Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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"Thank you for the advice, I will really take that with me. I'd love to be as happy as you two, ten years down the line."

"It's cool, I'm only telling it how it is for us. You two are going to be great together, for a long time to come, I'm certain of it."

And just like that, the seven minute ride down the mountain is over and we're approaching the boys at the bottom of the lift.

"It was great talking to you, I hope we'll get a chance to meet up again."

"Me too, today was fun," she says as she lifts the bar and we both lurch off the chair as it moves around to collect some other people going up. Once we're out of the way, she hugs me. "You'll be great together, I know it," she says, reassuringly, and I unexpectedly hug her back tightly, holding on to her, so grateful for her support. I needed to hear that so much.




After joining the boys, we set off separately, Matt and Queenie - to go and collect the 'dude' as Matt calls him, and Luke and I to the car to head home. I have a really hard time trying to keep my hands off him in the car, I can't stop looking at him, knowing that he feels the same way. Not to mention the fact that he looks so fucking hot - his hair a mess, his face windblown and gorgeous.

I sit back in my seat, just gazing at him as he drives, we're both clearly tired, although for very different reasons, so we're happily silent, enjoying the journey. "You were so extra-specially sexy today, Lukey," I say quietly, resting my head against the seat back and bringing my knees to my chest, curling up. "I want you to kiss me."

His gorgeous smile absolutely blows me away, it makes my belly flutter wildly and goose bumps run all over my skin. I am so overcome with love for this man, I think I would do anything for him. Move to LA? In a heartbeat.

He slows and it takes a moment for me to realise that he's parking up at the side of the road.

"Where are we going?" I ask, still totally mesmerised by his splendour.

"Home. But you want me to kiss you..." he unclips his seatbelt and leans over to me, cupping my jaw with his warm hand, his lips brushing mine as he gazes, fixedly, into my eyes, "and what my girl wants, my girl gets, especially when I want it more." I begin to smile as he presses his delicious, soft lips to mine. His eyes close and I see his brow furrow slightly, before I follow suit, getting lost in this exquisite moment of tenderness - love.

He brings his other hand to my face and holds it gently, but firm enough for me to know he won't let go without a fight. I wrap my hands tightly around the back of his neck, his tongue gently caressing mine, our kiss thoroughly passionate... but not about sex.

He slows and gently moves away, still clutching my face. "Tilly, I'm not going to lose you again. It has taken me thirty one years to feel this and I will die before I give it up."

I smile, wanting to burst into tears but managing to control it somewhat. "I so love you. It feels weird to come out and say it, but I really, really do. I never thought I'd have this, I've never felt like this before."

"I know, me neither. I think I haven't settled down for a reason, because I was waiting for you. There's not one single woman that I have ever met - and you know I've met a few - that comes anywhere even close to you. No one that I would even consider spending my life with - except you."

I giggle, quietly, shyly. "You'd consider spending your life with me?"

He smiles one of his huge, dimply smiles again, "I'm
spend my life with you. Starting right about..." he looks at his watch, "now!" I laugh, looking into his warm, kind eyes. "So kiss me and make it official," he says, pursing his lips, and I do just that.

"I'm sorry about last night, Luke," I say, pulling away, "I went crazy and it wasn't fair on you. These feelings are just so new to me and I didn't think that you felt the same. I didn't know how to deal with it and then... the ugliness occurred."

"It's okay, I get it. But don't ever feel insecure like that with me, sweet-cheeks, okay? You're my little love-bunny and you're going to have to get used to it," he says, kissing my neck, making me laugh... yet again.

We must have stayed in that spot for at least half an hour, talking and kissing, in our own world. It was a rare moment where neither of us was thinking about sex... okay, okay, so I was definitely looking forward to getting home and ripping off his skiwear, but it wasn't
sex, it was just us, talking about us... being 'us'.

When we arrive back at the house, walking through the door arm in arm, we are greeted by the entire gang looking a whole lot more civilised than they were this morning. They're sitting in the living room, surrounding the fireplace on the sofas, having afternoon tea and cake, put on - no doubt - by impeccable Pam.

