Read Scouts Online

Authors: Nobilis Reed

Tags: #Erotica

Scouts (4 page)

BOOK: Scouts
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I adjusted my pants so my cock could slip into a more comfortable position. How could they possibly expect me to watch this and not have an orgasm? I had never seen anything so arousing in my life. Some of my friends had exchanged sex holos on the station, but my parents never allowed any such things in our quarters. I longed to touch myself, to relieve the pressure I felt building within me, but Shirley had given specific orders. I crossed my legs and focused my attention on her face.

Shirley’s eyelids fluttered closed, and her mouth curled into a gentle smile. As Masters’s attentions moved gradually lower, her mouth opened, letting out small gasps.

Even this second-hand pleasure was difficult to bear. My erection pushed against my pants, begging for attention. If I didn’t attend to it soon, I would wind up with a serious case of blue-balls.

I glanced over at Val. She had crossed her legs too and shoved her hands under her butt, and I could barely sense her trembling. I didn’t dare say anything.

A soft cry of ecstasy drew my attention back to Shirley and Masters. He knelt between her legs, his arms under her thighs to lift her plump, shaved pussy to his mouth. I couldn’t see exactly what he was doing from my angle, but Shirley showed every sign of enjoying it. Her hands squeezed her breasts, and her mouth gaped open as her body writhed beneath him.

As if responding to an unheard command, they parted and Masters lay on his back. Shirley stroked his cock a few times with her hand, then engulfed it in her mouth. It took only a matter of seconds to bring him to full erection. She threw a leg over his abdomen and mounted him, impaling herself on his rigid member.

Valka whimpered. I glanced her way again. She had closed her eyes, shutting out the passionate vision in front of her. I didn’t blame her. I was fascinated, certainly, but if I kept watching, I was going to come whether I wanted to or not. I closed my eyes too.

The sounds they made aroused me just as much, though. The wet movements of skin on skin combined with their grunts and moans, and my imagination filled in the blanks. The chaotic music of their lovemaking filled my head as it grew louder and more insistent. The end finally arrived, punctuated by Shirley’s shriek of bliss and Masters’s drawn-out groan.

The ship shuddered as if it, too, had had an orgasm. A drum-like thudding came from the wall behind me and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Valka, suddenly, had her arms around me and I held her. Had she broken the rule and let the orgasm take her? Had I? My confusion ran so deep I couldn’t tell.

Chapter Three

When things quieted down, I opened my eyes. Valka sighed and sat next to me. Her hand, still holding mine, did not clutch so tightly.

Masters sat, still naked, working on a console folded out from the wall. Shirley stood before us, wiping her body with a small towel.

“We didn’t quite make it,” said Masters. “I’m plotting another course. We need about, hmm, a half a parsec.”

Shirley shrugged. “This happens when Scouts have been together too long. Things become routine and the ship doesn’t perform as well.” She looked at me. “Challers, let’s see if you can finish the job. Even alone, a half a parsec is possible.”

“What? Alone? You want me to masturbate for you?”

Sitting and watching Shirley and Masters having sex right in front of me was enough of a shock; now she wanted me to jack off for her? I looked over at Valka. She was dumbstruck.

“You’re more than ready, Challers.” She nodded in the direction of my crotch. “Come on, lie down. Show me you’ve got what it takes to be a Scout.” She took my hand and pulled me to the center of the room. “I want to see what you do when you masturbate, see what makes you come. Show me, Challers.”

Valka’s face was flushed. Her eyes fixed on mine. There was fear there, but I also saw curiosity and desire. She nodded. I had her permission.

Shirley helped me off with my clothes. My fingers trembled so much I almost needed it.

“Get comfortable,” she said, and sat down on the bench next to Valka. “Position yourself there, in the center of the chamber. That’s where the collectors are focused.”

I decided to kneel. It wasn’t my usual position, but it would allow me to watch Valka and Shirley. I knelt down, knees slightly apart.

“Don’t worry about making a mess,” said Shirley. “The floor is designed to handle it. Self-cleaning.”

I saw no trace of the session they had just had in the same spot.

I took my cock in my hand. I was still incredibly aroused, hard as a rock. With my eyes locked on Valka’s, I imagined what it would be like when it was our turn to lie down together, to propel a ship between the stars with our passion. How far would we go? I squeezed and stroked, my hand dropping into a familiar pattern.

Valka looked worried. She still had her hands jammed under her butt, and while she was watching me with an intensity I had never seen before, there was a painful cast to her face. If she was in as much need to come as I was, watching me must have been torture. A knot of guilt tightened in my stomach that I would find relief and she would not. I tried to push the thought away, to focus on the sensation, but it wouldn’t go.

“Will Valka have a turn?” I asked between gasping breaths.

“Yes,” said Shirley. “Even if you take us the whole way, she will have a turn.”

The relief of that one nagging thought was all I needed. All the pent-up desire from watching my mentors fucking the ship across the stars crystallized in my spine and shot down into my cock. My throat locked, my balls clenched, and I sent thick strands of cum onto the floor between us. Again, the ship throbbed and whined, but even in my erotic haze I could tell that it lasted only a few seconds. I felt a strange prickling sensation on my skin that hadn’t been there before. It wasn’t uncomfortable. I fell backwards, all the tension draining from my body.

“Not bad,” said Masters, from behind me. “You’re about ten percent over baseline, Challers; you’re going to make a fine Scout.”

Shirley helped me to my feet, handed me a towel, and turned towards Masters. “Was that enough to get us there?”

Masters shook his head. “Not quite. Still about point-two parsecs to go.”

Shirley nodded to Valka. “Your turn.”

I wiped myself down and switched places with Valka, while Shirley took Masters’s place.

