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Authors: Tessie Bradford

Sensations (5 page)

BOOK: Sensations
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Viv wasn't used to talking about herself, but with Paul's gentle encouragement, she soon found herself discussing all sorts of personal subjects. The conversation flowed effortlessly between light-hearted and deeply emotional events of the last years.

"So you've been out of town, business or pleasure?"

"Definitely pleasure. I was in Maryland with my brother, sister-in-law, and newborn niece. Randy, Carla, and now Stephie are my only family. We had a ball and, if I do say so myself, I don't suck in the taking care of a baby department, despite having absolutely no experience. Once I got over being scared to death of the little shit, we became fast friends."

"I have seven nieces and nephews, ranging in age from six months to fifteen years old. I'll take the babies over the teenagers any day of the week."

"You do realize one turns into the other, right?"

"Very funny, yes, I get how that happens. My brothers assure me that when it's my own kids, I'll love them through all their stages. They also give me all kinds of crap about what goes around comes around. I was pretty wild back in the day."

"Why is that not hard for me to believe?” she asked with a grin.

"I figure it will give me a parenting advantage, make it harder for them to pull the wool over my eyes. What about you, is having a family in your plans for the future?"

"Sure, someday, if I'm happily married and financially well-positioned, and it's what we both want.” Vivian fiddled with her silverware and made a production of folding and unfolding her napkin while images of kids that looked like Paul danced in her head. “Or maybe I'll get five or six cats and take up knitting,” she dead-panned in hopes of snapping her thoughts out of fantasyland.

Paul reached across the table and twined his fingers through hers. “Dogs are more fun, and I don't wear sweaters.” Her heart fluttered at the seriousness in his tone. She had no idea what to say. He held her gaze for a few seconds before giving her hand a squeeze. “I'm ready for some dessert, how about you?"

"I'm not sure if I can eat another bite,” Vivian answered with a sigh, relieved by his sexy smile and the change of subject.

"Sure you can.” He moved their dinner plates to the side table and returned with a dish loaded with petite confections, strawberries, and grapes.

"Well, if you insist.” She selected a tiny eclair. The pastry was flakey perfection, and the cream filling was light and not too sweet. “That may have been the best thing I've ever put in my mouth."

"You wound me to the core,” he said, laying a hand on his chest and pouting. Viv burst out laughing.

"Is there ever a moment where guys aren't thinking about their penis?” She licked powdered sugar from the tips of her fingers.

"I can't speak for all men in all situations, but when the woman I'm desperate to make love to again is saying and doing all kinds of sexy things, yeah, my cock is on my mind."

How exhilarating it was to hear a man declare boldly how much he wanted her. Desire spread through her like wildfire. Suddenly, she was aware of the coolness of the silk against her heated skin and the moisture gathering in her pussy. “Why aren't we back in bed, then?"

"You don't want any more treats?"

"Not of the food variety,” she replied, grinning. Paul stood up, pulled a cell from his back pocket, punched a few buttons, put the phone back in his pocket, then held out his hand.

"Okay, let's go.” Viv didn't budge. “Come on, darlin', we need a change of scenery.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Why the texting?” she asked, slowly rising and accepting his hand.

"I just let the staff know we're finished with dinner and the room.” He stroked his finger down the side of her cheek. “You're looking at me as if something terrible is about to happen. A while ago, you seemed more than interested to discover what goes on in the rest of the club."

He was right, she had been, still was, but caution in the face of the unknown was her way. “Maybe we should stay here,” she whispered. Paul wrapped his arms loosely around her waist.

"If that's what you really want, that's what we'll do, sweetheart, but listen to me for a minute, okay?” He gazed at her with such tenderness, Viv grabbed onto his biceps for support.

"I'm all ears.” His devilish grin did nothing to slow her racing pulse.

"You, my dear, need to stop denying your sexual nature. You're definitely a voyeur, enjoy a bit of pain with your pleasure, and are more than eager to experiment.” Vivian blushed to the roots of her hair, but didn't interrupt. “You've let your guard down tonight. I choose to think it's because we're compatible on a hell of a lot more levels than physical, but that's a topic for another time.” Paul tightened his embrace. “Allow me to take care of you, share your passion. Trust me, Vivian."

