Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (11 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter 5



I had every intention of sneaking out the night before and leaving Lucky's cell phone on his front porch or strapped to his bike, or something. There was no way in hell I meant to keep it all damn night. He was going to be pissed for sure. I would be.

Tucking mine in one of the pockets of my tight jeans, I slipped his in the other and walked out to the row of bikes that sat to the left of the house.

Elec glanced up from a car he was working on in the early morning sun. "Where are you going?"

His black hair was slicked back and his dark eyes probed me in a way that left me wanting to shiver. I forced myself to walk toward the car and press my hands to the side of it. My eldest cousin was an evil bastard, but it ran deeper than wanting to be nefarious. He had been abused so badly as a child by one of my uncles that he mentally couldn't put himself back together.

I reached out and rubbed his hand, offering a warm smile. "I'm going for a ride. Wanna come?"

He glanced down at my hand as if wondering why on earth I was touching him. He blinked twice and looked back up, his lips pursing tight as he tugged his hand from mine. "No, and be careful. No fucking around. Got it?"

I stifled the 'you're not my daddy' comment and nodded instead. He had enough shit to deal with in his own skull. No need to trigger something that would set him off into a rage like only he was capable of.

"Yeah. See you later. Enjoy this beautiful morning." I lifted my hands in the air and turned around slowly as I walked to my bike.

He grumbled something, but I ignored him.

Going on a long ride on Saturday mornings was a ritual of mine. I would have to make a quick detour to swing by Lucky's and drop off his phone, but other than that... the day was mine. Some part of me wanted to invite him to come with me to enjoy the day, but it wouldn't be the same with someone taking my attention away from the kind of peace I rarely enjoyed.

I made it no more than six miles from the house when my front wheel hit something and the bike jerked to the side. Turning into the skid, I moved the bike to the side of the road and let out a long growl.

"You have to be kidding me." I moved to the side of the road and bent down, surveying the damage. A large nail was in the front tire. Officially, I wasn't going anywhere. I pulled my phone from my pocket as the sound of several motorcycles rose behind me.

It wasn't my dad or his boys. It was too fucking early for that.

I stood and slipped my hands in my back pockets, knowing that almost any male would stop and offer me help. Unfortunately, it was a group of Stone Wolves.

Five burly guys stopped beside me. Amongst them was Lucas.

"Having trouble there, sweetheart?" one of the rougher looking ones called out to me.

"Nope. I'm just enjoying the early morning breeze." I moved my hand in front of me like I was swatting a fly. "Nothing to see here, boys. Just move it on out before my guys show up. No need to fill the air with the stench of death."

My eyes drifted over to Lucky. His eyes widened a little. Did he not understand the line that was drawn between us? A little fun here and there was to be expected simply because I loved being rebellious far more than I did being safe, but truth be told... I would put a bullet in his head or anyone else’s if they threatened my family, and all of these guys did.

"Did you hear her, guys? She's enjoying the morning. Let's let her do what she's doing.  In the meantime, we'll send the boy here to get the poor lass a tire." The older male turned and pinned me with a stare. “You know, if your dick of a father was here, and my baby girl was on the side of the road,  he would have her raped and tossed in the river. But we're men, not monsters... We don't do that shit."

"You don't know a motherfucking thing about my father."

“You’re so brainwashed,” one of the guys said. “One day, you’ll wake up and smell the roses. You’ll see your daddy for what he truly is…a monster.”

“You want a fight, motherfucker?” I roared, holding up my fists. “Well, you just got one! Because nobody talks about my father like that!” I took a step forward as Lucky pushed through the group.

"Shut up and back up. You're not taking on five bikers." He glanced over his shoulder. "I'll meet you guys back at the bar later. I'll help her with this." He looked back at me as his eyes narrowed, "though she doesn't deserve it."

“All right,” a guy said. “Go ahead and help her. Maybe one day she’ll see we’re not the bad guys. I highly doubt they’d help one of our girls. They’d spit in her face and ride off.”

I forced myself not to step back from the sharp smack of his words.

By the look of things, Lucas was pissed...

Good. It'll keep us from running to the nearest field of flowers and pretending something will become of a four year crush. Dumb.

"Don't tell me to shut up. I don't need your help. Fuck off." I turned my back to him and moved to my knees. I worked the nail half way out before the others drove off. “I left you stranded. And if you think that’s bad, then you better not get involved with me. You haven’t even begun to see my bad side yet.”

He shot me a hard look. “You’re mad at me?  Shouldn’t it be the other way around? You took all my clothes and left me practically naked.”

“You wanted our first time to be in a lake,” I said.

“What we had was hot. I thought you were into it.”

“I was. But fucking for the first time, it needs to be special, ya know?”

“I’m an asshole, alright? I’m rusty on all the sexual etiquette rules.”

“I only have five. One. Foreplay is
optional. Two. Do not shoot your swimmers into my hair. Three. No skin-to-skin. That means, always wear a condom. Four. Never push a girl’s head down if you don’t want teeth. Five. Never try for the back door without being invited.”

He laughed. “Noted.”

I smirked.  

“I don’t have a mom or any sisters,” he said. “I was raised by a drunk.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I screwed up. All I do know is that I can’t stop thinking about you. And no girl does that to me, Selene.”

I gazed into his eyes. “I’m not going to deny the chemistry between us. But you know we can’t act on it.”

“It’s why you keep pushing me away. But I can tell you this; my world has no meaning without you in it.”

“And it’s hard to push you away.”

“You can keep pushing. But I’ll wait an eternity to be with you. I already feel like I have.”

“So what are you saying? Destiny brought us together? And you want our bodies and souls to blend together to become one passionate flame? It’s a creative line to get in my pants, that’s for sure.”

