SEX Unlimited: Volume 2 (Unlimited #2) (8 page)

BOOK: SEX Unlimited: Volume 2 (Unlimited #2)
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“Look how perfect we are.” He looks down at where our bodies are joined and I follow his gaze. Slowly he moves in and out of me and we watch together. Releasing his right hand from under my backside, he reaches between us and begins to circle the bundle of nerves that are craving to be touched with his thumb.

I drop my head backward as the uncontrollable feeling of pleasure rips through me. “So beautiful,” I hear him say and he increases the speed of his thumb. I start whimpering as the orgasm builds. He skillfully keeps working it until my pussy tightens around him and I let go. The climax moves through me and I feel tears form at the corner of my eyes. He moves us forward, laying me back onto the bed. As soon as our bodies disconnect I want him back inside me. I need it. Thankfully he doesn’t hesitate and pushes back into me while he buries his face in the crook of my neck.

Brisban makes love to my body and soul. Nothing has ever felt so right, yet so wrong, in my life. When he comes he’s silent. His body jerks as he releases his warmth inside me. Silently he’s claiming me and, even though he doesn’t say it, I feel it.



We’re wrapped in each other’s arms; the only sound in the room is the ticking of a clock. We haven’t spoken a single word since we finished having sex. I think we’re both scared to break the silence. A phone rings, startling us both and he rolls over. “It’s my cell.” He scoots over to the edge of the bed and pulls his jeans up from the floor. The ringing continues and he reaches in his jean pocket, fishing the phone out. He squints, looking at the screen, but doesn’t answer it.

“You can answer it. I don’t mind.”

I pull the blanket up to my chest and sit up. He swipes his finger across the screen and puts it to his ear. “Hello.”

I can’t hear the other person but his body is suddenly rigid. “No, I never received a message. And no, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” His voice is off. I don’t know what, but something’s wrong. He drops his head and begins to massage his temple with his free hand.

“Why are you just now telling me this? I really don’t see how you’d ever think I’d agree with something like this.”

He stands up abruptly and I suddenly feel like an eavesdropper. Maybe I should get up and leave the room.

“This isn’t a good time. I’ll have to call you back tomorrow.”

He taps the end button and puts the phone on his bedside table.

“Is everything alright?”

“No, not really. It seems tonight is the night for exes to interject themselves into our lives.” He drops down on the edge of the bed and runs a hand through his disheveled hair.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

An uncomfortable silence settles around us. The only thing I can think to do is offer to leave him alone to deal with whatever this is with his ex-wife.

“I can go so you can call her back.” I start to scoot out of the bed and he turns toward me.

“No, I don’t want you to go.” His expression is pained. The creases at the corner of his eyes are darker and his eyes are sad. “Stay the night with me.”

I grip the blanket at my chest and search his eyes for some sign that doing this isn’t the wrong choice. His beautiful lips curl up faintly at each corner and his eyes soften just a hint. “Please.”

I melt for him at that one word. “Okay.”

He crawls across the bed and pulls me into an embrace. Holding me tightly with one arm, his other hand intertwines in my hair and he breathes into the crook of my neck. “Thank you. I’m not yet ready to let you go.” He kisses the soft skin along my collarbone and I shiver.

“I deleted my profile on that website by the way. I just wanted you to know.”

I lean back away from him in response. Why would he do that? Why tell me? Does he want me to delete mine too? I have so many questions about how drastically everything has changed tonight but I don’t know how to ask without sounding awful about it.

One thing at a time I suppose is the best way to approach it. “Why delete it?”

He reaches up and tucks strands of loose hair behind my ear. “I don’t need that website. I found what I need.” He places a finger under my chin and tilts my face upward. “
what I need.” His gaze is intense as he leans in to kiss me softly on the lips. The kiss is chaste and warm. An unrecognizable feeling stirs deep inside of me and I close my eyes, trying to steady my heart. His hands cradle my face as he pulls back from the kiss. As my eyes flutter open, I’m met with his handsome smile.

“I know you’re confused because this wasn’t the plan. I know you’re scared of anything more than just a physical relationship with me but, sometimes,” he stops, kissing me once more, “life has other plans. I believe life’s plan for us entails more. I don’t know what that more is but I want to find out.”

“Brisban, I don’t know what to say to any of this. I adore you and since I met you my life has changed dramatically. You make me feel alive and cherished. Being with you is incredible.” I reach up and grasp both his hands in mine. “I was living this mundane, lonely life before you came bursting into my world, giving it this amazing energy.” I look at him, trying so very hard to convey these unclear feelings I’m having. “I don’t know what’s going on between us but even I can’t deny that it’s more than sex at this point. I know it’s more. It’s just terrifying to admit.”

“I know and I wish I could tell you I’m sorry for things taking this unexpected turn but I’m not. I thought I was dead inside. I was certain of it. You’re a gift to me and I’m not going to take you for granted. We will figure it out as we go. Alright?”

I nod. “Alright.”



“You can grab anything from my drawers over there to wear. Or you can always stay naked. I assure you I won’t complain.” His smile meets his eyes as he turns, looking back at me from the bedroom door. “I’m going to go get that dinner we missed ready. I’m starved.”

I give him a flirty wink. “I’ll see what I can find.”

He taps the doorframe with his hand excitedly before disappearing into the hallway. I walk across the lush carpeting over to his dresser. Only a watch and a set of cufflinks lay on top of it. Pulling open the top drawer, I find it’s full of his socks and boxer briefs. They’re all folded neatly in organized rows. I shake my head, thinking how strange it is to see a man so neat and tidy. James was nowhere close to neat. I close the drawer and pull open the second one. White t-shirts are folded neatly one by one. I smile as I reach down, pulling one out. A hint of something red peeking out from the corner of the drawer catches my eye. I wonder if he has a red t-shirt mixed in with all of these white ones. That seems odd. I pull on the fabric only to reveal a red sachet. Immediately I think he’s using that smell good stuff some use in their drawers. It almost makes me giggle at the thought of a man using such a thing. I bring it up to my nose and inhale but it smells like nothing. Maybe it’s old. I pull open the drawstring and peer inside.

“You want to eat up here or downstairs.” His voice scares me and I drop the sachet. Small puzzle pieces scatter across the floor one by one. I kneel down and begin picking them up. “I’m sorry, Brisban. I didn’t mean,” my eyes focus in on the puzzle pieces and shock shoots through me like a sharp pain. Pausing briefly I try to process what I’m seeing. I connect the thoughts in my mind and my heart races. I stand up abruptly and reach out for his watch from atop the dresser.

“Candace, what are you doing?” His words are clipped.

I don’t respond. Instead I flip over the watch, only to confirm the unbelievable parallel of our lives. My eyes scan the inscription and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.

My love for you is timeless, never-ending, and infinite.

Oh, my God.

Dawn…my client, is his ex-wife.



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SEX Unlimited Volume 3, is in the works but while you wait please feel free to check out my other work. You can find my other book titles on my website



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AS ALWAYS I AM SO very thankful for my awesome beta reading team. Megan, Jade, Chris, Chelle, Lena, Danielle and Heather I could never do it without you all. A very special thank you goes out to Michelle and Jennifer as well for your added input.

To Julie Titus I want to say thank you so very much for always making my stories looks good in print and in digital formats. You are invaluable to me. I am so happy to have you on my team and as a friend.

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