Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (26 page)

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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He lifted his head and stared down at her. “Then it’s time someone showed you.”


And he lowered his head again, taking possession of her mouth as he planned to take possession of her body.

She needed to be loved and have someone give her a good serious loving. He could just imagine the pain she’d experienced at the bastard’s hands. She deserved tenderness. She deserved to be treated like the beautiful woman she was.

Even if she didn’t believe it.

He was the man to show her. She was damn special, and he was going to prove it to her.

He slowly moved his hands over her body, stroking and caressing the skin that he could reach, letting her open up to what her body could feel and respond to. Sex was a wonderful stress release, but when it became making love; well, it went way over and beyond that.

Sliding down, he suckled her nipple but struggled against the bra material and the t-shirt she wore. He lifted the material and pushed it to her neck, then nudged the bra cup to the side. She gasped when his mouth closed over the pouting tip. He smiled inside. That was just the start. He bit down gently then laved the tip with his tongue. She writhed beneath him. God, he loved that. She was so damn natural, so damn beautiful in her response. And so damn surprised.

He loved that he’d be the one to awaken her body and help find her satisfaction – likely for the first time.

Quickly, he turned his attention to the second plump breast, but it wasn’t as easy to move the material out of the way with this one.

He shifted so he was straddling her and lifted the t-shirt up and over her head, tossing it to the floor beside them. Then he slid his hands under her back and unclipped her bra. It lifted off and was tossed to the side.

He'd been aware of her trim body since first holding her in his arms. Keeping his hands off her had been hard, but necessary. She’d been hurt. In need of care. Not an aroused male.

Now he could appreciate the bounty before him.

Jesus. Her breasts were full and round and the nipples large and dark, pouting, waiting for him. He slid his hands up her ribs, hating the way the bones stood out against the black and green bruises. She’d been hurt so many times. He might just have to kill Greg, the bastard. No one should be able to hurt another like he’d hurt her.

He backed up slightly so he could kiss her bruises, willing her to heal faster and easier. He could see the layers of colors from older injuries. He was determined to kiss them all. His nose bumped against a lower rib highlighting the thin frame. She wasn’t just skinny, she was undernourished, too.

Anger like he hadn’t experienced in a long time surged to the forefront. Overcome by emotion, he lowered his head and rested his forehead between her breasts. A particularly dark bruise shone in front of him, another on her arm. He remembered seeing similar marks on his mother after his father had finished a session with her.

The memory was painful. Sad.

He could feel the heat of burning wetness in the corner of his eyes. Damn, she moved him like none other. And he needed her to be with him – in all ways.

It was the only thing he could tolerate. She had to be willing to grow, be willing to see, be willing to do whatever she needed to do to heal.

She’d started down that path and he had to see that she continued.

If she didn’t, he was lost.

He cupped both breasts and plundered them, trying to give first one then another the attention they deserved. He kissed the bruises as he came to them as he slowly, methodically learned her body and what pleased her.

When he reached for her jeans and tugged them down off her legs, she raised her hips to help him. He hadn’t asked if she was okay with this, her body was already giving him the answer. Her mind was consumed with what was happening to her, and that was a good thing. He didn’t think she’d regret this later, and he wanted to make sure she remembered this moment, what they had.

Just in case, as she grew and changed, she needed the reminder of why they were together. It had happened fast, but their meeting got a lot of the initial dating scene out of the way and took them right to the real issues.

And now they were past it. He knew who she was and he hoped she knew who he was by now. If not, she would before the day was done.

Chapter 9


Everything he was doing to her felt good. Wonderful even and so damn hot. She wanted more. He’d already given her more than she’d ever experienced before.

And she wanted it all.

When he tugged her jeans down off her legs, she’d gasped and groaned, the sighs and murmurs of pleasure rolling through her as if they had a mind of their own. She heard them and dismissed them, only to realize they were from her own mouth.

Her body was on fire, taking her someplace she wanted to go.

And he was the one leading the way.

God, he was good at this.

He nibbled on her toes. Her toes for God’s sake. Who knew they were so sensitive and so damn ticklish? But he held her foot firm and when he took the baby toe into his mouth and suckled it, she almost came right then and there.

Then he’d done it to the other one, and she knew it was going to be one of the longest and the most pleasurable times of her life. Hell, it already was.

He stroked her ankles and calves and up to her knees, dropping kissing on the soft skin. He lifted her leg up high and kissed the back of her knee. She shuddered. She knew her panties were sopping wet, and she gloried in it.

Her body wanted this. She wanted this.

She reached out for him. “Please come here.”

He laughed, a deep dark chuckle that worked deep into her psyche and seduced her a little more. “Not yet.”

"Please,” she whispered. “I need you.”

“Yes, you do, but not just yet. We can do something for right now to take the edge off.”

