Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)
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Relationships? Yea Right! I have a relationship – with a hundred pound yellow English Lab named Thor. Girls are too clingy, needy, high maintenance and to this Marine, untrustworthy. My last relationship ended with a red light on
front porch and fellow brother, aka Marine, banging her in
bed. Oh, and my dog was locked in the damn bathroom. Hmmm, I guess what you see on television about a Marine surprising their loved ones when they come back home from a deployment doesn’t sit well with everyone. I thought she could be the one. Lane had this rocking body. Her luscious curves had my mind spinning. Since she grew up around Marines she stated she understood the late nights and deployments. When we were together there was nothing but balls to the wall, her wall, fucking. She could do things in the sack that would make me blush. I was actually thinking about putting a ring on it. However, in the end, what presented itself as love, in all reality, was good ole’ fashion lust. All I can say is
good riddance
! Hell, with my schedule, I have no desire to do the relationship thing. In the end, they all end up leaving.

“Dude, where did you just go?” Ben whispered as he thumped my nose.

“Get your filthy paws off of me. I am about to rip off that twig of an arm and shove it down that dough boy recruit’s mouth right over there.”

Ben gave an incredible booming laugh. Being with Ben makes this more tolerable. We are three weeks out from graduation of this class. I plan on taking my two weeks off just to chill. I need to reconnect with my mutt. Thor is getting too cozy with Adam. I think he’s contemplating on trading me in since I’m never at home. Hell, he even growled at me last night when I came home. I know it was dark, but still, how could he forget the master of his universe?

Chapter Three


y own home!
My own home with two spacious bedrooms and two and a half baths. Finally, something that smells like me, a scent of sugary sweet lemons, and not like sweaty smelly boys! My own home that oozes charm in every nook. When my realtor showed me this Tuscan style condominium complex that overlooked the Pacific, I was in love. As you walk in the front door, comfort surrounds you. The walls are covered in sandy beige that compliments the warm tones of the most exquisite antiqued bamboo flooring. Accent pieces of warm yellows and brick red bring everything together. The inviting and spacious floor plan of a living room/dining room/kitchen combination sends you mesmerized to the outdoor oasis.

French doors exit you out of the dining room to a flagstone patio surround by a lush garden filled with colors that brighten the depths of your soul. The garden houses massive banana palms, bright blooming hibiscus, and other tropical plants. Mixed within the colorful borders are trees filled with plump lemons and avocados ready to be devoured. The dinning pergola is climbing with vines of evergreen clematis that are producing the purist white bloom. A bonus is a stone fire pit that adds that extra “wow” factor. A mission style fence seals this relaxing oasis off from neighbors that surround and when needed, a gate accented with wrought iron that leads you down to the club and pool house.

Going back inside, a staircase leads upstairs to the two bedrooms. My favorite, of course, is the master bedroom. It is cloaked in a robin’s egg blue. The mission style queen bed, surrounded by warm, complimenting pieces, is the focal point of this haven. French doors open to a small patio that gives the most exquisite views of the beach in the short distance. I look forward to many of nights that will be spent right here with a glass of wine as I enjoy sunset over the water. The wall opposite of the bed is the entrance to the charming master bath. Two adequate closets line its entrance. The ivory, claw footed tub is nestled against a stain glass window that houses bright colors that compliment the warm beiges and gold of the surrounding walls and fixtures. Rich, spicy brown cabinetry ties everything together so perfectly. As I walk back into the bedroom, the alabaster sheers flow freely from the open windows. The salty air automatically surrounds my senses and immediately calms any worries that I may have about this new journey.

After unpacking for the past couple of days, I decide it is time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Reaching into my stainless steel refrigerator, I set out to pour a glass full of refreshing sweet tea with a little muddled mint. I step outside and the warmth of the sun envelopes me. On this early July afternoon, my iron leaf outdoor thermometer reads eighty degrees. There is a slight wind and the birds are singing the most delightful tune. Lounging back in one of my chaise loungers, I decide to devour the new mystery making its way to the bestsellers list. Before I know it, I am being awakened by my screeching cell phone.
You have got to be kidding me.

