Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)
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As I stand
in front of her condo, I notice that all lights are off. I ring the door bell; not surprisingly, there is no answer. I make like Thor and go around to her patio. I can see that the fire I created in the pit is still going and there’s music wafting in the air. Looking through the slats of the fence I can see Grace on her lounger, caressing a glass of wine while looking up at the starry night. The gate creaks when I test to see if it is open, startling her and causing her to spill wine on herself.

“Shit,” she mutters as she stands up and reaches for that fateful flamingo towel.

“I’m sorry,” I say as I push my way through the gate.

“Jackson, I just can’t do this tonight,” she says in a pleading manner.

Searching for a way to change the course of where this conversation is heading, I see that I had left my sunglasses on the patio table. “I left my sunglasses and wanted to get them in case I needed them tomorrow. See?” I lift them up, placing them on top of my head. “Also, the Type A personality in me couldn’t relax knowing that I didn’t help you clean up from dinner. I created the mess; I should be the one to clean it up.”

“That’s bull,” she says accusingly with one side of her beautiful mouth upturned in a smirk.

“Really! Ask Ben and Adam how I am. I believe there’s a place for everything and they should stay in their place. Also, my mom once told me that if I start something, then I must finish it.”

I stalk over to where she is standing and run my thumb gently down the side of her face. Her swollen, red-rimmed eyes tell me that she’s still distressed about what happened earlier. She lays her cheek into the palm of my hand, closing those beautiful blue eyes.

“I know that you wanted to be left alone, but I couldn’t leave you like this. Something obviously has you torn up and I want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone. Letting me in doesn’t mean that you have lost control or a sense of yourself. It means that you have someone that wants to be your friend, someone that you can trust. I know that we just met, but I feel a connection with you like I’ve never felt before.”

Gently pulling her over by the fire, I sit down on one of her loungers, guiding her to sit in between my legs. Finally, she relaxes her back against my chest and we just stare at the fire for what seems like an eternity.

Grace speaks so soft that I almost cannot hear as she explains, “I just got out of a long term relationship a couple of weeks ago.” Chuckling to herself she continues, “At least I thought it was a relationship. Now I feel like a fool.”

Silence once again overcomes her. I pull her farther back against me, in almost a hug, to let her know that she is safe and that she can continue.

“I thought he accepted me for who I was, someone independent, self expressive, and someone who knew what she wanted. Now I don’t know who I am or what I want. That’s why I’m here, away from everyone that I know. I felt that if I could just move somewhere that no one knew me or had expectations of me that I could finally find out who I really am.”

“What makes you think that you’re not those things anymore? Because one loser is so dense that he cannot see a good thing when it’s standing before him? I’ve known you for a short time and I can already assess that you’re all of the above and more. By you feeding in to his bull, you are letting him have power over you.”

“That’s what I’ve done all of my life. Girls at school didn’t like the way I dressed or played sports so I let them put me in a box. Hell, I even tied the damn bow for them. My parents tried to shield me from all that was bad, and I gave them the armor. I let Nate have ultimate control over my life so here I am, thousands of miles from home. I can’t blame all of that on Nate. Hell, my father even has his claws into my psyche. I think I’m out here mainly seeking the knowledge of why he chose to leave me and my mother. Without that knowledge, I don’t know if I can ever feel worthy of someone else’s love.”

Turning her to face me, I search her eyes to see if she really feels this way. “I believe that is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.”

A hurtful look flashes in her eyes as she pulls away from my grasp. “You can leave now.” Folding the towel and tidying up the area she turns back to me and hisses, “Why are you still here? I told you to leave.”

Walking over to her, I take the towel out of her hand and set it back on the chair. I take her delicate face and place a tender kiss on her lips. “See?”

Turning away from my touch, she whips back around, “See what? That you’re an ass?”

Taking her by her arms as she is desperately trying to tug away, “Don’t you know by what you just said to me that you are all those things and more? You are one of the most independent women that I’ve ever met. How many people could leave all that is safe and dear and move to a town where they know no one? You are so self-expressive. I thought you were going to slug me just a minute ago. Hell, I thought you were going to take me out the day I was trying to drag Thor away from this very patio. You have no problem telling me what you think.” Then pulling her to where my chest touched her luscious breast, “And you know what you want. I can see it in every flirtatious glare, every dance of your tongue when we kiss, and by the way your nipples tighten like they are now when you become aroused.”

I reach down and take her mouth with mine. Gently at first, then she leans in so close that I don’t know what to do except run my hands over her body. The intenseness in her rapture makes me painfully hard. I can’t help but take her into my arms and carefully lay her down on the lounger. I deepen the kiss and feel her hands come up to my chest. She tweaks my nipples through my shirt causing me to become more aroused. My hardened shaft strains again my zipper. Every time she moves against me I become longer, wider and stiffer. It’s like a torturous cycle. The more she moves, the more I strain against the restrictive fabric of my jeans. The blood pumping through me travels and warms my thighs. Breaking the connection, I look into her wanting eyes.

“Why did you stop?” she pleads and kisses the tip of my nose.

“Grace, we live in a large complex. Everyone, I mean everyone, can see us on this patio.”

Looking at me with hooded eyes, “Well then, I think you need to take me upstairs”.

Searching her eyes for any hesitation, I pick her up and cement us on this journey from which I don’t think I’ll recover.


