Sensations (4 page)

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Authors: Tessie Bradford

BOOK: Sensations
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Vivian squealed when something soft tickled the soles of both her feet.
. They moved slowly up her calves and thighs then swept back and forth along the swell of her ass.

"Your cunt lips are pulsing in time with my strokes. Fuck, that's hot.” Paul's voice was low, husky. He continued the sweet torture, adding light flicks of the feather to her pussy. “So responsive, pink, wet,” he mumbled, as if almost to himself. He began rubbing her right butt cheek and hip. Vivian tensed. “Talk to me, darlin',” he ordered, not stopping any of his movements.

"I, um, it's incredibly bizarre not knowing what you're going to do next."

"Isn't that a big part of the fun?"

"Yeah, I guess it is,” she sighed.

His palm came down hard on her ass. Vivian cried out. He soothed the area with sweeps of the feather. He spanked again, on the other cheek, this time using his tongue to lap away the sting. He set up a steady rhythm of mild pain followed by comforting that had her out of control in a matter of minutes.

"Oh my God, Paul, I'm going to come,” she whimpered, clutching the handles and straining against her bindings. Paul's mouth latched onto her clit as her body exploded. The inability to buck and writhe focused every bit of the ecstasy to her pussy. Her inner muscles clenched violently. “I need your cock!” she begged. His response was another swat on her ass, and the loss of his skilled lips.

"You're ready for two cocks, darlin'.” Paul rubbed his dick through her swollen, still pulsing folds. In her post orgasmic haze, the popping sound and subsequent squirty noise barely registered, but his lube coated finger rubbing around her anus definitely got her attention.

"I'm not sure...” The tip of his finger breached the tight ring of muscles as his cock head slipped into her channel. “Mmmm, never mind."

"Exactly,” Paul chuckled. “I'm going to take real good care of you.” He kept his penis perfectly still, barely inside her, as he moved his finger in and out of her rear. One finger became two. He added a slow scissor motion. Perspiration dampened her upper lip as he took his sweet time stretching and preparing her. She gasped when the tip of the toy replaced his fingers. “Relax, sweetheart, just breathe and feel."

A myriad of sensations assailed her as Paul's cock and the plug entered her body. When one inched forward, the other retreated. Her ass, cunt, breasts, hell, the tips of her toes and everything in between, were on fire. The man of her dreams played her like a finely-tuned instrument and brought her most decadent fantasies to life. “I have to move,” she panted, jerking and fighting against the very limited give of the restraints.

"No, you don't.” Paul fully inserted the plug, then grabbed onto her hips. “But I sure as hell do."

The intensity of being filled so completely stole any bit of control she had left. She cried out her joy as Paul led her through plateaus of pleasure-pain beyond her wildest imaginings. Viv came so hard the first time, she thought she might pass out. Paul proceeded to alternate gentle movements and powerful thrusts, teaching her the heights of pleasure, until her screams reached a crescendo when he bucked wildly through his climax.

* * * *

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Chapter Three
* * * *

Paul stood at the side of the bed, silently thanking the fates for bringing Vivian back into his life. Smart, funny, independent, sexy as hell, she was the whole package, everything he wanted in a woman. They were meant to be together, he was certain of it, but Paul suspected convincing Viv was going to require a bit of finesse. By her own admission, she was skeptical regarding whirlwind relationships and had some insecurity about her desires and lack of experience. What she didn't understand, yet, was this was brand new territory for him, too. The emotions swirling through him were staggering in their intensity.

"We're going to figure things out together, darlin',” he whispered, brushing a wisp of her hair from her forehead. She sighed, and her eyes slowly opened.

"Hi.” Her shy smile sent his pulse pounding.

"Hey there, beautiful, did you have a nice rest?” He sat down and stroked her cheek.

"Umm, yeah, I had the best dream.” She stretched her arms above her head. “An incredible man made love to me in ways that defied my wildest imaginings.” The sheet fell away, exposing her breasts.

"This is so much better than a dream, Vivian.” Paul bent and flicked his tongue over both her nipples. “We're in control of what happens.” He planted tiny kisses across her perfect breasts. “We don't have to settle with fantasies of each other anymore."

