Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (14 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter 8



I started to call out to Lena as she jogged toward the window, but it was no use. The girl was as wild as the wind. I wasn't going to be the one to try and contain her. Pleasure rolled through me in consuming waves and I sucked my lip into my mouth and rolled onto my back.

"I love that girl." I ran my hand over my chest and tried to figure out a million ways to get her back into my bed. I wanted to press my tongue to the center of her sweetness, to lap at her and force her over the edge of orgasm over and over again. I needed to hear her scream my name.


Someone beat against the door to my rented room and I jerked up, grabbing for the sheet out of habit.

"What?" I got up and walked to the door, poking my head out.

The grimace on Rusty's face told me not to push my luck. Something was wrong. He was the oldest member of the Stone Wolves and rarely sent anywhere as an errand boy. Everyone else must have been gearing up to head off somewhere.

"Get dressed and stop jacking off, boy. We got some shit going down at Vincent's Drug Store in the center of town." He turned and walked off, leaving me with far more questions than I cared to voice.

"I know where Vincent's is," I mumbled and closed the door, dressing quickly and joining the other guys on the front lawn.

"What's the kid doing here?" Viper nodded toward me, narrowing his eyes and grimacing.

I started to respond, but Knife, the Stone Wolves President stepped off the porch of the club and demanded out attention simply by his presence.

"He's the new hang-around. Treat him like shit and give the boy hell. We want to make sure he's prime real estate to join our valiant calling." He popped me on the back and I had to force myself to remain upright. The guy was three hundred pounds of muscle and looked like he ate steel pipes for breakfast.

Glancing around, I noticed that I was the thinnest man in the circle. I'd have to put on some weight before gaining my patch or I'd never hear the end of it.

"Let's go. There's no time to stand around here and talk about the weather. Get on your hogs and push your speed." Rusty walked to his bike as we all split ways and followed suit.

I rode toward the back of the pack, wanting to ask for more details, but knowing that it was none of my business. If they wanted me to know what was going on, they'd have told me. I prayed like hell they were simply testing me and not dragging me into trauma.

As long as there weren't kids involved, I'd be alright.

The ride went too fast and we were all pulling up to Vincent's as cop cars and an ambulance sat with their flashers on, lining the street.

Knife got off his bike and looked around at all of us. "Cut your engines. Talk to the people standing around here and see what they know. You, kid... come with me."

I turned my bike off and glanced at Blade before walking into the old timey drug store behind the behemoth we called president.

Blade’s nod gave me affirmation that whatever was happening wasn't anything to play with.

The scene before us was surreal, and yet I'd seen plenty of guys react piss-poorly to drugs. The teenage boy on the ground was seizing, his eyes rolled back in his head and white foam dripping from his lips.

I pressed my fingers to my nose, closing my airway and moving out from in front of the door. The whole place smelled like shit, and the sound of someone wailing started to get on my nerves. Had to be the boy’s mom.

"What happened?" Knife moved up to talk to one of the older cops who stood off to the side.

Three paramedics were working furiously to try and save the kid’s life, but he was jerking so violently they had their work cut out for them.

"The kid got ahold of a bad bag of crack cocaine, I guess. It was laced with a new synthetic drug that if taken in medium-sized quantities will shut your organs down." The cop shook his head. "I'll give you one fucking guess where he got it from."

The kid sat up and projectile vomited across the floor, the sight of it turning my stomach. I'd seen some shit in my day because of my dad, but nothing this bad. I dropped my hand from my face and realized that the testing was in full swing.

I wasn't supposed to do anything but stand there and show support for Knife. If I could handle seeing and smelling the trauma in front of me, I'd pass.

The boy cried out loudly and jerked around again, his dark blond hair matted to his face and his eyes pinched shut.

"Shouldn't these guys be trying to get him into the truck and on the way to the hospital?" Knife asked and glanced over at me.

I crossed my hands over my chest and met his steely gaze. "You want me to help?"

A smile lifted his mouth and he shook his head. "No, but you get points for offering."

I shrugged as if it were no big thing. No fucking way I was touching that guy.

The three men finally got hold of the kid and jogged toward the exit before losing their grip and dropping him. One of them yelled out, and I moved without thinking, cupping the boy's head before it hit the ground.

"Thanks, son." The paramedic looked up and nodded at me. The fear in the man's eyes seared me to the center of my soul.