* * * *

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Four
* * * *

"You, don't, play, fair,” she complained while attempting to catch her breath. “Did I miss you listing ‘enjoys torture’ as part of my sexual nature?” From his position on his knees on the floor in front of her, Paul finished re-tying her robe. He smiled up at her, his cheeks glistening with her juices.

"What's the matter, darlin', didn't that feel good?"

"I'm in agony.” Her pussy throbbed, her clit so sensitive that one more swipe of his talented tongue would send her over the edge. “Please make me come.” Viv flexed her hips forward. Paul kissed the top of her mound before standing up. “You're seriously going to leave me like this? I thought you wanted to take care of me?” She fought the urge to finish herself off.

"And that I will,” he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and guiding her out of the room.

Vivian held onto Paul as they walked slowly down the hallway. Her legs were trembling, and her inner thighs were coated with moisture. “Don't think I don't know what you were doing back there,” she whispered.

"Feasting on the tastiest pussy ever?” he asked with such fake innocence, it was comical.

"Getting me so horny I'll make love to you no matter where we are or what's going on around us."

"Damn, I'm good, aren't I?” He stopped and drew her into a searing kiss. His hand slid under the lapel of her robe. He played with her breast, tweaking and pinching her nipple while he plundered her mouth. Viv grabbed his ass and ground herself against him. She gasped against his lips when a palm, not one of his, came to rest on her shoulder.

"Excuse us, loves.” The sultry female voice had a hint of a European accent. Vivian was extremely grateful that Paul kept her cradled in a protective hold when she turned around. The woman was stunningly beautiful and dressed as if on her way to a business meeting. The man with her was naked and wearing a collar and leash. “Paul, it's glorious to see you.” The woman leaned forward, and she and Paul did the double cheek kiss.

"Miranda, this is Vivian.” Being that they were strangers, Viv expected a hand shake and did her best to hide her surprise when Miranda gave her the same warm welcome.

"I'm thrilled to meet you, Vivian."

"Thank you, it's very nice to meet you, too,” she replied quietly, appreciating the support of Paul's gentle caress along her arm.

"There is nothing more precious than a lover's soothing touch, yes? You must be one very special lady to our Paul.” Viv blushed, feeling completely off balance by Miranda's words, the way she checked her out from head to toe, and the fact there was a naked man standing silently with his head bowed.

"Yes, she is,” Paul said with such conviction, she trembled.

Vivian watched with fascination as Miranda stroked the man's shoulder with one hand, while slowly wrapping up the slack of the leash with her other. With a subtle flick of her wrist, he raised his head. Miranda's eyes darkened with passion as she gazed at him. “Come closer, my pet.” A feral grin lit up his face as he moved to stand tight against her.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Miranda. Colin said you were flying in Friday night."

"I was able to rearrange my schedule. His delightful bride has agreed to design the interior of my new flat, and we have scads of things to go over together, in person, not on the bloody computer."

"Miranda is a technophobe,” Paul said, brushing Viv's forehead with a kiss. “If it was up to her, we'd be back in the Dark Ages."

"Not at all, darling, I just choose to live a simpler, more physical existence. I'm perfectly content to allow my husband to be the computer genius of the family."

"He told me about the manufacturing plants in Spain. Sounds like a huge undertaking."

"Indeed it is, but we're looking forward to spending more time at the house in Madrid.” Vivian couldn't believe she was listening to a perfectly normal conversation while watching Miranda delicately fondle the man at her side. He stayed utterly still as she stroked up and down his spine, along his ass crack, and over his hip. “Of course, we'll be seeing you at the wedding?"

"Right up front with the bride and groom. Vivian and Carol have been friends for years."

"How marvelous!” she exclaimed, turning her attention to Vivian. “We girls simply must get together while I'm in town. I have a feeling we will find much to talk about, yes?” Miranda raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"I'd like that,” Viv said, returning her smile.

"Shit, I'd better warn Colin,” Paul laughed.