“Damn it, Grace! I thought you would have waited until we got back? I needed to talk to you face to face. You get so emotional and make rash decisions. As I walked in the house I saw most of your furniture still there but when I came to find you, your clothes were gone. What the hell?”

“Nate, what world are you living in? For the past two months I’ve told you that I was moving. I showed you pictures of the condo I bought. I assured you that I was going to come up on the weekends to make sure that everything was okay at your house while you were gone. I gave you my new landline number. I took a selfie with me lounging by my new pool and
it to you. I even gave you an
I’m Moving
card with my
address. Really? Oh and when was the last
decision I made? Hmm, let me think. When I decided to come to LA with you and the guys? Right now is the perfect time. At the end of June, my contract was up for my teaching position and school was out for the summer. It was the prime opportunity for me to start clean. My principal was very supportive and was able to help me obtain a teaching position at the private high school where her daughter, Rory, teaches. When I started looking for a house, Sam was kind enough to help me. We were able to use this time to help solidify our bond just a little more. Nate, he even bought this house for me. He said that on my teacher’s salary he knew I could not afford what I deserved. He said that he knows it doesn’t come close to making up for lost time but he wants to try.”

“Now, how does this fit into your independence quest, Ms. Weatherly?” Nate spouted judgingly.

“That’s unfair. You think I just pouted my cute little lip while hugging Daddy’s neck as he swung me around and begged him to pay for this? Did you think that there were rainbows lining the sky and talking squirrels trotting in the background while we bonded over how he was going to do anything for his
wittle gurl
? Do you really think that little of me? I can’t believe you just went there. For your information, I told him no for weeks. I was approved for my own loan. Sam was
. Eventually, I explained to him that I would graciously accept his offer as long as he would allow me to pay the twenty percent that I had saved for the down payment towards the house.”

“Grace, do you really think –”

“Nathan, not now! Since you are home for a while, why don’t you plan on coming down and spending next weekend with me? You’ll fall in love with the area. We can go for morning hikes, lounge by the pool, or sunbathe at the beach in the afternoon. Maybe I’ll let you treat me to a nice relaxing dinner. There are all kinds of quaint restaurants that have live music on their patios overlooking the ocean. You’ve been on the road so much and I’m getting ready to start my new job in a few weeks, I think we deserve some time to sit back, drink a cold one and smell that salty air.”

“Speaking of live music, I’m thinking about booking a gig at a little surfer’s bar down the beach from you called Moon Doggies. My friend, Mike who is the owner, has been asking me to come down and check it out for some time. It will be you and me baby, acoustic style.”

“Controlling much? You know how I feel about performing. I can write a catchy tune but get all hot and sweaty when in front of a crowd,” already feeling the perspiration forming on my hands I wipe them on my jeans.

“Hot and sweaty is what draws the crowd, Gracie. Catchy tune? Do you know how much money you would make if I paid you for the royalties of the songs you’ve helped compose? Grace, when you get up on stage, the world stops. I always wished that you would break down and become one of us. The band’s music probably would skyrocket with your sultry voice and wicked moves. But Noooo, Ms. History teacher puts her hair up in a tight bun and becomes the fantasy of all young boys like in that song about being hot for teacher.”

“That’s just gross,” I gag. “Nate, I taught and still will be teaching at an all girls’ school. Haven’t you been listening to me for the past four years? Sometimes I believe you know
about who I am and who I’m striving to be. I will sing with you just this once. Send me the set list you have in mind and we’ll go over it when you come next Friday. Love ya lots!”

“Love ya Grace, even though I want to drag you back up here by the scruff of your cute little neck. One more thing, please tell me you have an alarm system or at least a rabid dog that can disintegrate someone’s dick with one lick.”

“Good Night, Nathan!”

Chapter Four


o you ever
get the feeling that someone is staring at you while you sleep? I roll over and look at the clock. Five a.m. screams the red numbers incased in a dim light. Why is it that on my first day off in twelve weeks, I wake up at five a.m.? I get a soppy, wet kiss in the face as my answer. Thor is sitting on the side of the bed boring holes into my skull. Why can’t I just push his moist, black nose and snooze for thirty more minutes. Suddenly he lets out a small whine and bounds on to my bed. As soon as we make eye contact, it’s all over. I might as well take him out and go for a run.