"No problem." I moved back as they got a grip on the kid again and wiped my hands on my jeans before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Those fucking, drug-dealing bastards." The cop was ranting and raving about Selene's family, which didn't surprise me at all.

Sickness rolled through me at the thought of her being in the large clubhouse where they stayed on the edge of town. We all knew her mother was dead, and her grandmother had a small place far from them. Was she the only woman with all those guys?

The need to protect her bolted through me, but I pushed it away. She was choosing to pledge to her father's club, knowing good and damn well what he was up to.


I had to talk to her, but now wasn't the time.

"You ready to go, Lucky?" Knife walked over to me and patted my arm. "I wanted you to see firsthand what we deal with. Our brotherhood is about protecting those who can't protect themselves in our little town. The Delgados are an evil breed. Keep that in mind the next time that pretty little sweet butt bats her eyelashes at you. I want you to stay away from her at all costs. If this membership means anything to you, then quit talking to her."

“I only talked to her in high school,” I said.

“But you helped her with her bike the other day.”

“She was stranded.”

“Okay, so I’ll let that one slide. But from now on, don’t fucking talk to her. Got it?”

“Loud and clear.”

“We don’t fraternize with the enemy.”

I knew I had messed up. That morning we'd all approached Selene on the side of the road, I'd been the first to offer her help. Of course, they knew I cared about her. But even if it was just a simple friendship, anything was too much.

We were on opposite sides of the railroad tracks, and could never be anything like I’d hoped we might. I let out a long sigh and nodded, and then followed quietly behind a man that I respected very much. Maybe it was best to let Selene go.

"Rusty, you and Blade go see to it that Ms. Keller gets home alright. She's pretty torn up in there." He glanced back at me. "Lucky, you and Animal go get inked. There's six symbols you'll need on your back to join us. The first one is yours for the taking today."

Animal wagged his eyebrows at me and growled. "Let's go, my pretty. Time to markup that girlie body of yours."

I rolled my eyes and got back on my hog, working hard not to let the boys see how fucked up I was from seeing the kid lose himself on the floor back there.

We rode at a leisurely place to the ink slinger and I was first to go back. The man knew exactly what I needed when I repeated Knife's words. I lay down on my stomach and closed my eyes, letting my thoughts shift back to Selene and her sexy little tongue swirling around my cock.

She was hot. Blisteringly so. I needed her again, but some part of me had to wonder if the attraction didn't have something to do with her being off limits. Our relationship was taboo because of the rivalry.

It doesn't. You've wanted this girl for four years. Long before pledging.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and the ink slinger stopped so I could pull it out.

Juliet: What r u doing?

I laughed at the name she'd given herself. I texted her back under the name, "Romeo" to match her name.

Romeo: Getting a tattoo.

Juliet: Get a skull, Mr. Ominous.

Romeo: You just gave me an idea!

Juliet: Can’t wait to see the skull. Throw some wings and flames on that baby.

I loved when she called me Mr. Ominous.

Juliet: I can still taste you on my tongue.

Romeo: Oh yeah? Still too good to believe, right?

Juliet: Hush. Party at 2254 Markum Lane tonight. Loads of danger... you up for it, chicken shit? I need you badly. ;) You owe me…

Romeo: Bring it on, baby. Spending time with you will be the highlight of my day.

Juliet: Soon…

Romeo: I can’t wait to be with you. To touch you. To kiss you. To taste you… To hear you scream…

Juliet: I love the way you make me feel.

Romeo: I love the way you feel in my arms.

Juliet: Hey, Lucky. You make me feel so
when I’m around you.

Romeo: I hope I’m getting lucky. Wink. Wink.

Juliet: No, I’m the one getting lucky.

Romeo: LOL. See u soon, babe.

I tucked the phone back into my pocket and pressed my face to my hands, letting the guy finish as my erection pressed painfully into my stomach.

"Done. You need anything else?"

I sat up and turned to face him. "Yeah, but can I have a bottle of water first?"

"Sure, kid. Then what are we doing?"

"I want
written across my abs." I cupped my hands over my arousal, hoping the burly-ass dude would leave, and give me a minute to calm down. I couldn't think of too many things that could be more embarrassing.

He smiled and shook his head. "If that's what you want... I can do it for ya, no prob."

"I gotta girl that promises to lick it anytime I wanted." I shrugged and chuckled at the thought.

"Then it's worth the pain. I'll be right back, champ."

Yeah... it so is. Oh, the things she can do with her pretty little pink tongue. 

