Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude) (7 page)

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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She was breathing heavily when his firm lips left hers. Threading her fingers through his hair, she pulled his head back from where he was suckling at her delicate skin covering her pulse. “Look at me, pet.” Despite the huskiness of her voice, the command was still there.


“Mistress?” His eyes were glazed with passion. His lips were swollen and slightly damp from their kiss. The flush covering his cheeks was a testament to her effect on him and she loved it, but this was about giving him what he needed.


“What do you need? Do you want to fuck me into the wall?”


He growled deep in his chest and nodded. “Fuck yeah. Right here and now.” His hands moved to the waistband of her leggings, the fingers teasing the soft swell of her lower stomach. “I want to drill you through the door until the maids down the hall are jealous of how hard I’m fucking you.”


“All right. Strip me, pet. Take off what you need to, then I want you inside me.” She leaned forward and nipped his chin before moving down the underside of his jaw. She spoke between pressing small stinging kisses to his exposed throat. “You have…exactly thirty seconds…to… get inside… of me...before I punish…” She squeezed his ass with one hand. “…this tight ass.”


She felt him swallow against her lips, before a harsh expletive exploded from his mouth. He jerked free of her, grabbed her leggings and yanked them down. She smiled as they tangled around the top of her knee high boots. His impatience hadn’t taken into consideration that he’d have to remove them first.


Although if she’d thought that would stop her lover, she’d misjudged his need. The sound of fabric ripping was chased by the feel of two thick fingers sliding inside of her – readying her for him. She moaned as his thumb rubbed over her clit.


“So wet...gotta taste you.” She gave a muffled scream as he dropped to his knees and buried his face between her legs. The quick stabbing of his tongue inside of her along with the feel of his nose pressed against her clit had her trembling on the edge of coming. Burying her fingers in his hair, she rode his agile tongue. She was so close.


“Oh my God!” Gritting her teeth at the oncoming orgasm, she trembled, her knees weakening.


A low growl reverberated against her folds before he jerked away from her. “Not yet.” His hair was disheveled from her fingers, but it was the wild look in his eyes which nearly sent her over the edge she was teetering on. “Thirty seconds...” he gasped, before spinning her around to face the door. Pressing her up against it, he picked her up off her feet. A shocked cry tore from her throat at the blunt feel of his cockhead breaching her before she was filled with his thick length. She hadn’t even heard him unfasten his jeans.


“Fuck me!” She pushed back trying to fuck herself on him but unable to get any purchase against the door to make it happen. As if he was an inmate having his first conjugal visit, Jude began to fuck her, sending waves of dizzying pleasure throughout her extremities. Even when babbling incoherent words in her native tongue escaped her, he didn’t stop but continued to drive in and out of her in a hard fast rhythm. A sharp, deep-felt squeal flew past her lips as her body incinerated in his arms.


“Yes! Goddamn it, so fucking tight, your pussy is milking my cock.” His grip tightened painfully on her hips. “Fuck…gonna come….can I, Mistress?” His plea was ragged even as he continued to pound into her.


“Fuck yes. Come for me…” Using her palms to push against the door, she pressed back hard against his hold. He wrapped an arm around her waist and used it as leverage to fuck deeper into her. Her full-fledged scream filled the room along with his hoarse grunts as he rode her even harder - if that was possible.


“Gonna fill you full.” His promise was followed by a howl as he arched, continuing to work her body up and down on his as if she were his own personal sex toy. Her body tightened threateningly as he pushed hard against her cervix.


“Oh fuck.” She groaned as another climax struck her without warning - heat bathed her insides. While it didn’t happen often when they did climax at the same time, it blew her entire world apart, as her pussy continued to milk every drop of seed her sub had to give her. When Jude sank to his knees, still cradling her, he groaned.


“Son of a bitch.” His head fell to her shoulder, while he shivered as her muscles clenched around him one last time. “Fuck…so long since I’ve felt that…” He wrapped her tight in his arms as they both came down from the intense coupling.


Moments later there was a pounding on the door. “Housekeeping! Is everything okay in there?”