"Oh stop it, you men love being the center of attention.” She kissed the tip of her man's nose. “Ta-ta, darlings, see you soon.” They walked on down the hall.

"That was so bizarre, and hot,” Viv mumbled as she kissed along Paul's neck. “The way she looked at him, touched him, she was in control, but there was such tenderness. It felt really strange not to even acknowledge her husband, though. Crap, that was her husband, wasn't it?” Vivian cringed at her possible faux pas.

"Yes, darlin', but they were in a scene, and it would have been disrespectful to them both for us not to honor that. A true Dom/sub relationship has to be based on love and trust for it to work. Miranda and Jeff recently celebrated their fifteenth anniversary. They threw one hell of a fun party."

"I bet they did.” She traced the tip of a finger around one of his nipples.

"It was a backyard barbeque. Thirty or so adults and kids played badminton and horseshoes, and ate way too much. The evening culminated with roasting marshmallows and off-key singing around the fire pit."

"So what happens in the club stays in the club?"

"Every member is connected to another member in some way—friend, business associate, or family. Colin and I created the private side of
because our sexual tastes lean toward the unconventional, and we wanted a safe and discrete environment where we and others could play together."

"Tell me what turns you on, Paul,” Viv asked in a husky whisper. He tilted up her chin.

"I'm open to almost anything, but being watched and watching others while making love is a favorite."

A shiver skittered along her spine. She considered her fantasy of having sex in public the most decadent in her arsenal, and the one that didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of happening. Could she really go through with it? She stared into his smoldering eyes, imaging him making love to her, demonstrating to anyone who cared to look that she was his.

"You're trembling, darlin', and my guess is it's not from fear.” He raised an eyebrow. She shook her head.

Paul held her close as they moved through the club. “Remember, here you're free to indulge all of your sexual desires.” They rounded a corner. Vivian tightened her grip on Paul's hip.

The decor of the huge open area was reminiscent of a living room, with the fire crackling in the stone fireplace, knick knacks artfully displayed in curio cabinets, and a flat screen TV mounted on a wall, but there were a few notable additions. A large four poster bed sat in the far corner, plush pillows were on the floor in various spots, a couple of narrow floor to ceiling mirrors were on each wall, and a woman was spread eagle in an armchair with Len, the bouncer, kneeling in front of her, his face buried in her pussy.

"Make yourself comfy.” Paul led her to one of the low-backed couches. “Would you like something to drink?"

"No, I'm good,” she said, looking at him, the floor, her feet, anything but the two people not ten feet away. Paul sat down, and she scooted next to him. He pulled her onto his lap, and positioned her at the perfect viewing angle.

"Watch them, Vivian, that's why they're here, why we're here. The mirrors are one way. There might be people watching from there, too."

"Seriously?” She stared into one of the mirrors across from them, wondering if someone was looking back.

"Yep, those were my idea, had them custom made in France.” He stroked her breast. “Being the unknown person on the other side of the glass is a uniquely stimulating experience. Many who watch either privately or from in this room never participate.” His casual demeanor poured fuel onto the fire already beginning to burn through her system. She wanted to,
had to
watch the other couple.

Len was fully clothed except for shoes, the woman completely nude. She was staring down at him, cupping both sides of his bald head while gyrating as best she could in the confined space of the chair. Her face was flushed, and her large breasts were swaying with her movements. He lovingly caressed her from ankles to ass cheeks, his muffled slurping noises mixing with her sighs and gasps.

Viv's pussy creamed as she imagined what the woman felt. She took Paul's hand and slid it inside her robe. He caressed her heated skin and teased her nipples. When he pinched lightly, she captured his lips in a searing kiss. A low cry sounded, drawing her away from Paul's luscious mouth to focus on the other couple. She was stunned to find the woman looking directly at them. Her legs dangled over the arms of the chair, and Len sat back on his heels, sliding three fingers in and out of her cunt while tweaking her clit.

"Ah, fuck yeah, got their attention, didn't ya, Beth? You're drenching my hand. Hold on, honey, show them how much you can take.” He lunged forward.

BOOK: Sensations
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