Chapter 9



"You should feel special." Paz turned around and handed me a helmet.

"Why is that?" I took it and put it on, not really in the mood to have a conversation with anyone. Whatever we were headed to do, I didn't want to do it.

Inviting Lucky to the party was stupid, but I needed him there should something go wrong. I shouldn't have done it, but instinct told me to. If he saw me involved in anything related to selling the stupid-ass dope my father forced on me, he'd flip his shit.

"I don't let bitches ride my bike." Paz shrugged and pulled his helmet over his head.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't respond. There was no reason to. He wouldn’t hear me anyway.

We rode to the edge of town with my cousin pushing one-twenty on the bike. To say I was close to having whiplash by the time we arrived would be an understatement.

I got off the bike and pulled off my helmet, handing it to him and turning to survey the area. Large white lights were strung from the trees, and a ton of people my age were laughing and milling about in the covering that the forest provided. A large mansion sat in the distance, but I didn't know any of the people that might live in it.

"Stay close and don't try any of the drugs. Got it?" Paz took my hand into his as if I were okay with looking like we were together.

"Sounds good. Keep your hands to yourself." I pulled my hand from his and moved over to a makeshift bar, smiling at the cute boy who was making drinks.

"What can I getcha, beautiful?" He handed a beer to the guy beside me and I nodded toward it.

"I'll take one of those too. With a lime, please?" I gave him a flirty smile and he popped the top on the drink.

"Anything for a pretty lady." He extended a bowl of limes toward me and licked his lips. "I get off at eleven."

I took the lime and pressed it to my lips before forcing it into the top of my beer. "Really? If you were my date you'd be getting off at..." I lifted my watch to my face and chuckled. "Eight-fifty-three."

Turning, I walked away to his cat calls. He wasn't my type. No one but Lucas Morrison was. When I imagined the future, he seemed to always pop up in the middle of it.

"Selene. Come over here," Paz called to me and I moved toward him, my eyes dragging along the handsome football player type beside him. "This is Dante. Your father mentioned him earlier?"

"Oh yeah." I extended my hand, a little surprised when he lifted my fingers to his mouth and kissed them.

"Nice to meet you. I honestly didn't expect you to be so stunning." He released my hand and took a long drink of his beer, his eyes moving along my face as if he were trying to memorize me.

Something about him gave me the creeps, but I wasn't sure what. He was incredibly handsome, but in a jock sort of way. Maybe it was the midnight color of his pupils or the nefarious smirk that played on his lips.

Either way... I didn't like him already.

"So you have the stuff?" Paz asked, turning to Dante.

"Yeah. I met up with the boss yesterday and he gave me a new supply." Dante pulled a small bottle from his pocket and handed his beer to Paz. "He said to make sure the kids only take one. Any more than that and we'll have some shit to deal with on our hands. It works wickedly fast. Understood?"

I shrugged when he turned his attention toward me. I didn't give a shit what he had or why. I was there to unload the small bag of cocaine in my pocket and go home with it empty. I had a bank roll in my room. My plan was plain and simple.

Dump the shit in the grass when I found a moment to get alone and pay my father for it out of my own stash. No one would get hurt, I didn't need the money and I could look like the evil hero.

"Lena... you listening? Shit. Girls are so damn dense at times." Paz reached out and patted the side of my face in a condescending manner.

I grabbed his wrist so quickly that he didn't see me coming. Twisting it hard, I got up in his face and spoke in a low voice between my teeth.

"Don't touch me again or I'll rip your fucking hand off. Then what will you jack off with?" I gave him an exaggerated frown and released him before turning to look at the faces in the crowd.

No Lucky. What if he didn't come? What if he was pissed at me for running off? No. He had texted earlier, and what man in his right mind would be angry with a woman who sucked him off and left him to rest? I was a goddamn goddess.

"Marry me?" Dante laughed and I awarded him with a smile.

"I don't think so, handsome." I took another sip of my beer and nodded toward the pills. "What are you supposed to do with those?"

"Hand them out. Your father said you would be taking half of them. We're both being tested right now. I want to pledge my loyalties to him, just like you do." His eyes moved down me and I felt exposed all of a sudden. "Give me your hand and I'll give you half of these."

I looked around to find Paz gone. "Where's my cousin?"

"Who knows? Who cares?" Dante reached out and took my hand, turning it over and unloading little green pills into my palm. "Tell people it's the new high. Leads to incredible sex too."

