SEX Unlimited: Volume 2 (Unlimited #2) (3 page)

BOOK: SEX Unlimited: Volume 2 (Unlimited #2)
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“Have I rendered you speechless?” he quirks.

Pulling my shit together, I answer, trying not to sound overly excited. “Dinner sounds nice.”

“You don’t sound very sure. Tell me what you’re thinking right now. No games remember? Just honesty.”

This man pulls no punches; he’s always straight forward.

“I’m sure I want to have dinner with you. What I’m not sure of is what dinner would mean.”

There, I said it. It’s so weird just saying what I’m thinking. I wonder, if everyone communicated this honestly would more relationships last longer? Here I am, communicating more openly with someone I just met than I ever did with my husband of fifteen years. Holding in thoughts, doubts, and worries is like an infection that spreads and festers until it turns into a huge breakdown. When, if they had just opened up and talked things out candidly, the breakdown probably would’ve never happened.

“It doesn’t have to mean anything. We’re just two people with common interests, sharing a meal; nothing more, nothing less. What are you afraid of?”



“I don’t know.” And that’s the truth.

“We don’t have to do dinner, Candace. I won’t be offended if you say no, although I will be disappointed.”

I shift in my chair, grateful this is a phone call so he can’t see my uneasiness.

“I just don’t want to complicate things since this is supposed to only be sex,” I sigh, feeling awkward.

“Let me tell you something about sex. Are you listening?”

“Uh huh,” I reply, prepared to hang on his every word.

“Good. Really hear me on this. Sex is more than the physical act itself. When we have dinner tomorrow night, I’ll be fucking your mind the entire time.”

Oh, god.

“Do you want me to tell you how? Maybe you’ll change your mind about dinner.”

I’m stunned into silence.


“Um, yes?”

“Shall I continue?”

Please. Don’t stop. “Yes.”

“If you accept my invitation, and I believe you will, you’ll wear a nice, form fitting top and a skirt. Under that skirt you’ll go without panties, leaving your pussy completely bare for me.”

Heart pounding.

Pulse racing.

“When I first see you, I’ll connect with those emerald eyes of yours. I’ll admire how they have just the perfect hint of amber around the edges where it blends into the green perfectly. My cock will instantly get hard.” His voice deepens and my stomach flip-flops.

“Then I’ll appreciate how your perfect breasts fill out your top, how your beautiful hips curve, meeting the tops of your incredible legs, and I’ll need to steady my breathing. All along I’ll know your bare, exposed pussy is just beneath the thin fabric of your skirt. My cock will throb with need to be inside you. But alas, I’m a patient man, so I’ll greet you with a soft kiss on your cheek and that’s when I’ll whisper in your ear, telling you how damn gorgeous and sexy you are.” He pauses and I’m practically panting. “You still with me?”

“I am,” I whisper.

“Next, I’ll escort you into the restaurant where I’ll pull your chair out for you. I’ll have to inconspicuously adjust myself to sit, because my dick won’t be easy to control around you. I’ll order a whiskey on the rocks and a glass of red wine for you. We’ll talk. During our conversation you’ll be thinking about how good I’ll fuck you after dinner. I’ll be thinking about how badly I can’t wait to taste you. I’ll ask you if you’re wet; you will be. I might even tell you how I plan to fuck you. You’ll enjoy every word. We’ll eat. The food will be amazing because I’ll take you to the best place in the city.”

My breathing is no longer under my control. I’m completely turned on and I’m pretty certain my panties are wet.

“I’ll pay the bill. We’ll take a cab to the hotel where I’ll fuck your body, just like I’ve fucked your mind all night.”

Dinner has never sounded so good in my whole life. Suddenly, I’m starving.

“So please, tell me, exactly, how dinner might complicate our sexual arrangement?”

I don’t even hesitate. Fuck it.

“What time should I be there and where?”



“JANETTE, I SWEAR TO GOD, I’ve never been so turned on by a phone conversation in my life. I can’t even explain it properly. It was…he’s…good grief, I don’t know. He just

Janette pops another almond in her mouth. She’s perched on my kitchen counter, cross legged, listening to me go on and on about Brisban and my phonegasm.

“Man, you hit the cock jackpot, C. I’m a little jealous. I need some good dick in my life. These asswipes I’ve been with lately are amateurs. I guess older men might just be where it’s at. You still haven’t told me how big though. How big is he?” She holds out her hands about a foot apart and laughs. I burst out laughing, too.

“Do you think I’d be walking straight if he had a dick that big?”

She closes the distance between her hands a tad and raises a brow, a quirky grin on her face. I walk over and move her hands in just so and say, “There, that big.”

She makes an “O” with her mouth and I give her a little curtsy in the center of the kitchen floor. We both break out into giggles.

“Okay, so he has length. What about girth?”

I give her a mischievous grin. “Fingers won’t touch, that’s all I’m saying.”

“You lucky bitch. He’s packing and eats pussy like it’s his job. What’s that website again?”

“Sex Unlimited dot com but you have men falling all over you, Janette. You don’t need a website.”

She hops off the counter and grabs another handful of almonds from the bag.

“True, true, but none of them are what you have. I want a Brisban.”

She sashays into the living room as I roll my eyes and follow behind her. Dropping down onto the sofa she pats the space beside her. “Sit. Let’s talk serious now. Have you talked to James again?”

James. I don’t want to think about him, much less talk about him.


“Well, what are you going to do about him? I know how you are, C, and it’s eating away at you. He’s always had this odd sense of power over you. I know him coming around like this is really fucking you up.”