“Go away!” Jude roared, but Olivia giggled. He’d kept his promise to make her scream so loudly that the housekeepers would be jealous.






Chapter Six


Olivia knew she wasn’t walking funny and the people around them shouldn’t be able to tell Jude had just fucked her brains out, but as she passed several nurses and doctors they barely noticed her.
Perhaps it’s because I feel so raw and exposed.
When they reached Micah’s new room, Jude drew her into his arms for a quick hug and kiss.


“Don’t let that stubborn bastard see you sweat, Mistress.” He nuzzled her ear. “He needs your tough Domme bitch while we’re springing him.”


Resting her head on his chest, she nodded. “You think so, pet?”


His broad palm rubbed over her back. “Yes I do. He’s gonna try to fight us on this. I’ve already spoken to White Hawk while you were in the shower.”


She stepped back to gaze into his eyes. “And?”


“Micah’s being his normal stubborn assed self. When he woke up, he told Ethan off and told him he was crazier than bat-shit if he thought he was going anywhere with us. “


The humor of her other sub’s response wasn’t lost on her. She knew her Micah all too well. “We’ll see about that. If he wants to play the defiant sub, then I guess I’ll just have to play the bad-ass Domme who won’t accept no for answer.”


Jude gave her an impish grin. “Of course! Then when we get him back to the safe house, where there are no prying eyes, you can give him the love he deserves but doesn’t think he needs.”


But what about you, my precious pet? After what happened, it’s doubtful he’ll allow you to ever touch him again. At least not without a lot of convincing on our parts.
But her unvoiced concern never had the chance to be verbalized as some shouting and the sounds of a struggle came from inside the room.


* * * *


Micah cursed under his breath while he struggled with the IV pole. Behind him, the idiot White Hawk was laughing at his progress, after he’d turned down the man’s offer to help him to the bathroom. He was a grown man, he hadn’t needed help going to the bathroom since he was a toddler – he wasn’t going to start needing it again now. With the IV pole in front of him, he wasn’t even strong enough to push it over the slight lip going into the bathroom. Embarrassment heated his cheeks when he felt the cool breeze fly up his backside. He thanked God he was black and it didn’t show. He just knew his ass was hanging out the back of the damned hospital gown, giving Ethan a clear view of his black hind end - stitches and all.


He was so pissed off at the whole situation – not only how banged up his body was but also the fact he knew eventually Olivia and Jude were going to show up to whisk him off to God knew where. Despite his fear, enough time and distance had passed between him and his friends, he knew that it wouldn’t take much for him to forget why he’d left Chicago. He’d give in and then he’d be right back where he didn’t want to be. Frustrated - without thinking he kicked at the bottom of the IV hoping to jar it free.


“Whoa, slow down, bud. Let me help you with that before…” Ethan came up behind him with a hand held out in entreaty.


Hissing at the pain in his foot where it had connected with the steel, Micah hopped on one leg, ignoring the offered hand as his toes competed with his other aches and pains. “Go to hell,” he rasped. As he leaned hard on the pole in an attempt to rub his injured digits, the pole broke free and he went down with a startled yelp.


The next few moments were a whirl as Ethan attempted to catch him, being taken down in the process, then the hospital door flying open as Jude launched himself inside – evidently thinking that Micah was being attacked again.


Lying on the floor, still attached to his IV thank God, but now entangled with one hysterically laughing Native American pain-in-the ass security guard, Micah’s patience was at its end. He began to swear in his painfully hoarse voice, uncaring when Olivia joined Jude in gaping at his disgraced half-naked sprawl.


“Why don’t you just fucking sell tickets if all you’re gonna do is stare?” He pushed hard on Ethan’s shoulders. “Get the fuck off me, you laughing asshole. Don’t you know how to do anything other than torment injured men?”


It took several cursed-filled minutes before Jude was able to untangle his friend from Micah. When he finally did, it left Micah feeling exposed as Jude hovered over him. When his friend squatted down next to him, reached towards him with a hand outstretched to help him up, Micah scrambled backwards to avoid his touch. “Don’t touch me!”