“You can’t deny what’s been brewing between us all these years. I see the way you look at me. And I know you’ve caught me staring at you. I’m crazy about you, Selene. I want to be the guy to hold your hand and shield you from any troubles that come your way.”

“Maybe you should get to know me first,” I said.

“There ya go. I’m rusty on the dating rules. I should ask you out on a date. Then we can talk and learn about each other.”

I swallowed hard. “If word gets out I went out on a date with you… No, we can’t ever do that.”

“Then how am I supposed to get to know you?”

“That’s it. You don’t.”

She ignored me and kept working on her tire.

"Move, Lena. You pull that nail out and the tire is going to deflate fast. And give me my phone." He moved in beside me and pushed his shoulder against mine, but not too hard.

"You think I don't know that? Maybe I want the tire to go flat. Then I can call my cousin without him giving me total grief. Get out of here. I don't need your help." I pushed back a little and we toppled over together.

“Knocking me over? You’re not going to behave, are you?” he asked.

“Hey, I always behave. Just not necessarily well.”

I pressed my hands against the ground and lifted off of him a little, but not fully. He was so far beyond sexy with his messy hair and dark, angry gaze. Leaning over, I slid my hand behind his neck and tugged him toward me, kissing him softly before pulling back.

"Sorry about your phone. I was going to bring it back, but my father planted a bulldog outside of my fucking door for the night. I would ask for forgiveness, but I'm not sure I want it."

"What am I going to do with you?" He pulled me back down, his back pressed to the old gravel road and my body melded to the top of him.

His fingers slid deep into my hair as he kissed me, long and slow. The heat between us was palpable, good and rich.

I broke the kiss and moved back before offering him a hand. The cocky smile on his handsome face had me offering one of my own.

"What?" I asked and pulled him up before handing him the phone I'd been holding in my pocket.

"You. You’re completely bad news and a total bitch for leaving me naked at the lake last night and yet I'm struggling to be pissed at you. I should’ve left your ass in the dust and left with the others."

“You should’ve. I deserved it.”

“I should’ve.”

I took a step toward him and wrinkled my nose. "It's because I'm cute... isn't it?"

He tapped my nose and moved away from me, much to my disappointment.

"No, it’s because I needed to get my phone back. And I couldn’t very well ask for it in front of the guys, now, could I? Let's get on my bike and we'll pick up Rusty's truck and get back over here with a tire for you.”

Lucky bent over and picked up my bike before walking it to the woods. He turned and I noticed the darker patch of hair at the back of his head. Strong emotion rolled over me and I moved toward him. By the surprise look on his face, he didn't expect my kindness.

"What happened? Did you get hurt because of me?" My smile faded. The idea of something happening to him left me wanting to burn the whole city down. If someone had hurt him... I was going to gut them and kick their innards around the town center.

"It's nothing." He took my wrist in his hand and moved me away from his head. "Let's get you taken care of and on your way."

"What if I don't want to get on my way? I'm hungry and would rather have lunch. Come with me?" I took his hand into mine as he pulled away.

"Come have lunch with you, hmm? How, pretty girl? You gonna give me a piggy back ride?" He smiled and something inside of me melted.

You're in trouble. Run.

"I could try, but you're a big guy. Fat and all." I shrugged and tightened my grasp on him.

He tugged up his shirt with his free hand and ran his fingers over the thick swell of his pectoral muscles. My mouth began to water as the familiar ache between my thighs roared to life. It always did when he was around.

"Fat, huh? Wow. I thought a woman like you would like this, but I get it. You like little skinny men you can boss around. Too bad. I had plans for us." He shrugged and tugged his hand from mine before walking to his bike.

He got on and slipped on his helmet before flipping up the face plate and turning back to look at me. "You coming, or calling Daddy?"

"Fuck you," I muttered and jogged to the bike, yanking the helmet from him and sliding in behind him. I cupped his package with both hands and pressed myself to his back, chuckling softly as he shook his head at me.


We rode into the heart of town and swung by the Lunch Box Bar and Grille. Mage worked us up a few grilled cheeses with turkey and pulled together a bag of homemade chips and two chocolate chip cookies.

I learned a lot of things about Lucky. He loved burgers with extra mustard. His favorite color was blue. He used to be scared of thunder when he was young. His dad never let him live it down. Now he runs into a rainstorm and stands there, just to prove he’s not afraid. He helps the old lady next door and even runs to the store for her. He loves dogs and wants to get a German shepherd. He loves a challenge. So I assume that’s why he’s pursuing me. He loves an adrenaline rush. Again, I assume that’s why he’s on a date with me. He works out at home multiple times a day. He has a gym in his basement. He works out to escape and forget his troubles. He’s beyond muscular, so he must stress a lot.

I grabbed two bottled cokes from the cooler and walked to the front before pulling out my credit card. I offered it and Lucky popped my hand back.

"I got this. I'm not letting a lady pay." He winked and wagged his eyebrows.

"I'm not usually a lady. Perhaps you should take advantage of that?" I smiled and snuggled in next to him as the large woman at the register scoffed and turned an ugly glare at me.

"Ladies don't talk like that, child. Someone needs to teach you manners." The woman barked at me and I moved back a little, ready to whoop someone's ass. How dare she butt into our conversation and leave me looking nasty when I was just teasing Lucky?

He turned and shook his head 'no' before looking back at Mage. "Not all of us have the opportunity to be raised by good people, Mrs. Lansom. I wish we did, but we're not all that lucky."

Her expression softened and she glanced from Lucky back to me as I worked to settle the rage building inside of me. "You're right. I'm sorry. Forgive me."

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