Without warning, he opened her legs and leaned over, placing his mouth on the wet spot on her panties before suckling hard.

She screamed as her orgasm ripped through her, her body arching high above the blankets. She groaned and shuddered as he refused to stop. Just when she didn’t think she could take it anymore, he eased back then did it again. A second orgasm ripped her apart.

He lifted his head and let her lie there, shuddering as the waves of pleasure rolled through her. Then he went back to kissing her legs. She shivered as more sensations piled on until she couldn't tell where one started and one stopped.

She’d had so many surprises today. The emotions being one of them. The love, the need, the hunger. God, the hunger. For him. For more. For everything he could bring her. Everything he had to give.

Just in case Greg found her and this was all she'd get.

God, what a horrible thought.

Deliberately, she shoved that thought to the back of her mind and focused on the joy in her heart right now.

Cash shifted her body, his hands sliding down inside her panties and sending them down her legs. His fingers wove through her curls, bringing a guttural groan up from deep inside.

Was this really her? She never made sounds like this.

“I love how responsive you are,” he whispered, his voice gritty. He slid his fingers deeper between her legs then slowly slid one finger inside as if testing to see how he’d fit. She couldn’t wait to find out.

She closed her legs, trapping his hand between her thighs.

He pressed his finger deeper. She gasped as he did something deep inside and her world exploded again.

Before she’d recovered, he’d moved, opened her legs, and settled himself between them. He reached up and turning her to face him...

“Look at me,” he said.

Her eyelids were heavy, her body so lethargic she barely noticed his movements.

“Willow, look at me.”

She opened her eyes and stared at his beloved face, so close to hers. “I’m here.”

“Pay attention.”

She narrowed her gaze, trying to focus.

And he slid deep inside.

She shuddered, wanting to close her eyes, but he wouldn’t let her go, his gaze holding her in place, his heat pinning her in position. His body captivating hers, owning hers, possessing hers – in all ways.

Then he started to move and she was helpless to do anything but ride the waves of pleasure.

When a third climax rolled through her, softer and more gentle than the others, she was beyond pleasured. When he finally surged above her, dragging her forward with him yet again, she knew the night wasn’t over.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, he stopped and looked down at her, sweat gleaming on his forehead and lust still firing in his gaze. “Are you with me?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “I am.”

And he plunged again, this time so deep she felt him at the entrance to her womb. Intense emotions poured through her and she was lost once again.

In the dim recesses of her mind, she heard his roar and felt his body stiffen as he let himself go. He collapsed beside her, his breath harsh, his body trembling with his own aftershock.

She didn’t know what this aftermath was, but it was the closest thing she’d ever known to love. Then he did something that brought tears to her eyes. He rolled over and tucked her up close, dropped a tender kiss on her temple, and murmured, "So beautiful."


His heart still raced as he cuddled her close and tried to calm his breathing. His mind tried to grasp what had happened. He'd made love to a lot of women, but nothing had ever been so satisfying, this emotional. She was so innocent. So honest. She'd been… perfect. It was better than anything he’d known before.

She lay quiet in his arms, but tremors still wracked her slight frame. Good. He rolled over onto his back and carried her with him. He glanced down to see if she was okay and realized tears were rolling down her cheeks. He bolted to a sitting position, jostling her back on to the bed.

“Jesus, did I hurt you?”

Please no, she’d been hurt enough. But he hadn’t been gentle. He’d been thorough, wanting her to experience as much pleasure as she could. But he hadn’t been gentle. Goddamn it.

But she was shaking her head, “No,” she cried. “You didn’t hurt me.”

“And these?” He reached down to wipe a tear off her cheek. “Why?”

“Because you gave me so much. It’s so overwhelming.”

“So they are good tears?” he asked cautiously.

“Yes,” she cried out passionately and threw her arms around him. “Absolutely yes.”

He sank back down beside her and pulled her closer. He buried his face against her hair and squeezed her tight.

She sent him from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other within minutes. He wasn’t used to it and found the experience enlightening. He lived for moments like this. The new, the unusual, the stretching of his own experience. It had been a long time since someone surprised him. Not only had she done so several times, but she moved him constantly.

He didn’t want to let her go. She was so damn special.

But if she didn’t want to say, he wouldn’t keep her.

Love was not in holding on – love was best when letting go.

Chapter 10


Sometime later, Willow woke from the heat. She raised her head to see Cash wrapped around her, his body an inferno.

She threw off the covers and gasped as the cool air hit her heated skin. She felt so alive. So good. It was such a new experience that it was all so much fun. She didn’t know what had happened to her life, but she was loving it all.

Cooling slowly, she lay there in the bed waffling in and out of awareness as she let herself slowly drift off to sleep until a sound caught her attention. A noise that didn’t belong. A scraping outside the house.