"This is so surreal,” she twined her fingers through his hair. “Part of me wants to completely over analyze this, while another part is begging me to lighten up and go with the flow. Who knew I was so complicated, or possibly the more correct term is crazy?"

That's it, baby; little steps
. Some of Paul's worry dissipated. If she was comfortable enough to joke about her concerns, they could work through anything. He repositioned to lie on top of her.

"You just described exactly how I'm feeling, darlin', and thanks for not making me jeopardize my man card by trying to say it first."

"There's no risk of that happening,” she giggled and tried to wrap her legs around his hips from under the covers. He nestled between her spread thighs, more than ready to make love to her again. He began yanking the sheet down while fumbling with the button of his pants.

"Hey, you were in dress pants before. Where'd the jeans come from?"

"The closet in my office."

"How long was I asleep? What time is it?"

"Does it matter? I was hoping we could stay in a clock-free zone."

"For how long?"

"Shit, Viv, I'm sorry. You probably have plans for the weekend. When do you need to get home?” Paul felt like an idiot. She'd come out for an evening, not an unending tryst. “My cell's in my pocket, I'll check...” She kept him from moving by wrapping her arms around his waist.

"As long as I get home for a change of clothes before work Monday morning, I'm good. Carol hijacked me without warning tonight, and the office might notice if I showed up in the same outfit.” Paul bent to kiss her, thrilled he hadn't fucked up too badly, but hesitated at the emotions shining in her eyes. “Laundry, aquarium cleaning, and grocery shopping were the only things on my weekend docket, Paul.” When she tried to turn away, he cupped her cheek.

"I'd planned to change the oil in my car, and try to figure out the screwy invoicing system of our new contractor. See how lucky we are for meeting up? We're saving each other from two days of drudgery.” He brushed his lips against hers. Heat raced up his spine when Vivian kissed back enthusiastically and writhed beneath him. A little gurgling noise pierced his building sensual haze.

"It sounds to me as if it's time for us to get a bite to eat."

"My tummy doesn't care about the hour, only the fact that it's missed a meal,” she chuckled.

"I actually made dinner arrangements during your nap, but damn woman, I can't think straight with you all pressed against me.” He nibbled the side of her neck. “Food should be arriving any minute."

"Someone's coming in here?” She sat bolt upright and looked around the room. “Where are my clothes? I have to get dressed, and God I bet my hair is a mess since I fell asleep while it was wet."

Paul didn't immediately answer, choosing instead to replay in his mind the most fun he'd ever had in a shower. In Vivian's skilled hands, soap and a wash cloth had proven to be two of the best sex toys on the planet. He'd fucked her sudsy cunt until she swore she couldn't come again, then she'd dropped to her knees and given him the blowjob of a lifetime. They'd stumbled back into bed, still damp, and fallen asleep in each other's arms.

"Ahem,” Vivian's throat clearing brought him back to the here and now.

"Sorry, shower flashback.” He smiled when Viv flushed a gorgeous shade of pink. “Your hair is perfect, all cute and curly, and you do remember where we are?” Paul helped her out of bed and held out her robe. “I put your clothes with mine, darlin'. Trust me; we're both overdressed in the eyes of the staff and patrons."

"There's naked people out there, in public, well, you know what I mean, privately public?” Her conflicting excitement and innocence were evident in her tone and her body—the peaking of her nipples, the slight shiver of her upper body, and the blush that deepened along her skin. Paul battled his raging desire to throw her back down onto the bed and fuck her senseless, again.

"Apparently, you're not going to be opposed to what I've got planned for after dinner.” He caressed her shoulders as he helped her into her robe. Viv leaned back against him. Paul tied the sash, taking special care to touch the underside of her breasts, tummy, hips, and thighs in the process.

"Tell me,” she purred.

A few light taps sounded against the door. She tensed in his embrace. “Relax, baby. How about you go refresh, and I'll handle things out here?"

"Great idea,” she said, hurrying across the room.

Vivian surveyed her appearance in the full-length mirror. Thanks to the plethora of high-end products in the luxurious bathroom, her unruly hair was tamed, her skin was soft and lightly fragranced, and her breath was minty fresh. She wished she had more time to peruse the two drawers stocked full of tester size cosmetics, but she didn't want to keep Paul waiting. She quickly applied a bit of mascara and lip gloss.