I lean my head back on the sofa cushion and let out an exasperated sigh.

“I know and you’re right. It’s making me crazy. I put up this bitch front to his face but as soon as he’s gone my heart aches and I’m mourning us all over again. I’m reliving the divorce again. Seeing him hurts because, deep down, I don’t think I’ll ever
love him and it pisses me off. I don’t
to love him, Janette. I don’t want to feel anything for him at all.”

My eyes fill with tears and I realize I’m holding my breath. Janette leans over and puts her arm around me.

“Oh honey, don’t cry. You know how I feel about crying. I have to cry if anyone around me cries and I’ve got my new lashes on this morning.”

That makes me laugh and she knew it would.

“And it’s all about you right, Janette? We can’t have you messing up your lashes.” We laugh-cry and she hugs me.

“I love you,” I sniffle.

“I love you, too.”

“What am I going to do about James?”

“I don’t know, C, but you can’t let him come ripping back into your life like this, ruining all you’ve worked for over the past year. Don’t give him the slightest inclination you want him back. Unless you do?”

She pulls back and looks at me, unsure as I shake my head. “No, I can’t. I can’t ever forgive him for what he did. I doubt I ever will and a relationship can’t work with a wound that’s never going to heal.”

I lean forward and wipe my eyes. Dropping my head into my hands I laugh.

“How is this my life? Within the span of a few weeks, my life has gone from organized, predictable, and boring, to pure insanity. This must be an early mid-life crisis.”

The doorbell rings, startling me.

“Oh god, please don’t tell me he’s here again,” I groan and Janette catapults up off the sofa.

“I’ve got this shit. You stay right here.”

Oh hell.

“Janette, don’t go apeshit on him if it’s, in fact, him. Next thing I know he’ll be arresting you.”

“Fuck him and I like handcuffs.”

I can only shake my head. She’s a crazy person.

My house has an open floor plan so I can see the entryway from the living room. She opens the door without ever checking the peep hole.


James and roses. Lots of roses.

I stand but don’t take a single step.

“What, in the actual fuck, are you doing here, James?” Janette’s voice is on the borderline of yelling.

James never really liked Janette or approved of her very colorful style and life. He’s clearly taken off guard by her not-so-pleasant greeting. He peers over her shoulder.

“I want to see Candace.” His brows are furrowed, his lips pressed into a hard line. I can see his jaws clenching. He does that when his temper is on the rise.

“Well, that’s too damn bad because she doesn’t want to see you, asshole.”

Janette has her hand casually propped up on the edge of the door frame and her opposite hand planted firmly on her hip.

“I don’t think that’s for you to decide, Janette.” His words are clipped and I can tell he’s trying hard not to lose his temper.

Janette turns her head to look at me over her shoulder. “You wanna see this shit stain, C?”

James’ face changes from anger to desperation. He looks at me with begging eyes, clearly hoping I’ll say yes.

“No,” I whisper. All the air in my lungs seems to disappear. In this brief moment, staring into the eyes of the man I’ve always loved, the man I chose for better or worse, I make a decision as I recall the day he broke us. The invisible tether that’s always bound my heart to him is severed and I die a small death in my heart. Almost simultaneously a spark ignites in my soul and I’m free.

Janette reaches out and takes the roses right out of his hands. He’s either in shock or just speechless because he doesn’t even try to stop her.

“I’ll take these. I’m just going to assume these roses are your last apology for breaking my best friend’s heart and your final goodbye.”

James looks at her and then to me. He sees it. He feels it. He knows it’s over. Not even he can deny it.

“Take care of yourself, Candace.” He drops his head and his shoulders slightly slump. He stares into the ground for a second then looks back up to me. “And I’m sorry.”

He starts to say something else but Janette puts up a hand.

“Nope, that was perfect - say nothing else. Goodbye, James.” And she slams the door in his face.

For the first time since she opened the door I take a full breath.

“Oh my god,” I deadpan.

Janette twists around, holding the giant arrangement of red roses. “I’m so fuckin’ proud of you.” She leans into the roses and inhales. “Smells just like sweet freedom.”

I shake my head at her and try to wrap my mind around what just happened. She walks over and places the arrangement on the kitchen table.

“So, what are you wearing for your mind fuck tomorrow night?”



I’VE BEEN TRYING TO DISTRACT myself with work all day. Thoughts of what tonight may bring are constantly invading my mind. He’s on my mind often; way too often, if I’m truly honest. Staring at my computer screen I find myself daydreaming. Thoughts of his hands, mouth, and how they feel when he touches me with them, fill my mind. Just thinking about it sends chills across my skin. I smile and try to push the images from my head so I can focus on Dawn’s manuscript. I’m running behind schedule as it is. I’m still more
the story than working
the story, though. I’ve found it has a sad overtone but, at the same time, it’s gripping and I get the feeling it’s definitely not going to end happily. I hope she knows readers aren’t going to like that. Readers want a nice, tidy bow at the end of a book. Dawn doesn’t really seem to be one to cater to what the readers want though. I have a feeling she does what she wants regardless.

The couple in this story have fallen in love, gotten married, and now they’re having a baby. It all seems like the regular fairytale formula but, with the title of
True Loss Story,
I don’t see a good ending in sight. It’s the couple’s wedding anniversary and the scene is so sweet. I hate that things are most likely going to end with loss.

BOOK: SEX Unlimited: Volume 2 (Unlimited #2)
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