"Hey, you're all looking a whole lot healthier than you were this morning... Dan, how's your nose?"

I giggle and Daniel looks at Luke quizzically, "My nose? What happened to my nose?"

"Ah, nothing, just your little wifey trying to rearrange it for you."

"What?" Bea asks, totally confused and I laugh out loud as they frown at each other, questioningly.

"Hey, Seb, so you managed to peel your face from Lex's thighs, huh?"

Alexia's face is a picture, she sits up straight and tucks her hair behind her ears, "Oh my god Luke, stop this, we get it, we were drunk." She looks really pale, she must have a serious hangover. They all must. Euw, the thought of it makes me want to be sick. I've no idea how I'll ever drink again, morning sickness was like the worst hangover ever,
nonstop for two weeks. Luckily mine was short-lived, I've no idea how women who have nine months of it do it; you'd never have more than one child!
I wonder how many we'll have? No Tilly! One step at a time - my god, who am I?

Luke laughs out loud, "You sure were, and I got evidence, too," he says teasingly, to moans and grumbles galore. He takes off his outer layers and jumper, his arms delightfully on display out of the sleeves of his fitted white t-shirt that stretches across his pecks perfectly.
Sweet Jesus, I'd like to lick those nipples right now...

As I subconsciously gawk at his impressive torso, he steps over to me and starts to remove my scarf and hat. I smile, enjoying his attention. He drops them on the side table nearby, and starts to unzip my coat. I immediately stop him. "No, it's fine, I'm not hot." I say, worried about exposing the melon in the tight polo-neck I'm wearing.

"No, but you will be in here," he says, continuing.

"No, no, I'm fine, thank you," I say, grabbing hold of his hands and clutching them together, in front of me.

"Til, you'll be baking in here, the fire's so hot," Clare says, and a rush of anger floods through me, making me want to scream at her.

"Clare, I'm not a fucking child. Thank you."

Bea's head swings around and they both stare at me like I've grown two heads. "Tilly!" she says, shocked.

"S-sorry... I, I just..." Clare stutters as her cheeks flush pink, clearly embarrassed, and I hate myself.

"Sorry Clare. I didn't mean to bite your head off, sorry. I'm fine." I say, hoping the room will ease back into conversation and stop staring at me for losing my temper.

Luke frowns at me and leads me to Bea and Daniel's sofa to sit down. Pam brings in an extra couple of tea-cups for us and as the room starts to make noise again, discussing something to do with the Aspen property market, Luke looks down into my face and whispers, "What was that about, Princess?" He looks concerned.

"Nothing, I just know when I need to take my own coat off. I'm fine."

"Okay, okay," he says, raising his eyebrows, and nodding, dropping the subject. Geez, this is getting tough.

I already feel a wave of heat engulf my torso as Luke leans forward to pour the tea, I'm fucking boiling. I'll have to go and change before I start sweating by the bucket load. Just as I sit forward to stand, Luke sits back again and puts his arm around my shoulders...
oh god man, don't make me any hotter than I already am...

"Hey, can I get your attention for a minute..." he says, and I just know what he's about to do. I'm totally for it, but couldn't he wait until I change into something a bit cooler?

"I am the most excited dude in Aspen right now, because this hot piece of ass sitting next to me has agreed to be my girl. Yep, that's right, Luke Summers is off the market, tell the papers, I am totally in love with one Tillifer Burton."

heat wave tortures me as my excitement at his words bubbles over. I giggle. "Tillifer?" I ask, laughing.

"I think it has got a nice ring to it, Tillifer..." he says, testing his new name for me.

I shake my head and smile.

"Oh my god, that's amazing!" Bea cries, "Although totally expected; you two are
made for each other. So you love each other?" she asks, grinning like a Cheshire cat, "I knew it!"

"Yep," Luke replies, "I love the ass off this girl and I can finally say it."

I grin, ignoring the beads of sweat growing on my forehead; getting up to change right now would be incredibly bad form. "It's true, I love him like mad, but I'm sure you all knew that already."

Clare winks
at me with a smile and scrunches up her nose, she's probably got goose pimples, she loves a bit of romance.