She couldn’t stop her muscles from tightening or her breath from catching in the back of her throat. Frozen, she waited to hear if the sound came again.

It did.

“Oh God,” she whispered. She bolted into a sitting position and stared around the room in a panic. Cash still slept beside her, apparently unaware.

She reached over and hit him gently. She hated to do it but as the noise happened again, she knew she had to. “Cash, wake up,” she hissed.

“I’m awake,” he muttered. “What’s the matter? Need a little more loving?”

She’d have laughed if she could have, but fear was choking her. “Someone, something,” she quickly amended, “is outside or maybe inside by now.” she whispered, adding, "I'm so scared."

His eyes flew open, instantly aware and reassuring.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” she whispered apologetically.

His hand grasped hers reassuringly.

And a louder squeak sounded in the other room

He was up and out of bed almost instantly. She quickly threw on her panties and a t-shirt and followed. He might be totally okay to face an intruder in the nude, but she wasn’t. She rushed behind him, although her mind was screaming at her to hide in the closet where she’d be safe.

In the living room, she stopped at the entrance. There was no sign of Cash. She spun around looking in the other direction, but there was no sign of him. She wanted to call out but didn’t want to bring any unwanted attention towards her.

Where was he? He hadn't had time to get very far.

The living room window curtain was open. Cash or an intruder. She was scared to cross the room and check outside. Not knowing what to do, she retreated to the master bedroom. And into the closet.

Some habits died hard.

She curled into a tight ball and waited. Every sound in the room was heightened by the silence around her and the knowledge that something was wrong. And that Cash had gone after the problem.

Her breathing became ragged the longer she sat there. Where was Cash?

She shoved a fist into her mouth to hold the cries inside.

She closed her eyes and rocked in place.

How long had it been? Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? Thirty?

How long did this take?

Surely not more than a few minutes. A quick look outside then maybe a walk around the house, then back again.

Not a half hour.

The longer the time dragged on, the worse her fear.

Dear God, what was going on?

Heavy footsteps sounded in the hallway, coming toward her. A whimper escaped. She shuddered.

Please let it be Cash.

She backed up as far as she could go into the closet and waited.


Cash had done a quick sweep of the inside of the house then did a full circuit outside. It was dark, but the moon was high in the sky. There’d
a trespasser. Had he left? Run off when he'd realized the house wasn't empty? Or had he had a more malicious intent? Or only curious?

Maybe it was a four-legged intruder? A raccoon perhaps?

He did one more complete round then stopped and slid into the trees at the back of the property. And waited. If someone was still here, he’d show himself – providing he hadn’t run off already.

The night was beautiful and calm, but there was an odd sense of something stirring.

He waited a good ten minutes but didn’t see anything out of ordinary. He moved silently back inside and stopped at the doorway, his head cocked. Listening.

Could the intruder have snuck in while he was outside? No, he’d been watching the door. The back door was locked as well. Willow was still safe inside. He’d never have left her alone otherwise. She was everything to him. Maybe he’d have to go back to bed and reassure Willow all over again. It was a thought that brought a smile to his face.

At the bedroom, he stopped and listened, then searched the darkness. The bed was smooth except for the tossed blankets. He couldn’t see her.

She had to be somewhere. Likely in the closet.

“Willow?” he asked quietly. “Where are you?”

No answer.

Shit. He turned on the light and raced to the side of the bed where she slept. The corner where he’d found her last time was empty. The closet was empty and under the bed was empty. His heart pounded. Could he have missed the intruder getting into the house? Could the intruder have gotten to her?

Surely not. He raced around the house, searching for her. “Willow? Where are you?”

Again no answer.

He returned to the bedroom and strode into the bathroom. The lights were off. He flicked them on and heard the merest squeak. He pulled the shower curtain back to find Willow curled into a tiny ball inside the tub. She cried out when she saw him and shot up into his arms.

She was so scared she could barely speak. Finally she got it out. “I was so scared.”

“Shh, it’s all right.”

“No, it’s not. He came into the bedroom. I saw him. I hid but I couldn’t do anything about it. He didn’t search the closet, but I knew he would soon. But he went back into the living room and I ran into the bathroom.”

Cash almost groaned. She’d been in such danger and he’d been outside, unaware of the trouble she was in.

If the bastard had caught her…

God, it didn’t bear thinking about.

“Did you see who it was?”

She shook her head. “No. I saw his silhouette, but that’s all.”

“Was it Greg?"

“I couldn’t tell,” she said in a shame-filled voice. “I didn’t look long enough.”

“Shh, it’s okay.”

“No, I should have looked," she cried. "I should have tried to see who it was.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.”

“Why not?” She leaned her head back to stare up at him.

“Because he might have seen you. As long as you stayed hidden, you were out of danger.”

She nodded and squeezed him tight.

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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