"Does it?" I lifted them to my face to inspect them closer.

"No clue, but if you need a good fuck, I'm your man. No strings attached." He finished his beer and pitched the bottle in a trashcan beside us.

"Great. Thanks for the offer." I prayed that my voice conveyed the extreme disinterest that I felt. The guy was hot, but I was already lost to the sexy boy who'd caused my blood to boil for the last four years.

"Be subtle and if you need me, just find me in the crowd." He smiled and turned, walking away as I stood there awkwardly.

I glanced down at the pills as a shiver ran through me. What if someone had a bad reaction to them? What if they died?

"I can't do this," I mumbled and slipped them into my pocket, walking through the crowd and talking to random strangers to look busy should Paz or Dante be watching me.

"Hey, everybody! Attention please!" A lanky dark-skinned boy stood up on a pile of tires and gave everyone a goofy grin. A warm wave of laughter rushed through the crowd and the kid laughed to. "We finally got the lights up at the old car lot. It's just a stone's throw that way."

He jerked his thumbs toward the open field behind him, but must have put too much enthusiasm into it. He tumbled backward and the crowd broke out into laughter before moving toward the lights in the distance.

I caught up with Dante before looking around for my cousin.

"He left. Said I could bring you home." Dante winked at me.

"What? That sorry motherfucker. Really?" I growled and moved closer to my new companion as the crowd tightened in around us.

"It's all good. If things work out well tonight, we're going to be family soon... After this, it's onto the next round of testing." He smiled down at me and I stifled the need to pull away. "Did you get all your shit handed out?"

"Yep. You?" I slid my hand into my pocket and ran my fingers over the pills. I would never hand out drugs to anyone, no matter what. I thought I could do it, but I couldn't. However, I was an excellent liar. One of the best.

"All but two." He turned toward me and took my hand before I could jerk it back. "These are for us. No harm in trying the product."

"No. I'm not taking that." I pulled from him.

Anger brushed across his handsome face and I could see a hint of the animal that lay just below the surface of his calm demeanor.

"Yeah... you are." He grabbed me and spun me until my back pressed to his front. The thickness of his erection pressed against the curve of my ass, and he bent down, growling into my ear. "Take it or I'll tell everyone here not only who you are, but that you've been giving out drugs. Half these people are high, but half of them aren’t."

I looked around as fear rushed through me. I was already hated simply because of my last name. Would these people react violently if Dante lied to them?

"It's just a little pill, Selene. You'll loosen up and get a short buzz, nothing else. I promise. You know I’d never let anything bad happen to you. Because you know how much I care about you."

He lifted the pill to my lips and I leaned forward, taking it into my mouth and leaving it under my tongue.

I spun around and pushed at his chest. "Fine. I took it. There... better?" I opened my mouth to show him it was empty.

"Not yet." He took my beer, lifted it to his lips and took a large gulp of it.

Anger burned through me, but it was nothing compared to the moment he pulled me tightly against him and pressed his lips to mine, shot-gunning the beer into my mouth and forcing me to swallow the pill.

"Bastard," I screamed and slapped him hard in the face as he laughed.

"Shhh... I did you a favor. You're so fucking uptight, it's annoying." He extended his hand. "Give me the rest of the drugs and I'll give them out. It can be our secret. Your daddy doesn't have to know, but I'll come a calling for you to return the favor one day. Good?"

"As long as it's not you asking me to sleep with you." I dug the pills out, grateful for the ability to pass on the task at hand. "That shit ain't happening."

He took them and slipped them into his pocket as the world grew fuzzy in front of me.

No way this is working this fast.

"There's no need to ask you for sex, baby. You'll give that up when you're ready." He slid his hands over my hips and latched onto my ass. “You know you’re mine. And I’ll wait for you.”

“Are you crazy?” I spat.

“Just come to me when you’re ready,” he said. “You know I’ll walk through hell for you.”
           I blinked a few times, trying to get my bearings and not able to figure out where the hell I was all of a sudden. The man wrapped around me didn't smell like Lucky, but it had to be him. Right?

"Dance with me." His voice was slurred and his face a contortion of colors.

"Yeah," I mumbled and let him move us out to the center of the crowd where everyone else was dancing. Time blurred. He turned me around and pressed his chest to my back, one hand cupping the base of my throat and the other splayed out over my stomach.

I moaned as pleasure rolled through me, and swaying my hips, rubbing his cock, and wanting so much more than he was giving me.

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