Alexia surprises me by standing and stepping over to us, bending to kiss my cheek and then hugging Luke. "It's about time you told her, I'm so happy for you guys," she says, beaming.
Okay, so my explosion last night was totally unfounded.

Clare follows suit and kisses Luke on the cheek before bending to hug me.
Oh dear lord, please don't add other people's body heat to my discomfort.

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and presses her cheek against mine.
So. Frigging. Hot!
She pulls away slightly and looks directly into my eyes, frowning. Her eyes look up to my forehead, and back down again to my eyes. Oh shit, I'm sweating. "Til," she whispers, "go and get changed now, this isn't good for you; passing out won't do either of you any good."

She stands to go back to her seat and I'm left wondering who, exactly, she's referring to by 'either of us'. Am I just making everything about Wriggler today, or do these people actually know my secret? Because this just seems too weird.

Luke looks at me with a big smile and leans in to kiss me on the lips. "I'm going to go and put something more comfortable on, I'll be back in a minute." I say, and stand to make a move upstairs. Bea holds her hand out to me and I take it, looking down at her, everyone else chatting amongst themselves. "Love you, I knew you'd work through it. I want to know all the details, okay?"

I smile, I love her so much, too. "Totally, we need a little girly time."

"Oh yeah, do you need to do any shopping? Me and Clare are going to hit the shops tomorrow for some last minute, Christmas Eve purchases, wanna come?"

Sounds wonderful. "Oh yay! I'm there, it'll give Lukey-boy a chance to buy something fabulous for his incredible new girlfriend..." I say loudly, winking over at the hunk.

When I get upstairs, I grab some clothes from my room and go straight to Luke's, closing the door behind me and heading for the balcony. I open both doors wide and start to strip off, I am so fucking hot, you could fry an egg on any part of my body right now. When I get down to my underwear and socks, I stand outside and let the freezing air engulf me. I close my eyes and drop my head back, resting my hands on the melon, as she has a little dance in there.

A couple of minutes pass as I stand, enjoying being absolutely fucking freezing, before a warm vibration soothes my neck and large hot hands slide around to cup my aching boobs. "What are you doing, my little love-bunny? You'll catch your death out here..."

I moan and rest my head against his chest, sliding it to the side so he has better access to my neck. He squeezes my breasts firmly and lightly pinches my nipples through the lace of my bra, making me cry out; they're so sensitive, so sore... and this is heavenly.

"You want me, huh?" he asks, pinching the skin on my neck with his lips, "you want your guy to make you scream right now?"

"Oh!" I cry as he lifts my bra cups up above my boobs and immediately rolls my nipples between the tips of his fingers and thumbs. He kisses my neck and jaw line over and over, licking slightly so the cold air catches the damp patches and makes me shiver. My skin feels cold but my boobs are on fire; hot, heavy and begging for more of his touch. He squeezes again, before taking one hand and sliding it down my side, and inside my lace knickers.

"Holy fuck," I cry out as he gently circles, slowly, matching his caressing rhythm at my breast.

"You're so hot, your boobs are hot... shit I need you, baby..." he says, taking his hand out of my knickers, and pushing them midway down my thighs. I bend forward slightly, making myself totally available to him, open, ready and needy.

He kicks a low table in front of me and tells me to stand on it, giving me some extra height for him, and as I do, I feel him there, pushing, nudging. His large, rounded tip easing its way inside me. It's... indescribable. The pleasure of feeling him slowly moving further and further inside me, my god - nothing on gods earth feels as good as this.

"Oh god, Luke, you feel so good..."

"Fuck, you are so damn tight, baby... fuck!" He groans loudly as he pushes as deep as he can go, before pulling back and repeating. I can almost feel every single ridge, every vein... everything that makes Luke - Luke. With one hand on my hip, keeping me steady, and the other on my breast, still caressing, firmly, he starts to pump faster. I grab the railing in front of me and hold myself rigid, creating a resistance against his thrusts, forcing him deeper inside me.

"Argh..." I cry through gritted teeth, needing it harder, I'm so hot and ready for it and it's going to knock my fucking socks off.

BOOK: Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)
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