There is no one on the beach. This is the most relaxed that I have been in a while. The feel of the cool, morning breeze rushing over my body makes me feel refreshed and alive. My muscles scream at the exertion of a five mile run on an uneven sandy surface after spending most of yesterday standing on a parade deck while I watched my recruits turn into Marines. Suddenly, I don’t see Thor.

Where is
that mangy mutt?

I let him off his leash just a few feet from the condo so he could feel a little free. If I get a ticket for having a dog off a leash I will muzzle him, crate him, and ship him off to doggie boot camp. That’s the downfall of Labs; they let their porous nose be their guide. I peel my t-shirt from my sweaty body and wipe the moisture from my face and neck.
Where the fuck did he go?

It’s just past six as the sun starts peeking over the hills in the distance.
God’s design is everywhere in this area.
Suddenly I see Thor barreling out of one of my neighbor’s gates, dragging a beach towel sporting a bright pink flamingo that covers the length. Damn that dog! Thor places the towel at my feet and shoots back into the gate before I can grab his collar. With my luck, I’m going to find a shotgun waiting for me just inside.
Who leaves their patio wide open here?
When I find him, he is sitting in front of a set of French doors with his head cocked to the left. He slowly lies down and puts his head into his paws. I think he’s going to fall asleep. If he does, how am I going to move him? When he is down, he is down. An earthquake will not move him.
What is he doing?
Then I hear it. It’s the most angelic voice coming from inside the house. She is like a siren calling us both home. I need to remember the mission at hand. Not thinking about the possibility of that shotgun riddling me with holes, I stalk closer to the house. “Thor. Thor,” I whispered. No movement. I stand back up and lay the flamingo towel over one of the chairs on the patio. “Thor, get your blockhead over here.” No movement. I crouch down and low-crawl up to him. Fastening the lead to his cammo collar I give him a firm jerk. No movement. As I start dragging his ass back out to the yard, he hurls his body back to his sacred spot on the patio where he can be lulled to sleep by his new found friend.

“Who are you and what are you doing to that dog?” came a sweet, breathless voice.

I think my heart just skipped a beat.
The soulful siren’s voice is attached to the most beautiful maiden I’ve ever seen. She has on a thin, white t-shirt that reads “This is my kick butt shirt”. Seeing her standing over me at a little over five feet gives me a little chuckle.
Damn, is she not wearing a bra?
The shirt shows the outlines of her nipples which all of the sudden pebble due to a slight cool breeze. Her eyes are the color of the waters of the Mediterranean that I’ve sailed upon many of times. Her legs. My god those legs! I have to cease the urge to run my hands all over them to see if they feel as silky as they look. I envision myself laying her down and slowly opening them so that I could get a taste of the treasure that is buried in between. Damn, I’m getting hard just looking at them. I crouch down in front of Thor until I can gain control of my senses.

“Sorry ma’am. My dog must have come into your yard while we were on our run and decided he wanted a flamingo for breakfast,” I say as I point to the drool stained towel. She lets out the most innocent laugh. She is not helping my problem.
Get it together Jackson
. Getting back to the task at hand, “Then, Thor decided to defect and take refuge on your back patio.” She leans down and scratches Thor behind the ears. He slowly and lazily turns on his back so that she has open access to rub his stomach.
That dog is such a big-ass tramp.

“It’s okay. It’s nice to have admiration from someone with such enchanting, copper filled eyes.”

Was she referring to me?
I turn my attention back to her, catching her as she went back inside leaving her door open. What did
dog do next? He trots in behind her. I hesitantly follow her as well.
I’m no better than that disgraceful mutt.
I peek in and see that she’s bent over in all her glory digging something out of her refrigerator. Man, what I would give to dig my hands onto that luscious ass, pop her up on that granite counter, and make her scream my name.
Snap out of it dude.
As I scan the kitchen, I can see that it’s open to a small dining area and a nice size living room. It’s the same floor plan as my condo, but by the way its decorated reminds me of a small house my parents rented when we used to vacation on the Spanish Rivera when I was a child. Before my father… I am brought back to the present by the refrigerator closing tightly.

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