head in an attempt to smooth my hair down. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if it weren’t for you. I owe you big time.”

He shook his head no. “You don’t owe me anything. What kind of human being wouldn’t have helped? Besides, you shouldn’t have been out there all by yourself anyways.” He said his eyes going to Tre and then back to me. “I had left and gone back to the store. I wanted to swing back by here to check on you before I went home.”

“I appreciate that.” I smiled thinking it was really nice of him to come back and check on me. He was a really handsome man now that I had a chance to get a good look at him. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. “I’m sorry I didn’t get your name earlier.”

He walked a little closer to the bed. “My name’s Reginald but everyone calls me, Reggie.”

“Thank you for everything Reggie. I am forever in debt to you for getting me to the hospital.” I honestly felt that way. I was very grateful for his help earlier. If he hadn’t gotten me to the hospital anything could’ve happened. Especially with my blood pressure up the way that it had been.

He laughed. “You don’t have to keep thanking me…really. I didn’t do anything spectacular.”

His smile was hypnotic. I was so mesmerized that I had totally forgotten Tre was in the room until he spoke.

“Yeah man, I appreciate you getting my girl to the hospital. Good looking out.” Tre said standing up and offering Reggie his hand to shake. The expression on his face was unreadable but it wasn’t a pleasant one. “I’m Tre.”

His girl? Since when?
I wondered to myself, looking at him, trying to read his expression. He was jealous!
Awww.…that’s too cute, my boo is jealous.
I smiled. For the first time in a very long time he was showing that he cared about me. Whether it was a lot or a little, he cared.

Reggie shook Tre’s hand. “Man it’s really no problem at all.” He turned his attention back to me. “You take care of yourself and those beautiful babies, Ms. Lady. I am about to get out of here. I have a few things to get done. I just came back to make sure that you and the babies were okay.”


To my surprise he leaned over and gave me a hug. He smelled so good and his arms felt good around me. After hugging me he l
eft. I looked over at Tre, who was standing over me staring like he wanted to say something. “What?”

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