She wondered how she could look so normal on the outside when her insides were quivery with all sorts of wonderful emotions. A sense of freedom and confidence in her sexuality had Viv grinning at her reflection. “Who'd a thunk it? Mild mannered accountant by day, uninhibited sex kitten at night,” she whispered, knowing full well that what she felt went far deeper than the physical. Smart, successful, caring, and compassionate, Paul was the type of guy she could fall hard for. He said he'd had feelings for her for years, and she believed him. Yeah, there were still issues she needed to deal with, but for the first time since the divorce, Viv wasn't panicking over the prospect of unlocking her heart for a man. “Then why in the hell am I wasting precious seconds talking to myself in the bathroom?"

She walked out into the room, stunned to see the transformation that had taken place in her brief absence. A rectangular table, set against the wall, had a bottle of wine and tiered displays of fruit and desserts. The dining table was small, round, and elegantly set with silver cloches covering the plates. White candles in various shapes and heights decorated the entire space, and all pieces of bondage equipment were now artfully draped in heavy fabric. Paul stood behind one of the two plush chairs.

"You didn't tell me you're a magician, too,” she commented with a smile.

"Alas, I can only take credit for the concept. Three muscley naked dudes did the heavy work."

"You're kidding, right?” she laughed, settling into the chair Paul gallantly pulled out for her.

"Maybe, maybe not,” he replied with a wink before turning to the buffet. “Would you like a glass of wine?"

"Yes, thank you.” Viv sat back and admired the view. Paul was still shirtless and barefooted. The well-worn jeans molded to his ass and thighs with perfection. She wondered if he wore underwear, and the image had her clenching her thighs together. It seemed as if it should be a physical impossibility, but she wanted him again. Vivian closed her eyes and allowed her mind to wander.

"Should we have coffee instead?” Paul's playful question gave her a start. She stared up at him, trying to formulate a snappy retort as the last piece of her fantasy still played in her head. She accepted the glass of wine he offered, trying hard to keep the beverage from sloshing out due to her trembling fingers. After taking a healthy sip, Viv moistened her dry lips with the tip of her tongue.

"What in the hell were you just thinking about, darlin'?"

"You getting me off with your tongue,” she answered with a boldness that shocked, invigorated, and frightened her all at the same time. Paul groaned before leaning down to capture her mouth in a kiss that left no doubt what her declaration did to him. Viv ran her palms along his thighs, on each stroke, coming closer and closer to his crotch. She broke their kiss and cupped his erection. “I want more of this, too."

"Damn straight, and that's why we need to focus on refueling.” Paul slowly moved around the table. He lifted the cloches with a flourish before sitting down. “I chose some of my favorites. I hope you like them."

"This is spectacular.” She breathed in the succulent aromas while appreciating the stunning presentation. Petite filet mignon, grilled jumbo shrimp, asparagus with hollandaise, and a salad of mixed greens, walnuts, and dried cranberries. Viv eagerly picked up her silverware. “I love when a chef understands that high-end ingredients, prepared properly, don't require frou-frou bells and whistles.” She savored a mouthful of steak.

"Do you still spoil the office with baked goods and a summer barbeque?"

"I'm not at TCI anymore. I got burned out with the stress and corporate bullshit. Now I work with a small accounting firm, have my own clients, set my own hours. The people are great, and yeah, I cook for them a lot."

"That's wonderful, Viv. So tell me what else you've been up to. Earlier, the discussion revolved around me and Colin."

"Oh, God, nice friend I am, huh? Instead of celebrating with Carol, I up and disappear! I wouldn't blame her for being furious, and Lord knows what Colin thinks of me.” She rubbed her forehead and frowned.

"No worries, darlin', I talked to them when you were asleep."

"Please tell me not in here?"

"Of course not,” he chuckled. “They were leaving when I went to the office. Both of them eloquently described what they'll do to me if I don't treat you right."

"I'm sorry I missed that."

"I'm not. Oh, and Carol said to call her.” Vivian rolled her eyes, knowing that Carol was going to want a level of disclosure far outside her comfort level. What the hell, she'd deal with that later. “Enough about them, I'm still waiting to hear about you."

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