Tonight the moon
is full and it casts a luminous glow within the room. Placing her on the bed, I look into her eyes and it’s like she is reading my mind when she tells me that this is what she wants. Leaning down I reclaim her mouth. She captures my tongue, slowly driving me insane. I break the kiss, afraid that all of this will end before it begins. As I lift up her shirt, I pull down the cups of her lacy bra. She bucks up and unhooks the back while I take the opportunity to divest her of her shirt. Just looking at her takes my breath away. Cupping a breast in each hand, I slowly massage them while she takes her hand to spring my erection free. At the same time, we fondle each other, making it a competition to see who can turn each other on more.

I take my index finger and place it in her mouth. Her mouth makes a suction motion as her hands glide up my hardened shaft. She swirls the budding moisture around the tip of my head and I about lose it. I pull back, taking her by her wrist to hold her down on the bed. Reclaiming her breast into my mouth again, I hear erotic whimpers. These sounds are enough to end it right here. I plant open mouthed kisses on her neck, down her shoulders then onto her stomach. Releasing her hands, I undo the front of her shorts, sliding them cautiously down her legs. Looking into her eyes again, she gives me a silent signal that she wants this more than me. Her delicate, lace panties are next to make the urgent decent. Looking back up at her I’m in awe. The glow from the moon reflects the flecks of glitter from what I can only assume would be from her body lotion.

I slide her body to the edge of the bed and kiss her inner thighs. Holding her still with one hand, I explore her glorious body with the other. I run one of my fingers through her folds then open them with both hands to take her completely with my eager mouth. The taste of her is nectarous. I suckle and savor every drop of her. Glancing up, I see her teasing and cupping her own breasts, which makes me want to lap her up even more. I push her bent legs open wider and delve further into her with my tongue. Grace rubs herself more, causing her breath to quicken. As I continue to explore, I push two fingers inside of her and feel her whole body go tense. Her hands run through my hair and hold me to the place she wants me to be. Using my tongue, I flick the tight nub, spiraling her out of control, screaming my name.

I quickly roll her over to her stomach where I continue to rein kisses from her neck down to the small of her back. Running my hand up her spine makes her arch and bow.

With a small breathless voice she pleads, “Jackson, take me now.”

I quickly undress and search my wallet for a condom.
Thank god I have one.
Grace sits up on the bed and takes the condom from my hands. Opening the foil packet with her teeth, she then slides it over my straining shaft, almost unhinging me in the process. Laying her gently down on the bed while still on my knees, I open her folds in anticipation of my entrance. Slowly entering her, I feel her pull back a little.

“Grace, are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”

“Just go a little easy and give me some time to get adjusted to you.” Arching her back to welcome me in, she pants, “Oh my god, you’re so hard.”

Damn, she’s so tight.
Settling in her inch by inch makes my control waiver. I have to slow my pace.

“Jackson? Are you okay?”

“Damn, you’re so hot and wet that I am about to lose myself.”

“That’s want I want you to do.” I look up and she gives me the most captivating smile.

There’s no going back. I cup her ass with both of my hands, drawing her closer and tighter to me. I plunge over and over into her as she quietly chants my name. Without warning she flips me over, taking place atop me. She runs her hands over the smattering of hair upon my chest and leans up, placing a light kiss upon my lips. The next thing I know she is riding me. The sensation building is like the clicking of a ratchet, with each thrust more powerful. It’s like water pushing against a dam straining from intense pressure. My sudden release takes my breath away, like jumping in frigid water. At the same time, I can feel her walls tighten more around me, trying to milk everything I can give her. We lay speechless for what seems like forever. Gently I pull myself out of her and get up to go and use the restroom. When I make my way back to the bed, I can see something is mulling around in her cute little head.

“What are you thinking?” I say as I sweep her hair away from her face. Looking up at me, she places a peaceful kiss on the empty space between my eyes, then my nose, and then my mouth.

“I’m thinking that everything is perfect.”

I lay back on the pillow beside her. She scoots closer to me while placing her head on my shoulder. Throwing her delicate arms across my chest, she falls asleep peacefully.

The next thing I know, the morning sun is starting to rear its head. I look beside me to where she is sleeping like an angel. Grace lets out a soft exhale causing my heart to skip. I pull Grace close against my body, allowing myself to drift off again.

Chapter Nineteen


jerk awake
to find that I cannot move. I’m on the verge of freaking out when I hear a familiar whisper in my ear.

“Stop freaking. It’s just me,” Jackson says calmly.

Jackson loosens his grip from around my waist and I position my body so that we’re face to face. Though his eyes are still closed he has the most infectious grin adorning his beautiful face. He pulls me snug against his chiseled chest where my senses are overcome by spice, sweat, and sex. I scan his muscular chest and notice a couple of tattoos. There is one over his left pect of what looks like some sort of wings. Tracing over to his arm, I see that there is an eagle, globe, and anchor on the upper part. Gliding my hand down to his left side, I find a tattoo of his last name with initials and…Is that his blood type? Holy hell. He is H-O-T, HOT!

I think back to last night as he took care of me. Not just mentally, but every inch of me physically. I wonder what he thinks of my little outburst when Evan called, hoping last night was not about pity. My luck, he will be a gentleman by not running out the door the first chance he gets, but will run as soon as the door closes. No man wants a woman with sudden outbursts and crazy baggage.

“You think too much,” Jackson says in a hoarse voice.

“Excuse me,” I say as a pull back a little and glance again at his face.

With eyes still closed and sporting a sexy ass grin, he leans over and kisses the area between my brows. “I said that you think too much. I’m not bolting as soon as I get up.”

“That’s not what I’m thinking.”

Finally opening his sexy eyes of liquid gold, he lifts my chin so that he can directly look at me. “Now you’re lying. When you’re entranced in thought you get this deep crease between your brows.”

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