He let Valka take off her own clothes, watching with a calm, welcoming smile. “Just relax. Bring us in, Valka. Bring us home.”

He sat down where Shirley had been and leaned back comfortably. I wanted to ask him if he needed to be there, but Shirley seemed to be handling the job of monitoring the ship during the jump. The look in Valka’s eyes told me everything; she was embarrassed, she was afraid, but she was determined not to foul up our chances of being accepted by the Scouts.

She knelt down where I had been and ran her hands slowly up and down her body. I couldn’t help making comparisons. Her breasts weren’t as big as Shirley’s, nor her hips as generous, but her smooth skin shone. Her fingers toyed with her pink nipples, making them stand up from the curve of her breast like little pyramids. She pinched them lightly, and twirled them between her fingertips. I imagined what it would be like to kiss them, to suck them—what they would feel like under my fingers.

As her hands moved down, my gaze followed them to the triangle of bushy hair. It grew thick enough to conceal all but a vague outline of her sex. I heard her breathing change as she massaged the area, pushing and pulling at her lips. When I looked up, our eyes met, and all thought of watching what her hands were doing disappeared. The need in her eyes drew me in.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered, more on instinct than anything else.

A quick smile flitted across her mouth, followed by a gasp of pleasure. I could feel my cock rising again, responding to the erotic vision before me, but I felt no great need to deal with it. My eyes could not leave hers.

Her orgasm built slowly. Her jaw twitched, opening slightly as she drew in each escalating breath. I could hear wet sounds coming from her fingers. The gasps turned to whimpers, and the whimpers to cries. When she closed her eyes and let her head fall back, my eyes shifted to her hands. Both were jammed between her wide-spread thighs, slowly rubbing her sex.

“Challers,” she moaned. “Oh, Challers . . .”

I knew I wasn’t allowed to touch her. I glanced at Masters long enough to see that his cock wasn’t responding to the display much, if at all. I hoped I never became so jaded.

Masters leaned over to whisper close. “Tell her to imagine you.”

“I’m here, Val. I’m with you. Imagine my hands on your body.” I fought down a stammer. What was I supposed to say? I glanced over at Masters.

He gave me a smile and a wink, and mouthed the word

“Imagine me between your legs. I’m, ah, kissing you. Kissing your breasts.”

She gasped, a small shudder passing through her body. I felt a thrumming sound, too low to hear, in the air, in the ship. She was close.

“Kissing your, um . . .”

“Sex,” whispered Masters.

“Kissing your sex.”

Sweat broke out on her body, and her face and breasts flushed. “Oh, Challers!”

Her thighs squeezed shut around her hand and the engines roared to life. The ship pulsed so hard it nearly shook me from my seat, the sound drowning out Valka’s quiet cries. The sound and vibration seemed to go on forever.

When it finally stopped, Shirley was whooping and slapping the seat next to her with her open palm. “Almost four hundred percent over baseline, Valka! That’s incredible! If you perform that well under operating conditions, you’ll be able to go to the Norma arm and back!”

Masters helped Valka to her feet, took her shoulders, and shook her gently, a broad grin splitting his face. Valka looked stunned. She took Shirley’s offered towel and dabbed at her moist body. Then her eyes met mine, and she smiled. “We did it.”

I nodded. “We did it.”

She pulled me into a hug and squeezed so tight I thought she’d crush me. My cock poked her side and she pulled away, blushing.

Shirley clapped her hands. “Okay, cadets. Clean yourselves up. You’ll find a fresher just aft of the bridge. Put your towels in the recycler when you’re done. Remember, no orgasms. Masters, bring us in.”

Valka went to the fresher. The tiny room was cramped with a shower, toilet, and sink. She climbed into the tiny shower cubicle, making room for me in front of the vanity. “Can you believe it? We’re really doing it!”

I smiled, trying not to let the insecurities that brewed in my head escape into my voice. “It’s incredible. Powering a starship, just with an orgasm.”

“I know, and soon, it will be us!”

I took a tube from a small shelf near the sink and idly rolled it in my hand. Would it be? We had assumed that we would stay together, but Shirley’s comment about what happens to Scout couples after they’ve been together too long implied that they would separate. What would happen then?

Valka finished her shower, and I switched places with her, enjoying the closeness of the tiny bathroom and trying not to get turned on. I welcomed the spray of cold water and let it calm my overactive hormones.

She took a towel from a rack near the hatch and dried herself. “I wonder if they’ll let us have a ship like this.”

“There’s got to be a lot of training first.” I turned off the water and followed her, drying myself as I went.

We put our towels in the recycler, as we had been instructed, and stepped out into the main passageway stark naked.

Shirley met us dressed in her plain white clothes. She handed us small bundles of fabric. “These are your new uniforms. The black color identifies you as cadets; you’ll get whites once you’ve graduated to full Scout status.”

They turned out to be thin, stretchy shorts and tops that left little to the imagination. The fabric clung closely to Valka’s body, making the shape of her nipples and pussy lips clearly visible.

“This is it?” I said, pulling them on. “This doesn’t seem like much more than underwear.” My cock was outlined so clearly you could see every ridge and vein. “I might as well be naked.”

“That’s part of your training, cadet.” She crossed past me, patting my butt on the way. “Go on up to the bridge. Headquarters should be coming into view.”

Valka and I watched from the bridge, huddled behind the control chair. Scout headquarters turned out to be a station totally unlike my home. Instead of a globe of a hundred meters or so, a ring a kilometer in diameter grew before us. Its main structure, a ribbon of green and blue, gleamed in the light of an orange star. The only word that could even come close to expressing my feelings at that moment was “Wow.”

BOOK: Scouts
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