Jude’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing and slowly stood. He backed away a few feet, his shoulders rigid with tension. Silently he pivoted and walked out of the room.


“He was just trying to help you up, you idiot.” Ethan glared at him, before following Jude from the room, leaving him alone with his former Mistress. His breath caught when he saw the look in her eyes. In the past he’d have relished what was coming – masochist that he’d been. But now it made his heart leap with fear.


“Mi…Mistress?” he stumbled over the title as she moved closer. She gave a slow bitter smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.


“That’s right, you better give me the respect I deserve, Micah, or you’ll end up bent over and your ass will feel my wrath.” She squatted down next to him. “I know you’ve been through hell the past few days and I understand that, but you will not deliberately hurt my sub like that again.”


Pain flared at not only the accusation in her tone, but also the reality that he’d hurt Jude’s feelings by reacting the way he had. It added to the already aching, self-destructive part of him that longed to be part of what he lost even if it were for a brief moment. In retaliation he struck out, as he sneered up at her. “And what happened to your claims of me being yours? Oh that’s right you have the magnificent Jude at your disposal. He’s the only one worthy of the one thing I’ve always wanted. No matter what I did, including helping Jude accept his submissive side, it was never enough to earn your collar.”


He watched as her pale skin grew even paler before a dark flush filled her cheeks. For a moment he thought she was going to strike him. He even prepared himself for the blow but it never arrived. Instead, she stood. “Give me a reason to give you one, and I’ll think about.” She turned and walked over to the forgotten plastic bags she’d set on his bed. He clumsily pulled himself to his feet as she threw several things on the bed. “Get dressed.”


“Is that all you’re going to say?” He rasped.


She looked up from where she was removing the price tags from the clothing. “No, but it’s the last thing you’re going to say,
. You’ll shut up, put those clothes on, or I’ll tape your damn mouth shut and dress you myself as if you’re a spoiled child.”


Her hands went to her slender hips. He swallowed against the plea for forgiveness begging to be free as he reached for the clothing before carrying it back to the bathroom. He’d make do with holding onto the towel rack. He wasn’t going to allow her to help. It might just break down the flimsy wall he’d so painfully put between them with his angry words. It wouldn’t take much to have him sobbing in her arms.


“Make it snappy, Micah. Ethan is waiting for us.”


“He can fuckin’ wait, Mistress,” he whispered before slamming the door shut behind him.


* * * *


Standing with her back to the bathroom, Olivia wiped at the tear that spilled over and down one cheek. Even knowing he was hurting and striking out at her because of it, didn’t stop the pain his accusation caused.


“Stubborn black bastard,” she muttered before grabbing the tags to throw in the trash. “I’d have given you the fucking collar if you’d simply opened your goddamn mouth and told me you wanted more than just play. But instead you choose to run away rather than staying and fighting for what you wanted.” She knew in her early relationship with Micah she hadn’t been prepared to give any sub her collar.
That’s why Micah and I ended up together. He wasn’t looking for anything more than a good time like I was.


But if she were honest with herself, she knew she’d still hung onto that excuse even after she knew his feelings had changed but hers hadn’t. She’d been too greedy, too set in her ways to bend – continuing to take what he offered without thinking of how it was affecting him.


“God what a fucked-up mess.” Her only justification to herself was by the time she’d locked the men into her playroom to mend the strained fences between them, she’d had every intention of offering Micah her collar. A chain which matched Jude’s casual collar, it was gold to Jude’s silver. It would have claimed the man who’d wormed his way into her heart after Jude had opened it. In addition to the play collar she’d already given him, it would’ve left Micah with no doubt of his place in her life. In public or play he would’ve been hers. Then he’d sprung his promotion on her and Jude. It had taken everything she had but, she’d bit back her plea for him to stay before letting him walk away. She dropped the tags into the wastebasket before stalking back towards the bed. “And it all could’ve been avoided if he’d opened his damned mouth. I’m not a goddamned mind reader.”

BOOK: Saving Micah (Sequel to Conquering Jude)
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